OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Yeah they are, check out what I found:

Switching alts now, got to get on one to raise the consensus another thread because I am so important.


srayzie ago

Oh my post didn’t go so well. Look at all the downvotes 😒

srayzie ago

Obviously, I’m important TO YOU. Thank you for going thru the trouble of making this username. I’ve been living in your head rent free!

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Thank me or wait, you.

  • signed yourself

srayzie ago

Thank you 👍🏻

srayzie ago

Look what my alt posted lol

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @Vindicator

argosciv ago

Uh oh...

What's this? Why, it's just Gothamgirl joining forces with Dial_Indicator...

Now, you may notice that Dial_Indicator tries to make it seem as if they think Gothamgirl is not replying to them in support of their agenda("war") against kevdude, but this is just part of the act. There is no confusing Gothamgirl's reply - especially when compared with the following, which shows that Gothamgirl does habitually ping the person they're directly replying to:

Ironically, the ping in the above comment was edited in as the last edit before it was archived.

Here's another example of Gothamgirl's allegiance, getting involved in defense of MissleCopterStoped no less:

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

Lol aren’t they?

Shizy ago

argosciv ago

That explains why this QRV thread now says "account deleted by user"

@srayzie @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

Ohhhhh, caught!

srayzie ago

Surprise surprise!

MolochHunter ago

aww, @Morbo I feel so BAD for you. He was ur only fren , & now deleted his account so soon after you two started your relationship

Morbo ago

Rent time already? Here's your check made out for $0.00. BTW, you might want to consider building an addition. It's really cramped in here.

srayzie ago

Lol for real

gogogogostop ago

How easy it is to stir up shit, right? Start calling users shills publicly without bothering to provide any evidence and the door is wide open to respond.....

The mods on /v/greatawakening need to grow up and just do their jobs and no more, or relinquish them to someone who can and will. They make it seem like prepubescent teenagers are running things here. Maybe they are.


@MolochHunter claims that hunting down sock puppet accounts takes up 90% of the mod's time. Really? Is that your job to worry about more than anything else, on a site that is wide open for creating multiple accounts? Is that a good delegation of your time as moderators under that condition? How many sock puppet accounts have you identified in all that time, and how do you determine that they're even sock puppets, and how have these these alleged sock puppets caused problems that you are prepared to show evidence of? Is this sort of endeavor really worthwhile compared to other duties that aren't being dealt with, like moderating posts for being on topic, accuracy of information, and having sources?


Calling someone out publicly as a shill is a serious charge. You are attempting to destroy their ability to take part and exercise their freedom from censorship, no matter that you don't like what they post in comments. That's not your call, and you're only causing more problems for yourselves by doing this. You can't win that game. You should know that and I think you do, so you probably have personal reasons for doing it that don't reflect your duties.

Mods should not be going around labelling users as shills without providing strong supporting evidence that clearly indicates an agenda to destroy discourse or flood out informative posts with nonsense.

A person who is purposely annoying is not a shill. There must be more than just immaturity involved. You must be able to show a distinctly damaging purpose to their activity, and the evidence of such damage. These mods do not bother to do that. They just publicly label certain users in order to seek out others who will support their baseless claims and help them target these people.


Mods are only needed to maintain the subverses they moderate, and that should only involve making sure that post submissions are on topic and properly sourced and not empty of useful information. The comment sections should be out of their jurisdiction since this is a censorship-free site and anyone can say anything they want, even to the point of being annoying.

These annoying users are often just doing it to exercise their freedom to do so. Get used to it and learn how to deal with it or go somewhere where they censor everything so you can be the overly-sensitive little shits you obviously are. I don't see the people that have been named being such a problem that an announcement that labels them as shills is going to do any good, but just the opposite, and you deserve it now if it does. You made your own bed, now you can lay in it.


There is a blocking feature that anyone can use to block users they don't want to see. That's how far the censoring should go, and no further. It works very well to get rid of annoying users. Mods should be telling people this instead of acting like Nazis and compiling lists and posting them publicly in order to have these users shunned by the community without even a trial.

Making these public lists is the closest they can get to censoring, and since that's what they're obviously attempting, they need to be watched themselves because they have an obvious agenda here.

What do the mods do to help make information flow more freely while reducing/eliminating garbage? Why do they choose to focus on the comments, and not stick to the post submissions that most people come here to see? The submissions have become flooded with garbage posts because the mods are so busy tracking their enemies in the comment sections. The comments are usually filled with useless shit anyway, so why focus there, except as an excuse to target certain people that post there? Why are you worrying about comments when you can't possibly monitor them all? Why are you targeting these few users when others you don't name are doing as much or worse by posting bogus information as facts and not providing sources? Learn how to delegate your own responsibilities and deal with what's more important and can be dealt with easily, instead of trying to take it upon yourselves to censor certain users. It's that fucking simple.

