18600821? ago

What I find so ironic about this is that all throughout Voat, you see alt-right subs calling women whores, thots, calling them cunts, bitches, hypergamous, immoral and a variety of names.

Here there are people wanting to actively bring some sanity to a board: calling for some decency and you all go "but muh free speech protects porn!"

You have all been fooled into thinking that porn has to be protected and you have all been kiked into accepting porn as standard for our society.

You complain that there are "no good women" while you allow porn into your midst. Your daughters hear you defending free speech, they know you look at porn when noone is around, they figure "muh body muh choice" trope and they post anonymous nude selfies onto Reddit while taking cash from strangers webcamming.

We're truly fucked when you don't see the cognitive dissonance at work. That slippery slope of free speech and censorship when it comes to porn leads to degeneracy of the women and daughters men claim to want to protect.

18600913? ago

That slippery slope of free speech and censorship when it comes to porn leads to degeneracy of the women and daughters men claim to want to protect.

this. but lots of folks behind the keyboards seem to be incels who cant have functional relationships because they despise women for not choosing them.

18601116? ago

It's really really sad to see the tropes being trotted out with no thinking or rationale whatsoever. There should be rules and there should be guidelines. There is nothing wrong with having structure within a group to defend against trolls who wish to subvert it.

18602102? ago

well, you see the minds of people with the votes, lol. this post already received 13 downvoats. who downvoats? its the trolls who post this shit, and its the simple minded folks who think any restriction, even if its porn, is a violation of free speech.

18602489? ago

Indeed. I truly wonder how cucked we are that they believe porn = free speech.

They don't even know the subtleties within the laws to craft a sound argument other than "muh censorship" or "muh free speech".

18600802? ago

Many folks are choosing v/GreatAwakening and v/TheAwakening so they don't have to view the inevitable product of a subverse with no accountability. Anonymous subs bring out the worst, especially NSFW anonymous subs.

It's great that Voat offers so many choices and lets the users decide.

18600983? ago

right. my first go-to page is s/GreatAwakening, its a set that includes the feeds of v/QRV, v/GreatAwakening, and v/TheAwakening. i usually scan the feed and go to what invited me. i feel rarely invited to take a deeper look at anything on QRV, most productive and emotionally neutral 'work' happens on v/GreatAwakening, its also the most friendly environment and offers the most in-depth discussions.

18598988? ago

Do me a favor and read this recent thread: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3216674

It was a thread calling out Zyklon_b as he was caught urging others to post gore and porn. That thread got over 90 comments with utter garbage trolls responding to one another. It's pathetic what they did to that thread.

The ones making a pass for porn posting seem to not realize that a thread was made to call out porn & gore post recruiting and was quickly overrun by trolls.

Voaters who are sitting here defending porn posting did not see that that thread was alerting to a Voat shitposter in an effort to protect the QRV community. I, personally, don't care if there are links to porn - I ignore the links.

But it's a whole other matter to catch active recruiting by a well known Voat shitposter named Zyklon_b who gets banned from other subs and makes it known how much he hates QRV.

18598605? ago

The mods here don’t even have the decency to reply to us.

18600793? ago

I've pinged mods several times and have never had an answer either.

18597966? ago

I vote for moderation, I think it's good to have a place that's anonymous. BUT can we be anon and not NSFW?

18601729? ago

Agreed. Freedom of speech is not hampered by not having sick images thrown in my face. If i wanted to look at that crap I'm sure I could go find it on my own somewhere. This is QRV. Q RESEARCH. The NSFW should be regarding Q research, not porn. QRV is turning into a real shithole country.

18599002? ago


18597944? ago

While I agree that clicking a link goes to p0rn and I'm not expecting it sucks, it also sounds like OP needs a safe space. I wouldn't want to be OP right now.

18598939? ago

nope, i am too old for the need of a safe space, heheh. i do think of the many normies who come here, they need some time to adjust, and porn doesnt need to be another trigger for cognitive dissonance.

18600579? ago

If one experiences cognitive dissonance after looking at p0rn, they probably shouldn't be on the internet prying into the highest crimes of politicians.

18601345? ago

Get lost pinhead philosopher, go watch your kiddie porn grooming tv shows.

18647928? ago


18601085? ago

well, all those folks who defend porn on this post seem to be porn posters. how else would you explain this 'we dont censor, not even lolli porn (in drawings or medical pics)!'?

there is enough cognitive dissonance to deal with, why make it even more difficult?

