TheKingOfOphanim ago

Aren't you that Muslim Jihadi guy?

germanshepherd ago

SBBH members only break character to post in /v/ProtectVoat...

DefinitelyNotKevdude ago

So I'm a little confused. I thought @kadynce was SRS

So then why, in your logic, would SRS want to replace SRS with SRS? Since @kadynce is SRS (again, your words), doesn't SRS already control the sub?

Sorry about the alt. I don't want my main to get downvoted in here. I like being able to downvote the pings I get from this joke.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

They did the same thing to middle_path, threw her under the bus when she didn't go along with their agenda. The Left eats itself.

Alternatively, Kadynce is obviously a girl (which is now a liability), so they're leapfrogging, i.e. throwing her under the bus to pretend to be the ones fighting SRS, to muddy the waters. You'll notice in the old days 50% of /v/SoapBoxBanHammer were openly women, but after they lost the election they suddenly removed all mention of them being women and replaced a lot of female accounts with their alts. Can't have anyone asking questions why 90% of the site is male but 50% of the powermod clique is female and the other 50% is their beta male orbiters, can we?

Either way, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

totes_magotes ago

You don't get it... OP is one of the new waves of SRS who wants to rally users against the old guard. Don't get me wrong, I have serious issues with kevdude and his gang but they are a far cry better than this asshole and his croneys.