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15077936? ago

Thanks for the heads up Patriot.

The manipulated post you mentioned

It's been downvoted, so Patriots in QVR is doing well over them trolls/shills.

15077956? ago

I noticed that and really appreciate it. It was rising at first but since it has been clarified the real votes poured in. God bless you all

15078819? ago

Tell your gay friends to fuck off back to reddit. Oh who am i kidding, qfags must've been so annoying, even the jews didn't want you

15078606? ago

So you guys are using this board for organized raids on other users on the site. Thanks for admitting why actual goats hate this hostile takeover of the site.

15078870? ago

Actual goats didnt get the treatment you are giving Qanons when they were banned from reddit, just like we once were. Have some more respect for the site, in the words of Putt. We all got here through malicious circumstances

15079060? ago

Yes actual goats did. Other groups either adapted or left, only the Q people have stayed and demanded the site change to suit their delecate feels. Remember what happened to the donald? How do you not remember these things.

15079085? ago

You mean like SBBH did with Putt and Atko and Fuzzy and She?

15079153? ago

What are you talking about? You think SBBH was responsible for what happened to She? Can you depend 1 minute to fully type out what you mean. You are not Q, I shouldn't have to spend time deciphering your posts. Besides I was the one that got She b& from FPH after searching diligently for the one time she said something positive about a hamplanet. I'm not from SBBH, that is the only sub I even filtered. Now please retype your post in a way that actually makes sence in co text because you are making it sound like She and others trying to take over the board are victims or on any level the same as Atko.

15079203? ago

SBBH/the tranny Fuzzy, and their ilk are responsible for many of the changes to this site due to their "dedication" to code for voat for free.

this is the tranny who coded voat for the majority of 2017

15079281? ago

Didn't know who Fuzzy was, but what a great derail from the conversation we were having about the Qfags an masse asking for the site to change and that suiting the people you are describing.

15079449? ago

I'm saying if you are going to have standards dont have double standards. If you disagree that SBBH is having a negative impact overall on this site then go take a 5.

15080430? ago

I am not having double standards, I even gave an example of me helping to drive She off the site because She tried to take it over. You are saying I have double standards over things I did not know about which is ridiculously stupid. I already told you my opinion on that sub, you ignore what I said in order to straw man and pretend I said anything about supporting them. Once again this is a complete derailment of my previous post, in fact ironically you are the one with the double standard because you made a thread supporting the Qfags taking over the site while I was against both doing it.

15078827? ago

"Rules for thee"

15078525? ago

Lol you guys are doing the same shit ur complaining about. Too funny. Why do you cry about brigading when qultists have done even more than sbbh could ever even dream of. There are how many of you, and how many of them? Ya'll are no different than the jewbags that run this country

15082971? ago

Why do you cry about brigading when qultists have done even more than sbbh could ever even dream of.

where? give sauce or it never happened.

15078898? ago

Oh yeah pointing out obvious shilling efforts is the same thing as actually shilling. Nice logic there Nancy Grace

15078389? ago

It's good that you posted your information.

I too saw that post you mentioned, and it just looks out of place. Now with your context, I understand what they're doing.

Just more context on what they're up to. Every information helps!