Headwest127 ago

There is certainly plenty of room for concern over the insane amount (and type) of banning going on over there, but it really provides a service for this subverse. All the cute-cat posts, "my toast makes a Q" Bible quoters will end up there because they can't handle the language and challenges of the real world. That whole sub will be filled with people who need SB2 to run the gematria on Trump's latest tweet so they can "understand" the "real" meaning. It will be a circle jerk of normies waiting to be told what's going on. If everyone here was honest about the last days of the GA they would admit that it was filled with spam posts and bullshit. Even the actually informative posts were filled with useless karma-hunting comments. Let them rot and ignore them.

Cheetah1964 ago

Actually, I think this whole thing is going amazingly well, despite the culture clash. Globalists shut down reddit, and people moved to VOAT in one day? That is so cool. But remember, refugees, that you are moving into someone else's home.

Futt_Buckinton ago

As a Reddit refugee myself. I stopped going to r/GA long ago for this same bullshit that they're pulling now. It's PAYtriots soapbox all over again...fuck that shit. I hope this community will accept me despite me being a shitskinned refugee/immigrant that came over in the wave. Just know that we aren't all mossad comped fuckwits

FLmom ago

...free speech test.....light bulb

underground_patriot ago

Well said.

Cid ago

Can we please figure some shit out?

It's simple. One side has to submit to freedom, or the other has to submit to talking about Q within the confines set by LITERAL FUCKING REDDIT MODS.

rabernet ago

I'm a reddit refugee and I found Voat by following a twitter recommendation to join v/theawakening and was originally a little put off by folks coming in and "smack talking" in there. But I didn't completely understand the situation.

But then, I decided to check out v/greatawakening and found that I actually prefer it here. I am subscribed to both (and v/CalmBeforeTheStorm and v/PatriotsSoapbox so far).

I'm happy to have a place to help me decode Q drops.

Great post!

White_pride_cis ago

Wasn't patriot soapbox proven to be the same as (((Corsi and AJ)))? Using the Q movement to turn a profit... Oh! Kind of like the faggots at TA, @dropgun using the platform to sell pens on fucking eBay... because you deserve a $300 pen when you sign the secret GITMO orders... Oh wait... Q warned everyone about that very thing... How weird. Hrm... It seems to me that that is a blatant hypocrisy...

rabernet ago

Was not aware of that - still new to this "neighborhood". Thanks for the heads up!

CentipedeRex ago

Keep working the censorship angle and you will win all the new arrivals over. Most of the GA people had no idea the sub was compromised and are just jaded and lashing out due to being dislocated.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Niggerfaggot is non-negotiable. This is voat.

knarnia ago

Nice to get away from the redd** posts like "Breaking News" this is the 15th posting of the same clip in the last three hours.

Korsavius ago

As a new migrant from plebbit, it's taken a while for shit to settle down for me; it was major culture shock when I first arrived here.

But I'm finally getting it.

I'll have to limit my daytime interaction with this site, which sucks, because if anyone at work looks over my shoulder and sees a screen full of niggerfaggots I'm done for.

But I get it now.

DamnLiquor ago

AI will make this pointless, like reading a foreign dictionary, the time is now or never

manxom ago

70k or 297k? I'll trust Q's number, thanx.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Something that should be mentioned: moderator logs on Voat are public, so everything that is getting deleted is logged.


It's worth perusing the list of things that are worth deleting (according to TheAwakening mods). There's the usual crap, but there's also comments detailing that TA is basically a private sub and doesn't count for CCP, telling people about the sub here at GA, and other things that shouldn't be deleted.

Opinion: the mods at TA are compromised, and we should assume the entire sub is a honeypot.

castertroi ago

This board was always the contingency plan from back in the day. Older Q readers will know. We stopped by here before. There was no need to make a new board. New boards make me suspicious. You guys stuck it out here waiting for the herd to arrive. Nice job holding it down.

Aquaren69 ago

Thanks for the explanation. Previously I lurked in the other place, but when it was shut down I jumped over to the newly created v/theawakening, under the impression that it was uncensored. Pleased to have been enlightened and to have now found this place.

