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Gmods ago

Thank you , Dude, sounds like there's no need for me to go & look there ! Anybody here from Arizona ? Like to share this,KinderCare US daycare staff suspend baby from doorknob by shirt after I saw on R.T. this >> The unexpected birth of a baby boy to a woman who has spent the last 14 years in a vegetative state has sparked a sex abuse investigation at a Phoenix Hacienda HealthCare nursing facility.

I hope it's OK to post here'cos of how EVERYTHING is linked ... imho significant that Payseur - aka Kravis, is involved, even by ownership ?

btw I found great info on KKR { KRAVIS } thanks to David Icke & the Fourwinds10 site... KINDERCARE OWNER IS VERY CLOSE FRIEND OF GEORGE BUSH, ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS PAEDOPHILES. OWNER ALSO CONNECTED TO HENRY KISSINGER AND THE ROCKEFELLERS Kindercare is owned by a holding company called Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts (KKR),

argosciv ago

NeonFaggot and/or MCS and/or fhaqyu and/or Morbo at it again (or other(s)): |

@Shizy @MolochHunter @kevdude

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

goTcHa 😂

argosciv ago

Are your doxxing skills so pathetic that you are creating fake twitter accounts to make yourself look legit?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

@kevdude @Shizy

Keg your last ping failed.

@Shizy user name has capital S

☕️ 🧁

srayzie ago

I knew something was up with that hoe! 🤣

Shizy ago

I'm sorry I lied Srayzie, but I do identify as a woman and I have kick ass bangs!

srayzie ago

You do have kick as bangs lol

Shizy ago

They're so dumb, I'm surprised they're not alledging my name is Bye Felicia!!! 😂🤣😂

Shizy ago

I'm so hot! And that pic was before I got my eyebrows waxed! 😂

srayzie ago

Oh I wouldn’t. I was just playing. A chubby cuck 😂

Did you read that MissleCuntStroked deleted all his comments from the last 2 weeks? But only the words. He left the periods. Wtf?

Just ask Neon Revolt. I’m sure he’ll know why.

argosciv ago


I almost spat beer all over my keyboard and monitor, you prick!


Qrv1 ago

@shizy He caught me!!🤣 No wonder Q people are so highly respected.

srayzie ago

I will later. If so, poor guy. 😂 I’ll be like... “Is that you Kevdude? I’ve been lost and without my meds!” 🤣🤛🏻

Shizy ago

The latest failed attempt by BuilderAnon and Thisistotallynotme alt @MisleCopterStoped seems to be over, for now at least.

He went through and erased ALL of his comments for the past two weeks:

He didn't delete the comments, he erased all the words and only left periods. That took a lot of effort and was a lot more time consuming than just deleting the comments. Why?

@MolochHunter @Crensch @argosciv

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Crensch ago

Long ago I used a GreaseMonkey script to scramble and delete all my Reddit comments. I bet he used something similar.

He thinks by doing that, the Voat's servers won't have backups of the actual comment - I know that was my thought about Reddit, but now that I know (((who))) controls Reddit, it was probably a fruitless endeavour.

Vindicator ago's not the Voat servers he needs to worry about. It's the goats.

Vindicator ago

Nice. :-)

srayzie ago

That was useless. They are archived 😂 That is really weird. I’m going to go ask someone

Shizy ago

He had to know they were archived.

argosciv ago

Because they know people are archiving their shit now.

And now we'll see that they resorted to such tactics as editing to period and/or deleting.

The excuse will be:

"We don't trust Voat so we're editing our stuff before deleting so that we can't be targeted by da bad guys!"

It's a move to erase their culpability in a now exposed disinfo scam and D&C campaign, while simultaneously pushing the "VOAT COMPRUHMIZED" narrative.

The irony/hypocrisy being that they are the pricks who have tried to compromise Voat and its communities.

@srayzie @MolochHunter @kevdude @Crensch @argosciv

argosciv ago

^^(parent and parent of parent) @PuttItOut @Cynabuns @PeaceSeeker @Atko

Check logs of api usage, someone's put together a script for editing comments to ".", which I'm sure sounds awfully familiar.

cc also: @kevdude

argosciv ago

^ @Vindicator

+ @MadWorld

Lol at pinging myself. Slow off the mark today.

MolochHunter ago

I've been sending private messages to Missle in response to this that are just a period

Shizy ago

😂 that is awesome!

MolochHunter ago

you missed the double 's' in Missle if you intended to ping him

Shizy ago

I did mean to ping him, so thanks for pointing that out.


MolochHunter ago

well, I just private messaged him again to convey this important message:


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago





argosciv ago

Hahahahaha! You're a funny fucker, really.


