captainstrange ago

Why instead of .is?

Is compromised?

ExpertShitposter ago

Fake and gay.


ExpertShitposter ago

Tell me.

ExpertShitposter ago

90% Likely.

ExpertShitposter ago

Redditor you say? But its you who is a redditor member:

NemesisPrime ago

They ended censorship of the Identitation movement by (((them))). They're heros. OP must be a shill.

freshmeat ago

They wanted to be free to shit post in a sub that has high profile users and the mods didnt want SBBH spamming their sub. Ironically you are falling for (((their))) tricks.

NemesisPrime ago

No I saw what happened to v/Identitarian and if you're okay with it, you're obvious part of the srs group that took it over.

freshmeat ago

They have high profile users and had to get rid of the autism as to appear legitimate, which they did temporarily.

MasterShitposter ago

You're crazy in the head.

freshmeat ago

ExpertShitposter alt.

ExpertShitposter ago

Not my alt you gay homosexual.

MasterShitposter ago

@ExpertShitposter's the only shitposter on Voat?

TheBuddha ago

It's too bad you destroyed your credibility.

freshmeat ago

How's that?

freshmeat ago

Can you point out where I was incorrect? :)

ExpertShitposter ago

You are a self admitted redditor calling other people redditors, even tho they never had a reddit account in their life.

freshmeat ago

You keep trying to push the SRS meme that both sites cannot be used simultaneously, which is literally a quarantine of all Voaters, because you have Reddit's financial and PR risks in mind by not having a bunch of redpilled goats flooding back to reddit in case anything happens here.

ExpertShitposter ago

A bunch of antifa kicked me out of their bar and gave me a black eye. Later i discovered a nazi bar where everyone is nice, but i keep going back to the antifa bar where i have to keep my mouth shut or else i would get thrown out again.

I mean, i dont see why i would't hangout in both bars. The antifa one is full of niggers and gays that keep trying to pick me up, but the music is nice and they have a TV while the nazi bar doesn't.

freshmeat ago

A bunch of antifa kicked me out of their bar and gave me a black eye. Later i discovered a nazi bar where everyone is nice, but i keep going back to the antifa bar where i have to keep my mouth shut or else i would get thrown out again.

Ah, shill tactic of using 2 extremes rather than a more logical reason

I mean, i dont see why i would't hangout in both bars. The antifa one is full of niggers and gays that keep trying to pick me up, but the music is nice and they have a TV while the nazi bar doesn't.

Little projection slipped out there

ExpertShitposter ago

Talk all the shit you want, there is no way out faggot. You were drunk and admitted to loving reddit and hating voat. I will never go away.

freshmeat ago

That was when i was censored, which is why I had to use 3 accounts for 1 fuckin comment chain in that pic. Now im perm banned on reddit while being able to post freely here.

I don't give a fiddler's fuck what you niggers suggest I do. I'm going to continue to browse a few subs on reddit, and continue to document libel, slander, and fake news so when reddit gets class-actioned, I'll be able to contribute.

ExpertShitposter ago no no, firstly you always had accounts with thousands of ccp in the positives, as you do now.

Second you share those subs on reddit with the scum that banned you. You are a cuck.

Third you know damn well that a privately owned jewish company will never lose to some bunch of amaleks.

freshmeat ago no no, firstly you always had accounts with thousands of ccp in the positives, as you do now.

Name 1.

Second you share those subs on reddit with the scum that banned you. You are a cuck.

realdubstep didnt ban me, a tranny on watchpeopledi's subreddit (EV) had me banned sitewide when I called his tranny faggot ass for breaking a rule he stickied to the top of the sub. So you are correct about that but I like the sub and have been banned from it since 2016.

Third you know damn well that a privately owned jewish company will never lose to some bunch of amaleks.

You better keep telling yourself that. Not only will you be out of a job, but you god damned well might be an actual criminal shill. I foresee jail time in the future for you and your hoodlum pedophiles and internet abusers.

ExpertShitposter ago

grifter42, 9-11 and smokratez are probably your alts. There are others we suspect but haven't confirmed yet. Third, you fucking said it your self that you have one and will never reveal it.

dubstep is 100% nigger music.

