15881686? ago

can you knock this shit off?

whoever the fuck you are, every time you post this shit, the evidence comes in , and makes you look like a lunatic liar

15881252? ago

i bet this was posted by some jerk who was totally out of line over on GA and rightly got his ass handed to him

15881155? ago

OP sucks my balls!

15881169? ago

When he said he was on his third marriage, I didn't know that meant his wife was the size of three women 🀣

15870333? ago

It’s funny how the sheep college kids on winter break are being trained and paid by thier shepherds to shitpost for the cause. Funny coincidence that during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks the NPCs exponentially spread on all platforms. Spread disinformation and cast doubt. Pure Alinski. Pure Hillary Clinton.



V/greatawakening is full of patriots that were here long before any of these useful idiots ever heard of Q. They hate Trump and what he stands for, period. Those of us who know find it amusing watching sheep/fools ignorantly repeat history . The 60’s called, it wants its cultural Marxist relativism back.... We need to use the tactics of Alinski against the sheep to isolate, expose, an ridicule them. We need to be vigilant to help guide newly woke people toward the unifying principles that we share in common regarding the founding principles of this great country, and the gift to the world that is the US constitution. It’s not about some individual named β€œQ”. I am Q, you are Q, WE ARE Q. That scares the shit out of a lot of people who have devoted their entire lives to a utopian socialism society.


15865384? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @flatbush71.

Posted automatically (#16870) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15864505? ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you posted this then manufactured a whole bunch of pretend 'other people ' responses, not realising that comments by the OP still get flagged πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You realise how much credibility this ends up giving @Srayzie and the G. A sub???


15864586? ago

From the links above a lot of people are going to be pissed off.

This is why I never used GreatAwakening, because the mods are from SoapBoxBanHammer where these people all are anti-Trump. This is huge.

15865106? ago

The GA mods LOVE Trump! Stop with the lies already.

15864799? ago

Not true. Here is the truth.

15864622? ago

It's funny how you keep saying that but you've never shown a single comment by @MolochHunter let alone a post, let alone being a Mod , on SBBH

Given he's 1/3rd of the GA modding team it's not a very strong argument

15864722? ago

English please? You might as well as use crayons with that gibberish.

15864097? ago

The person that posted this is @MissleCopterStoped. I am Srayzie. This was my response to his accusations.

@MissleCoptorStoped came over from Reddit, and tricked me into believing that he was a patriot. I made him a mod. It only lasted for 2 days because of how he suddenly changed and started treating the users once he became a mod.

He is mad at me for exposing him after continuously attacking others. That’s why he’s flipping out now. Now him and his alts are talking to each other.

You can read about how deceptive he was here if interested.

15866291? ago

I remember this person you have mentioned and particpated in the thread that they reported a person who continuely posts fake news and other dis-information and fails to give sources on outragous claims on a daily basis.

This person is known to post constantly fake news and the regulars know all about it. Not really sure why you retaliated against a fellow anon for reporting a constant rule breaker, but you did and creating lies about them is downright unethical.

They even stuck up for theirsevles and gave their reasoning instead for it in a very logical way. As a patriot and never having a problem with this person you are viscously attacking, I will stand up on his behalf since you bring others to your stickied soapbox and team harass not only him but others but others too.

Several PizzaGate mods also teamed up in a GreatAwakening thread. Now why would PG mods go to a GA forum for?

Everyone knows their are 2 sides of the story, so why are you not presenting his side? Isn't this what fair mods do?

That is very deceptive in itself and causes a red flag on your part.


This Srayzie is has now started attacking others in a new post that was harassing the same person from another thread, but once again, accussing new people as being others now if they respectfully disagree with this post.


This mod srayzie should be representing the Voat brand in a positive way, but yet goes against anyone with an opposing view and starts attacking them for being other people which ironically is stifling free speech.

Wasn't that Voat’s premise all along?

15864413? ago

Now we also know for a fact(or damn close to it) that MCS posted this submission.

Look at the spelling of your username in the submission author's reply to your comment above, compare with the pm they sent me(shared in the thread they linked in said reply).