I've quickly come to not trust these mods and not really like them much either, based on how they conduct themselves. They just want people to kiss their asses and suck up to them. I really hate people like that. They're more about pumping their own egos and power-tripping than about making sure others have access to good information on the subjects they moderate. Whining about annoying users and making them out to be shills just shows their own lack of maturity and intelligence. They just become shills themselves when they do that.

I will be posting more on this in the future if the mods choose to continue with their own shilling tactics. My point is to define the limits of their power as mods and to see that they remain within them and not start censoring certain others that they choose to target for frivolous reasons and without clear evidence.

If they are interested in their subverses being popular for the quality of the content, they need to do a fuck of a better job than I see them doing. Instead, they're making a big stink about a few users while shirking their real responsibilities, and this is causing the place to quickly fall apart.

Blaming the 'shills' is not going to work. That's not really the problem. The mods are destroying this place by how they're not doing their real duties and instead focusing attention on what they call shill activity, thereby putting the blame and the cause for the real problems elsewhere. Is that their intention? They can't moderate effectively so they look to blame others to distract from their own lack of abilities?

If the mods can't just moderate, then get the fuck out!

Frivolous shill-blaming is another way to censor when censoring isn't allowed. Stop trying to censor people by leading others to shun them! PROVE that they're shills with an agenda, or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You aren't our babysitters! Lack of censorship includes accepting annoying people and learning how to deal with them properly so they can still have their freedoms as well, and still be annoying if they choose to be.

Gothamgirl ago

Well said 👏👏

CyberStalkMuch ago



Oh you mean like this?

It is obivious who the poster is, comes back to this post coincidently.

This thread by clicking title in QRV

Notice S is talking to S

The very creepy hail satan from S.

The anti-Q are coming out, also S is replying to herself and pinging herself too!

@Gothamgirl would probably like to see this too, and has nothing to do thread, just grabbed pic for evidence so back off with the projection Ryann Srayzie you fucking tranny who accuses without any evidence.

Spread far and wide, and all is archived for Ryann’s inconvenience!

Better call for air support Ryann!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15968349.

Posted automatically (#17928) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

srayzie ago

Your proof that I’m talking to myself is an anon talking to anon? Neither are me. I’m not the only one that posts my links. I know what S means. I’m not retarded. I also know how to spell provoked. It’s not “proveked“.

This person acts just like MissleCopterStoped. We need to keep an eye on him. @Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Argosciv @Crensch

Shizy ago

Why are you posting this anon @cyberstalkmuch? The link you include shows that YOU are the one linking it 🤣😂🤣😂! That's a dumb GothamGirl move if I ever saw one!

@srayzie @MolochHunter @argosciv

srayzie ago

Oh shit! Busted @Gothamgirl! 😂🖕🏻

@Vindicator @Kevdude

This is Gothamgirl’s new alt.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have any alts psycho.

Shizy ago

And notice she changed it from @CyberStalkMuch to anon?

srayzie ago

No? I saw the comments and stuff are gone. What do you mean? How does that work?

argosciv ago

No? I saw the comments and stuff are gone. What do you mean? How does that work?

That happens when the account is deleted but it's comments/submissions are not.

Check out the account, it's deleted now.

cc: @MolochHunter @Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude

srayzie ago

I’ve seen accounts that are there with no more comments or submissions showing. I never understood that.

argosciv ago

Yeah so far as I understand it(gleaned from conversations I've read elsewhere), whenn you delete your account you have a few options regaring what happens to the comments and submissions.

It seems you can opt to have them deleted outright, or, you can leave them there but they'll become disassociated with the username(made anonymous and no longer visible when viewing the account).

Shizy ago

Thanks for the info, I wasn't sure how that could happen. Now it makes sense!

Gothamgirl ago

I don't use alts liar, whatever drugs You use, you are brain has been fried past retarded.

Gothamgirl ago

😂😂😂👏👏 I am going to start blocking these nutty people.

srayzie ago

Go back on your schizophrenic meds.

Gothamgirl ago

Go jump off a cliff.

srayzie ago

How would I make money GothamWhore? What do I sell? You’ve got issues Miss Thing. You said yesterday you weren’t talking to me anymore.

@Zyklon_b your stalker has been stalking me and @Shizy now. Even posting in QRV. She got busted last night. On QRV, she posted one of my links to make it look like I posted it. Then she wrote back and forth to herself in comments, making it look as if I was talking to myself. But, the bot told on her because it showed that it was her alt she made earlier that day to stalk us, that had posted my link. 🙄

Before she was busted, she made screenshots and posted it in the comments on GreatAwakening saying that I was talking to myself. She’s so dumb.

