drstrangegov ago

I made an alt account once and invited the heck out of it. Is there something wrong with that? You can't post unless you have upvotes.

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srayzie ago

This reminds me of TITNM

Look at his side bar too.

@Kevdude @Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter @Think-

youllrememberme2 ago

That's one of your SBBH alts. You know, your new boogeyman.. Everyone sees that you all are trying to get out in front of what's coming. Pretty pitiful, srayzie.


Shizy ago

So what if only 29 people were there? I was one of them and I upvoated you. This dude is autistically obsessed with upvoats/downvoats.

youllrememberme2 ago

Save it, there's no way you were there and didnt say anything until after you got pinged. You have a big ass mouth like srayzie. What a horrible coverup! LMAO

Shizy ago

Oohhh, a cover up! It's turning into a Tom Clancy novel in here!

And I'm calling a big fat bullshit on you! I was there, watching, because of the shit and fuckery that was being slung our way yesterday. You are such a narcicissit and think you're smarter than everyone, but you're not homie! You overinflated self importance hampers your perceptions.

I don't care to "censor people". If you're an asshole and I don't like why you say, I downvoat you. What's it with you narcicissist who are so overly bothered by downvoats online? You need to get a fucking life!


youllrememberme2 ago

You are such a narcicissit and think you're smarter than everyone, but you're not homie! You overinflated self importance hampers your perceptions.

I'm not sure where you get this from. You're the one still namefagging, I spend all my time in QRV. I only posted out of anon yesterday/today to prove a point. That's a pretty sad deflection, you should really look at yourself better than that.

Vindicator ago

Everyone knows up/down votes are how you clowns censor people on voat.

This statement reeks with liberal derangement. Voting only equals censorship when it's rigged. Legitimate voting is called Democracy. It's about winning in the marketplace of ideas. It's the whole point of Voat.

there's no way you were there and didnt say anything until after you got pinged

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pinging folks. That's called the right to freely associate -- the US Supreme Court has explicitly ruled it goes hand in hand with the right to free speech.

Please review your Constitutional rights and stop trying to paint them as something evil, PuppetShow.

youllrememberme2 ago

Voting only equals censorship when it's rigged. Legitimate voting is called Democracy. It's about winning in the marketplace of ideas. It's the whole point of Voat.

That's the problem, it's rigged here because of all you SRS clowns and your alts.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pinging folks. That's called the right to freely associate -- the US Supreme Court has explicitly ruled it goes hand in hand with the right to free speech.

LMFAO! You clowns really are desperate. Remember when the merge just happened and you all came a brigaded everyone for talking about getting everyone votes so they could participate? That was there Constitutional rights to free speech and their Constitutional right to freely associate being violated. You all intervened in "democracy".

Vindicator ago

all you SRS clowns and your alts

I have no alts. No one has ever even presented a scrap of evidence I might. Nor do I have a clear idea of what "SRS" is or why it's used as an ad hominem attack.

Don't you think it's kind of foolish to have admitted to operating multiple alts and then go around accusing someone who has none of rigging and censorship? Have you lost the ability to look at what you're saying objectively?

youllrememberme2 ago

I made those alts because when I came back to voat, after deleting @ThePuppetShow, I was downvote brigaded by SBBH/SRS. Now I generally use them to make comments to you clowns so you can't silence me and take away my voting ability, like you all want to.

At least you admitted your last comment was garbage by not saying another word about it, you went with the straw man instead.

Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

srayzie ago

I just caught YoullRememberMe making a post lying about me again like a little bitch. The “brigade crew” he is speaking of, that is NOT SBBH, we’re commenting after one caught that like 75 alts of his had a sitewide ban.

Your post did you more harm than good Fake Q Patriot.

These are his alts...

@Kevdude @Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter @Think-

youllrememberme2 ago

I have 2 alts, this is one of them and youllrememberme3 is the other. Desperate much?