Shizy ago

That is very thoughtful, I'm sure he will appreciate it 😆!

srayzie ago

Did they post shit on that guys Twitter feed?

Qrv1 ago

Hey kevdude your Twitter account is sorry. @srayzie was doxxxed, raped and killed. She wasn’t pregnant.

Qrv1 ago

@srayzie was raped and murdered.

Shizy ago

I'm saving this comment to use in your tribunal faggot!

Qrv1 ago

Shizy was raped and murdered the day before her tribunal. Save that!

Shizy ago

The piece of trash who TRIED to rape and murder shizy the day before her tribunal disappeared off the face of the earth and his remains were never found! 🖕🏻

Qrv1 ago

Shiny was drugged, gang raped and set on fire right before her tribunal. Her dead body was stripped naked and dragged through the uk to remind everyone whi shiny really was.

Shizy ago

How lucky for this "shiny" person that they get a trip to the U.K.!

Qrv1 ago

Hey shiny, why is your twitter account protected. 😬

@srayzie @kevdude

srayzie ago

Well shit, I don’t blame her. You guys are creepy.

srayzie ago

I was? I didn’t even notice. Thanks.

sorosminion ago

Gee, poor Crayzee and Schitty won't have anybody to control when the Q fad breathes it's last. They won't be "leaders" in a SECRET CLUB! In the know! Behind the scenes. Just ignorant hicks, stupid hillbillies. They will reduced to just ranting and raving about, chemtrails, commies, Obama, all the usual stupid "conspiracy " shit. Of course a story will be invented that poor Q was killed by the Clinton's ( that will make 327,971 people !!) or the Deep State, or by Soros himself! Or they can just become garden variety white supremacists and dedicated racists! These weirdos are unfamiliar with the REAL world outside of internet message boards! Sad isn't it? They PROMISED to expose me, but ....nothing. I have TOLD YOU FOR MONTHS NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN. THEY have told you there would be martial law, arrests, executions, tribunals. None of those things have happened have they? So who is telling the truth here? Figure it out clod kicking hillbillies!

Shizy ago

At least this dumb hillbilly hick knows how a ping works 😂🖕🏻!

BillyBobBoJangles ago

You do realize that your desire for an argument is in itself an emotion right?

gogogogostop ago

Ya, I really come here to read all these long posts you've compiled that have nothing to do with the Great Awakening, i.e. Trump and Q.

Sidelining is as bad as shilling and trolling.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

You are literally a bot.

Sub-Urban-Monk ago

All the approaches you'all seem to take, those that see shills as an issue, always seem to be going up against something formidable, never ending, always evolving. "One cannot divide one that knows there is no division". The secret is how to put this in everyday use, so to speak, a means of applying a tool against what one deems as an attack of an adversary upon Sovereignty, against Patriots, against all that is Good, against Q + Q+ :)

BillyBobBoJangles ago

It's common sense, no need for an argument. You are obviously insane or an evil person, so good luck with that.


I didn't realize that the redpilling patriots who ran away from the movement are of one mind saying that clown fuck is Q. How the fuck did that shit get stated? A post? Where?

srayzie ago

I haven’t heard that. I looked it up. It may have come from this video....

Qanon is John Brennan's final Revenge. CIA OP team to split the TRUMP base

They are probably out to make money because they link to their website where you can purchase things.

Trump Mafia Merchandise


Thank you Srayzie!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome :)

KYanon ago

I just ignore them. after over a year of Q it's easy to spot a shill. I did however get a virus in here a couple of days ago when I clicked on a story.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I'm sorry to hear that, but it looks as if you dealt with it, with no lasting harm.

Do you remember either the site that had the virus, or the user that included that site in their comment or submission, please ?

This inclusion may well have been accidental, in the usual way these viruses spread, or part of a more deliberate strategy.

I'm wondering if there is a connection to some iffy web links that I commented on yesterday/this morning ? (UK time confuses VOAT time)

The user that had them in 'their' multiple post submissions, has been flaming me ever since, but I'm not naming just yet.

@srayzie @Shizy

KYanon ago

it was a post I opened in here. I cant remember the title that got me to open? But when I did. It had a bunch of porn. I closed out and an alert came over my computer and locked me out. I had to reset my computer. Lost all of my research for a year. Which was probley the goal.

argosciv ago

(UK time confuses VOAT time)

You do realize that all times on Voat are UTC & that the UK is primarily(if not entirely) UTC, right?

srayzie ago

Is that why our time is always jacked up? Lol.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Hmmmm 🤔

I can never be sure, when I post a comment, whether it is still the day before or today, for the potential reader !

I probably meant to say UK time v US time(s) confuses ME on VOAT !

argosciv ago

I probably meant to say UK time v US time(s) confuses ME on VOAT !