Vindicator ago

Zb is a she?

srayzie ago

No. It’s Gothamwhore’s ex boyfriend.

Gothamgirl ago

Do you ever stop lying? He is not my ex.

Gothamgirl ago

You bitches and your pg13 gang are compulsive liars.

srayzie ago


5 days ago...

I am going to start blocking these nutty people.

3 days ago... 🙄

I am going to only address you on my sub from this point on, if you want to keep it going.

You have no discipline GothamWhore. You couldn’t last. 😂

@Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch

Gothamgirl ago

Is that the best you got? You're fucking sad and both pathetic lmao..

Shizy ago

You have no discipline GothamWhore. You couldn't last.

That's precisely why she's obese as well.

srayzie ago

Oh gosh Shizy 😂

Shizy ago

She hates that so I keep using it 😂

srayzie ago

Lol 😂

Gothamgirl ago

Haha guess you can't read, and your the one who is a whore and a liar.

Shizy ago

I wonder why she hasn't responded to this??? 🤔

srayzie ago

Even poor Zyklon doesn’t want to respond or she’ll be all over him! Lol. We understand Zyklon!

Gothamgirl ago

Really? 😅😅😅😅 Another lie...

Gothamgirl ago

You have no clue what you think you know do you lmao!

Why are you such a liar?

Shizy ago

Can't blame the guy! It took a long time to get her stank off him!

Gothamgirl ago

You'll are dumb and don't have a fucking clue about me or my life 😄 you haven't got a thing right yet..

Shizy ago

You'll are dumb and don't have a fucking clue about me or my life 😄 you haven't got a thing right yet.

I got it right that you're poorly educated and have a weak command of the English language.

I'm in mountains and can barely get a signal or internet that's why I haven't been on here.

And before when you were accused of attacking us in anon you said you were "shopping", good thing you always have an excuse to throw out.

Your claim of "Alt accounts" is ridiculous.

Not really. Because of your shitty grammar you're actually easy to spot, even in anon or behind an alt.

I am going to only address you on my sub from this point on, if you want to keep it going.

Not really. I've wanted you to fuck off for awhile now. For some reason you keep coming back and starting up problems.

I have proved my point about who is creating the downvoat brigades.

No you haven't, but you helped "proved" mine.

You just need to stop already. Stay on your sub and quit just talking about it.

Gothamgirl ago

Your beyond an idiot. So because I am was in mountains I couldn't be shopping lol?

Shizy ago

Can you go back to the mountains again? Or just go away?! Thanks! 🖕🏻

Gothamgirl ago

You could do the same, and no.

srayzie ago

Illuminati artwork 😂


Gothamgirl ago

Funny you didn't refute the Jew claim though..

srayzie ago

You saw my picture. I’m white. You know I’m not Jew. If you need me to tell you so that you feel better, than No GothamWhore, I’m not a Jew.

Shizy ago

Illuminati artwork

Yeah, that's a good one coming from the weirdo who continually references her "bloodlines"!

I already gave you a warning about my bloodline. Let me post it again."Cyrus" means "humiliator of the enemy.


srayzie ago

Lol. I know!

Shizy ago

@srayzie, did you know you're a Jew again? 🤣

srayzie ago

That lady is a freak 🙄

Shizy ago


You're way too kind!

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

You are one of the shills, if you don’t like how we do things, stop clicking on the links.

If the mods can't just moderate, then get the fuck out!

Your 3 month old lame account has no credibility so fuck off.

argosciv ago

Yep pretty much.

I've only once seen g4s do good in terms of calling out bullshit. Quite obvious where their true allegiance is now, though.

I said it the whole time I've been keeping an eye on them, that I didn't know whether they can be trusted - well now I know. Another "play both sides" account owned by fuck-knows-who.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

I have no time or desire to read that novel. Can you show where mods are deleting comments because we just don't agree with what the poster is saying? That doesn't happen here.

Do YOU have evidence that mods are unfairly labeling people "shills"?

MolochHunter ago

@MolochHunter claims that hunting down sock puppet accounts takes up 90% of the mod's time. Really? Is that your job to worry about more than anything else, on a site that is wide open for creating multiple accounts? Is that a good delegation of your time as moderators under that condition? How many sock puppet accounts have you identified in all that time, and how do you determine that they're even sock puppets, and how have these these alleged sock puppets caused problems that you are prepared to show evidence of? Is this sort of endeavor really worthwhile compared to other duties that aren't being dealt with, like moderating posts for being on topic, accuracy of information, and having sources?

Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, and as i explained earlier, I will draw a bead on any motherfucker who defends, downplays, excuses or denies the pernicious fuckery of sock puppetry, because sock puppetry MAGNIFIES the damage done by fake news and destroys the credibility of this sub more than any other singular type of conduct

there is no debate. there is no doubt. @gogogogostop you are on Team Shill for posting this, and will be treated as such until you cease visiting these parts

@Srayzie @Shizy

gogogogostop ago

Thanks for retaliating with all those downvoats. That tells me something.

