15083191? ago

Jew banker trash burn hell.

15066810? ago

people need 100 votes to Down vote a post... so they cant be new additions

15066324? ago

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15065110? ago

Please research the information in the provided link. Ivanka and Jared are in fact rothchilds. I am not trolling, there are many articles and before the election this was out in the open. I trust President Trump but the rothchilds are at his door / in his bed. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2018/01/23/meet-president-swamp-the-rothschilds-personal-bitch/

15064640? ago

Low-energy shitposts. They deserve to be downvoted.

15064218? ago

be careful of the trolls! ...

15063256? ago

I would down vote it if I could. Are you going to go after everyone who's name is Smith next?Personal attacks are most likely shills trying to make the movement look bad.

15063622? ago

"Everyone is a shill"

I would down vote it if I could

Maybe get some ccp by contributing to the site rather than mooching like a nigger.

15063874? ago

Yes you are...

15063885? ago

Or maybe I just don't like redditards.

15062372? ago

He is a professional MSM shill.


15061278? ago

We told you guys it was the kikes...

15060155? ago

Mike Jewchild is more like it

15081436? ago

How about Mike NotJewsChild? Sounds more like Rothschild

15059643? ago

How do they downvote at all. I’ve been here sense Q sent us here and I still can’t downvote anything.

15059706? ago

How do they downvote at all

They have accounts with >100 ccp

I’ve been here sense Q sent us here and I still can’t downvote anything.

Probably because you have not participated outside of this sub enough to earn ccp. Maybe post in v/theawakening or v/greatawakening if Q is all you are interested in. Those comments can be voted on and the votes will add to your total. This is all explained in the sticky at the top.

15059752? ago


15059493? ago

Sucks they have accounts that can already downvote. I still cant :(

15059548? ago

Maybe try participating in the site outside of this sub?

15059373? ago

Shills. Yup. Allday, everyday. Its their job.

15059285? ago

I'm gonna hafta play devils advocate here and state that those are indeed low quality posts.

they aren't as bad as this one though.

15058447? ago

Just did my duty to this asshole.


15058209? ago

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15057635? ago

15057518? ago

Fucking shitpost.

15056636? ago

His cock is so small it gives small cocks a bad name.

15056442? ago

That means you are right over the target. Keep it up!

15066620? ago

Did you see the linked posts? They were unsourced bullshit that deserved to be downvoted.

15069502? ago

I did not. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

15057235? ago

It's a fucking tiny target

15056049? ago

I hear they love to eat babies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Because they are faithful to their dark master.

Plus have little penises under 2 inches.

15055619? ago

probs owns a oversized picup truck u know... the smaller the unit the bigger the picup trk

15056465? ago

There are also jokes about men who own compact cars, you can't win.

15056794? ago

Ive owned a dodge dually and a honda insight. Its average sized but very pretty lol

15055167? ago

my name is cyberkrxn

15055174? ago

is there a war against rothschilds?

15055183? ago

i would like to know this?

15055191? ago

i spoke of the three state solution from the beginning

15055199? ago

people believe that hate or violence will create something

15054840? ago

I heard Mike Rothschild likes to get his butthole puckered by his sheboon mother.

15054836? ago

Predictable. Over the target. Mike Rothschild posting here as a shill just got called out.

15068066? ago


No it was me. Here is the proof you faggots

15055918? ago

WHERE??🤩😎🤩. That will be a fun way to enjoy the evening, pick on the little faggot, pedophile with the micro🌭😆😂🤣. Gitmo awaits!

15054720? ago

I Posted an article calling it bs. Sorry

15054317? ago

Hell no! I want him in a straight jacket on a heavy dose of thorazine! stat

15054101? ago

the rothschilds are a nasty bunch.

15066191? ago

Its getting downvoted because sbbh was spamming and forum sliding QRV not because anyone supports Rothschild.

15053842? ago


15053820? ago

Word on the street is this dudes cock is hilariously small. He's leading the war on gender because he was practically born genderless. His family just laughed cuz they are all a bunch of inbred pedo rapists. Kind of a sad story actually....

