15783321? ago

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15634834? ago

What is an SRS?

15634597? ago

I'm really worried about your mental health issues.

15632376? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

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15632142? ago

The butthurt is strong with OP

15631038? ago

FFS, please fucking get over yourselves. You sound like a 5 year old on the playground. Nobody wants to hear it.

15630682? ago

@nothereforpizza, @RonaldSwansong, @NeonRevolt @breadbox, is that you? You are so fucking lame, if you are going to continue being a dick, I can ask my good friend to dox you, how would you like that?



15630437? ago

What in the nigger fuck is this shit? Who the fuck needs the other subs?

15630414? ago

How would spamming QRV "get it shut down"?

This is Voat, not Reddit. That shit doesn't work here.

15630672? ago

Clearly Reddit mods on Voat haven't learned the difference yet.

15630135? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15630124.

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15630016? ago

What's up @nothereforpizza

15630988? ago

I've posted here about anything sbbh exactly once.

I've posted here MANY times, otherwise.

15629979? ago

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15629799? ago

As far as I can tell, the purpose of this post is to divide, which is verboten.

I did read her announcement over on GA and you sound like Builder Anon, aka Neon Revolt, in her opn. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2919041 Prove me wrong.

I have posted there w/o a problem. Don't like Strayzie, then post here. It's Q-approved. For money or fame go elsewhere.

15632257? ago

Really, since I came here the GA crowd has been harassing and dividing, this is just calling their bullshit. I don't think so bro

15630116? ago

Srayzie and her "friends" are the ones attacking QRV.. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2919252/15630063

15630418? ago

go do your homework (((vampire))) --> https://app.simplenote.com/publish/HHD506

15630828? ago

That shit's weak and none of it is about me. Everything I've posted about you are quotes that you posted. Nothing but facts, that's why you're shook and keep posting this shit. You've been fully exposed by your own big mouth and your need for attention. You certainly love yourself in the spotlight. Pitiful.

15631043? ago

your citations to shitposts are funny and fool no one here :) that's what you call "research" good job connecting yourself to the srs sub !

15631052? ago

What's the srs sub?

15631076? ago

that way --> /v/realprotectvoat.

15631215? ago

I have no connection to rpv. I'm not even the OP of this thread. I got pinged here because OP used 2 of my threads, the cross post bot informed me. Both threads were posted in QRV. http://i67.tinypic.com/2w7fmys.jpg Thanks for playing.

15629988? ago

i'm glad that you've explored outside of this reddit controlled sub. like srayzie said, they are here to DIVIDE US !! i hope that you continue to redpill and bring the light to others who are still been deceived be neon revolt cunt !! thank you !!

15629703? ago

'fake female' ?

@Srayzie are you a tranny ? Or did you just fuck @BuilderAnon up the ass with a strap-on again ?

15633004? ago

No, but that’s probably BuilderAnon’s fantasy

15630038? ago

BuilderAnon wishes!

15629670? ago

Its beyond obvious that Srayzie is the innocent party here. I dont know why these assclowns keep trying this on

15630333? ago

Obvious how? That dirty kunt have been playing nothing but the Jew game on all of us all along!

15630560? ago

Well i dunno - you do the math

compare the two cases. You show evidence of Srayzie hanging out with a bunch of shitposters who have some kind of grudge with QRV - ok. not ideal, but not catastrophically damning

and on the other hand srayzie shows posts from some creep who actually admits to sock puppets, admits to 'consensus cracking' , admits to trying to fuckup the Q community, evidence of blackmail bullying, evidence of doxxing threats / attempts, and is probably the same fucktarf who ended up getting either or both GGreat awakening and Pizzagate banned from Reddit

I mean, is Srayzie an angel? no. But wow whoever that other jerk is, is a total nutjob and this place would clearly be way less compromised with him around

15631656? ago

Would it shock you if I told you it was @NeonRevolt?

Yup that is the chosen one and the author of this thread too.

15630594? ago

One is at least being honest about their devious ways which is a lot more than can be said for your cunt goddess. I'm watching and so should you.

15630737? ago

Misogyny 👆 💅

15630764? ago

I'm telling you your goddess is a man!

15630993? ago

OK now this is embarrassingly desperate

@Srayzie check out depraved last ditch effort

15631097? ago


15631166? ago

That's it. That's all you got. That's all you're reduced to. Primary schoolyard insults

15631253? ago

I've said what needed to be said. Now go suck the cock of your goddess. Remember to swallow like the whore you are.

15631457? ago

And there it is. The conduct that would make any fresh reader to your posts think ' wow, some kinda asshole - I bet there's a totally different side to this story '

15631508? ago

Your almost on track. I suggest you apply that train of thought elsewhere.

15630110? ago

they are here to destroy voat and many other important subs. they are here to divide us !! please continue to educate other users who are been blindfolded by those cancerous mods of reddit. thank you patriot !

15629659? ago

these assholes again ? FFS

deal with your Srayzie-boner some other way, we're getting on with Q research here

15629300? ago

oh FFS this shit again?

everyone knows Srayzie is on the level. Pretty fuckn hot, too

15630217? ago

Online tits? "She" is a man!

15630509? ago


Your mamma was a man!