MolochHunter ago

i mean, what kind of retard is more concerned about numerous individuals independently arriving at personal decision to downvoat someone than they are about one person with multiple accounts downvoting comments manufacturing a false impression

thats EXACTLY the idiotic narrative promoted by the established, proven sock puppeteers, and you just so happen to parrot it practically word for word

so, yea, if you dont want to be accused of being a sock puppeteer, you're making exactly the wrong noises

gogogogostop ago

burp. fart. pee pee poo poo.

MolochHunter ago

i see your ghost writer is on summer holidays and you have to make do with your own level of literary development

MolochHunter ago

it should tell you that you are deserving of them for your stance

gogogogostop ago

pee pee poo poo.

gogogogostop ago


MolochHunter ago

And you can rely on that, but that doesn't salvage your integrity or reputation, jerk off

gogogogostop ago

I'm done with your attacking certain users and calling them shills in public with no real evidence beyond them exercising free speech.

srayzie ago

That’s because you’re a shill

CyberStalkMuch ago

It is unsurprising to me to see you are up to your usual MO ways and calling for support while you stalked a child.

People, this is not good person to follow and is very evil, beware of her & her mod friends!

Great job @

Gothamgirl ago

I believe I was wrong, I wasn't thinking clearly when I asked her that.

srayzie ago

Hi @Gothamgirl with a brand new username. Do you think your screenshot holds up when anyone with a brain can figure out that I could not plant child porn on your phone when I’ve never even met you? I don’t even know your damn number.

You admittedly, were seeing at least one man you met online and letting him into your home. After your address was posted on Voat, you proved it was your address by posting a picture of your house! You let people know that you’ll be gone for a few days, and tell them where you and your kids will be vacationing. You publicly posted your child’s information on Facebook. Really responsible mother there lady! Yet you imply that it was ME threatening to kidnap your kid?

I have my own family. I don’t need or want to kidnap yours. I’m sorry that you have mental health issues and that you are so fixated on me. But, you are making yourself look ridiculous.

Please note Gothamgirl’s new alt. I’m including you guys from pizzagate since that is where she is spreading her lies about not only me, but you guys as well...

@MolochHunter @Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch

Gothamgirl ago

Wrong not me. I have been shopping all day, and just got in.

I use only as a uploader, and wouldn't know how to put the red square around wording. Looks like your work to me.

@Srayzie I am going to not say anything nasty, cause you have claimed to be a victim of abuse as well.

This is my last comment to you ever, unless you jump on the bandwagon and attack you my children. Then the gloves come off.

Shizy ago

My address was posted by someone else like 2 days before I moved not by me. I don't live there anymore so yes I did post a pic.

Bullshit! Your address was posted on here long before you moved. In fact, it was posted not long after Zkylon left you and you began stalking him. That's why it was posted, because you were acting like a psycho stalker.

It's also a lie that you posted your house pic after you moved. You posted it weeks ago in an attempt to defend yourself against him saying your house was nasty. You delete everything so it's no longer there, but it was up long enough for people to confirm that your house really was in fact the address that had been posted on here.

Since you confirmed that it was your house, it would have been very easy for someone to google your address and find out your name, telephone number, relatives names, etc. You completely doxed yourself! It really doesn't matter where you move now. If someone wanted to go after you they already have your personal information because you are an over emotional jilted woman who didn't think before she reacted.

srayzie ago

That’s right. So next time she finds child porn is “planted” on her phone, or someone threatens to kidnap her kid, she can leave my name out of it.

Shizy ago

She just refuses to learn!

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you stalk me so much lapdog?

Not jilted over anything, or anyone, you sound unhinged every rant about my past ex relationship, why is that? Why can't you let go of my relationship? I was tagged into that shit mostly anyways and others shared it with me. You think I didn't know it was you bitches trolling me lol on those anon posts, you are a dead giveaway bitch.

Why the fuck are you so concerned with me? Find something better to do. This is a waste of your energy, take a yoga class and breathe psycho. Get your own life ..

Shizy ago

You're the stalker! That's why your address was put on voat, to get your to back off someone who was done with you! You obviously are the one who can't let shit go!

I don't give a shit about you, your fuck buddies, or anything else you pretend to do. You are a low IQ bitch who likes to randomly start fucking with me so I defend myself. It's really easy to do because you just can't help but say dumb things! 🤣You make wild claims about people putting dead animals in your yard (newsflash, animals die sometimes), people threatening your kids, and putting CP on your phone, but you're too stupid to understand how you lack of forethought leads to you making yourself an easy target if someone really did want to go after you! You're needy for attention and love to play the victim card. You lie and lie some more just to try and get attention. SAD!