15061996? ago

A lot of weird shit is the result of inbreeding.

Maxine Waters can attest to that statement.

15056632? ago

He's got an innie cock. So small its inverted.

15056802? ago

so its actually a hole

15062164? ago

It's called a front hole now. jeez...

15059116? ago

aka inverted limp noodle

15056915? ago


15056069? ago

Not a cock. It is piece of rice.

15056064? ago

You mean like WJC? Or maybe Epstein? Or Sen Byrd? These molesters all have [this] in common.

15054510? ago

Yeah, they all have tiny micro penises. It's why they molest children - adult human females always laugh at their inbred, shitty bodies and micro penises when they de-robe. It's really pathetic what happens when you think bloodlines and bodies are more important than our spirits.

15054348? ago

So this is the intelligent, thought provoking response I would expect from a Democrat. Why are shills so obvious. Not gonna start fighting about penis sizes on this board...go to a liberal run board and do that.

15053725? ago

Pedophilia is normal jewish behavior

15086600? ago

Cool, it needs to be logged. I've encountered many jews in this Q movement who keep saying "not all jews" and other such shit.

15057867? ago

Not normal jewish behavior where I come from. It's those upper crust power thirsty fuckers giving them a bad name.

15061149? ago

Publicly denounce or shut the fuck up you gross enabling fucking Jew piece of shit

15055820? ago

WHY???? THESE CREATURES can't have the same type of SOULS as the rest of US!!! There is NO way I could get together with a group of people and INTRICATELY PLAN a party where we RAPE, TORTURE AND EAT OTHER HUMANS !! Who the F*** does that??? Sorry for shouting, but I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!! HOW and WHY😡. THEY TRULY HAVE TO BE FROM THE SATAN HIMSELF!!!😡

15055844? ago

PLEASE if someone could EXPLAIN to me WHY the J's do this I would appreciate it!!

15057708? ago



The term 'jew' appears very late, somewhere after Christs crucifixion and refers to the pharisees and sadducees who borrowed it from the word Judah - the tribe of Israel. Those pharisees and sadducees did not follow Koran, they followed Mishnah - spoken rabbi tradition which ORIGINATED IN SATANIC MYSTERY SCHOOLS OF THE ANCIENT BABYLON. So those 'jews' are literary satanic mystics, not religious people. After they crucified Christ, they moved to Babylon again and there they wrote all of their satanic laws in a book. That book is called Talmud. It is pure heresy and perversion of God's law. Talmudists teach that Christ is in hell in boiling excrements or sperm and after the third temple in Israel is built every person on the planet will become slave of the jewish race.

The problem is, there are also normal people called Jews who do not act like freaks and rather treat talmud lightly. That was part of the plan, to confuse humanity. It worked 'cause we now have bunch of guys screaming here that all Jews have to be killed, while the bad guys whenever they are accused of something they hide themselves behind the shield of antisemitism


The good Jews are Jews.

The bad ones are called Zionist jews or Rotschildian Zionists.

Though it's worth remembering that even normal Jews don't believe Jesus is Son of God. Pretty sad.

15058296? ago

Thanks for the detailed reply! Now I have a place to start and can do more research into the mystery schools/ Talmud since the only thing I learned about the Js in school was the usual story of victimhood/oppression from the white man:( AND the LIE that Judaism and Christianity were basically the same except for Jesus, then I come to find out that they call us Goyim and many of them want us extinguished😟 It's like we're in the Twilight Zone!

15064691? ago

If You want the best material purely about Mystery Babylon, here it is:



15067261? ago

awesome thanks:) videos are MUCH easier to digest after spending hours READING forums, twitter, etc.

15063939? ago

Jew here: i went to hebrew school amd nowhere did anyone ever say we wanted any exterminated. In fact moody run of the mill jews are scared of others. They believe in the holocaust version that cites 6 million jewish deaths and dont feel safe traveling to certain places. That or they just dont admit to being jews. Take it for what its worth.