18597760? ago

Most of what has been said here is BULLSHIT. Not much research is done here, if you really want research you still go to 8chan, this is mostly informational because you cannot carry on an intelligent conversation because of the shills. When was the last time Q addressed anything on here??? Q still uses 8chan! I understand free speech but porn is not free speech.it is offensive, juvenile, and sick. Most of it is on in the evening which leads me to believe it is being posted by immature juveniles after school! If this is the best our schools have to offer we are indeed in deep shit. I for one see no problem in banning porn. Porn is pictures not words.sleazy and degenerate.

SO.....until you all figure out what you want from this site I will only be on once a day in the morning. And for the record QRV is losing a lot of good people. It's your choice.

18597624? ago

There’s no mods so stop trying to change it.

18598967? ago

lol, never stop... some may need to be dinged various times before they hear it.

18597516? ago

Welcome to free speech.

Anybody can go to a public park and some asshole can come and start screaming and disturb everyone else.

Get over it. Learn to tune it out. Treat it like pop ups and collate info and move on. The objective is to have you miss info by:

  • offending you

  • distracting you

  • piling on misinfo to sort through

  • piling on misinfo

  • attempting to do all of the above by painting the entirety of a venue as X ( here they want us looking like Nazi race obsessed turds obsessed w hentai )

Anything good in life must be earned - stop expecting the world to be changed for you. Get off your ass. Don’t build a house in a war zone. Get in get what you need and get the fuck out

18599589? ago

I disagree that images of porn are free speech.

Porn is a psychological weapon to demoralize the west. Why are we allowing their very weapons in the name of "technical free speech"? This is nothing more than more subversion. I will never defend it. It degrades and defiles everything that it touches.

18600955? ago

Why are memes effective? Visuals are not just flippant name calling like niggerfaggot, kike etc. Visuals are effective grooming/desensitization and or addiction related materials. Our society is so saturated by porn because the industry grooms people towards accepting it and consuming it at every turn. But the common theme is to move the country towards accepting child porn and adult/child sexual 'relationships'. This is the fight, human trafficking/child trafficking/ and organized transnational crime. The degrading and dehumanizing aspects of porn are no better than societal MKULTRA programs. As an analogy, San Francisco is covered in human shit and used needles from drug addicts who live on the city streets, but people are expected to accept it, just go to work, get the paycheck and get the fuck out. Because it's no longer illegal, it's frowned upon to even speak out about it.

18599770? ago

When you open the gates to moderation / censorship you open the gates to censoring everything. it's a double edged sword.

moderators get gamed almost every single time. it's a cat and mouse game.

18600030? ago

This isn't a one size fits all approach. This is about allowing a very particular weapon (porn) that has been used to destroy western thought and morality into this board. If you can provide an example of how this board benefits from porn, I'll be happy to reconsider.

moderators get gamed almost every single time.

Please explain how?

18598984? ago

there are enough triggers for cognitive dissonance, why should unnecessary porn be a force that drives newcomers away?

18597484? ago


No spam, no illegal content, no asking for votes, no doxxing.

There's no rule that you need to post anything about Q, no rules against porn. Seems odd.

18597419? ago

people post shocking stuff here that could get people fired so no i wouldn't

18599102? ago

you wouldnt WHAT?

18597215? ago

Sorry but bad idea. any chance to censor or filter voat will be exploited by the opposition

18599119? ago

how could they exploit an NSFW filter?

18597355? ago

Ding ding.

18597090? ago

When I get tired of the porn here, I go to 8ch/s. Just scroll on and carry on.....

18597079? ago

Whiny ass “adults”. Just don’t fucking look at it. Goddamn, you mother fuckers are worse than the liberals.

18600996? ago

Just don't read comments opposing it jackass. No one said you have to have an opinion right?

18599149? ago

goddamn, you mother fuckers have such stereotype comments, sigh.

its simple, some people never look at image files anymore because well 'just dont fucking look at it'. this is missing out on some interesting information at times.

18598136? ago

you are so MATURE and liberated oh my goodness!

18600304? ago

well, good that you realize that you need some more maturation, heheh.

18598318? ago

^^^ case in point^^^ weak minded fool.

18598355? ago

I'm impressed.

18597035? ago

This is a troll post.

18599156? ago

this is a troll comment. my post is not trolling, its intended to make it easier esp. for newcomers.