Literally Delaware.

freshmeat ago

skip ahead to 4:20 in that video and tell me its not fuckin lit

freshmeat ago

grifter42, 9-11 and smokratez are probably your alts. There are others we suspect but haven't confirmed yet. Third, you fucking said it your self that you have one and will never reveal it.

What about amalek and sanegoat? not them as well? I have this account that is positive and it's my only one. I know that's hard for you to believe since you are faggot shill and have had to use alts yourself to manufacture discourse.

dubstep is 100% nigger music. I dont see many niggers there.

Literally Delaware.

You better thank your lucky stars God didn't put you in Texas.

ExpertShitposter ago

You're laying again.

Its nigger culture that degenerated whites have appropriated. Same as juggalos or eminem for example. Even that drugged up ultra nigger Lil' Wayne that can barely speak said 80% of his audience at concerts are white. All that needs to be cluster bombed to purify the white race. There must be no black influence in anything whites do.

Would have set your trailer on fire with you init by now instead of talking to you.

freshmeat ago

Its nigger culture that degenerated whites have appropriated.

That's amusing considering the pioneers for real dubstep artists are all mostly white and from the UK.

Same as juggalos or eminem for example.

Comparing the vast genre of dubstep to that just shows you are an incel who never gets sunlight.

Even that drugged up ultra nigger Lil' Wayne that can barely speak said 80% of his audience at concerts are white.

Lil wayne takes it up the ass and dances like a monkey for his Jewish producers. The entire Carter 3 was ghostwritten by 2 kikes.

All that needs to be cluster bombed to purify the white race. There must be no black influence in anything whites do.

I'm about 85% sure you aren't white.

Would have set your trailer on fire with you init by now instead of talking to you.

My house is god damned tornado proof.

ExpertShitposter ago

white and from the UK.

Its also the same country that is the most degenerated of all European countries. The fact that they are white means nothing. Its just whites being better at nigger things than the niggers them selves because of superior intellect.

Not comparing the genre but giving additional examples of white degenerates practicing modified nigger culture. I go out every weekend trailer boy.

Its still 80% of white audience that sucks that shit up, and i bet you posted his music before too.

No you are a 56% nigger defending and spreading nigger culture and defending a mujahedin from Portugal. Of fucking course degeneracy must be purged from white societies. Otherwise a white only ethno state is not the final solution. Plus it would be entertaining to see dead juggalos and communists.

Yeah old rusty shipping containers are pretty sturdy.

freshmeat ago

Its also the same country that is the most degenerated of all European countries. The fact that they are white means nothing. Its just whites being better at nigger things than the niggers them selves because of superior intellect.

Meh, I agree they fucked themselves but dubstep was actually whites stealing jamaican nigger music and making it better. It's actually pretty high quality production too. example You need good quality audio output to hear how insane this shit is, and also a subwoofer is necessary.

Not comparing the genre but giving additional examples of white degenerates practicing modified nigger culture. I go out every weekend trailer boy.

More proof you don't live in the real world.

Its still 80% of white audience that sucks that shit up, and i bet you posted his music before too.

Maybe pussy monster once or twice.

No you are a 56% nigger defending and spreading nigger culture and defending a mujahedin from Portugal.


Of fucking course degeneracy must be purged from white societies.

That includes you my friend.

ExpertShitposter ago

whites stealing jamaican nigger music

That's exactly what i'm talking about. You need to be clinically insane, on heavy drugs or have nigger genes to enjoy that.

everything else

Now you're just replying with empty meaningless drivel because you have nothing to say.

freshmeat ago

That's exactly what i'm talking about. You need to be clinically insane, on heavy drugs or have nigger genes to enjoy that.

White improve on everything. I'm sorry if you don't enjoy being in high energy environments with other whites.

Now you're just replying with empty meaningless drivel because you have nothing to say.

Considering who im chatting with I'm inclined to say you are correct.

