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15862720? ago

I hope everyone realizes that srayzie is friends with SoapboxBanHammer (a liberal President Trump-hating down-vote brigading karma-farming community of shills) and was the one who invited 100% SBBH mods to join GA even though none of them had any history of posting anything but attacks to existing Voat QAnon communities.

Why do you think QRV is attacked relentlessly by shills but GA is not?

Could it be that the same SBBH mods who dominate control over GA are the ones (and their friends) who are attacking us?

15879188? ago

@srayzie is friends with SoapboxBanHammer (a liberal President Trump-hating down-vote brigading karma-farming community of shills) and was the one who invited 100% SBBH mods to join GA

Oh you mean this?

15879252? ago

15881184? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @srayzie.

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15879983? ago

Just like John Podesta, you defend yourself with silence and claim others already debunked it for you.

Very convenient and telling on the complete silence of being a SBBH mod.

15879484? ago

Transparency! This is what the shills hate!

15879399? ago

Kinda funny how they need to crop shit and rely on the same old narrative.

Sure seems familiar.

I'm just waiting for the next wall of ree. Gimme a shout if I miss it lol.

15881148? ago
