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Shizy ago

The latest failed attempt by BuilderAnon and Thisistotallynotme alt @MisleCopterStoped seems to be over, for now at least.

He went through and erased ALL of his comments for the past two weeks:

He didn't delete the comments, he erased all the words and only left periods. That took a lot of effort and was a lot more time consuming than just deleting the comments. Why?

@MolochHunter @Crensch @argosciv

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Long ago I used a GreaseMonkey script to scramble and delete all my Reddit comments. I bet he used something similar.

He thinks by doing that, the Voat's servers won't have backups of the actual comment - I know that was my thought about Reddit, but now that I know (((who))) controls Reddit, it was probably a fruitless endeavour.

Vindicator ago's not the Voat servers he needs to worry about. It's the goats.

Vindicator ago

Nice. :-)

srayzie ago

That was useless. They are archived 😂 That is really weird. I’m going to go ask someone

Shizy ago

He had to know they were archived.

argosciv ago

Because they know people are archiving their shit now.

And now we'll see that they resorted to such tactics as editing to period and/or deleting.

The excuse will be:

"We don't trust Voat so we're editing our stuff before deleting so that we can't be targeted by da bad guys!"

It's a move to erase their culpability in a now exposed disinfo scam and D&C campaign, while simultaneously pushing the "VOAT COMPRUHMIZED" narrative.

The irony/hypocrisy being that they are the pricks who have tried to compromise Voat and its communities.

@srayzie @MolochHunter @kevdude @Crensch @argosciv

argosciv ago

^^(parent and parent of parent) @PuttItOut @Cynabuns @PeaceSeeker @Atko

Check logs of api usage, someone's put together a script for editing comments to ".", which I'm sure sounds awfully familiar.

cc also: @kevdude

argosciv ago

^ @Vindicator

+ @MadWorld

Lol at pinging myself. Slow off the mark today.

MolochHunter ago

I've been sending private messages to Missle in response to this that are just a period

Shizy ago

😂 that is awesome!

MolochHunter ago

you missed the double 's' in Missle if you intended to ping him

Shizy ago

I did mean to ping him, so thanks for pointing that out.


MolochHunter ago

well, I just private messaged him again to convey this important message:


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago





argosciv ago

Hahahahaha! You're a funny fucker, really.


Shizy ago

That is very thoughtful, I'm sure he will appreciate it 😆!