15076729? ago

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15073607? ago

What is SBBH? I try to down vote but boat would not let me. I have 121 points.

15072453? ago

MFW the author is SBBH: Huh?

15071581? ago

ITT: Two groups of shills fighting each other

15070847? ago

Didn't realize how bad it was until I started commenting and got downvoated for no reason. Been following this sub since the onset but just recently created an account to comment. Seems odd 🤔

15070145? ago

Are you looking to make sure shills make more $$? They get paid by the response, usually...so NO response is the best response. Maybe you're getting paid for this response, in fact, but people need to know.

15070613? ago

Whats your evidence on how they get paid?

15071021? ago

You're saying they DON'T get paid?

15069815? ago

You go you fucking patriot!!! Without you the Pentagon would fucking collapse...do not sell yourself short my Q buddy!!! Your picture will hang in the halls of the Pentagon and sailors, airmen, and soldiers will salute you every morning while reciting the pledge of allegiance.

15070077? ago

I pay these pentaogn niggas with my taxes Q said they serve me

15069766? ago

You can sense their accounts...you must be SerialShitForBrains2...do you convert all those numbers into letters than re-arrange the letters to spell their non-anon moniker?? Brilliant.

15070117? ago

It must have been the gematriaae

15068917? ago

your "Call of Dody"? WTF, dude. You're sliding.

15069513? ago

I guess you can't have a sense of humor

15068628? ago

Exactly what do you think you are accomplishing. Please, I would like to know. You basically informed us that your daily routine is fucking useless....like you. What exactly do your downvoats do here?? Oh god...your part of the digital army huh?? Gonna get some medals you courageous Qultist you!!!

15069905? ago

Actually based on the spiritual law of reflection sbbh have the opposite daily routine as me through shilling http://beverlyblanchard.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-law-of-reflection.html

15069107? ago

OP just might.

15068075? ago

Yes I am a true son of kek and I literally act as one of his portals on earth in the third dimension as a wiccan.

15067217? ago

What's SBBH

15067284? ago

The free speech advocates of voat v/soapboxbanhammer

15067840? ago

Sweet, thanks :)

15069258? ago

Come on over and hang out

15069305? ago

Ok sounds good

15068428? ago

Come kick it. We meme hard over there

15067154? ago

A witch can have zero known instances of witchcraft in any known coven and I can still sense her devilishness.

15068426? ago

I'm a witch in irl actually

15084950? ago

What does that involve?

15066715? ago

What's SBBH?

15072809? ago

Tis a silly place. It's shit posts and off flavor humor. It's not that we are against q so much as we are against blind allegiance to anything.

15067101? ago

A place where the paid shills go to run their longtime friends. Most don't realize that they are following paid agitators who have been in the alt-right community since before Voat began.

15067275? ago

"to run their longtime friends"

What are you trying to say? How are they being "Run"?

15067312? ago

They are manipulated into following the actions of who they see as their old friends.

They are playing a dangerous game. They are not anon like they think. https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/comments/2856048

15067368? ago

So you're saying anybody who corrects an ignorant poster is being "run" by a secret group known as SBBH, and you're investigating them through SSL loopholes?

Wow, you should make a movie out of it when you're done.

15067509? ago

A book actually... and no, not all or even most, are actually paid agitators.

There are 2 exposed so far. Collecting further data.

15067534? ago

Who did you expose?

15067623? ago


I didn't have to do anything.

15067718? ago

Hahaha! Then why are you trying to take credit??

Geez, your weak complaining about people hurting your feelings isn't helping anybody understand why you hate SBBH.

15067770? ago

I said I didn't do the work, doesn't mean I didn't arrange it.

No one mentioned feelings.

15066604? ago

The shills are so desperate it's actually amusing LOL

15066622? ago

It's a great sign.

15066594? ago

I have been on this board since Q dropped the link. I have 589 total points. I have commented tons and have been upvoted almost 100%. Yet the board says I have no comments or comment points. Please advise. My thanks in advance.

15072816? ago

Anonymous subs don't count for anything

15066851? ago


15066673? ago

Greetings newfag!

