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Mumbleberry ago

I haven't taken over any subs, you deluded faggot.

tomyhawk ago

How about you read through the new comments over there, made in the last 6 days. Begging for upvotes, and acknowledging the fact to keep it on the down low so they fly under the radar.

Rotteuxx ago

Dude ! Are you seriously trying to argue with a professional shill who's MO is attacking regular goats to discourages them from participating on Voat ?

Memorize that user name...

Mumbleberry ago

Spamming pajeets and islamo-fags aren't "regular goats" These newfag DNM guys were and still are upvote farming.

Rotteuxx ago

I was referring to users like you & I being targeted by these shilling discord faggots ad hominem attacks.

Junkies, I don't give a fuck about them, neither here nor irl. They can choke on their own vomit for all I care.

Mumbleberry ago

Check my history. I give spammers+islamofags+pajeets+upvote farmers hell. No one else.

tomyhawk ago

I know that user name, and it never backs a claim up. There are many newer users that need to see that nigger in action, and fail.

Rotteuxx ago

digitalentity1497 ago

Eagle eyes Rotty.

Rotteuxx ago

Always by dumb luck too, lol

Le_Squish ago

You aren't supposed to keep up with all the alts. You'll hurt their feelings.

Rotteuxx ago

Hmmm... hurting a shills feelings, seems like a nice activity to partake in while drinking tea & eating crumpets.

Le_Squish ago

You need a monocle and top hat.

Rotteuxx ago

I got those !

You have tea & crumpets ?