Holcosu ago

So sorry but I just saw this. Heavenly Father we come before you and seek healing on your holy name. Jesus you said that by your stripes we are healed. You took the beating upon your back so that the cancer in Stonechizel’s back would be cast into a dry place to never return again. We claim healing this day in your mighty name, and we seal it. Amen.

Tracimariesimmons ago

I'm sorry I'm a little late. I pray the good Lord keeps you safe and comfortable and cures your cancer. I pray Jesus wraps you in the warmth of his love through your surgery and after. God Bless you. Amen🙏

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rabid_Robot ago

I am devout but won't lie to you: prayers from strangers are worth much less than those of your devout friends and family. If I told you that I would pray for you, I would be lying because I don't know you. The best that I can offer you is my friendship and my support as an anonymous person on the Internet if ever you need to talk.

Stonenchizel ago

Well Thank You for the kind gesture .... I will keep that in mind .

God Bless You Man

Scablifter ago

I will pray for you right now.

intothelightwego ago

Praying for you May God hold you in the Palm of His Hand and keep you safe, Amen

SylviaStone1 ago

Praying for @Stonenchizel

Aminous17 ago

Everything will be fine my friend. Full of prayers and positive waves sent here. God loves you and protects you

4freedomsring ago

Prayers for you!

srayzie ago

That’s what I love about this place. Relationships with fellow Patriots. I saw your update and how you’re doing well! ❤️

Stonenchizel ago

Thank You @srayzie it sure is nice to have such awesome friends & True Patriots pulling for Me & trusting in God Almighty.... This @GAsub is awesome in this day & age , I'm just happy to be part of it. Thanks again! 😉👌

srayzie ago

I’m so glad you’re here and I hope your recovery is fast! ❤️

Enaashby ago

God bless you!

y000danon ago

Almighty - be with our friend. Be there with family. Unite us all in the Light and provide comfort in heeling.

Through love we unite and raise one another closer to your image of pure love.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

In Jesus' name.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Good luck homie

LazarusLong ago

You're going to die faggot.

Stonenchizel ago

Sorry @LazarusLong but you are wrong again because God is Great !

Evileddie13 ago

I hope you have a Jewish doctor.

Stonenchizel ago

regardless he was about I'd say 75 years old but sharp as a tack and he just happens to be the best in Monterey County , California

LanJon310 ago

May God Bless You, Patriot!

RetiredRogue ago

May the Lord Jesus Christ guide the Dr's hands that conduct this operation. Ive been in your situation twice so somewhat your going thru. The good lord has given me an extra 31 years may it happen to you also.

Smokybubbles ago

Good luck man, gods don't exist. You're on your own or in other words "god helps those who help themselves".

pixelkitteh ago

God bless you patriot, we love and support you. I pray that everything goes well for you. Amen

CMAnon ago

May the Lord heal you completely.

SrBearLordofOldCastl ago

May God be with you brother. May he be with you during hard times and you with him during good times.

Don_Tomaso ago

Stay strong Anon! Our thoughts are with you.

ValiMAGA ago

He will cover you with his feathers, and there under His wings you will find peace.

You're loved, and it will be all right. Don't fear. If it helps, I'll pray for it too.

GritD2 ago

Amen and God bless. Please update when you can.

TexasDeplorable ago

Lord, give this person grace and peace as they move through this time of healing. We know you are the great physician and through you all things are possible. Watch over the family and let them know you are with them. I ask in your precious son Jesus name. InHim.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Heroes don't COST us. They fall on their sword first. Ever hear of HONOR?

ValiMAGA ago

Heroes have love and compassion for their brothers.

thebearfromstartrack ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Prayers sent. Fight the good fight!

peanut-head ago

Good luck dude. Remember Isaiah chapter 3, verse 2: "May God give me the strength to strike the niggers down. Amen."

stormymonday ago

You got it bro, God be with you for the stuff that is really important.

Sheneyney ago

Prayers for you

Flutterby49 ago

I praise God for keeping you in his hands.