15629251? ago

its obvious that whoever posted this is the person who Srayzie so totally exposed

15630107? ago

i dont get it. Those links are just a bunch of idiots shitposting. What's this supposed to prove, again?

15630163? ago

You leave the same comment everytime I post this. It proves srayzie and her SBBH friends are the ones attacking QRV. There's absolutely no denying it. Good attempt on consensus cracking though.

15630562? ago

how's the consensus cracking working out for ya, (((vampires))) --> https://app.simplenote.com/publish/HHD506

you're dumber than that felon in broward county --> https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2916713

15631676? ago

Daaaayyyuuunm on the Broward County felon! 😂

15630766? ago

Nice deflection.. I did forget to mention the flat earth shilling you were doing in QRV. https://voat.co/v/JellyPit4Mods/2679818/ I have DM's of you questioning me on why I told boppers alt rickflairwooo to keep that shit out GA also. You are the weakest link in the shill crew, I'm suprised they continue to allow you to post.

15630907? ago

the evidence speaks for itself, no deception required !

:) who am i smarty ?

15631125? ago

oh no i'm bopper :) nice try but you're terrible !

15631236? ago

You know I nailed it, that's all the matters.

15629802? ago

that's easy to answer --> https://app.simplenote.com/publish/HHD506

15629214? ago

What is SRS?

15629911? ago

the funny thing is, the group that's here to infiltrate voat are the srs themselves. this includes the accounts recently been exposed (https://app.simplenote.com/publish/HHD506), and the sanejewiswear accounts (mods of /v/realProtectVoat). do yourself a favor, get out of this reddit controlled sub (/v/QRV) and see the world for yourself ! you've been deceived by reddit's cancerous mods...

15629373? ago

Something like “shit Reddit says” I think.

15629513? ago

Thank you.

15629043? ago

Please don't egg this on. It is stupid and a distraction. It serves no purpose.

15630149? ago

Please don't egg this on. It is stupid and a distraction. It serves no purpose.

they are here to control and divide our q movment. they are the same cancerous mods from reddit --> https://app.simplenote.com/publish/HHD506

15629009? ago

Now I’m even a fake female? 😂

Reading material if you want the truth. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2919041 https://app.simplenote.com/publish/R4DR0V

15629137? ago

All voat females are fake.

15630026? ago

My vagina says differently!

15631585? ago

Tits or die cock holster

15631645? ago

That proves nothing. Tranny's can have tits!

15631069? ago

Pics or it didn't happen

15631073? ago


15630109? ago

in monologue form

15630125? ago

It prefers dialogue

15631163? ago


15628952? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @srayzie.

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15628347? ago

Damn, Srayzie!!!

15628030? ago

/v/GreatAwakening is an upvoat farm and must be destroyed.

15630047? ago

That's hilarious you filthy Jew 😂

15629342? ago

anyone taking a single glimpse in GreatAwakening's deleted posts folder can see they dont curate narrative

makes me wonder what YOUR motivation is trashtalking it

15629422? ago

I said an upvoat farm you idiot! Click any random topic and you'll see what I'm talking about.

15629636? ago

GTFO calling me an idiot. Fuck you. You're maligning an important player in the Q movement in posting bad things about Srayzie so the onus is on you to deliver conclusive proof. Which you havent

what makes you think the upvoats arent just normal users upvoting things they find upvotable?

at any given moment theres 300 - 1000 users there at any time, youd expect popular posts to get about 50-100 upvoats - thats what they tend to get. There's nothing suspicious whatsoever about that level of upvoating

& why would srayzie need upvoats? she has thousands

you sound like you have some kind of bee in your bonnet, my friend. You should look into that

15630228? ago

just in case you haven't seen what those cancerous reddit mods are up to --> https://app.simplenote.com/publish/HHD506

like you said, she has thousands of ccp. the point of pinging other users is to bring them into conversation. i actually like it, so i don't miss some important events.

15629750? ago

WTF do you mean @Srayzie is an important player?? If he was don't you think Q would have send us to that abomination of a sub ad not here? Think for fucks sake you retard!

15633001? ago

QRV is the Reddit Replacement sub faggot

15630036? ago

yer she's pretty important . She founded the Q sub here on voat that is 2nd biggest next to this. & its the biggest Q sub that is non-anonymous for those who prefer that style. So yea I'd say she's pretty important . she seems reasonably popular, too i guess

15630304? ago

The problem I see with anon sub is suspicious users can pretend and control narratives. Otherwise, both subs are fine.

15630144? ago

He. Make no mistake he's a dude. Don't fall for online tits fellow Patriot!

15630250? ago

shut up freshmeat !

15630269? ago

You're a cuck!

15630327? ago

you're dumb as a rock !

15630348? ago

You worship a tranny!

15630389? ago

way to go freshmeat ! go worship yourself and suck your own dick !

15633140? ago

Lol I love Voat

15630413? ago

Vivid imagination you have cuck!

15630488? ago

that's your everyday life tranny !

15630510? ago

Reflection of your own personality. You'll hang.

15628361? ago

Yeah, censor it because that is what Marxists do! Fuck free speech!!!

15628026? ago

It's literally kevdude and PV, tranny feminists triglypuff/empress, and the meth addicted beatlejuice