Nah, you said what you said. If you meant to say something else, you should have. You say probably... are you telling me you forgot about something that happened less than an hour and a half prior?

As an aside, why is it that you fully capitalize every letter of Voat, so often?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I guess it just 'looks' capitalised up at the top of the page...

Maybe it's because us Brits are ruled by the Upper Cases Classes...

Keithintheplains ago

Thanks for protecting the board!

Thak all you, my fellow Patriots!


RuciodeSancho ago

I'm at the point where I just have to say-SO WHAT??? The fact that the American people still haven't awaken enough to prevent the demonrats from retaking the house and filling it with socialists and muslims is sickening and means that we've lost our country. I'm done counting on Q to do anything to prevent this as our universities are lost, our youth are lost, our "culture" is lost and I don't believe anything will be done to these evil criminals no matter what DJT does!!! MAGA!!!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

New alt Donkey ?

Gmods ago

SBBH Please would someone help me out, I checked the Q Abbreviations, couldn't find it there, What does ' SBBH ', mean ?

While I'm here, I say that it is indicative of how valuable 'Boards' like G.A. are, only it's disheartening to see users and the Mods, having to devote so much Time / Energy to weeding-out undesirables. While at the same time trying to seek high quality info.

I participate in one Forum,ooutside of Q activity, and there, one needs to apply, to join, and Self-Moderation works, so Mods only have to intervene occasionally.. { rarely }.

We understand, shills are the scum, who { STASI - Like }, would sell, betray their own...{Family, Friends... }for shekels: and that the Co-ordination is Super-powerful, but it seems ignoring them is not an effective solution, 'cos they still can down-vote good posted info...

Any Dev's [Software Developers], here that have workable solutions ? Regret's, I was a Semi-driver, I've no software skills ! { don't even know what ' SBBH ', is ! Courage to all, Right is Might... [ As Field McConnell is fond of saying, " Cockroaches run when you shine a light on them :-)) }

WhiteDragon ago

A GREAT Angel, blowing the TRUMPETS!!!

WhiteDragon ago

Thank you @srayzie for your great work. We/Q are attacked by (((them))) and their shills no matter what. It is good to know their tactics but in my opinion it is even more IMPORTANT to keep focus on the TARGET. Stay optimistic, TRUST THE PLAN like Q Team tells us and ENJOY THE SHOW.

In My opinion there is little we can do: inform our fellow compatriots, trust Q Team, stay optimistic and most IMPORTANT: always PRAY for OUR CAUSE!

I think simply IGNORING the shills is the best response, let them attack, always remain OPTIMISTIC!

Q Team is for sure doing their best to BAN / eliminate / arrest the shills and their Puppet Masters!!!


Qrv1 ago

Ok this site needs to be taken down. It is not a replacement for Reddit. Q said web is the replacement. This sub is UK disinformation meant to divide the movement. @srayzie we will take legal action to remove this sub.

srayzie ago

You can go fuck yourself 🖕🏻

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BillyBobBoJangles ago


Vindicator ago

The truth requires no thanks, kev. :-) I could, if pressed, drum up the links to prove this account I have relayed from memory.

One of the saddest things I have seen modding v/pg is how the shills have played the normies and the goats against each other. They (Esoteric) have tried it with you against me, and vice versa.

No matter. The truth will out. I judge by fruits. Those who defend the rights enshrined in the United States Constitution will always win my respect.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hmmm @srayzie was a SBBH mod?

Strange, she has told me she never involved with this sub.

srayzie ago

Trouble maker. Always lies.
👉🏻 Truth. 👈🏻

BillyBobBoJangles ago

What is wrong with hatred? You need Jesus or something.

divine_human ago

keep up the good work, @srayzie, we have your back <3

WhiteDragon ago



BillyBobBoJangles ago

The hatred of a race. I'm not PC police or anything, but there are some real racist here and some shills that egg them on.

Earth_is_Awesome ago

Thank you. As a relatively newfag around these parts, with what I consider semi-decent critical reading skills, I had been watching and fooled by these fucks. I honestly believed that v/GA and v/theawakening were both comped and run by the same bad people from SBBH. Basically I fell for the spell, 100%. I also was up in the air on NeonRevolt until this post. I liked their stuff at first, then they fell off the sane-train, then they were attacked non-stop by posts on QRV.. It was hard to tell if someone being attacked meant they were legit because of attacks from bad actors of if the attacks were from patriots and NeonRevolt was actually a bad source. I just stopped following Neon, in the end, and now get 100% of my info from the chans, voat, or my own digs. Sometimes I check /s/GreatAwakening sometimes i just go straight to v/QRV. More and more recently I have just been going to straight to v/QRV. The shilling in here now is out of control over the top crazytown bananas, which just serves to show that we are doing something that is pissing off someone with a lot of money to spend trying to undue whatever it is we are doing here (waking people up, hopefully.).