BroncoBill ago

Almighty God, guide the hand of this surgeon and rest your healing hands on Stonechizel. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery brother 🙏

4841400209 ago

Please keep us posted.

BonnieRic ago

I am praying for you and your surgeon now. God bless you! 💓

Bee4Q ago

God bless you! Prayers for your quick recovery 🙏

DammitMan ago

Praying that this is the end of your surgeries and a speedy recovery.

KingHiss ago

Godspeed patriot!

xxxnerdxxx ago

Praying for you...

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

God is with you....and he hears all of us too! You are going to survive. Amen.

DocWood45 ago

God speed patriot, God speed.

HelloDolly ago

God Bless sending prayers your way!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

The Lord bless you and keep you. Speedy recovery. In Jesus' Name. Future testimony in how once again GOD SHOWED UP. ThanQ for all you do, Patriot. Godspeed

Freedom777 ago

Praying for you I pray that you will be cancer free and that you heal very quickly.

Shiftworker1976 ago

May the Lord Heal you completely. Where 2 in Agreement pray in his name prayers are answered. I also pray for peace over your family moving forward. My friend!

Acen ago

All the best goat

cantaloupe6 ago

Best wishes, hope you have a great outcome; as many have.

Modernminuteman ago

Lots of prayers going out to God on your behalf. Get well real soon.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

In the Mighty name of Jesus, i command the angels to surround you and protect you. i command the Dr. to be guided by the Good lord in Jesus name. I rebuke all fear and sickness from you right now in Jesus name and call in peace and wellness. Amen please let us know how you are doing afterward.

Telern56 ago

Divine Heavenly Father. I lift up this fellow Patriot to you, asking for complete cure today through both surgery and prayer. Cover Stonechizel with your perfect grace that he/she may feel the awesome power of the Holy Spirit as you heal every part that needs you. Father I give all my praise to You. In Jesus name, Amen!

hummingbird4 ago

Prayers for you going up! OUR Heavenly Father is guiding the surgeons hand and your recovery.

KvilleLurker ago

May the Lord continue to preserve you, give the doctors and staff the skill needed to make you whole again, and that the will of the Most High God - the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ - bless you in every spiritual way with His graces and mercies which are new every morning. Amen.

HISdaughter ago

Father, I lift up your child before you. You are the great physician and nothing is impossible for you. May you guide the Drs. hands, give him wisdom and discernment in what needs to be done. I come against any infection. I ask for supernatural expedient restoration. I speak to the 125 trillion cells and T cells that they come into alignment electrically, chemically, magnetically to the perfect RNA and DNA. I curse any and all prions in this body and command all the bad cells to be discarded in Jesus name. I speak wholeness to this body. I ask that your peace and your manifest presence be experienced by your child, Father in Jesus name. Amen! Shalom, nothing missing nothing broken!!

New_years_day ago

Good luck fellow goat! I hope and pray you have a speedy recovery so you can get back to shit posting with us.

MinorLeakage ago

I don't really believe in God, Q, or that Trump is on our side, but I'll pray for you anyways man. Good luck!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Not trying to be a dick, But It doesn't work if you don't believe. Truly that simple.

But Hey, A for effort.

MinorLeakage ago

Genuine good thoughts are what they are.

Jewed ago

TIL this is a religious support group.

MAIDENanon ago

Hang in there man. Lots of popcorn consumption coming up. Want to talk about cant miss TV?? We need ya man.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Good luck.

1scm ago

Bless you friend!

thebearfromstartrack ago

Who's paying for it?

Koyote210 ago

prayers from a Mexican

ZombiClown ago


AperionPatriot ago

Best of luck.

new4now ago

May your Surgeon's hand be steady and sure

May this be your your last cancer surgery

May your recovery be quick

You are a big part of this group, and although you will be missed, take the time to heal

May Love, Strength and Patience get you through


I will be thinking of you until you get an all clear

WhiteRonin ago

Dude! I hope all goes well!!

