Francewhoa ago

VOAT User Agreement

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Francewhoa ago

Related discussion about how to report spam porn comment how-to at

MudPuddlePie ago

Thank God. I completely stopped going to QRV (or encouraging newbies to go there) because if you were following a conversation and clicked on a normal and reasonable sounding post with an image, then porn would come up.

How is this free speech when I am tricked and manipulated into looking at this crap? It's the same as forcing me to listen to your "speech" because of your "free speech" rights. That's actually manipulation.

This evil anon would post porn on a submission about faith/God that was having a healthy conversation. Who does that? And why was it allowed? Free speech? BS. He didn't allow "my choice/my free speech" to chose whether I wanted to see porn.

Not to mention, Q is about stopping this evil and sexual crimes against children/anyone.

Anyway...thanks Srayzie, for not letting that happen to GA.

Oracle64 ago

Thank you BO, it is disgusting to have these images on QRV or any other Q related sub. We are not here for that, so cut that shit out up in here. Thanks.

srayzie ago

Yeah, I keep getting pinged to nasty stuff. So gross.

TippyHome ago

It seems there was a lot of drama on the other site. I did not migrate.

heygeorge ago

I’m left wondering is the context of the post? @penshitlord what happened? You don’t ‘owe’ anyone an explanation, but it would be nice. If you fear it will be trolled and think it’s too high traffic here, PM me and I can help point you to a quieter subverse.

srayzie ago

He posted images of anal prolapse from a pediatric site.

heygeorge ago


CovfefeFan ago

Makes me sad that these people exist.

Don_Tomaso ago


amarQ144 ago

Who knew...serious stuff...

RakerKey ago

hmmm , 30% females aged 14 - 49 are infected, thats pretty scary too

amarQ144 ago

maybe be back as @penicillinShitLord

kestrel9 ago

Thank you for the info!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome Kestrel!

RockmanRaiden ago

So this was what was happening. Thanks again, Srayzie.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. I think we all have a right to know what’s going on. is where Q posts. That’s for all of us.

PatriotLady1 ago

Thank you very much.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome PatriotLady