Just thought you might like to know that posts like this one that clearly lay out the fuckery are important and help people like me and other newfags. Heck it took me a few solid hours on the chans to be able to spot the paid operators right away, and they are clever as fuck at tricking you into thinking they are legit and are the ones calling out the fakies. Once you see their pattern, it's unmistakable and easy to spot. But before you see it, it's easy to fall for the spell. /endingbecauseIamrambling

Vindicator ago

Thanks for taking the time to make this comment EiA. It really helps those of us who have to mod the most shilled areas on the internet like v/GA and v/pizzagate to hear when folks catch on.

sufficientlydusty ago

They waste time, money,resources just like their puppet masters. Someday we'll be rid of ALL the garbage.

Magpi ago

As I read this, I had a lovely memory from childhood of playing Red Rover with my friends, where you get in a line and link arms at the elbows, and someone else makes a mad dash to try to break through the link. You have to stay strong, stay connected, and prevent the linked elbows from becoming unlinked. That's how you win that silly game.

This is that game (although as we all know, it is not a game). We Qanon patriots are all linked (metaphorically) at the elbows. Hold tight. Don't let anyone through! Don't let the shills break our chain. Together we stay strong and we win. It's really that simple.

Thank you for your post, strayzie. Thank you for fighting the good fight.

AncientFrogGod ago

bruh, we know who's behind it. It's the libshits running r/the_mueller and r/Qult_headquarters.

Ohhhhmega ago

Stay strong @srayzie Patriots are definitely behind you!!

maga1234 ago

They are out in FULL FORCE on the QRV sub. So glad I get to down-vote, but some are still engaging them. They're mostly in the comments, with the name-calling and other shilling.

WhiteDragon ago

Yeah, best tactic: IGNORE THEM and down-vote if you can...

swimkin ago

@srayzie Thank you for all you do to protect this board.

patriot2008 ago

Healthy Q criticism is healthy for the movement. Too many thin skinned people here freak out as soon as one mentions something contrary to their own opinion. They usually yell "schill" or something similar. Good luck finding the real criticism from the fake. I wish you success.

Mustard_Monkey ago

All things considered I was hoping the woke bitter clingers on R-faggot that say they are "woke." But refuse to leave will realize they are no better then the blue pilled there.

JohnQzCitizen ago

well, all of us mere mortals feel neglected and slighted, for not making OP's list.

rickki6 ago


srayzie ago

I know!!

markrod420 ago

did Q use the tripple parentheses when he said (((they)))? because (((this))) stands for jews. it is how people label someone as a manipulative kike. its like sticking a gold star on their chest. just an FYI. which would help explain why he sent you all here if he did use that notation.

divine_human ago

originally, like 20 years or so ago, we used triple parenthesis for the khazarian mafia. NOT for all jews, thats a new invention and far off the original intent.

WhiteDragon ago

wow, good to know, no differentiation between zionists and (((others))) ?

There must be good jewz here as well, the conservative ones who fight the zios...

Remember, we can't choose where we reincarnate, generalization is not too smart...

divine_human ago

heh? seems like you didnt read what i wrote. generalization is stupid. its sloppy thinking.

WhiteDragon ago

sorry, I meant more @markrod420 's post you replayed to...

divine_human ago

i figured that afterwards, lol...

markrod420 ago

i clarified below anyway. my opinion isnt as different from yours as you likely perceive.

markrod420 ago

well i think its still a bit more specific than just jew. its like manipulative global cabal jew.

divine_human ago

exactly... the manipulative global cabal jews, the khazarian mafia, are but one cabal branch. there are others. and there are many jews who are not criminal and not cabal and who dont deserve peoples hatred.

markrod420 ago

oh indeed. hating every single member of any group of people other than pedophiles is just moronic. and the idea that all the jews on the planet could be knowingly in on the deliberate destruction of western society is also moronic.

Mcmurdo32 ago

I notice that the shilling is heaviest during "working hours". It is much less in the evenings and weekends. Professional shills just doing their jobs 9-5 M-F.

WhiteDragon ago

Poor people, they don't understand anything, let US pray for (((them)))!

It seems (((they))) don't get how much harm they are doing for their own Karma, are (((they))) sooo lost? Lost souls, not understanding the beauty of LIFE in our UNIVERSE. We are beings of light. We ALL got the gift of FREE WILL, even the ones who willingly gave it away can immediately TAKE IT BACK!

