OhBlindOne ago

A matter of interpretation.

CatWithDogAttitude ago

If we scare off all the content submitters, then voat will really be protected. There'll be no more danger. #HelicopterPowerModsProtectVoat


OhBlindOne ago

Sadly, I don't appear capable of conveying my intended message to you.

freshmeat ago

i know that's you downvoting me

Disappointed ago

'Be nice' is one of the broad rules they tried to push on system subs here on Voat years back. @kevdude @Crensch @MIckgoestojail you'll remember this.

Crensch ago

Yeah, it's no different than the bullshit "hate speech" rules/laws that have started popping up. There's no line drawn, so it's a statement of "if mod doesn't like, banned". Reddit fags, the lot of them.

Disappointed ago

Exactly. Very good comparison. Even if you think you are in the right saying something you are always walking on eggshells because you ever know how the other person will react. Here on Voat it means being banned but in places like England in could land you in jail being sodomized by dgenerates for saying the wrong word.

ExpertShitposter ago

I am not concern trolling you, yous calling you a fag snowflake for being offended by a meme and defending an actual homosexual. "Queer ness" As in Gayness.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah accept he didn't break the rules. Saying "OP is a fag" is not an insult but e-banter meme. Its the equivalent of saying "no you silly", or "no you dummy, that's not how you do it"

dummy does not equal fuck you dumbass, and OP is fag does not equal shut up you faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

You're turning out out be quite a fag.

freshmeat ago

Sar made that image including anyone who pinged him which included that post. He even later admitted it was a mistake after I noticed it and whited it out.

You are grasping at straws here, and also giving the truth attention and I appreciate that.

freshmeat ago

You have not a single clue who I am other than what I let you know which makes it funny to see what you SRS niggers will hold on to.

freshmeat ago

I think Putt lets SRS run his site. I don't think he care about it.

I'm willing to bet the majority of the posts in your sub have bot voting into the positives for certain stuff, and negatives for the other stuff, with no commentors chiming in. Just slews of brigades. Would you like me to link to a few examples or should I save this for a future post in rPV?

freshmeat ago

For some odd reason I find that hard to believe at this point.

totes_magotes ago

Lololol okay, faggot. You twist my words, I point this out, bit I’m the bad guy. Like I said, you’re a complete waste

totes_magotes ago

You really are sick, you know that? I say "no censorship" and you twist it into "pro-censorship." No wonder everyone on voat hates you. Why don't you just kill yourself, make everyone happy?

OhBlindOne ago

You really want 4chan rules for every sub?

Nope. Historically, I've been strongly opposed to people trying to get admins to enforce rules on user-created subs (look back in my submission history and you'll see multiple posts arguing against "4chan rules" for user-created subs). BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT I'M SAYING HERE.

ALL that I am saying is that users are FREE TO DISAGREE. NOT that I'm in favor of it.

YOU (@9-11) inferred incorrectly that I'm in favor of such rules.

totes_magotes ago

I did answer your question. You just didn't like the answer.

totes_magotes ago

Oh, so you don't like free speech. You need to leave voat now, fake American. In fact, you need to leave the fucking country and the internet.

Additionally, you just earned yourself permanent downvoat status.

heygeorge ago

9-11 is not an American.

totes_magotes ago

No shit.

Wait, that means he doesn’t get free speech. Fair enough.

freshmeat ago

The comment and the post itself are two different things. I read the comment you refer to, and I did not downvote anyone after reading it. SO I guess he was just stating an opinion.

that comment was clearly meant for others to go and downvote this gay guy's subverse.

It is not my sub, it is the users' sub. And I don't "allow" anything. This post is not porn, not a maliscious redirect, not a duplicate, and not a dox. So it stays.

I don't think the users of this sub is organic.

paxNoctis ago

I solve the problem of all those Faggot Garden subs by just blocking them as soon as I find them. Makes my voat much more appealing.

TheBuddha ago

It's not as if we haven't had this same exact conversation ten times already - in just the past month. Hell, we had this same conversation yesterday. Go post fat-acceptance on FPH and see how that works out for you.

Disappointed ago

I notice you also have a similar rule 'be civil' on one of your subs. Do you think in the wrong hands in a place like reddit that this might be abused? Maybe you trust yourself to decide in your sub what is nice or not but on the other end would you trust someone else? It was one of the slippery slopes there that led to mods deleting and banning on a whim. Fatpeoplehate has clear specific rules not ambiguous ones that can be twisted to mean anything when the mod is having a bad day.

TheBuddha ago

No, I have no such worries. There are subs owned by @system and there are no global mods with absurd power. I suppose Putt could turn into an SJW but that's pretty unlikely.