18596977? ago

Fuck your feelings, you little crybabies.

Disregard the naughty pictures and get on with the work.

Go back to 8chan you pussies. Playtime is over.

18601248? ago

get lost, loli-beastiality peddler, people are sick of your fake browbeating. Even in San Francisco people are hired to steam clean the shit covered sidewalks on a daily basis, jacktard.

18596836? ago

A homosexual & jew globalist controlled industry, designed traffic people, to push narcotics, controlled pimps and designed to corrupt and exploit society

18596785? ago

They allow anything in QRV as long as it's not illegal, unfortunately.

Question: How can the cabal fuck up every free speech outlet?

Answer: By pushing the boundaries of free speech to the extremes of depravity until people leave because they are repulsed.

You can't spam, but you can push kiddie porn. Thank God Voat isn't required for Q's plan to succeed.

18599182? ago

pretty much agreed on all points.

18597043? ago

Most of the people posting porn here actually voted for Trump. We just don't count QRV as a valid forum due to the quality of the elderly people here.

18597076? ago

shill post

18597345? ago

Nigger post.

18596753? ago

If someone will abandon the research because of what they might or might not see, they should seriously reconsider their position.

I'm guessing it's a lot worse to pick up a gun and shoot someone than accidentally see a porn pic for half a second. Yet, countless Patriots decided to do it for what and who they believed in.

Warfare is psychological. My advice is to stop begging for someone to get rid of what you don't like for you. Nobody will save you. Be smarter and figure it out.

18602295? ago

Warfare is psychological. My advice is to stop begging for someone to get rid of what you don't like for you. Nobody will save you. Be smarter and figure it out.

Who would want to listen to someone who can't tell that flooding a sub with anime child/infant rape porn is not acceptable. I guess if everyone went to an alternative Q related sub (except for the vocal 12 people who aren't bothered by depictions of child/infant rape) it would solve the problem. A message would be visible to all, that yes the majority voice who are sick of no options and sick of being guilted out of leaving, do have a voice about the subject after all.

18603530? ago

Now you're thinking. Making my point exactly. Moving is an option, blocking is another, and everyone taking action together would be highly effective.

When someone takes the same action repeatedly, but expects different results, it's called insanity. You are all eliciting the exact emotional responses it's meant to generate when you rant and rave and yell at the mods. Don't you see you're playing right into (((their))) hands when you do that?

To utilize a common witticism, "put up or shut up" is what you're saying - if I understand you - and I couldn't agree more.

In addition, this statement is unintelligent:

Who would want to listen to someone who can't tell that flooding a sub with anime child/infant rape porn is not acceptable.

Nothing in my comment even suggests what you claim. False accusations are not a light matter.

18603704? ago

People are being convinced that moving is no option. There is no blocking option. Other than leaving or even just unscribing to make a statement (as an exercise to show numbers, wouldn't even have to stop coming here) there are no other solutions.

Your only solution is to acclimate to child rape anime when censorship of it isn't even the issue on voat. NO.

18601759? ago

Stop being useless and gtfo

18596852? ago

we have new people coming here that have been normies until yesterday and dont have the discernment and stomach as yet. there is enough stuff to deal with when it comes to cognitive dissonance, we dont need to drive them away with a porn flood, too.

this post is neither a complaint nor a begging for a 'safe space'. most subs on voat are non-NSFW, there is no reason why we should need porn on QRV.

18598286? ago

It is both a complaint and begging for safe space, literally. Normies have been using the internet for years. There is porn on it. I haven't accidentally clicked a porn link here in weeks. I just avoid images on QRV because no one posts anything worth looking at anyway. The porn is mostly downvoated. If you don't believe "normies" can figure out how to navigate a forum then we may as well kill them too because they're useless.

18602069? ago

Since the porn defenders have no issue looking at anime child/infant rape, I will repeatedly post this message and expect no complaints for repeating myself.

Fuck you if you think all things Q means having to resign yourself to a NSFW venue with awol or impotent mods, with a report spam option that's worthless, and there's no mechanism to block jackass perverts, and people who complain about pictures of anime child/infant gang rape get lectured to for not just accepting it (probably same Q hating, porn posting trolls) not to mention the beastiality. Legal, who gives a flying fuck if it's legal it's grooming people to not be upset about child rape. That's hardly a sub that is in control by the users, for the users who know that child sex slavery is real. It's just a shithole prison where people have the misconception that if they leave they've done something wrong.