15067337? ago

thanks for sharing! it's always helpful to read personal experiences and I haven't made up my mind yet, it's just that much of the 'evidence' doesn't look very good for the J:( Always skeptical, so I'll have to keep digging:)

15055963? ago

They are cursed by God for killing Christ, by their own admission. Matthew 27:25

15056022? ago

thanks and that's what I I've always wondered about since I was young and going to church; how they could kill Jesus and people still consider them good?? Any ideas where the pedophilia comes from since it seems to be such a HUGE part of their culture?

15063887? ago

The explanation youre commending is silly. Most jews do not do this first of all. Second of all, revelations mentions the false jews pretending to be jews but who are actually satan worshipers. I dont have the exact location, but ots in there. I think that there were satan worshipers who hid amongst the Jews.

15067311? ago

interesting! thanks for sharing as it will give me something to look up in the Bible. Which I'm not too familiar with because I was raised Catholic, so much of this is quite shocking to me, but it's becoming fairly obvious that many of the (((coincidences))) are not by accident

15076880? ago

Amazing. Being catholic means you aren't familiar with biblical passages. Do they not support self education as far as the bible is concerned?

15079229? ago

nope, as with most 'religions' they don't encourage further study outside of their teachings, and weekly CCD classes and mass were out of dioceses lectionary/workbooks. Catholicism is very scripted and leaves little room for open discussion of the Priest's reading.

15080989? ago

My goodness... i thought those practices were long gone since the age of peoplelearning to read. How shocking and sad

15058963? ago

I've heard some rumors that sodomy allows demons to enter the victim. Can't say too much about that topic, as I'm not too familiar. What I am familiar with is brainwashing techniques (don't ask).

The goal of brainwashing is to reduce the mind to its lowest state, then rebuilding it the way you want. First stage is survival. Make them fear for it, then provide it. Abduct them, hurt them, starve them, then give them a soft bed and some warm food. Once they see you as a provider, then you enter the second stage: showing them who's boss. I'll leave that to the imagination. Think the worst form of the 'pecking order'.

Third stage is rationalization: an intelligent and logical framework to justify and 'make right' what happened. Fourth stage is forming a family. Further stages are purely spiritual.

15063871? ago

So they brainwashed you without sexually assaulting you? I didnt think that was possible.

15062100? ago

thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences! and unfortunately the part about the sodomy does ring a bell:( Just absolutely mind boggling what goes on in this world and especially shocking for someone like me who has had a fairly sheltered life!

15056646? ago

Above poster is right. Even if you dont buy the religious angel (which i dont) This becomes a self fulfilling prophecy since they believe it to be true. What a fucked up religion. If i was born into a jewish family, id just bail on that shit and be white.

15057463? ago

Yeah I can see how such ideas about their so called 'race' could lead to destructive patterns and the creepy J stereotypes that are everywhere! Just unbelievable that they've gotten away with it for so long! 😳

15052836? ago

Why do you want to protect the rest of his tribe? Do you think getting rid of a single pedo is going to change anything when there is a whole tribe of them running the worlds governments?

15052773? ago

It's the same 2 or 3 shills with about 2 or 3 sock puppet accounts pulling this shit.

15052678? ago

First time I’ve heard of a Mike Rothschild and I fucking creep on there properties via google earth all the time. What’s the scoop with mike?

15053053? ago

He's not part of the royal bloodline I don't think

15052786? ago

There are few people you can tell touch children just by their face, he is one of those few.

Also anybody that “debunks conspiracies” is a major faggot, Mike if you read this, if I ever come across you I will bury you.

15057833? ago

I got a good laugh over a Rothschild who professionaly debunks conspiracies 😂 Gotta suppress all those family secrets I guess lolol

15057097? ago

I've never seen a call for violence on Voat. It's likely that this guy wrote that post himself just to promote on Twatter. What a dumb shill.

P.S. Voat is the best place on earth.