You do not gain ccp in this subverse. You can however gain CCP in any of the default subverses at the top of the voat page. Also I do not recommend commenting in subverses like /v/theawakening if you want to gain 100 ccp to downvote the shills. /v/theawakening is enemies with the sbbh shills so if you desire to comment there be sure to use a throwaway account. Keep your 100 ccp accounts as your "clean" account so sbbh can't brigade you for supporting theawakening.

15067906? ago

Many thanks!

15067747? ago

This is a shill post, v/ greatawakening is the sub that SBBH wants you in. Go to v/theawakening or another sub to get your points.

15067921? ago

No you idiot use a throwaway for theawakening so you don't get brigaded by sbbh.

15068894? ago

Sorry, early morning posting.. Deleted

15067830? ago

Or go to BOTH.

15066661? ago

Posts in QRV don't count.

15066592? ago

do you have proof of your accusations

15067648? ago

Our suspicions of what these SBBH shills did was they donated actual money to the admin when voat was getting first started, and then infiltrated their shill accounts onto the voat volunteer dev team. The rest of them made a shit ton of posts sucking up to the admin over the years. The Needlestack incident hints at strange things going on with the admin and SBBH https://voat.co/v/whatever/2482937. The admin refuted Needlestacks claims but when you see SBBH's and PVs behavior on this sub, constantly trying to take over subs like /v/pizzagate and /v/GreatAwakening, and the brigading they do all over the website something is definitely up. So I'm afraid the admin is going to do jack shit for obvious reasons, but he won't move against QRV as the most popular sub, since this is still a startup and he wants his silver sheckle payout one day. They're currently running a narrative of themselves as "old goats" trying to convince naive "newfags" that Q is all a larp. Many of us voaters have been watching them for years and I can tell you without a doubt that they are the ones larping as rightwing patriots whereas Q is real. Over the years I would watch them attack many different old goats and they would even protect sjws while pretending to be old goats. I literally had dozens of encounters with them over the years under my alts and they would actively protect cabal sjws on voat. They thought no one was catching on about it and they would get away with it. I had initially written voat off as compromised but only came back for the Q movement to warn people about their shilling and expose my old enemies.

  1. SBBH said that the admins of voat are vulnerable people in real life https://archive.is/bb5ky

  2. Here are the SBBH shills on voat up voting themselves with 137 shill accounts on a post blatantly spamming this sub http://archive.is/AsFmM. Nobody here in their right mind would up vote such blatant spam so they used 137 of their accounts to up vote that shit.

  3. Here are the SBBH shills making a personal army request to one of their sister subs /v/milliondollarextreme to upvote brigade the garbage spam to the QRV front page http://archive.is/hMo7r. You can see that Kalgons post links back to QRV.

  4. /v/protectvoat poster Draak admits to downvoting everything he sees in QRV http://archive.fo/i0jxQ.

  5. /v/protectvoat head mod Kevdude modding SBBH http://archive.is/f0ami. Kevdude also deleted all of his posts on SBBH http://archive.is/4614s.

  6. Shills discussing their shill alt accounts on Micks Hut named after the founder of SBBH Mick https://archive.is/5sFhs.

  7. Srazie used to mod SBBH http://archive.is/DYLm8

  8. Srazie modded SBBH shill clamhurt_legbeard to /v/greatawakening http://archive.is/w8yxR. Clam is modding v/RidersoftheReich with SBBH and PV http://archive.is/Jn6Vd. They are clearly all connected.

  9. SBBH hates q movement example 1 http://archive.is/OrRNF

  10. SBBH hates q movement example 2 http://archive.is/kICMV

  11. SBBH hates q movement example 3 http://archive.fo/sPWn7

If SBBH hates q why are they modding /v/greatawakening and /v/pizzagate? Cause they're shill traitors.

15070361? ago

This post is part of an ongoing divide and conquer operation against the people who have been on Voat way before the Reddit refugees came over. It is being orchestrated by the people who ran the compromised CBTS and /r/Greatawakening forums, who currently run /v/theawakening. This is an effort to have the same people who consolidated control of Q on reddit consolidate control on Voat.