Poor them, soon the LIGHT will SHINE all over OUR beautiful blue Planet Earth and their (((masters))) will be gone. They will be SET FREE and understand!

Let US pray for (((them)))! LOVE, PEACE and let THE LIGHT SHINE!

Qfan2020 ago

Funny to see what you wrote about their Karma because I was thinking yesterday that up till now it was ok to create and burn Karma. But now we are at a choice point where a very different life will be created in the future based on the choices we all make right now. Not good timing to pick incorrectly. I was feeling sorry for them too. We are all just working with the knowledge and insight that we have and for me I hope it’s enough so I’m useful and can help at what is clearly a monumental time in history.

Vindicator ago

Yep. That's always been the case in v/pizzagate, too. Every since the Podesta emails dropped.

Doberman1 ago

These infiltrators should be careful. There are those of us who follow them, too. Should it come to Civil War and we know who they are, they will not be safe. Keyboards are not bullet-proof.

WhiteDragon ago

God bless Patriot! Shills are many, their [masters] are few!

Hope YOU take them out one by one! => no money, less shilling...


Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

You mean the boomer sub that has literally no importance or intrinsic value whatsoever? Honestly, who do you imagine gives a fuck?

NellerBean ago

Honestly, who do you imagine gives a fuck?

Just the people commenting on the thread. Why are you here if you don't gaf?

The_Savant ago

If you need a hand srayzie, you know you can count on me. I shouted down ES, I shouted down donkey and AWS, I shouted down RIPJem and I fucked those cunts up with empirical posts as well as many other people here. If you want a cunt shown their place it'll be done. No deliberation.

Joe10jo ago

Lol “Donkey”!!! Forgot about that one!

The_Savant ago

Are you telling me donkey has fucked off for good? Well, I know he hasn't but he doesn't use that alias any more? That surprises me, but we fuckin' got 'em good.

I'm not entirely sure what Muslimkeyhotay's primary objective was when he spammed his alts here, but he rarely won a single exchange with anyone. He knew it was curtains when we proved he was EsotericSHILL. It took a lot of persuading and proving to everyone on the site that ES couldn't be trusted, but when we had he knew he had to switch tactics. No one was going to believe his narrative when he was clearly sliding and lying. Yeah, it makes sense that he's give up.

Vindicator ago

Just today he fucked up and forgot he wasn't logged into his Gothamgirl account. Check it out:

He's been posting most of his shit in the trap thread we've got stickied in v/pizzagate. It's been going on for months now.

The_Savant ago

Hey Vin, good to be talking again.

Check it out:

You know what, I didn't make that connection in my head. That kind of proof of his alts is incredibly useful because, if you remember, Gothamgirl was one of the main accounts giving RIPJem praise and "verifying" that they were a legitimate user/insider to listen to. I knew that both Gothamgirl and ES were bad, but I guess those were dots that I was yet to connect.

This also shows that donkey can really shift in personalities when he feels like it, which is somewhat alarming considering how contrasting many of his characters are.

More than that, I'm now wondering how many accounts that were pushing Gothamgirl and RIPJem's narrative are actually donkey...? How about Dressage2? Gothamgirl and Dressage were essentially reading the same script when it can to the showdown and the anti-mod shilling.

Also, I know that this link is a bit of a mess, but this chain of comments from 5 months ago between me and Carmencita shows Carmen openly praise RIPJem despite me warning her how different Jem777's views and personality were to RIPJem's. If you want to ignore all the BS and get straight to the evidence, here is Carmen directly approving RIPJem's agenda:

This small slip opens a lot of avenues for suspicion and the truth to arise. They're almost making it too easy...

Vindicator ago

Heh. ES did not like me catching him. He's MAD now! :-)

The_Savant ago

He's always mad. Keiser Wilhelm the second was always mad and he is now suspected of being mentally retarded, which is exactly how I feel about donkey. He frequently contradicts his own "moral code", showing that he has none and likely lives by the Crowley lifestyle "Do as thou wilt."

One second donkey claims that Islam and Islamic countries are the only civilised and safe places to live on the earth and makes them out to be sophisticated people (depsite the fact that wherever Muslims go, violence, pedophilia and rape follow.) He pretends that he believes Islam has superior morals to western society because it prohibits the act of fornication, and the next second he proudly brags about how the west should have no rights for women and how he would be a serial fucking rapist and stone gay people. He has no standards. If you want proof of this, I'll go digging back in my conversations with him because fortunately I often take time off commenting and they won't take too long to give to you, but in the meantime I'm going to bed. I'll do my best to help out.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for these links, which I had not seen (I often miss things that happen after a thread has been up for a while, unless I go back to see who has been tussling, which I typically only do if I'm doing a deep dive into a username).