To me, it's their sub and their rules. I also see curating content as a form of speech. Voat allows them to do this. There are ample subs to post to and, let's be honest, queerness isn't going to be taking over Voat - ever.

As for my subs, it's the same rule in both. Civility will be maintained and I will be the arbiter. I have deleted and banned one user and this was soundly supported by the community as a whole - not just in the sub. In fact, it got more comments than any other post in the sub. We can discuss anything, but a reasonable standard of civility is not possible to quantify and enumerate. So, one must use judgement and I go with the legal term of reasonable person. It's got grey areas. Life isn't black and white.

heygeorge ago

Life isn't black and white.

It was simpler back then.

Disappointed ago

Queerness already had a strong foothold on Voat with rules like " be nice" put on system subs. Voat, at the time, allowed this. We fought to have those rules removed because as you said a reasonable standard is not possible unless it dictated by someone. As long as you know that and know that if every sub was like yours that it would inevitably turn into Reddit because not all mods are equal. You have carved yourself a little niche into the clique here on Voat as a popular user(nothing wrong with that) and also explained your deletion and asked for community feedback on it as well. You did a lot of things right. Let's see what happens here.

Regardless, we will continue to call out this behavior when we see it.

TheBuddha ago

There's two things...

Again, I don't see them taking over Voat and I think the user you're thinking of was named @she - and not queerness. At least I don't recall them moderating any system subs.

More important is that it's an exercise in futility. We have this same discussion about this same sub, at least once a week. Same sub, every time. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the results to change. Sure, you're free to bitch about it, but there's so many more productive things to do.its not gonna change. I suspect they are quite pleased when people express outrage.

Disappointed ago

v/askvoat had its system sub status revoked as a result of @she's actions but I'm talking about another power mod on system subs here, who we fought to have removed and who eventually went insane and deleted his account. You can find his name as the creator(not current mod) of v/politics. He lso moderated v/news among others and had that rule on both subs I think. There have been 10-12 mods from system subs in the past who we eventually got removed one way or another for abusing their position. Eventually that led to the janitor positions we have today.

I disagree on the futility of it all. Many said the same to us back in the day when power mods were entrenched on the system subs here, that we were wasting out time and nothing would change. It did and in a big way. So they can be pleased or whatever but we will always highlight cases of mods behaving badly and we'll always call it out because thats what we do here.

TheBuddha ago

Like I said, that was @she. There's no realistic chance of queerness taking over voat. None.

You'd be more likely to see the site taken over by a cabal of midget aliens from Pluto.

Disappointed ago

No, it was @exisredditus. Now he may have had an alt called @she that he tried to stir shit with but thats another argument. These things aren't drawings of aliens on the interior walls of pyramids, it is a fact that it happened here on Voat and we actively fought against itand got those rules removed even when it took a year later in v/politics case. Anyway this convo has pretty much run its course, just bear in mind theres a long history on Voat and it is the way it is now because people like us and the OP called out mods for being shitty. We wont rest on or laurels and we wont stop fighting. Apathy is a strong adversary.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I've been here for quite a while, though I took a break in the middle.

But, yeah, we will have this same conversation again. It seems pretty likely that someone will yell about them again next week, if not sooner.

CatWithDogAttitude ago

The way Voat works is 50000 people are logged in and lurking.

20 users submit about 40 submissions per hour.

Then 1000 people suddenly have something, usually negative, to say about the sparse submissions.

It's probably shareblue people masquerading as goats.

Kind of genius really.

Disappointed ago

It seems they have upset one of the groups here on Voat as well so it's likely, yea. I don't have a lot of extended time on Voat now, I'm restricted to short bites here and there. Just trying to give you a perspective and history of why some of us are so against broader rules particularly in the wrong hands.

Have fun.

OhBlindOne ago

No, people are free on Voat to disagree with whatever sub rules they want. Hence, freedom of speech.

goatfuckit ago

Agreed. I just keep seeing v/Identitarian sliding further down

totes_magotes ago

Assuming it is all legal under Delaware law

First Amendment. Jesus, fuck.

And it can exist however the fuck it wants.

freshmeat ago

Users don't have the right to organize downvote brigades.

freshmeat ago

Well people can come here and see that he acts this way and choose to not subscribe.

Exactly, you don't need to be allowing your sub to openly brigade someone you simply don't like.

I see no call to action

I see beatle starting a witch-hunt and the comments clearly call for brigading with, the top one.

Why don't you crawl back to your witch hunt sub and delete any post that hurts your feelings and leave subscriber/moderator mediation to the big kids, ok?