I really hope you're serious and you do LEAVE so I don't have to keep dealing with your stupid bullshit games you try to play! Just go already and quit taking about it!

Gothamgirl ago

Wait a minute, all that shit you talk, but it's ok for you to edit your comments?

Your tumbling like a weed, flea.

Shizy ago

but it's ok for you to edit your comments?

Oh please! I immediately corrected a typo, I didn't change the content or add anything unlike how you roll!

Gothamgirl ago

Yup there is a reason I do that, however your not smart enough yet to figure it out. Maybe some day. It has nothing to do with adding at all.

Shizy ago

I'm smart enough to use "your", and "you're" correctly!

Gothamgirl ago

So fucking what. I have a lot more street smarts then you, and that beats a snowflake kalx education any day.

Shizy ago

that beats a snowflake kalx education any day.

Is that supposed to be English?

Gothamgirl ago

Nope never tried to contact that person ever again except to tell him money was being sent and stop ragging on my family. The only thing I did address on posts was the slander as I watched it come down my feed.

Well gotta go try not to have stroke over my life...

Shizy ago

I really don't care! Once again, you want to vomit your personal information all over me, and all over voat. Stop it! And just go.

Gothamgirl ago

You do care otherwise you wouldn't be carrying on talking about me everyday. 🤣🤣🤣 Your bothered, stop being a crybaby, be an adult and leave.

Shizy ago

So you edit your comment after I replied to add in your lame "shekles" comment. How typical! 😂

Gothamgirl ago

Ok welfare check then?

Shizy ago

Ok welfare check then?

Nah, I have a husband. You should try it.

Gothamgirl ago

So your gold digging gay or a tranny like I suspected. Damn I am good.

No, I shouldn't try a husband I have shitty choice in men, I can admit that.

Shizy ago

Now you're just sounding lame! I thought you were leaving hog?

Gothamgirl ago

I never said I was leaving anything except Pizzagate. I said I had to go earlier cause I was going in the Pool and Jacuzzi.

Shizy ago

I said I had to go earlier cause I was going in the Pool and Jacuzzi.


Gothamgirl ago

Well of course a gay dude would say and think that. 😁

Shizy ago

You do care otherwise you wouldn't be carrying on talking about me everyday

I've already told you, you talk shit about me and I will respond. You pinged me to your sub and I didn't respond because you weren't running your mouth about me. See how that works?

stop being a crybaby, be an adult and leave.

Leave what exactly? V/GreatAwakening? 🤣😂🤣 What do you think @Srayzie? Should I leave?

Shizy ago

@srayzie see parent. She's lying again, how shocking right?!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#17870) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

srayzie ago

Look at your edits AFTER I replied. I know that trick Miss Thing. The whole last paragraph was added after my reply.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago

ummm-maaaaa, GG blob:

Gothamgirl ago

Busted for what exactly?

srayzie ago

Pizzagate would be better without you. Please go! You’re a compulsive liar, and your only goal is to lie about us pizzagate mods so that you can cause division on pizzagate.

I’m not putting your kids down. None of this is their fault. You’re smart enough to use a different uploader so that you could appear to be a different person.

I’ve never been a part of brigading you. If people downvote you, it’s because they are aware of what you do, or you also attacked them. I don’t ping people for that reason. I ping the mods so that they are aware of you because you are a suspicious user.

Everything you and all the other pizzagate users in your group that have lied about me, I have proven with screenshots and archived links to show that I was telling the truth. I even showed the other half of a conversation between you I, that you posted. It showed that you were taking my comment out of context.

So, take your victimhood to Poal. Take your fellow snakes with you. I am tired of all the fakes around here. I would be happy if I never see another post or comment by you ever.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

Gothamgirl ago

Nope not me liar.

srayzie ago

Omg go away

Shizy ago

How do we get rid of her? She's like herpes!!!

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah you would know all about herpes right?

Shizy ago

Everybody who didn't drop out of high school knows what herpes are! 🙄

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't drop out of high school, you seem over obsessed with herpes, so it makes me wonder why? Do you accuse everyone you don't know, or never meet of having it?

Shizy ago

Do you accuse everyone you don't know, or never meet of having it?

I didn't accuse you of having it, I accused you of being like herpes. Annoying and won't go away.

srayzie ago

Sssshhh don’t talk about that. @HeyGeorge has herpes. 🤫

Shizy ago

He didn't get them from her did he?? 😱

heygeorge ago

Oh, nah, @srayzie is confused. I got harpies. Damn speech to text.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have a group, people tag me to their posts and I thank them.

I will be on Elpis.

Pizzagate would also be better without you as well.