18600348? ago

It is both a complaint and begging for safe space, literally.

if you misinterpret every suggestion as a complaint that needs opposition, then i cant help it. thing is, you may miss out on good stuff when you instantly judge things along your personal mind-set.

18599220? ago

I just avoid images on QRV because no one posts anything worth looking at anyway.

thats the point... and well, some images are worth looking at, but they get lost in the porn mess people try to avoid.

18597943? ago

If we censor they win!

18599244? ago

voat is a non-censoring platform. so why the fuck do most subs have no NSFW?

18600724? ago

Because they choose to not have NSFW. Doesn’t mean we will!

If we censor then the enemy gets what they want. It’s the whole reason why they’re posting these things. This isn’t a new strategy. They employed the same shit on the Chan’s long before this board was created for newfags.

Nobody cares what other subs have anyways. They are not QRV. We’d be hypocrites if we censored anything not illegal!

We don’t get to champion the constitution and our freedom of speech while censoring things we don’t agree with. Nobody said being great was easy. Sorry.

Whether you know it or not....championing for censorship makes you the enemy! Or at the least a pawn of the enemy!

Freedom, liberty and justice for all!

Fuck those other subs!

18601338? ago

We’d be hypocrites if we censored anything not illegal!

You need to research laws regarding pornography and obscenity. There are legal restraints surrounding pornography and they need to be applied.

  • Porn that is obscene is illegal.
  • Porn that has no scientific, literary, political or artistic value is obscene and therefore illegal.
  • Porn that does not serve prurient interest is obscene and therefore illegal.

18601720? ago

All porn is obscene

This porn has political value....that’s exactly why it’s being use here...whether you agree with its message or not. Who gets to dictate the artistic value of something? That’s impossible.

I know not of these laws...it sounds like something the UK would have. Either way I don’t support those laws.

You sound like a leftist really bad. Almost as if you are one and are trying to cause damage to our movement. The 1-2 of the enemy’s strategy...post porn -> scream for censorship until you get your way.

It’s not going to work. Sorry

It doesn’t really matter anyways. This place is the feeding area for 🐑. The majority of the work is being done on the Chan’s. Your tricks don’t work over there! 🤣 Get bitch slapped the moment you start typing!

18602340? ago

Try harder to trigger. It doesn't work.

Try harder with circular arguments. It doesn't work.

18611305? ago

No arguments.

I’ve been here and the Chan’s from the beginning. I’ve seen your tactics used hundreds of times. I know what a shill is trying to cause harm. It’s completely obvious nowadays. 👋🏻

18611174? ago


18601050? ago

We’d be hypocrites if we censored anything not illegal!

bullshit. its so simple: make it a rule to post Q-related stuff which includes daily news etc. other stuff has to go to other subs. end of story. for those who complain about mod abuse, link them to the mod log so they can view what they 'missed'.

or even simpler: take off NSFW. its not censoring, its staying ON TOPIC.

18601452? ago


You’re probably the one posting the loli shit!

Go get your 100 points so you can dislike posts. I have no problem avoiding shit I don’t want to see. Newfags will either learn or they won’t. It doesn’t matter! We are winning no matter what! All we need is for people to be aware of Q, they don’t have to actively participate! When the SHTF they will know where to go. Even if they doubt Q now.

Control your emotions and don’t let the bot posts get to you. Maybe go spend some time on the Chan’s and toughen up a little bit! Now go sit in the fucking corner!



18602402? ago

This isn't the chans, retard.

18611171? ago

How dumb is you?

Give an inch...

We aren’t going to lose. Just so you know...

18602074? ago

You’re probably the one posting the loli shit!

its so funny how simple minded people always project such shit, lol.

18611262? ago

I’m not the one calling for censorship....

Simple minded 🤣

18597939? ago

That’s EXACTLY why they are posting porn!

It’s a technique to scare away good people.

That is what shills look like. They make the environment toxic.

18602041? ago

It's not being scared away freak, it's common sense to not have an anime child/infant rape saturated venue to post in. I'll repeat this here, you can take repeatedly reading something you disagree with right?