You mean the anon posts of tranny dicks you were posting the other day?

totes_magotes ago

NO. Mods serve the users. They are not there to be high and mighty. If you want to have 5,000 rules, a wiki, and a whole list of safe space rules, go the fuck back to reddit, faggot.

totes_magotes ago

Are you really going to conflate asshat mods and asshat users? Wow, that's fucking rich. Give me some of what you're smoking because I'd make a lot of fucking money selling that shit.

freshmeat ago

This is the 3rd post Ive seen people complain. That is his personal sub and even though he seems to be a sodomite, he can do whatever he wants with it. None of you even use the sub other than to find ways to get banned.

Flair this as concern-trolling @Kevdude

Fetalpig ago

I went on reddit once, was enough for me- Tone setting pussy's. FUCK THOSE GUYS.

totes_magotes ago

No, this is a platform for free speech against and away from all that safe space bullshit. If you don't have thick skin, voat isn't for you. Besides, we don't want whiny little shits here.

OhBlindOne ago

Sure. But, others are still free to argue against banning for that reason.

OhBlindOne ago

imgoat link -- So you don't have to go on FireFags' website.

totes_magotes ago

Hey, @Spankydickerson, you better start banning everyone left and right before the shitstorm starts because we don't tolerate that stupid reddit cancer shit here.

freshmeat ago

Admins made it clear those who own a sub can run it how they see fit

KikeFree ago

Sadly, this is true, which is why /v/Canada is still cancer and everyone uses /v/CanadaFirst and other fragmented subs.

OhBlindOne ago

Yessir. And users on Voat are free to disagree.

albatrosv14 ago

So, can i start gassing fresh meat in my subs?

freshmeat ago

Indeed, as long as they aren't system subs :)

totes_magotes ago

Are you so fucking stupid that 1. You think that that's an excuse to be a first class piece of shit and 2. the users will allow that? Shill harder, you faggot piece of shit.

freshmeat ago

It his personal god damned sub. Even if he is a faggot he can do with it what he wants.

totes_magotes ago

So, to be clear, you are pro-censorship and SRS tactics. @freshmeat... you just made a bad bad mistake on voat. We don't play with that shit.

freshmeat ago

Firs of all kiss my ass because this post itself is SRS tactics. Acting like they are fighting censorship when they are harrassing some faggot who wants his own personal sub. It looks like he isn't posting for anyone but himself so if it gets your panties in a twist, make a sub that you would prefer to participate in.

We don't play with that shit. Mods serve the users, get it through your fucking cancer head.

Then why hasn't this sub brought attention to /v/Pizzagate cancer mods or /v/Showerthoughts or /v/TraditionalWives? (oh the mods overlap..)

Bunch of hypocritical faggots who want to attack anything you don't control.

totes_magotes ago

Oooh, mighty keyboard warrior, talking shit because keyboards don't beat the shit out of you. Go the fuck back to reddit, retard. @freshmeat

freshmeat ago

low effort bait.

totes_magotes ago

Low energy retard, @freshmeat

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Can you suck your own dick yet?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

These soyboy Shariablue faggots spam posts that belong in other subverses like technology, news, and politics - and then delete posts or ban anyone who doesn't agree with them or talks up against their nazi communist censorship.

Fuck these kids, just downvote their shit in retaliation for them stifling free speech and using their subverse as a SCP/CCP farm.

freshmeat ago

Do you feel this way about all farming subs? Or just the ones you are banned from?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Give me an example?

anti_pedo ago

@freshmeat is a pedo account. I've been tracking him and some "Sar Megahhikkitha" guy for a few weeks now. They've been flooding Voat with loli porn and they plan to step up their campaign: https://voat.co/v/realProtectVoat/2333823

freshmeat ago

First of all I report every single CP post I see and document it for future posts. Secondly the link to the post you just shared is showing how SRS is spamming a specific post among the majority of subs. Is it a running joke or is it more nefarious?

goatfuckit ago

The same thing in several subverses. v/Libertarian is staffed by speech hating cuck mods also

freshmeat ago

That sub had to go into lock down mode because SRS was spamming it intentionally., I discussed it here

If you want to see an example of what SRS flooding into subs looks like, click here: https://voat.co/v/realProtectVoat/modlog/submission

/v/Identitarians is ran by a shitposting SJW power user here who wants to not only steal, but also control the narrative about WN when I guarantee it's not even a white person.

goatfuckit ago

I can appreciate your position and understand but when they did the purge they threw away some decent people and guess where some of them went

freshmeat ago

can you give me examples of decent people they threw out? not being pedantic just curious who it was because the people I saw complaining about it were known SRS power users.

lissencarak ago

If it's "libertarian" and anti-speech, it's almost certainly Jews.