I tend to lean toward the idea that carm is a legit user who was (and still is) duped and manipulated by the psyop. GG I have always thought was a shill, since her days working over Psychanaut, who was a legit user doing excellent work until she was targeted by the shills.

RIPJem has a number of alts: Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt (original), speaksoft, and lately TrustTheTruth. It is interesting to peruse them chronologically and watch the evolution. They all push George Webb and specialize in concern trolling. They target people who are mentally unstable, survivors and otherwise vulnerable. They are all obsessed with mod-bashing. None of them ever give any evidence of what they claim. I've come to believe they ARE Webb, or someone working with him.

I think part of the agenda is to target the more vulnerable pizzagate researchers to dissuade them from believing QAnon is legit. You will note a shift in style to one deliberately mimicking Q (while bashing Q) starts right around the time Q starts to gain popularity in v/pizzagate. I believe that happened right around the same time that Esotericshade and his sock puppets started trying to destroy any thread about Q, claiming it should be deleted as off topic, bullying users who posted on it, etc, before srayzie got fed up and made her own subverse.

The_Savant ago

I tend to lean toward the idea that carm is a legit user who was (and still is) duped and manipulated by the psyop.

So did I until I made that comment, at which point my suspicion grew. A lot.

RIPJem has a number of alts: Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

That actually makes a lot of sense now that you mention it. I only ever encountered WIC when I was very new to the site, but looking back on it I remember Eshade giving them a lot of credit for the "quality of their comments" (which, as you know, were essentially copy & paste jobs.)

I've come to believe they ARE Webb

I accused RIPJem of being George directly and got no response. I called it the day after Jenny's death. I'm not sure, nor do I have the proof, but I would be far from surprised.

I believe that happened right around the same time that Esotericshade and his sock puppets started trying to destroy any thread about Q,

And I remember it was the first time I noticed you getting genuinely pissed off by any user LOL. I remember talking with Think in a DM about Eshade and how well you were handling it - and to your credit, you've come up with a lot of really efficient and well thought out ways to make the sub run as smoothly as possible. I just wish you didn't appease them as much as you had in hindsight, although it may have been your only option.

Vindicator ago

I just wish you didn't appease them as much as you had in hindsight, although it may have been your only option.

I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this. I am but one person, and it's a marathon we're running. Few mods have had the stomach or been canny enough to withstand the machinations. It is much harder than you think to discern the wheat from the chaff...especially as a mod who has been smeared daily for two years. Few are willing to join the mod team and take the heat. I am always open to feedback.

srayzie ago

Thank you. You’re awesome.

WhiteDragon ago

WE THE PEOPLE, together are 10000000 times stronger than the shadow DS!


WE Pray for You, our HERO, KEEP the GOOD work! God bless You!

WE ThnanQ a 1000 times!

contigo69 ago

Q is a fraud

Davelon ago

You're not bad yourself Swayz, always enjoy your posts and input. Despite the shills, you are among friends here.

The_Savant ago

Ha, well... I'll always stand by the right people.

It makes me a little embarrassed when I realise that I've made myself sound like a big deal because I'm really just an average guy with too much time on his hands. What I'm trying to say is that I have time for this website and I consider a couple of you friends. There are lots of people on this site worth standing with. WWG1WGA.

srayzie ago

Well I’m going to be driving you nuts now! 😂

Vindicator ago

Well said, Savant. :-)

Qvoater ago

FWIW I’m glad you posted this. Keep it up. (How do we be non-anonymous here? I’ve tried to post a handle but can’t seem to figure it out. I think forced anonymity is just as wrong as forced doxxing, and I think it keeps a group weak when everyone is forced to wear a mask.)

SpitFire1592 ago

Stay strong srayzie, they are running scared and throwing everything at the wall hoping something will stick and divide. We have a great group of patriots here for support and helping to redpill the sheeple, what you’re doing is extremely important and I believe will be remembered and praised for years to come, and that includes everyone on the side of LIGHT! Keep up the great work, praying for your safety. God Bless you all and may he continue to shine his light down on you showing the path forward and continue guarding you from evil as it’s all around us.

srayzie ago

Awww thank you

Qfan2020 ago

WOW just like the DS, ruthless. You can spot it by the extreme hostility in their posts. Thanks for protecting the board.

WhiteDragon ago

Yeas, easy to spot! WE/Q shall remain OPTIMISTIC, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!

Simply IGNORE the (((shills))) and down vote (if you can:)

shekelstreet ago

yeah its not like you're brainwashed zog puppets or anything.

sufficientlydusty ago

Mirror check idiot

Qfan2020 ago

Not like you’re not? Always gotta ask your self that question, am I being played?