Fuck you if you think all things Q means having to resign yourself to a NSFW venue with awol or impotent mods, with a report spam option that's worthless, and there's no mechanism to block jackass perverts, and people who complain about pictures of anime child/infant gang rape get lectured to for not just accepting it (probably same Q hating, porn posting trolls) not to mention the beastiality. Legal, who gives a flying fuck if it's legal it's grooming people to not be upset about child rape. That's hardly a sub that is in control by the users, for the users who know that child sex slavery is real. It's just a shithole prison where people have the misconception that if they leave they've done something wrong.

18611270? ago

None of what has been posted is illegal in the US. Sorry.

18611307? ago

You missed the point. Stop fapping long enough to read next time.

18611329? ago

Shill exposed.

Accusing anons of fapping to the porn you are posting because they refuse to go along with your censorship tactics is HILARIOUS.

If not a shill you MUST be from the UK! 😂

18611405? ago

No wonder people are fish in a barrel around here. uh right you connect dots dat wat u do AOC l'il sis

18611199? ago

Like I said. Go to the Chan’s.

At least they allow you to block individual posters their.

Consorship means we lose. Sorry. Fact.

18597321? ago

The new post-normies will be upgraded.

18597085? ago

I understand and also believe the Boy Scouts isn't the right place for a girl.

At the same time, I don't agree with common core math and other curriculum designed to dumb down smart kids so dumb kids can feel like they're smart.

This is psychological, anon. I can't stress that enough. Arm yourself like Q said. The new ones will learn quickly like the rest of us.

You can bust your head up running into a brick wall all day or you can go around it.

Use your xp to advance your stealth and get around that trash quietly and without being seen. Then take the whole monster down.

18601943? ago

You can bust your head up running into a brick wall all day or you can go around it.

That's right, and QRV subscribers aren't prisoners dickwad, they can do research and participate on non porn saturated Q related subs because worthless people like yourself think their voices don't count. Fuck you if you think all things Q means having to resign yourself to a NSFW venue with awol or impotent mods, with a report spam option that's worthless, and there's no mechanism to block jackass perverts, and people who complain about pictures of anime child/infant gang rape get lectured to for not just accepting it (probably same Q hating, porn posting trolls) not to mention the beastiality. Legal, who gives a flying fuck if it's legal it's grooming people to not be upset about child rape. That's hardly a sub that is in control by the users, for the users who know that child sex slavery is real. It's just a shithole prison where people have the misconception that if they leave they've done something wrong.

18621470? ago

there's also /v/GreatAwakening

18621675? ago

Thank you, I do use that sub; it has a lot of resources and no porn. I check in on QRV and am amazed how often people are brow beaten to use only QRV, as if they are sheep.

18596819? ago

agreed. boomers can't with the internet jfc

18596557? ago

Are you new here?

How many times do the mods have to explain this?

Every time someone makes a post bitching about the porn it just makes it worse.

Nothing is going to be done about it. If we ignore these porn posting degenerates they will get bored and go away.

18596502? ago

It's so that there doesn't need to be any moderation.

You know it's safe for work. BTW, get back to work.

18596495? ago

Great idea!

18596488? ago

Hey OP go fuck yourself

18597208? ago

What a piece of shit.

18596862? ago

ahh, a reply from a porn poster, heheh.

18597334? ago

Tee-hee, I'm 70 and am proud of myself for thinking I jusy had an insight on the internet. Go watch some fucking Colombo, grandma.

18596964? ago

You do realize that as soon as moderation starts, this board will be gone forever right? You think it's being attacked now, you've seen nothing.

But of course you know that. That's what you're trying to make happen. You're prob the one posting the tranny porn and gore yourself. Trying to seek out that stuff and always be exposed to it must have quite the psychological effect on you. You may want to consider getting help.

18599308? ago

But of course you know that. That's what you're trying to make happen. You're prob the one posting the tranny porn and gore yourself.

interesting how quickly some people jump to conclusions, ts ts ts... well, it needs a certain maturity to not project your own bullshit onto other people, heheh.

since when is clicking off NSFW moderation? most of voat is non-NSFW.

18596459? ago

Don’t feed the trolls so hard and they will get bored.

You fucked up your @badg0y1m ping.

Porn doesn’t belong here

18596472? ago

You fucked up your @badg0y1m ping

thanks, corrected.

18596515? ago

‘cept it won’t ping him, because pigs don’t work in edits. But it’s ok. I pinged @badg0y1m

18596867? ago

thanks for pinging and teaching, learned something new ;)

18597265? ago

You already have learned to cry like a snowflake bitch.