You can't blame all your issues on me, Fuck off.

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Please see parent @Kevdude

Shizy ago

stalked a child

Your linked comment was supposed to be proof that @srayzie allegedly did this?

Here is the user who made that wild claim stating she was wrong about it:

Anything else you need cleared up 4 hour old alt of @MissleCopterStoped?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

WhiteRonin ago

Ahh! I love sweet justice.

Started calling out NeoRevolt for his shit when a majority of q anon beloved he was a good guy.

Called out qrv and protectQRV knowing it was shit when a majority of q anon thought that those subs were the good places.


NeonRevolts made in China crap is for sure not worth the mark ups!

srayzie ago

You were on of type-o-negative, aka MissleCopterStoped biggest targets. He was pissed that I refused to delete one of your posts.

WhiteRonin ago

I’m a magnet 🧲 lol! All the crazies!

I have no idea why he hated me so much. It was just one thread that we got into it.

I just want to be normal!!! Lol - lord no I don’t!

srayzie ago

Lol. That’s what’s weird. He would zero in on someone and then pick them apart. You triggered him somehow! I always attract the crazies too lol.

divine_human ago

on reddit, he would use the app 'nuke reddit history' which first over-writes the comment with some sweet nothingness and then deletes it. like that, no way-back machine can bring back the comment.

i tend to quote text portions i reply to so even if the comment gets deleted or edited, the original words are in my reply.

srayzie ago

Geez. Even wayback machine wouldn’t pull it up? You know who he is? Dang, they have apps for this kind of thing?

divine_human ago

Even wayback machine wouldn’t pull it up?

ahh i am not a techie, there may be ways to go i dont know of. at least, you cant find the original post on the archive pages anymore, only a deleted post that contains the last nonsense edit. which, in this case here, is a simple dot.

there are thousands of bots on reddit for various tasks. 'nuke reddit history' is one that made its way into the open. i can imagine that some cracks have also created bots for voat.

srayzie ago

Yeah I’m sure many more since Q

srayzie ago

See parent and grandparent...

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Madworld

heygeorge ago

This would not effect a previously archived comment or post.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Good!

Shizy ago

i tend to quote text portions i reply to so even if the comment gets deleted or edited, the original words are in my reply.

That's a great idea! I'm going to do that more when I suspect I'm dealing with one of these people.

heygeorge ago

If you’re going to quote these fools, I recommend fully quoting. It’s what we had to do with insanegoat to help educate casuals. It had the side effect of really fucking annoying her. @kevdude

Shizy ago

Good advice. Thank you!

Don_Tomaso ago

Doxx this fuckhead!

wokeasfook ago

Lol @ neon thinking he was ever popular.

His constant mention of 'the official Q board' gives him away. These people really are stupid.

QRV = the official spam trap.

I have to say, I'm pretty thankful that Q lured all the retards to one spot. Makes them easier to avoid.

sorosminion ago

I STILL FEEL NEGLECTED! Crazeee and Schitty promised to expose me, still NOTHING! Just some really vauge bullshit, that I "sound like"> If that is the standard, you both sound like paranoid webfuck shitkickers! Come to think of it, that IS what you are! So come on ! Get going. Or maybe I'm just wat smarter than you!!!!!

Lauraingalls ago

YOU NEVER Pretended to BE NICE. LOL. WE KNOW YOU ARE MEAN. LOL. It's the tricky mean ones that were exposed. At least you are HONEST in you meanness.

sorosminion ago

Gee thanks Gomerette. And I tell the truth. Q is a fake. no martial law, no arrests, no military tribunals, no Gitmo, no executions. EVERYTHING you believe is fake, a lie. My record is FAR BETTER than any of you........or Q. Losers! Fucking figure it out! LOL.

Lauraingalls ago

You're welcome. I do give you credit for being consistent. At least we know what to expect from you.

sorosminion ago

Are you finally catching on? I have been RIGHT 100% of the time. Q and you pathetic idiots? ZERO! LOL Poor dumb little Laurashitkicker. SUCH FUCKIN' DRAMA! LIKE YOU CLOWNS ARE SECRET AGENT? MILITARY GUYS! Instead you are just uneducated, crazy hillbillies. Congratulations.

DickTick ago

You have been wrong 100% of the time.. wtf are you talking about. and I've already told you before that you're not going to get a ton of replies because most people have blocked you already...

Lauraingalls ago

You don't hold back, do you? Tell us what you REALLY THINK. LOL.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I've always liked how humble he is....

I mean most underlings like this have a username that SHOUTS-OUT how important they are...

But not our wunderminion, oh no, he dutifully keeps his head down, as his bigboss on high demands, though on occasions, when bested by us, he HAS TO SHOUT MORE...

But we know that when he shouts he's admitting defeat...