Fallout18 ago

Well said. Two main subs is good. Theawakening is front of house for new comers/the curious. Greatawakening is for the woken you can understand voat members anger and accepts their responses. Both have a mission. Hold firm and don't be fragile. No one died from name calling.

White_pride_cis ago

Gonna go with a “no” on that one Moshe. While your race or religion (you declare yourself both... does that have a start date?) loves to play both sides of an issue and stir up drama to confuse, you’re not fooling anyone. Calling outright censorship here a good thing is the equivalent of saying “fellow White people” from someone named Arlo Cohen. Doesn’t work like that.

Fallout18 ago

I totally respect what you are saying. I struggle with censorship if it is forced and/or covert. However in this case as long as it is overt and clearly explained and as long as there in no monopoly -which there isn't as alternatives clearly exist - then as a pragmatist I personally can live with this. Interested in your thoughts.

White_pride_cis ago

Fallout, I see that you have been here for about a day and half, which is fine. You're willing to have discussion which is great! I like it. Here's my thoughts, and there are real life examples to back these up if you're really curious. When you start to censor something, it starts out little by little. Take the ban on guns for this example. You started out with everyone was able to have the same weaponry as the military, all of the way from 1776 until the 1930s. Then you could no longer have fully automatic. From there it has been trickling down. Then you couldn't have a barrel on a rifle and shotgun less than 16". Then if you put a stock on a pistol, it magically became a SBR. Then you have states that decided that a foregrip made the firearm more dangerous. Then suppressors were deemed too dangerous. Then you have states that limited the type of ammunition you could have. Then they limited the amount of ammunition you could have... All the while their crime rates continued to soar. I am a HUGE WW2 collector, and was trying to help a friend in the hobby obtain a non-functional MG42. I talked to the NY BATFE and a detective in the Long Island Police Department. They were kind enough to spend HOURS talking to me. The BATFE said that the "prop" was no longer a firearm per the regulations, and what I proposed was 100% okay. The Detective told me that while the feds were satisfied, he would want the barrel painted orange, and the belt magazine, which is fucking obsolete mind you, would have to be destroyed, even though it fell into the curio and relic classification. He even tried to help me find a loophole, because it was so dumb. So censorship gained a foothold, and suddenly it was never enough. Look at the Holocaust Denial Laws... 18 fucking years in prison for a Canadian woman, while the shit skins get less than 6 months for raping little girls. Murder carries less of a charge than her denying the holohoax. Let that sink in. Words and thought crimes carry a more severe penalty than actual murder.


Now that I have given you my speech about censorship, all of you guys are like the "refugees" in the EU. Once you get that EU passport (voat CCP), you're able to go anywhere you want. The mentality you guys have will not stay where it currently is. It is like the liberals fleeing California and NY to TX and NC... they vote for the same people and policies that fucked up their original home, not only ruining their new state, but still not getting that their mentality was to blame in both instances. TLDR your mentality will continue to poison everywhere you go, until you identify what it is that lead you to be complacent.

Fallout18 ago

You make a persuasive argument. So really what needs to happen is that the censored version needs to move to another platform altogether. Make its own continent to live on probably. Then those of us refugees who enjoy the freedoms of voat remain and learn the customs? I for one love this freedom of and i am staying. Good to be able to actually say what you want. As a side, i think the holocaust ban is fucking outrageous.

White_pride_cis ago

Yeah... tried to talk to my Dad about it, but he’s a fucking idiot. I told him what even is so undeniably true that you can be imprisoned for even asking questions. He told me that I was an idiot if I didn’t believe all of the evidence. I told him about the Canadian woman and he actually said good. He is a mindless sheep, who parrots what Fox News says. Israel and the Jews are our greatest allies. Then he said they are God’s chosen people, to which I asked the only logical question (we are catholic), if the Jews are special and Gods chosen people, if you want to get to heaven, why are you not Jewish? We were out for my birthday last Tuesday and he started yelling at me at the restaurant saying he didn’t want to hear it. It was pretty funny. That is what it reminds me of. The stupid boomers

Fallout18 ago

A lifetime of conditioning. Dad that people are so scared to explore ideas. You are the lucky one. You got a brain and know how to enjoy it.