TheBuddha ago

By the way, I'm not the one voting you down. In fact, I gave you up votes 'cause you're reasonably polite and I find this all very amusing.

freshmeat ago

I get brigaded all the time, nothing new. FYI we truly have the best intentions for Voat and even though we are likely to not get support from the admins, we are still going to show as many people as possible how this site gets manipulated.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I just have fun pretending to be outraged that I was once on the list. I'm baffled, but not outraged. I don't actually have a nickel invested.

I'm secretly a shill for the Big Math Consortium and the Classical Guitar Cabal. It's a Jewish plot to make more people interested in music and math.

We've infiltrated everywhere you see the letter 'E' as it stands for Epsilon. So, everywhere you see an 'E', you know we are involved. Yes, that even means 'cake' is all part of our dastardly plan. The e. e. cummings fella? He was one of us. Star Trek? The 'E' means we were involved. You might think we this aren't involved in math, but then look carefully at the words arithmetic and algebra. Algebra is Arabic, too! It comes from Al Gabr, which you'll notice lacks an E! Well, we fixed that.

Big Math! ~makes an E gang sign~

TheBuddha ago

When you did silly things like try to place me into this cabal. It's not like we haven't had this conversation before.

You don't get credibility back so easily. You did things like accuse me of being SRS when I know I've never even had a reddit account. You included me in this list when I know I'm the guy who declined to join SBBH or any of the other drama. You throw down baseless accusations. I told you then and now I'm just repeating myself where a wider audience can see that you lack credibility.

freshmeat ago

When you did silly things like try to place me into this cabal. It's not like we haven't had this conversation before.

I specifically told you i didnt think you were in the cabal, you are just an old fart fitting in wherever you go.

You don't get credibility back so easily. You did things like accuse me of being SRS when I know I've never even had a reddit account.

I never accused you of that, I think Sar did merely because you were moderating one of their subs.

You included me in this list when I know I'm the guy who declined to join SBBH or any of the other drama.

Are you sure you are recalling our conversation correctly? lol. Last time we talked about this I agreed you didn't get involved in drama.

I told you then and now I'm just repeating myself where a wider audience can see that you lack credibility.

Should I go back and find yours and my conversations specifically? You sound like you are confusing me with Sar.

TheBuddha ago

I should have been more clear. You, as in the royal you. You as in the whole sub. The whole sub has no credibility, none. It's patently absurd and will take quite some time before anything posted to it can be remotely evaluated for truth.

If you have issues with this, remember this adage:

"When you lay with dogs, you get fleas."

freshmeat ago

Considering you barely know what the fuck is even going on here I'll just take that as constructive criticism and maybe a little bit of dementia.

TheBuddha ago

No, I know what is going on - within reason. I read a lot of what the various groups say.

The whole sub lacks credibility. Even if you once had a good goal, you ruined this. That it took multiple conversations, with multiple people, is even more damaging. That your dear leader attempted to defend their choice, with bizarre accusations, makes it even more suspect.

Your sub is like the witch hunts, except those required more evidence. Here, it's just baseless accusations with guilt before innocence. I know, because I was one of the accused. This is more than justification to disbelieve any further accusations. It's also reasonably amusing for me to inform others of this. Yes, yes I am greatly amused by pointing out that your sub had me on the list of SRS folks.

And, I have to admit, I'm pretty easily amused. Hell, this is high drama for me! This is about as involved as I get in voat politicking, other than some snarky replies in the anon boards. I'm secretly kind of hoping to get my SRS title back on this sub. That amused me greatly.

freshmeat ago

The whole sub lacks credibility. Even if you once had a good goal, you ruined this. That it took multiple conversations, with multiple people, is even more damaging. That your dear leader attempted to defend their choice, with bizarre accusations, makes it even more suspect.

What exactly are you referring to?

Your sub is like the witch hunts, except those required more evidence.

Maybe you can't see it but we document obvious SRS tactics because we have dealt with them for 5 years+. I'd love to provide proof on paper but that's not how the internet works. I don't have access to the logs necessary.

Here, it's just baseless accusations with guilt before innocence.

Nothing we post here is random, there is a clear reason for it. SRS acts in patterns and we post those patterns.