LostandFound ago

I baked back on 4chan it was infiltrated then and it's infiltrated now. I got tangled up with them though I imagine there are a great number of groups now back then it was less so.

They called themselves the guardians of internet morality and used the domain ( internet health warning ) along with many other IRC channels I was privvy to at that time. They operated bot swarms on 4chan with impunity so I figured they were some kind of spooks and ran a mile.

Godspeed and best of luck srayzie I dont envy you.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for your service in the infowar, LostandFound :-)

srayzie ago

Thank you. Yes, they use bots here too. Sucks!

LostandFound ago

Checkout their twitter account so, when they were swarming 4chan it was coordinated via their twitter handle though they use code so its less clear how to interpret them.

srayzie ago

Dang. So confusing.

MDS0341 ago

Come find me you poosies

MDS0341 ago

In my opinion, secrecy on who we are shows weakness

But I’m fucking crazy, so I ain’t scared for any liberal poosie and don’t have kids soma much different situation for me

God is my only fear

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#17331) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

I promise you that they are behind a lot of the racism pushed here.

Crensch ago

You might want to venture outside of this subverse if that's what you think.

To be racist is to accept reality and to accept the differences of different peoples.

Shizyy ago

This sub is a counterfeit sub and will not last long. If this sub isn’t gone by tomorrow, the real Q people will launch a doxxing attack at Srayzie. Her pic is on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook so it won’t be hard. Just delete the sub. It’s fake and Q never endorsed it. Plus it’s filled with uk people

pby1000 ago

UK people are the worst. They can't even spell.

ShozzySroyzie ago

OHHH we're gonna have a DOXX Party on my DOXXYACHT! Everyone is invited to my private DOXX! There's a Yacht there, and some Legos and Eggos and pics of @srayzie to masturbate to! @shizy will be our Emcee, and @gabara has flown all the way from Tokyo to perform his hit single for us. Also, he has a HUGE crush on @clamhurt_legbeard, whom he is convinced is female. Trigglypuff will be our Jellypitmod of the evening.

Shizyy ago

We need to doxx the crap out of @srayzie. I put a missing person alert on Twitter. Fantastic responses. Time to doxxxx this ho.

ShozzySroyzie ago

Oh yeah, we can backtrace her and send our ninja squad after them for writing things we don't like on the internet! With you here, ninja Shizyy, we can show them the power of webniggers!

Shizyy ago

@srayzie DELETE THIS SUB - NOW!!! You are messing with true patriots. QRV is the real sub.

Shizy ago

No thanks!

ShozzySroyzie ago

@srayzie, don't make @Shizyy get his fat Jedi Ninja ass after you!

Shizy ago

At least you're the funniest and most colorful! Nice try!

ShozzySroyzie ago

@shizy @srayzie @shozzy @sroyzie @VictorVonStuben You better watch out! We have a ninja squad after you.


ShozzySroyzie ago

@srayzie @shizy LOOK AT ALL THESE DOWNVOTES! They really don't like our DOXX PARTY! I know you girls are down for a good time. Invite your hot single friends! (and maybe a few naughty married ones)

Seriously, who can resist a yacht, legos, eggos, and hot pics of women?

BulletMagnet879 ago

As I've said before, you shills get more retarded with every post.

Crensch ago

Plus it’s filled with uk people

We call those "niggers".

This sub is a counterfeit sub and will not last long.

Kek. This sub is more legit than the others. The Reddit mods were replaced, then the sub was banned, then THOSE mods (((admin-replaced))) made theawakening, and are still part of QRV.

Luckily they can't do anything anymore, but Q knows this, and knows that QRV is a nice place for redditors who can't handle Voat.

If this sub isn’t gone by tomorrow, the real Q people will launch a doxxing attack at Srayzie.

Kek. Internet tough guy act.

Her pic is on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook so it won’t be hard.

Listen to big bad bully guy on the internet here going after a female because he can't handle what she's doing in her own subverse on Voat.

Just delete the sub. It’s fake and Q never endorsed it.

Delete your life, you faggots came over with compromised mods and worshiped the ground they walked on. Your mods and your sissy-fuck redditor crowd couldn't handle Voat, so they have to insulate themselves in a hugbox.

Kek. <---- this one



Shizyy ago

@srayzie Are you stupid enough to post your real pic online? Image searches can reveal a lot. 🤭

Crensch ago

I like how he just basically admitted that he's not actually in talks with twitter, because "muh reverse image search".

@srayzie @shizy

Shizyy ago

Notice she put a link to the counterfeit sub verse to draw people away from QRV. A very Deep state tactic.

Crensch ago

You must be confused, that's the real subverse. I'm sorry you don't get your Fischer-Price, My-First-Hugbox subverse listed there, but she made this place, and it's better than yours.