What's the one subverse not mentioned in this meticulously researched character assassination attack?

15069080? ago

They can't hide behind alts anymore. https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/comments/2856048

You seem to be high speed enough to utilize this information for good.

Enjoy anon.

15067900? ago

Your rambling post makes zero sense.

Maybe they're modding GreatAwakening because they follow Q and YOU are a shill trying to push everybody to your newer, fake sub.

15069092? ago

He's not... and now he's got the tools to fight back.

15068406? ago

Nope I'm keeping people on QRV the patriots controlled sub away from /v/greatawakening the sbbh controlled sub.

15068434? ago

Ahh yes, SBBH, the people who said mean things about your SSL post.

It all clicks together.

15067783? ago


15067944? ago

It wasnt for you it was for the lurkers

15066551? ago

I don't engage, Anyone can tell that the hundreds of one/two line "I've lost faith" comments on the big posts aren't real. Downvote and move on.

15073832? ago

I've lost faith... in the MAIN STREAM MEDIA

15066932? ago


15066616? ago


15066484? ago

Keep up the good work Q-Tard. You're a source of never ending amusement.

15066578? ago

Get fucked loser

15066625? ago

Every day buddy. Unlike you who spends all day in his mothers basement eating Cheetos in his underwear and jacking off to the next Q drop. LOL

15066712? ago


15066725? ago

Faggot.....We can keep this up all day if you want?

15066830? ago

Lol. Like I said...idiot.

15066918? ago

Like I said, Faggot.

15070125? ago

15066918 is a faggot

15067081? ago


15066685? ago

Says the guy jerking off in his moms basement eating cheezits, and shilling on a forum dedicated to something you don't think is real. How big of a fucking loser does that make YOU...

15066701? ago

LOL.....you guys make it to easy!

15068833? ago

I think only @kevdude has anon pings turned on. I think @Crensch has them turned off.

15068856? ago

I don't know about crensch, but I can confirm I have them on. -kd

15066565? ago

You have no power here namefag SBBH and PV niggers

15066698? ago

All those PV people are terrible.

FreshMeat is the worst.

Yesterday I saw post after spammy post from that FreshMeat guy.

15068585? ago

Freshmeat is not in PV

15068692? ago

30 submissions to realProtectVoat

Here is his user profile.

15068729? ago

Yeah, that's not v/protectvoat. That's a site he made to shill against PV.

15068755? ago

Sure ok lol

15068824? ago

As the head mod of PV who was pinged into this shitshow I can definitely state that freshmeat is antagonistic towards the goals of PV and its subscribers. He routinely attacks the siteadmin and does everything he can to discredit Voat.

15077455? ago

You discredit yourselves.

15078405? ago

Yet Q endorsed this place as a replacement site for your group.

15078875? ago

im not Kevdude

15079002? ago

No, but I am.

15068840? ago

Yeah im the president, I got pinged too.

Control your shitposters.

15068889? ago

Control your shitposters

They aren't "my" shitposters. The fact that you think freshmeat is part of PV shows how little you know about this site.

15066486? ago

Exactly that's my point LOOK AT WHO HE IS PINGING EVERYONE.

15066395? ago

I don’t even know which qtards are the real qtards anymore

15066403? ago

Good. See you back in the Soapbox.

15070263? ago

You faggots should rename it soapboxgloryhole because you are all fags that suck cock

15070274? ago

Hey now. I'm on your side.

15066432? ago

I’m not from there, I’m just a rando appreciator of quality shitposting.

15066471? ago

come on over and post in v/soapboxbanhammer

#me deuce

15066610? ago

I do.

15067267? ago



15067322? ago

I know.


Perhaps you aren't as anon as you all think.

15067417? ago

or perhaps we give zero fucks cause we know Q is a larp?

15067485? ago

Those unintelligent enough to follow the paid agitators among you, sure.

15067584? ago

a q follower calling anybody unintelligent is really ironic

15067632? ago

No capitalization.

15069346? ago

wow what does it mean?