I know, because I was one of the accused.

That one is on you. Openly modding an SRS sub and not denouncing them looks bad on you.

This is more than justification to disbelieve any further accusations. It's also reasonably amusing for me to inform others of this. Yes, yes I am greatly amused by pointing out that your sub had me on the list of SRS folks.

Like I said you mod an SRS sub. I understand you were unaware of it but it wasn't a personal slight on you.

TheBuddha ago

Moderate? LOL I am on their list but haven't ever moderated a thing there.

If that's your criteria then you're more insane than I'd hoped.

To go back to the beginning, I was quite surprised to find I was on the list. A few people defended this, including the sars fella, insisting that I was something I'm not. I was okay with this, but baffled. I later made a more lengthy post and, sure enough, the accusations continued. This went on for a few posts, as I didn't bother to defend myself from these horrible baseless accusations every day. Each time, they'd make these same accusations and then they'd quote and link things that I distinctly had no part in.

That one really confused me.

See, they'd link to threads I hadn't even posted in and sometimes claim I was an alt - which really amused me.

At one point, they even said I hadn't been active in a month. Now, this was greatly amusing. It was a bug that prevented my comment cache from showing the most recent comments. I'm a pretty prolific poster and they decided I'd been inactive for a month, which means they didn't even click page two of my comments which would have cleared that nonsense up pretty quickly.

A few days later, maybe a week, I was suddenly removed from the list without notice or reason.

So, from my perspective, there's no sanity, honesty, or validity to this sub. If I have been baselessly accused, multiple times by multiple people who appear to lack sanity, then it's a reasonably position to hold that the rest of the accusations are also baseless.

freshmeat ago

If that's your criteria then you're more insane than I'd hoped.

They get randoms on the mod team but that doesnt change the facts that its SRS subs. Just take it easy old timer.

So, from my perspective, there's no sanity, honesty, or validity to this sub. If I have been baselessly accused, multiple times by multiple people who appear to lack sanity, then it's a reasonably position to hold that the rest of the accusations are also baseless.

Then lurk a bit more.

TheBuddha ago

I've lurked since before you knew Voat existed.

Voat... Serious business!

Rotteuxx ago

Stop redirecting and address the subject at hand.

What have you contributed to the community ? Are you legit ?

Rotteuxx ago

Redirecting as always.

I dunno, how much OC have i contributed compared to the average user ? How about my at-cost merchandising proposals to Puttsy ?

How about you ? Are you legit ?

Rotteuxx ago

How do we know RPV didn't orchestrate and lead the attack as a false flag ?

freshmeat ago

are you saying DietCokehead1 is one of us?

Rotteuxx ago

@DietCokeHead1, we're talking about you here.

Nope, but he had a very natural Voaters reaction to a mod locking down a sub by creating a new one.

freshmeat ago

He was upset he couldn't shitpost so he spammed out of spite and with the help of PV and SBBH caused a community divide. Only shills intentionally divide communities, by definition.

He doesn't care about White Nationalism, he cares about CCP/SCP farming and speaking for others and steering narratives.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You continue to be dumb as a rock.

freshmeat ago

Thank you for the insight

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You're welcome, sanegoat.

Lag-wagon ago

Lag-wagon ago

Oh hey guys!

freshmeat ago

Rott is not a legitimate user. It behaves like a paid shill but I can't verify if he is actually receiving tangible funding.

Rotteuxx ago

Notice all the buzzwords OP uses to try and seem like they are on of us.

Hey goats ! Notice how this @freshmeat reddit shill is concern trolling (using this term will make him double down on calling me SRS btw) and trying to pass himself off as a concerned Voater when he's been around for 4 months only and keeps attacking long term participative goats with unprovable character attacks ?

Go ahead, ask him to prove anything he says ! He'll say only @Puttitout has access to the necessary proof or that our demeanor is all the proof he needs.

Fucking beta basement dwelling redditard.

freshmeat ago

and trying to pass himself off as a concerned Voater when he's been around for 4 months only

I've been here since /r/GasTheKikes was banned from reddit on my original account @MightyYetGentle.