White_pride_cis ago

Even if he chooses to reject it, that is fine, but utter refusal to hear someone else's point of view because you may not like what you hear... I even told him that makes him no better than those he "detests". The hypocrisy is deafening.

Fallout18 ago

I hear you. But like the song says "if you've said all you got to say, just look and walk away". Nothing much you can do.

Fallout18 ago

Its programming pure and simple. He actually cannot do it. Just like dogs can't fly. Pity him

13824366? ago

Solution: v/theawakening eats shit, dies

Meez ago

So far, I've been watching both forums but am quite concerned at the banning going on in v/theawakening.

It's the same issue as MSM, who controls the news? Who controls the bannings? Who controls what and who gets to post and does not. What content is acceptable and what is not.

I do agree though, first time normies may get turned off by some of the vulgarity in v/greatawakening, but it's the same on 4chan/8chan. People need to hear the information and decide for themselves what research/comments are meaningful. Going all snowflake and banning everything/everyone just doesn't seem like the correct path.

Despite everything, I'd hate to see the movement splintered. It's exactly what the deep state wants to happen.

user_1234 ago

Fuck that was a long read. Well it would have been had i read it.

wokeasfook ago

Fucking ungrateful immigrants

TheBRAINz ago

Nicely played bro. :)

ifGodisforus ago

Thank you sir for the logical and rational explanation. Curated for normies vs ni__erfa__ots (yes I'm cencsoring myself), it makes a lot of sense. theawakening should disclose this as you've suggested.

Fallout18 ago

Thanks ifgodisforus - tried to up vote you but couldnt as capped on 100 today

LurkMaster ago

Love the chart!

wooqy ago

Yeah, that sliding, watering down effect did happen. Yes, there was a sticky for mod. Yes, there were a lot of complete newbs and a sudden surge in subscribers. Yes, there was a systemic attack. There were several Q related subs on R running parallel.

Qzenseeker ago

This is about free choice. But like you said "The one and only requisite we have from Q is that we remain united". So to be united and not let division take hold among us, we should support both subs/verses. One can be more like the 8chans with unrestricted freedoms and the other one can be more civil, a little more restricted and hidden from public view. Whatever everyone decides/or chooses or feels comfortable with, only TOGETHER we will WIN. For ultimately it is YOUR choice, and we should not stop anyone from exercising their choice.
This is only my opinion :) WWG1WGA :)

White_pride_cis ago

Perhaps I am an idiot, or perhaps you were rocked too close to the wall as an infant. Your comment about “Q not wanting splintering” is really confusing when in the next sentence you talk about having two subs running concurrent of each other... I feel like those faggots in Britain said the same thing about Sharia, before becoming pavement decorations. You CANNOT HAVE CONCURRENT BUT NEVER MERGING SOCIETIES. That doesn’t work. Assimilate or leave. Together we will win!!!!111 a fucking participation trophy. Giving a free pass to these cunts doesn’t end in one sub. Like anything the left does, are they ever satisfied with an inch? Do they ever stop? Capitulation doesn’t solve anything, and that is why the “right” couldn’t do a god damned thing, even after they were given all of the power. They eventually tried to hide their failings by joining the new movement called conservatism, while doing the same shit that made them ineffective in the first place. John McCain and Grahmnesty are prime examples. Don’t capitulate, and get those stupid ideas out of your little skull full of mush. They DO NOT WORK and you have to look no further than the EU and their wave of shit skinned invaders.

Qzenseeker ago

You are entitle to your opinion and I even agree with a lot of it about giving them an inch and they will take a mile before long. But given the situation, we need to focus on Q and reorganize and prepare for the worse. With the incoming MSM attacks, shills, bots, sites getting shutting down, YT, twitter, fb, what are we planning to do. For all we know, this can be all temporary anyways, can voat servers handle 70k users simultaneously? 300K? Sadly, at this pace, eventually we all will have to move out into our own houses :(