As Laura says... at least he's honestly bad...

Lauraingalls ago

Yes, LOL. At least he is HONESTLY BAD. I see his comment was deleted. He got enough downvotes to get deleted. LOL.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Now we have got downvotes 😂😂

Da boyz got alts, too....

Lauraingalls ago

Some people are SICK and STUPID and hate goodness.

Fateswebb ago

But if he deletes they're gone, if he edits you can see the edit trail can't ya?

srayzie ago

I don’t know how sophisticated he is. Not sure.

TexasInfidel ago

YAWN . . . . . . goes for another beer as yet another thinks they really made a difference in the world

mark7 ago

If NR is SOO busy writing a book, ect, then why does he spend time causing trouble for Patriots (of ANY stripe), ain't there some DS/Cabal enemies that need attention? If he is such a great screenwriter, then go write a movie, or find hellywierdos to attack! I used to look at his site, but if you know a tree by its' fruit, then his tree... has issues. I like it just fine here, and I find the mods to be non-obtrusive, civil, and common sensical. Happy to have sparred with weiniecopter. stop. ed. as well.

TheBRAINz ago

He comes across as an egotistical arrogant kid. Full of himself for sure.

srayzie ago

He used to be my favorite blogger. No way I know he’s fake. He admits he’s on Voat a lot.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Same here - haven't been back to his site in a long time

zyklon_b ago

@misslecopterstoped raped and murdered a white infant in 1990

kneo24 ago

Anyone who downvoats your comment raped and murdered a white infant in 1990.

zyklon_b ago


Diggernicks ago

Ain't nobody got time to read all that

lord_nougat ago

Lol at your crippling illiteracy!

Blacksmith21 ago


srayzie ago

I remember that post!

Blacksmith21 ago

First instincts are usually right.

ArcAngel ago

lord_nougat ago

Electrical banana!

ArcAngel ago

negative. pickle. we did the same experiment using a flourescent light ballast & a regular ol every day kosher dill pickle.. knowing what i do now, i wouldve protested using a kosher pickle....

lord_nougat ago

If only Nikola Tesla were still around to give pointers on these things!

ArcAngel ago

why do you think they killed him?

lord_nougat ago

Because Edison told them to, probably.

ArcAngel ago

edison & westing house were in competition till ol nicholai came around....

srayzie ago

Ok lol

ArcAngel ago

i have a Lichtengraph device...

srayzie ago

What’s that?

ArcAngel ago

its supposed to its thang, during 'questioning'

ArcAngel ago

we could always hook a 10,000v transformer to his asshole & tounge & see if he lights up.. a true neon-revolt..

ArcAngel ago

and like its not done on Fagbook or Twatter?

Lauraingalls ago

Is he now ashamed of his behavior or he is afraid of being arrested or something. Why do that?

MolochHunter ago

he slipped up a couple of times and responded to our attacks with one of his alts, forgetting which one he was logged into

CyberStalkMuch ago

Oh you mean like Ryann did?


Oh you mean like this?

It is obivious who the poster is, comes back to this post coincidently.

This thread by clicking title in QRV

Notice S is talking to S 😂

The very creepy hail satan from S.

The anti-Q are coming out, also S is replying to herself and pinging herself too! 😂

Gothamgirl has nothing to do thread, just grabbed pic for evidence so back off with the projection Ryann Srayzie you fucking tranny who accuses anyone without any evidence.

Spread far and wide, and all is archived for Ryann’s inconvenience! 👍

Better call for air support in for Ryann!

Oh yeah @Lauraingalls although you are the same fucking tranny as above, Miss “oh what a web we weave, when we practice to deceive” shill. 😂

Have fun defending this one mod shills!

MolochHunter ago

How priceless is this?

back off with the projection Ryann Srayzie you fucking tranny who accuses anyone without any evidence.

presented with No Evidence for either the Ryann or Tranny accusations


srayzie ago

😂 I know. 🙄 GG is crazy!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15967527.

Posted automatically (#17919) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Lauraingalls ago

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

MolochHunter ago

mmm hmmmm

srayzie ago

They are paid

Lauraingalls ago

Oh, Now I understand. Thanks. It's sad when a grown man does EVIL things to earn money, instead of doing something honorable.

srayzie ago

I know. People sell out.

Lauraingalls ago

Good men are rare and beautiful to behold. Sad.

Shizy ago

Luckily we have many good men among us! One of them is our solid friend @MolochHunter!

srayzie ago

Yes, We’re Love MolochHunter ❤️

Lauraingalls ago

Yes. Thanks.

MolochHunter ago

stahp it !

srayzie ago

Omg 😂

Shizy ago

No! 😊

MolochHunter ago

ok then, stahp stahpping it!

CovfefeFan ago

All this drama.