Go ahead, ask him to prove anything he says ! He'll say only @Puttitout has access to the necessary proof or that our demeanor is all the proof he needs.

For some things yes. For this post, the proof is out in the public.

Rotteuxx ago

So now you've been here a long time yet 2 weeks ago you were still adjusting to Voat :

freshmeat ago

New to operating a popular sub*.

It's the only sub I've ever moderated except for /v/TrannyDeaths

Rotteuxx ago

popular sub

54 suscribers including all your alts, kek !

freshmeat ago

We will get there :)

totes_magotes ago

It's simple: we kill them all. Problem solved.

No, not really.

  1. Turn off the ability to post anon for a while.

  2. Automatically flag the user onscreen if the user has recently been downvoted heavily. (temporary feature)

  3. Put it up to a community vote to revert "conquered" subs to original owners, permanently blocking all users from the cancer mod IP addresses from ever modding subs again. Once reversion occurs, put it up to a community vote to merge the original subs and the replacement subs.

  4. Temporarily set voat to invite only or block new registrations until this problem is resolved.

  5. Create new, harsh restrictions so that if a user passes a set limit of negative CCP/SCP or does stupid SRS/cancer shit, they instantly lose all subs, cannot up or downvoat.

And yeah, faggot, that includes you.

Fd-up ago

Do you have any idea how easy that would be to manipulate..? of course you do

totes_magotes ago

Things in this that cannot be manipulated:

Points 1, 2, 4, 5.

5 is included because there are already restrictions in place.

3 can avoid manipulation by limiting votes to accounts which were around prior to the takeover.

Not very difficult.

XF-Hyperion ago

  1. What does SRS stand for? Is it a person? Some slang for Shareblue?

  2. What's with people confusing stupid users with malicious shills? Reminds me of the "call them a shill" cancer that's killing all discussion on 8ch.

ExpertShitposter ago

Watch out there, freshmeat is a cryptokike form reddit: (his alt)

As you can see, he says reddit is better even tho anything even remotely right wing is banned there, and voat sucks to him.

He is also a liar and an alcoholic:

Admits to being a liar who only started watching what he says after he realized people are archiving shit he says. And an alcoholic.

He is also trailer trash:

If you check his account he also downvoats as much as the system will let him.

Up until recently his top mod of this sub was this guy:

He still defends him, and lies in his name. Most people in this sub who "agree" with him are his alts. He admitted to having close to 200. Because he "has to have them due to brigading". He has had thousand of bot upvotes removed from his account by puttitout that he claim was a "false flag attack".

He idolizes and self identifies with David Koresh who fucked his pre-teen kids:

The people he is accusing of being SRS on the other hand are owners and moderators of the most right wing subs on this whole page. He says its larp, but its thousands upon thousands of right wing anti jew posts over the course of 3 years with no one being banned over saying nigger kike etc.'re getting kiked by freshmeat in this very moment. @Flour

freshmeat ago

Watch out there, freshmeat is a cryptokike form reddit: (his alt)

Comment restrictions led to me being censored, so to finish our conversations I had to switch. I like how you convinetly forget this every 24 hours.

As you can see, he says reddit is better even tho anything even remotely right wing is banned there, and voat sucks to him.

That was 6 months ago during one of the giant shill waves. As I said im now banned from reddit.

He is also a liar and an alcoholic:

People keep trying to say im an alcoholic and I think it's hilarious, I encourage it. And I haven't lied about anything. I was trying to be polite to figure out what they were referencing.

He is also trailer trash:

If we are going to take shitposts as legitimate then you are fucked

If you check his account he also downvoats as much as the system will let him.

I couldnt vote for 2 years and I'll downvote shills when i see them.

Up until recently his top mod of this sub was this guy:

There is no mod competition, and he isn't a jew. You might want to ask your handlers if that's the path you want to take, because it would imply a lot.

He still defends him, and lies in his name. Most people in this sub who "agree" with him are his alts.

I am not speaking for anyone but I'll call bullshit when I see it. And I only use one account.