15864829? ago


15864319? ago

That is swell of you to post further evidence of abusing your subscribers by stalking them, harassing them, and making baseless accusations against your own subscriber base of the GreatAwakening! Thank you!

Did you show everyone this sticky yet? You should after all the sticky is for your personal soapbox abuse against others.


For total transparency, Patriots need to know about you wanting to limiting and control free speech using a robot, that is by far the most deceptive a BO could do.

Tell me something scrazyie, why didn't you add @Puttitout to the above comment like I am doing now?

15865088? ago

making baseless accusations against your own subscriber base

How are the accusations baseless when she has screenshots backing up her claims?

And you're not just some subscriber πŸ˜‚! You're a former mod who abused his powers and resigned in disgrace! You made an alt and tried to return undetected because you have some weird vendetta against Srayzie.

15865051? ago

Oh wow, this style with the bold and harsh tone sounds JUST like @MissleCopterStoped! How strange that he would move his antics to an anon sub?

15864612? ago

Here is the reply I made regarding a β€œrobot”.

15864698? ago

Trying to get ahead of the D5? Not only did you dox yourself, but you are pulling DS moves that they do everyday kiddo.

15864583? ago

You are still the original poster πŸ˜‚

15863590? ago

Who cares?

15863489? ago

INSIGNIFICANT: Why would GA status or rules matter? We've all made it decades, without GA. Ditto, for SBBH

15863421? ago

How this person is allowed to post abusive threads against her own subscribers is beyond me and further proof that this sub is compromized.


How is a Mod, you know a representative of Voat like it or not allowed to abuse her own subscribers with basless accusations and then stickied to top of board like it is their personal soapbox?

15865096? ago

Fuck you!

15873481? ago

Someone is triggered.

15873617? ago

Fuck you!!

15878051? ago

Click click, pull!

15878065? ago

If you insist, go for it fuckwad!

15879927? ago

right into your mouth :P

15880279? ago

Har har you're so funny faggot!

15887074? ago

You werent laughing when you said fuck you earlier. Bi-polar much?

15887250? ago

Yeah I was! You really think no one laughs when they say fuck you? Well fuck you again!

15893962? ago

nope, not even on your birthday.

15864125? ago

You are the original poster. Why are you commenting as if you aren’t?

15864607? ago

They were talking about the mod, try to keep up to stay revelant.

15864717? ago

Couldn't edit it into their main post?

They have no trouble editing, they've shown that much over countless ree-filled comments.

15968706? ago

And... look who is editing now! Fucking stupid ass people. O i i, thanks for the laugh.

15969915? ago

I'm not MCS, silly - definitely not on that side of the fence. Interestingly enough though, OP deleted their account.

Burner account? Someone else suddenly missing?

Check around.

15970889? ago


Bullshit you are MCS because that is something he would say, nice try retard. Look behind you.

15864769? ago

Who cares who posted it? They should be applauded. Obliviously free speech is a pipe dream on Voat.

15863985? ago

Good, thank you for spreading it. We need to fight against the the infiltration of the Q community. These shills are doing the same thing to QRV.

15864355? ago

Tracking bots in a free speech forum. Q said we needed to be aware of the people we're supposed to trust the most. Looks like the chans are truly the last space for us.

15879942? ago

Oh fuck, look at this!


They are setting up tracking bots soon!

15880391? ago

I already sent screen shots to my email chain the day she made the deal. They'll send to their chains. The issue with this is the deception behind moving here, with the understanding Reddit was being left behind. She brought Reddit here. People in QRV said that Q had recommended QRV not great awakening. I can understand why.

15864635? ago

you are right 100% about Q, and Q was super right that eventually we would be pushed to 8chan.

I knew Voat was too good to be true, because it is. These mods must be from reddit too.

15864705? ago

I know The Crazy Tracker is, or was a Reddit mod. I wouldn't know current status, as I don't try to dox, track, and harass as she does.

15863206? ago

Take it from me, GA is compromised. Why? If it were't I'd be there.

15873778? ago

"Take it from me, an anonymous person, GA is soooooooo compromised! I really promise. You gotta believe me "!

