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magavoices ago

So ...

Why not ban links to daily crusader, filter links to daily crusader, and ban everyone who are obviously shilling?

There's no perfect scenario ... either you have free speech and billionaires shit all over your forum with paid trolls, or you put some rules in place and people cry that free speech is being limited.

As long as there is no perfect scenario, err on the side that will allow the legit qanon community to thrive.

srayzie ago

That’s not my call. I can’t ban a site. That’s up to the administrator. I can’t ban someone for posting from there. Not everyone that posts a link from that site is aware that it’s fake news. If they repeatedly post, after being informed, that’s a different story.

magavoices ago

That’s not my call. I can’t ban a site. That’s up to the administrator.

You have no power to delete a bad post? Not even spam?

I can’t ban someone for posting from there.

Create a bot ...

  • Scan for anyone posting to dailycaller.

  • Copy their post, and message the text of their post back to them in a personal message (so they don't lose it).

  • Delete the post.

  • Tell the person they can repost it again if they can find a more credible website to reference.

If that is plausible but you don't know how to do it, I can probably code it up for you.

srayzie ago

That would be awesome if you could create something like that!

magavoices ago


I'm an American expat in the Philippines. I develop web scrapers and automations. I'll throw something together in my spare time over next couple days.

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

No. I mean I can’t ban a website from being posted. There are banned websites. I can delete a post.