He admitted to having close to 200. Because he "has to have them due to brigading"

I have about 8 that are all into the negatives so they are now inactive. I can link them if anyone really gives a flying fuck.

He has had thousand of bot upvotes removed from his account by puttitout that he claim was a "false flag attack".

Now you are making shit up.

He idolizes and self identifies with David Koresh who fucked his pre-teen kids:

Again, you really want to take shitposts literally?

The people he is accusing of being SRS on the other hand are owners and moderators of the most right wing subs on this whole page. He says its larp, but its thousands upon thousands of right wing anti jew posts over the course of 3 years with no one being banned over saying nigger kike etc.

Now you are sweating kike, because you know that is the fuckin truth. You are larping and I didn't even need to spread that fact because you did it on your own. Every one of the "right wing" sbs you speak of are all ran by SJW's and radical homosexuals pretending to be right wing. It's not even hidden.'re getting kiked by freshmeat in this very moment. @Flour

I dont know @Flour but I'm sure they are aware you are SRS.

XF-Hyperion ago



I think you're both real people, and you're just sperging out at each other over anal details which don't prove shit. Looking at these exchanges, you're both demonstrating a level of competency and autistic lunacy that only comes from genuine users. Paid shills and liberal infiltrators are incapable of this, as they either 1.)Won't put effort into posts, 2.)Aren't smart enough to keep track of all these individual posts, or 3.) are smart enough, in which case they get red-pilled (negating any danger of subversion)

Neither of you appear to be using pilpul tactics either. It reminds me of TRSodomites arguing with /pol/lacks; both call each other kike shills even though they're both earnest - sure, one side is more retarded than the other (for following kiked leaders, in this example), but they're both real people.

I'll keep an eye on both of you in case I'm wrong. Freshmeat, I'd like that list of alts, for examination, please. Have a good night, lads.

ExpertShitposter ago

answer maybe tomoro when i'm not drink

ExpertShitposter ago


freshmeat ago

lazy? 🤔

ExpertShitposter ago

home from concert, drunk, getting drinker with some sherry liquor

freshmeat ago


ExpertShitposter ago

+1 upvote brigaded

freshmeat ago

bill cosby

ExpertShitposter ago

a nigger.

what about him?

have some religious white man music_;

Flour ago

What does SRS stand for? Is it a person? Some slang for Shareblue?

It's an group called /r/shitredditsays, basically a bunch of SJW's who lobbied hard on Reddit to implement the SJW type policing of the site it currently has now

What's with people confusing stupid users with malicious shills? Reminds me of the "call them a shill" cancer that's killing all discussion on 8ch.

It's just a user trend that can be easily picked up on here since Voat requires accounts and identification, unlike the anon boards over at 8ch and 4ch where you never know who is who without tripcodes. If you spend enough time watching certain user's habits and tendencies for causing disruption and cause you will realize certain power-users on the site are consistently using divide and conquer tactics in order to subvert subvers ownership in order to gain control of it for themselves.

XF-Hyperion ago

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it.

It's an group called /r/shitredditsays

Ah, so that's where that factual facon character comes from.

you will realize certain power-users on the site are consistently using divide and conquer tactics

I think I understand. Would you agree that pretty much 100% of the accusations posted on the /v/anon and /v/anontalk boards are D&C attempts?

freshmeat ago

I think I understand. Would you agree that pretty much 100% of the accusations posted on the /v/anon and /v/anontalk boards are D&C attempts?

Correct. The shills have been hiding behind Anon because they are power-users here and don't want the community to recognize them.

XF-Hyperion ago

I'm glad we agree. I've noticed in another comment you mention something about "quality discussion on /v/Identitarian" (something like that); Could you clarify this opinion? As an example, I am in favor of deporting Jews from the USA, but recognize that extermination is a legitimate choice worthy of discussion. Would you consider pro-genocide discussions to be inherently "low-quality?" Unfortunately I just use /v/all so different subverse/mod behaviors don't catch my attention very easily.

freshmeat ago

I don't speak for Identitarian and my participation is casual, but I would assume all conversations regarding who is holding down whites and what should be done about it should be legitimate. But considering some of the audience that sub has (literally Jared Taylor) I think shit posting about gassing kikes is probably unnecessary. What admins have made clear on this website is that it's up to a sub's mods and community to operate how they see fit.

