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srayzie ago

Hey QRV mods. I’m not trying to step on anyone’s toes. I just thought I could give a little suggestion. A lot of people have come to me complaining about the loli porn being posted there. That’s a bit far for many people.

I know in the past, people got really mad at v/TheAwakening mods for deleting a bunch of posts. But, what we do here is have a rule set to where posts need to be Q related. There’s a big difference between submission posts and comments posts.

I think you will have a lot of support if you guys decide to just remove submission posts like that. Those are definitely not Q related. That way you don’t have people leaving. We want this movement to grow! Removing that junk is not being “delete happy.” The mod logs are public, so anyone can see that you aren’t going overboard.

You guys do what you want. I mean no disrespect. I’m on 8chan all the time, but that’s shocking to a lot of users on Voat. If you guys ever need help with anything, let us know!

@PenSHITLORD @badg0y1m @FastJack @msdia80_dll


Thanks for your concern. We've established the legal boundary of the content in question and have determined that while grotesque it is not technically illegal. QRV will continue to uphold Voats values of legal free speech. When packages are introduced we will create a 'hide on downvoat' feature which will hopefully give our users the opportunity to make the decisions about what they can and cannot handle themselves.

We want this movement to grow!

And we are pleased to note that it is despite the shills best efforts. We also don't advertise so the only people getting here are by word of mouth!

Have a very excellent day! WWG1WGA

kestrel9 ago

Just my 2 cents. The submissions of obvious porn is less of the problem than the img files spammed into Q related threads in order to stop or disrupt discussion. It's easier to ignore an obvious porn submission then it is to trip over the those files meant to act like click bait. Sure many are easy to spot, but many people stop clicking on all img files, acting like every one of them is porn (a strange outcome, not unlike having non porn img censored). Legal porn is already on voat, it's not censored, so censorship of it overall isn't really the question at hand.

People who post an img file are now accused of being porn shills. This spamming is legal yes, but consider that without a choice to opt out of NSFW on QRV, without the ability to block the users in question who spam, QRV subscribers are little better than a captive audience. They can either leave the sub or skip over every img, including worthwhile ones (spam wins) or become desensitized to porn (spam wins). When Antifa screams over people trying to have a discussion, in order to shut down a discussion of a specific group of people in a specific place for a their own specific purpose, the result is effectively little better than loss of free speech. Few subs on voat would consider Q related flooding onto their subs to be "just" exercise of free speech that has to be put up with, because most do have content guidelines that serve the purpose of their respective subverses.

It's good to hear that solutions are being considered.


First, @srayzie thanks for this impromptu opportunity to communicate with the Voat community.

The submissions of obvious porn is less of the problem than the img files spammed into Q related threads in order to stop or disrupt discussion.

I think the first order of business will be to see if their posting habits violate Voats spam guidelines. If/when it does it will be enforced. Their posts are typically obvious bait though, a little discernment goes a long way.

Few subs on voat would consider Q related flooding onto their subs to be "just" exercise of free speech that has to be put up with, because most do have content guidelines that serve the purpose of their respective subverses.

Percentage wise I would say QRV is on target, I'm not under the illusion it's perfect but percentage wise and results wise I'd say it gets the job done. This is of course my opinion.

It's good to hear that solutions are being considered.

We only want to consider solutions that leave the choice of what to see and not to see up to our users. We will implement a hide on downvoat feature to help facilitate this choice but we will not consider solutions that take that choice away from our users. That being said, if the trolls decide they'd like to start breaking the law by posting CP, by breaking Voats spam guidelines, or something comes down from the site admins, we will absolutely enforce the standard. I understand everybody's frustration with the trolls but it comes with the territory.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Fuck the voat guidelines! Fucking delete all the loli porn it's not related to Q in any way so why are you not removing them? Cause you are a shill.

CaJuN-M8 ago

QRV is not on target you God damn idiot. Motherfucker your a shill trying to make the Q movement look bad. It' won't work u God damn clown

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

Yeah I got your reply earlier. I said this...

I think that would be an awesome feature. I think you guys are on target too. I shared a couple of weeks ago that I set up keyword alerts on my RSS feed. I am keeping an eye on articles that are talking about Qanon, Pizzagate, Voat, and 8chan. That way I can see the narrative they are going with.