If you don’t come out like a new man, who the hell am I gonna have a good bitch debate with!!!

Quick recovery hopes are in your direction!

14WordsToFreedom ago


Shizy ago

I hope it all goes well and you have a smooth recovery! God bless you and your surgeon!

worlddownunder682 ago

Wish you the best. Stay strong.

LoveIsBlind ago

Praying for you, fellow patriot. God has this.

1cd1233 ago

Request fulfilled. God bless you!

RakerKey ago

Prayers and Best of Wishes go with you

Jehoshaphat ago

"Doctor says I need a backeotomy!"

Wishing you a quick recovery and permanent riddance of the caner, Stonenchizel.

rickki6 ago

prayers to you !

fuckmyreddit ago

May God be watching out for you and guide your surgeon. If surgery doesn't kill off that cancer, check out alternative things like sound? frequency therapy, oxygen therapy, and that stuff that William Mount promotes. We know a woman who was saved with oxygen therapy, but I think it depends on the kind of cancer.

We will keep praying for you all day. You goaties should pray for your goatie friend whenever you feel down today and tomorrow.

Dear God, Creator, Jesus, Source, Odin, Allah... please help our friend, Stonenchizel.

DebGS54 ago


Lovecymru ago

He revealed Himself as Jehovah Rapha, "I am the God that healeth thee." Ex.15:26. Praying for you dear one in Christ.

SocksOnCats ago

Good luck dude.

FiggninToVomick ago

Prayers! I had a few Scheckel worshipers removed from my back as well! Liberating experience!

Lindorinel ago

Prayers go out, Brother Patriot. Thanks for you efforts so far, and I believe that the Higher Power has much more in store for you!

helpfulhuckleberry2 ago

I just said a prayer for you.

goatboy ago

Well OK, but I pray to KEK. He usually answers prayers with an ironic twist.

I pray your surgery goes well and have a speedy recovery. I wish for you to recover to become stronger, faster, tougher, and more prosperous than when you started all this.

KyJane ago

Prayers for you Stonenchizel. I pray that all the cancer be removed and cast into the fires of hell where it belongs. I pray God gives you strength and ease from pain. 🙏

hamman365 ago

Heavenly Father, you are the Great Physician, I ask that you be with Stonechizel as he undergoes surgery today. Lord i ask that you guide the doctors and nurses as they perform the surgery. Lord i ask for a successful surgery and a complete recovery. Lord I humbly ask this in your name, AMEN

Phantom42 ago

The fuck is this?

Say it, don't shit up the post with it.

hamman365 ago

Pray for you too

GodsAngell ago


NelleBeane ago

Praying for grace and miracles!

Anarae ago

Prayers and blessings being sent

SongDog ago

May the Lord show you the way to regain your health. Lord, we need all the voices right now in resounding unison to call out the Evil that stalks humanity at this time. Please give this person comfort, healing, and grace to carry on. Amen.

FreedBy45 ago

Prayers are being lifted. We most certainly are with you - God even more so.

bamadeplorable420 ago


Peanuttles ago

You got it, brother. Praying right now.

BillyRigby ago

Praying for you as well, please come back and let us know how you are doing afterwards. The power of prayer is unstoppable.

83855 ago

May God bless you and keep you safe. He is the Great Healer of the Universe. Amen

Truthseeker9298 ago

Praying for you!

Lyonessrising ago

God bless Patriot. Prayers being said especially for you. GODSPEED WWG1WGA

raymeejrs ago

I pray for your recovery and an ease to your pain...God bless you and your family..

USAMatters ago

Patriot - you are in my prayers. Let us know how you're doing once the surgery is complete. I will call K-Love & ask them to pray as well. I claim, in Jesus name, you will be fully healed. God Bless & Heal You.

cylon-z34 ago

Let us know how it goes, anon. bless you.

pizzaequalspedo ago


Archangel_79 ago


Prayers for a successful surgery, a speedy recovery and most importantly to be cancer free.