White_pride_cis ago

Prepare for the worse? I'm not sure what more could be worse, when you have Mods that are the people in the MSM, the JIDF, the ones who ban videos on YT, the ones like (((Corsi and AJ))). They are the same fucking people. They even use the sub to sell shit on eBay! Let that sink in... They ban people for rules 1 and 2, as they actively sell fucking pens on eBay, yet all of those window lickers don't see the hypocrisy... Don't give me that shit where you think it is okay. You are waking up from your Stockholm Syndrome. Give it about a week. Take a step back, be objective, and you will see... I promise... This isn't about "Q's" movement... in case you have forgotten, he didn't post on Reddit for a reason. He was on the chans, where free speech flourishes. Having two concurrent but never merging societies isn't good. TA isn't GA Light... That is the a retarded thing to say.

the_art_collector ago

I give /v/theawakening one week before it's nothing but t-shirts and bible verses, and all the solid research is being done here.

Derpfroot ago

a currated, "niggerfaggot"-less environment

I shudder at the very thought

IGiveZeroFucks ago

As do I, faggot. As do I.

Lemonjello ago

I like well though out posts instead of the one-liners

IGiveZeroFucks ago

What about well thought out one-liners?

Lemonjello ago

Even better. Just need well though out anything

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That was a great rant, well done

The one and only requisite we have from Q is that we remain united. Can we please figure some shit out?

Ya know, I'm still a Q skeptic but thoroughly hope everything works out for this discussion board & the Q-folks here. I've enjoyed the in depth research, the subject matter, and the many characters playing a role in this. I follow Q every single day. I want to believe, I'm an Army veteran and the idea of military intelligence getting our nation squared away - well, that's just a wonderful idea. \

Anyway, thanks for your post.

DependasaurusRex ago

As former military intelligence, it is... mixed. Overall a paradox, but some do well and know their shit more than anyone else in any agency. Those are usually the first to leave, however, creating the constant vacuum and confusion.

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

It's the same mods I didn't trust from Reddit. All the good mods left r/GA and went to r/the_GA

DustinFromVancouver ago

We will just carry on --as the same way we did n Reddit--no big deal---just continue spreading the word--with lots of different info--and ignore the shills.

White_pride_cis ago

You’re part of the problem. That is sharing the Reddit mentality of “well, it didn’t happen to me, so okay!”. You get out there and you engage this shit head on. Like the team lead once said, “those little faggots can be out there drinking soy lattes and blowing each other, saying whatever the fuck they want about us, because there are good men willing to do bad things to bad people”. Which is a misquote, but it stuck with me. The shills are the ones calling out how fucked up the mods are? I am confused here. The shills are NOT the ones who have enough deletions and bans to fill a novella, right? I want to make sure I am stepping in what you’re putting down. Spread the word of what exactly? The vast majority of people on this platform are more than aware of what Q is. That isn’t the problem. Censorship and Marxism is the problem. They do not survive in a free speech environment, which is why those authoritarian practices will not survive here

CentipedeRex ago

"engage this shit head on" - Dude, this sub is awesome. This is my attitude. I like this place. Thanks for taking us in, everyone.

Qzenseeker ago

Yes, I totally agree with that :)

GranimalSnake ago

That was a good chart.

GranimalSnake ago

I think this brings a lot of sanity and civility to the situation... and I'm one of the newfags from reddit.

I hope people will stop attempting to control other people.

Q is about following the truth. Not whatever infighting and distrust is being seeded.

DependasaurusRex ago

To bring realty to my person vitriol against the most of you newfags, I came here, and have enjoyed as much free speech as can be had. I have loved it and never looked back to the censorship that happened during the fattening. I have never had a comment deleted nor a ban from anything not apart of an already claimed ban haply sub, which was usually purely out of sarcasm of Reddit. This is what has made Voat appealing and an excellent community that I never wanted to leave. The tiny pricked kikes that have appeared in the past typically are fast to disappear, as they have a difficult time with reality, and cannot survive here. This is the aay I, amd if I may be so bold as to say, WE would like it to stay. I have no problem with hearing any shill, but they are subject to any ridicule. I don't want anyone banned or shadow banned. It only helps having general discord in the end. However, if there are those that ban for any reason outside of memes, I can onlu wish a swift death on such kikes and cucked faggot assed peices of shit. They are not only the problem, but the entire reason we have issues at all.

GranimalSnake ago

I can't disagree with any of that. This seems like my kind of thing.