15863059? ago

hahaa, yea they love to protect the shills over there

15862720? ago

I hope everyone realizes that srayzie is friends with SoapboxBanHammer (a liberal President Trump-hating down-vote brigading karma-farming community of shills) and was the one who invited 100% SBBH mods to join GA even though none of them had any history of posting anything but attacks to existing Voat QAnon communities.

Why do you think QRV is attacked relentlessly by shills but GA is not?

Could it be that the same SBBH mods who dominate control over GA are the ones (and their friends) who are attacking us?

15879188? ago

@srayzie is friends with SoapboxBanHammer (a liberal President Trump-hating down-vote brigading karma-farming community of shills) and was the one who invited 100% SBBH mods to join GA

Oh you mean this?


15881448? ago

This has got to be he stupidest shill I’ve ever dealt with.

Here is MissleCopterStoped screenshot thinking he’s being slick, and acting like I’m being secretive.

The truth is, it was him pinging me! I knew how that would look since I’m always accused of being SBBH and downvote brigading. I asked him to not ping me. He just proved that I did the right thing! πŸ™„

15886576? ago

<thumbs up>

Was wondering who the message recipient was.

Noted, but, need time before addressing.

15890205? ago

This is @Srayzie

15881457? ago

15879252? ago

15881184? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#17020) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15879983? ago

Just like John Podesta, you defend yourself with silence and claim others already debunked it for you.

Very convenient and telling on the complete silence of being a SBBH mod.

15879484? ago

Transparency! This is what the shills hate!

15879399? ago

Kinda funny how they need to crop shit and rely on the same old narrative.

Sure seems familiar.

I'm just waiting for the next wall of ree. Gimme a shout if I miss it lol.

15881148? ago


15879101? ago

@srayzie is friends with SoapboxBanHammer (a liberal President Trump-hating down-vote brigading karma-farming community of shills) and was the one who invited 100% SBBH mods to join GA

Oh you mean like this?


15879143? ago

Good catch because I've only ever seen Srayzie deny being a SBBH mod.

So it's official - 100% of the mods of GA are also SBBH mods.

15881180? ago

@srayzie has never denied that she was a SBBH mod for a short time. Her two mods have never been SBBH mods, but that might make redoing your math equation too hard for you.

15887096? ago


15887229? ago

Someone's (((((triggered))))! Oy vey!

15893992? ago


Nice sound-proofing on your echo chamber.

15896360? ago

It's for the (((((Jew))))) in you!

15881265? ago


I've seen her identify herself in an attempt to defend all of her SoapboxBanHammer shill mods, none of whom give a fuck about QAnon.

She also pretends to be a silly bitch by claiming that [D]esigners are mods so they don't count... which is just more lies.

She was already forced to remove some of her old SBBH cancer-mods, but she just replaced them with more SBBH shills.

There's a good reason why SBBH has a reputation as ADF / Mossad shills.

15879204? ago

Good catch

No problem, the link for the comment is in the pic in red to verify. Messed up post, so see my new reply Patriot.

15881174? ago

Why did you delete it?!?

15887112? ago

Why do you care?

15887210? ago

Why do you take it up the ass?

15893973? ago

Why cant you take it like a man?

15896363? ago

Real men don't take it at all faggot!

15864876? ago

Here is the truth. Same faggots are pushing disinfo.

15864929? ago

Your link is retarded and written by a SBBH shill.

TL:DR; "Oy vey! SoapboxBanHammer is innocent you filthy goys. This is like a second shoah! Oy vey!" - SBBH shill

15864254? ago

GA is for namefags, paytriots, and famewhores.

15862787? ago

From what Ive seen - the GA is regularly "attended" by SBBH shills - "hangry" is one of main examples .

15865038? ago

Yes @hangry comments there. Mostly to nay say and disagree. How does that make GA pro SBBH?

15865086? ago

It doesnt make GA pro-SBBH ... what I said above was response to user above me , that there ARE SBBH commenters attacking GA .

15863755? ago

No. They're one in the same.

15862670? ago

1990 1990 1990

15862622? ago

RUH ROH SCOOBY, I dont like the sound of dis....