I think that shill are taking things to a new level with the loli porn stuff on QRV right now because they are either trying to push people away, and/or post things that will be later used in an article, because they want to shut us all up.

I agree with you. It’s not illegal. It comes with the territory. Especially since it’s anonymous. I just wanted to reach out so you knew that you had support if that’s what you chose to do.

We don’t have any problems with QRV. You guys weren’t our issue. It was v/TheAwakening that we had issues with. I want you guys to do well. Truly. What’s important is this movement. I think it will be great when we have more options!

Thank you for writing back!

@Shizy @MolochHunter

kestrel9 ago

We only want to consider solutions that leave the choice of what to see and not to see up to our users.

In a nutshell that was my overreaching point. Question on 'hide on down vote' feature being considered, and maybe I misunderstood it when it was mentioned. Would every down vote trigger a user block? It would seem an option to hide on down vote should be an extra option, otherwise down votes can't be distinguished from just serving as a block user feature.


Would every down vote trigger a user block?

No our intention is to simply hide the content that was downvoated, simply by removing the element from the DOM if a downvoat is detected.

It would seem an option to hide on down vote should be an extra option

You're right, when the time comes the feature should be opt-in only. Thank you for bringing this important detail to my attention.

srayzie ago

Please tell us what’s going on so we know there isn’t fuckery going on behind the scenes. Why are you no longer mod? Nobody is left from the original QRV board. New board owner. Nobody is saying anything. All I found is this...

Rumors are going to start spreading. Please let us know. We don’t know the new BO or the others. Who the hell do we trust?

heygeorge ago

I find it remarkable that you’ve suddenly stepped down from modding v/QRV. Would you care to enlighten the Voat community you’ve just reached out to about what happened?

It seems a bit too coincidental that you’ve gone from making your first ‘public’ comments on Voat in months to no longer a mod within a day or two.

Did I say a bit? It seems downright farfetched.

SandHog ago

Yeah, seems like something screwy is going on to me.

heygeorge ago

From what bit I’ve gleaned, fastjack (or one of the others, but I think it’s jack) is part of the cbtsStream folks, who were absolutely dodgy from the get-go, just a bunch of self-promoting hacks. They had a very short lived migration to Voat, which was then quickly aborted and they ran back to rebbit. Much was very quickly memory-holed, but believe me when I say this is a big part of the reason I have little faith Q is operating in anything but their own best interests.

SandHog ago

Same fuckers who were trying to coerce and/or blackmail srayzie. BuilderAnon and the Patriots Soapbox crowd. I don't pay a lot of attention to the Q side of things cause I don't follow it. I did go back and read through some of the posts when they tried to land here. I'm kinda on the fence about the whole Q thing. I just don't pay any attention to it because whatever it is it's gonna be that whether I put any effort into it or not. I do think that the Patriots Soapbox faggots are vultures. Whether or not they set the entire thing up to profit off it or are trying to gain enough influence to accomplish their ends I do not know. What I do know is I hate shillfags and gaslighting in any capacity. Trolling for shits and giggles is one thing but whatever these clowns are about is something else entirely.

srayzie ago

I have no reason to believe that BuilderAnon had anything to do with Patriots Soapbox/CBTS crowd.

SandHog ago

That's who Corsi was involved with wasn't it?

srayzie ago

Yes. They came here and then left and made their own site and 24 hour live feed on youtube.

SandHog ago


srayzie ago

Did you see the update?

SandHog ago


srayzie ago

There’s this...

Georgie, before you spread shit about them being from cbts stream, we need to verify. This is serious shit and I don’t want rumors started.

Where did you hear this? Is this just a rumor? All us Q people are accused of everything under the sun. We shouldn’t just jump to conclusions right now. But, I would like some answers.

heygeorge ago

Double reply, but I’m fairly certain now I read about this on Voat. Yet it must have been from a discussion in an 8ch mirror thread because I couldn’t find anything on searchvoat.

I am still of the opinion, even if one believes in coincidence, something very strange is going on.

heygeorge ago

I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to be gathering from that post. Someone says penshitlord had a meltdown, and they thought the new BO did a good job. This doesn’t mean anything to me.

I’m not sure where I saw the discussion about jack/cbtsStream. If I can find a link I’ll share it.

kestrel9 ago

np thank you