Can't wait for the movie to come out about all this.

srayzie ago

It’s good we’re showing how it’s done and making everything transpqr my tho.

insectacide ago

Transparency is nice. Doesn't seem like it exists anywhere else on voat

CovfefeFan ago

It's crazy. When I started seeing posts about it, I wasn't interested. Then when you came through with the Daily Crusader issues, you became a hero...

srayzie ago

Oh most of the research on that was from an anon. I just gathered it all and posted. But thank you!

CovfefeFan ago

Let me know when the movie comes out.

Shizy ago

The role of @MissleCopterStoped will be played by Steve Buschemi 😂!

CovfefeFan ago


SeanBox ago

Q-sent-me ago

Wait, so, who am I?

lord_nougat ago

You're me!

srayzie ago

You think?

SeanBox ago

Same tactics. I can’t ever actually prove it. I just notice patterns.

srayzie ago

Yeah. A few people have said that.

hangry ago

I don't know if he is a shill or not, but he's a nasty piece of work.

mark7 ago

How ya doin' there, hangry? Still on the clock I see? And he most certainly IS a nasty pile of work!! :)

hangry ago

Hey my work day ended hours ago, although with my business orders do trickle in at all hours. I assume you're kidding about being on the clock. If I wanted to be paid by the word I'd become an ESPN game announcer.

srayzie ago


He’s the one that became my mod and changed immediately. He didn’t last 2 days 😂

ChiCom ago

It seems unlikely that name would be picked by an American. We never say "misslecopter" do we? Any idea what country he is from?

Shizy ago


ChiCom ago

Must be from Sunnyvale Trailer Park

srayzie ago

Maybe it’s something personal for them. Maybe it’s a militant thing. I don’t know.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I think back in his friendly days he may have mentioned a computer game, in which you had a copter, and if / when you died you got a message saying...

Missile hit Copter game Stopped

I assume it happened a lot and in multi-player modes, with them all talking on headphones over the internet, someone would yell.. oh no... MissleCopterStoped.. to signify their downfall, and with a typo or two he was born

srayzie ago


lord_nougat ago

What a fraud shill cunt!

srayzie ago

❗️ Uh oh! Trigger Warning! ❗️

srayzie ago

Oh wow

ArcAngel ago

the dude is the end-product of a 'rusty-trombone' w/ a blue-waffled thot. nuff sed

Shizy ago

😂 Ok so I know what a rusty trombone is, but what's a blue-waffled thot? Or do I not want to know?!!

TexasInfidel ago

never search " blue waffle "

Shizy ago

I'm too scared to 😂

kneo24 ago

So I looked this up, and it's fake. There were a lot of pictures of diseased areas, but nothing was consistent in appearance or the areas of the body that were diseased. Quite frankly, "blue waffle" could mean anything if one were to look at said pictures.

What people were originally saying it was, was that it was a severe case of vaginitis that turned your fun box blue and nasty looking.

Shizy ago

Well that's good! Even if it's fake, I don't wanna see those pictures!

srayzie ago

I thought that too. Until you turn off the filter

Fateswebb ago

Oh shizy please don't... Please.

I'll just say it's a very disgusting and diseased vag.. and if you Google it you will be disgusted horribly. Imagine the worst diseased vag possible. It would scare a sweet person like you for life. So just avoid it.

Shizy ago

I'm cracking up at your comment @Fateswebb! 🤣 Thank you for looking out for me. I'm going to listen to your warning!!

srayzie ago

Holy shit. At first, I laughed and thought, they were just screwing around, then I noticed my browser was on strict. I turned it off and 😮🤢

Me and my husband both turned around. He said “I don’t want to see it!” 😂

You people shouldn’t tempt people by telling them to not look at something lmao

@FatesWebb @TexasInfidel @Shizy

Shizy ago

You're braver than me, @Fateswebb really scared me 😬!

Now I'm glad I listened!

Fateswebb ago

Ahhh jeeze scarred for life and now your husband is gonna need counselling.

srayzie ago

Lmao 😂

srayzie ago

Let me know when you look Shizy 🤣

srayzie ago

😂 Stay away from diseased vag Shizy!


Fateswebb ago


AmazingFlightLizard ago

Do it. Pussy.

You know you want to. You can’t resist.

Aren’t you curious?

Shizy ago

Aren’t you curious?

A little. But if it grossed @srayzie out that much it must be really bad!

I think I'll trick my husband into looking it up first and see his reaction 😂

AmazingFlightLizard ago

R.I.P. @Shizy’s husband’s eyeballs.

Shizy ago

Poor guy!!!

I did get him with the lemonparty before so he may not fall for this one! 🤣

srayzie ago

That’s what they’re there for 😂

ArcAngel ago

blue waffle & t.h.o.t.