15789949? ago

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15077503? ago

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15063938? ago

He looks inbred bahahaha

15063650? ago

He also goes by the name Microdick if I'm not mistaken.

15062674? ago

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15062673? ago

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15062583? ago

I think he has been the one giving MSM networks pictures of our movement and trying to twist our words. This is the guy who is planning the next big false flag on us. Fucking rotten weasel.

15063523? ago

You're right he's a dirty little BASTARD! I bet he didn't bring any ratings to QRV either, ratings killer like CNN! Judging by most recent shill posts and his tweets we can decipher his plan. He's not that smart.

15062384? ago

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15062315? ago

I see this year he has 3 stories about prison. Another about punishment for crimes. 2 stories on assassination, and one on suicide.

You know what's been on Mike's mind this year, lol!

15062330? ago

I know right? LOL shitheads fucked!

15062310? ago

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15062117? ago


Is he cabal? He'll might have to follow his own advice here!

15062148? ago

I believe he IS a real Rothschild. As in the elite family so yes. He has millions of viewers and found a way to upvote and downvote himself here. Mikes terrified.

15062761? ago

Even if he is not, the name Rothschild will soon go down in history like the name Hitler.

15063545? ago

Make sure you get all their known aliases too, they we will go down as a permanent shitstain in world history.