XF-Hyperion ago

I think shit posting about gassing kikes is probably unnecessary.

I agree, that's more appropriate on /v/JuiceTown (or similar).

Thanks for the civil conversation

whoahson ago

Aw, man. K9 supremacists is one of them? It was always good for a laugh the few times I would see it surface.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

No, it's not. @freshmeat is a retard.

freshmeat ago

Almost all of the users listed in the sidebar are SRS, especially Mick, I-am-me and Shroomcloud (the banned beatle account)

AndrewBlazeIt ago

SRS = people @freshmeat doesn't like

freshmeat ago

This has nothing to do with my personal beliefs. SRS is obvious in their behavior and I help bring attention to it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Shitposting = obvious SRS behavior

freshmeat ago

Not all not all not all shitposts, but most.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


freshmeat ago

A lot of the shitposting subs are like that. Great idea off the bat but started by trolls.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You sure do have a lot of subs in the sidebar listed as forbidden...

I see you hate /v/Europeans, /v/JuiceTown, /v/TraditionalWives... Now you attack /v/Identitarians...

You must be really opposed to traditional values and resisting Muslim invasion...

I wonder (((who))) you might be working for...

freshmeat ago

All 4 of those subs are ran by co-opposition. Especially the last 3.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Opposition TO YOU.

freshmeat ago

Opposition to me and the American public and other western countries. It's the same thing as a jew running a pro-nazi site. For shits and giggles and exploiting a certain demographic that was pretty much forced to use this site due to censorship in other platforms.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


totes_magotes ago

Are you fucking serious? Do you think people are that fucking stupid to see what happened? You're just a butthurt SRS piece of shit cancer faggot. lulz, go away, little one, and let the adults have adult time.

freshmeat ago

Hmm, no input just insults.

You're just a butthurt SRS piece of shit cancer faggot. lulz, go away

totes_magotes ago

No, that's plenty of input. All you have to do is actually read through some sub histories to see that you're 100% wrong. That means you're either trying to stir up shit for the sake of drama (SRS style, by the way), you're an SRS piece of shit, or you're just plain a stupid crotchgoblin faggot retard.

No matter how you cut it, you're cancer.

freshmeat ago

That post isn't trying to stir up drama?

totes_magotes ago

Cry and whine for me some more, little drama fag.

freshmeat ago

Act like a punk faggot all you like, I love getting roasted, but documenting SRS abuse isn't creating drama. What you are doing is creating drama.

totes_magotes ago

blah, blah, nothing worth listening to and so easy to manipulate too. I love little crotchgoblins like you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Wow. (((Who))) is /v/Identitarians, /v/JuiceTown and /v/Europeans opposed to?

Why are you so eager to defend ((the people)) /v/Europeans is defending against?

freshmeat ago

the ideals are great, the operators are LARPers, SJW's and libertarians role-playing as conservatves

Flour ago

Why did so many people shit on /u/OwnYourActions for trying to curate the subverse /v/identitarian to a higher standard? And why did they proceed to act like a bunch of children spamming and crying about censorship thereafter?

ExpertShitposter ago

Because he was doing it by permabannig banning people instead of asking them to be nice. Also, its a big ask to demand that people don't say nigger and kike when there are only a few places on the internet left where you can say that. It basically comes down to /pol/, voat and a few small white nationalist forums. If you can't do it on voat then you just reduced those places by 40%.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

As /u/3TrillionPotatoes said,

It's a bit difficult to call out anti-white bullshit when you can't call a jew a jew or a nigger a nigger when they are the ones pushing the garbage.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

SRS's MO: Spam a popular community, then

  • If mod deletes spam, concern troll that mod hates free speech and users should move to an SRS-controlled community

  • If mod doesn't delete spam, cry out for the mod to do his job or be replaced with an SRS user for "inactivity" via /v/subversetransfers

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why did you get removed as mod of this very sub?