Shizyy ago

This sub is counterfeit. Q never approved it. Be careful who you followed because this lady made a huge mistake.

Crensch ago

You made a huge mistake, future Mississippi Windchime.

Remember that you were told this would happen when you finally overcome the shock of it happening to you.

This subverse is more legit than QRV, and has better content. Maybe you should realize that Q was just corralling you useless fucks into a hugbox because you couldn't handle real free speech. Pawns in the game, and you're trying to fight against the court.

Kek <--- this one.




Shizyy ago

This sub is deep state counterfeit and the real anons are here to destroy it. @Srayzie is easy because of her real pic. Just delete this fake sub run by uk shills.

Crensch ago

Anons don't have shit on goats. Nobody does. Q knows this, and knows your candy asses can't handle what we do here.

You redditfags follow Paytriot cuck NeonRevolt and faggots like BuilderAnon; nobody paying attention would ever take you seriously.

CaJuN-M8 ago

So your telling me serialbrain2 is a shill?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I'm not sure about SB2.. I ignore the number stuff, but find the background summaries useful, just tieing things we already know together.. but SB2 is, I believe, not an issue here..

The threat right now is the attackers, mainly using imitation user names similar to our real mods, and these fools are fairly easily identified by their huge downvotes...

Meanwhile the real mods can be seen with their upvotes showing..

Choose what makes sense to you, if you have time, and I apologize if I've said too much...

Don_Tomaso ago

Lets start doxxing these shill fucks right back. :)

Then leak it all to extreme right groups that have no problem "doing a thing or three" about it.

Crensch ago

Their payments will be in the records when the outfits are taken down. They all know what they're doing. Think they won't find a Kentucky Scarf snug around their necks?

Don_Tomaso ago

In other words zero punishment what so ever.

The multi million dollar paid msm filth will "just" loose their jobs and have to live unemployed with 60 million dollars in their bank accounts.

Oh noez.

Crensch ago

They will all be hunted down, jus.

petevoat ago

I trust no one. r / cbts_stream banned, lost everything. r/ thegreatawawkening, banned, lost everything.

So far v /qrv is where I mostly post and so far, nothing amiss.

But thanks for this. Eye opener and that's the point, to keep an eye out for anything and call it out.

WhiteDragon ago

Yes, VOAT is different, seems out of (((their))) control. No banning, censor free platform, what a beautiful place! Thank you @srayzie for everything!

God bless You!

MolochHunter ago

In your How are people not seeing the infiltration going on? link you initially thought Type-o-neg was dumping on Neon Revolt, now you think they are one and the same. Is that how Type-o won your trust? dirt-bagging one of his alts?

also, this one question has never been sufficiently aired and examined :

If Reddit was compromised and shut down its pizzagate and Q subs - what measures were taken to prevent / ensure that the vipers that undermined it did not become the influencers here on Voat ?

Vindicator ago

If Reddit was compromised and shut down its pizzagate and Q subs - what measures were taken to prevent / ensure that the vipers that undermined it did not become the influencers here on Voat ?

v/Pizzagate struggled with this question from the very beginning. It's why @kevdude and @Crensch got involved. The shills knew exactly how to troll the reddit refugees into demanding censorship that would trigger the Voat immune system and stir up the shitposting troll goats.

That is why v/pizzagate got the ruleset it has, which helped distinguish serious researchers from shills unwilling to do extra work to pursue the investigation. We actually had a sleeper shill mod named numbchuck who went nuts and tried to delete all of our research. Fortunately, kev (who was a temporary O at that time as we were building the ruleset) caught him and demodded him before he got very far. It confirmed the shills didn't understand Voat transparency, and proved to me that the "Voat is compromised" narrative pushed by them was fake and gay. Kev saved the day.

WhiteDragon ago

ThanQ @Vindicator, you are an old soul here (in v/ terms old goat???)

Vindicator ago

I came with the r/pizzagate migration, so I am not sure I qualify as an old goat. :-) But I understand and value Voat culture, as well as the clash that ensues whenever an influx of normies happens.

MolochHunter ago

wow. how many submissions do you reckon he deleted before Kev nabbed him ?

Vindicator ago

I think he got six or so. It was no big deal, because they just went to Removed Submissions. It was my first night as a mod.

Another account, ArmySeer, was running around taking advantage of the situation to trigger people into ragequitting. He made a sub that looked like a pizzagate sister sub, v/pizzagateshills, and then would put people on his shill list and then ban them from the sub. As soon as I started reassuring people he was not part of v/pizzagate or a mod, and his "ban" didn't effect them, he banned me. That dumbass did more to restore trust in mods after numbchuck's bullshit than any other single thing. One guy he banned was a very agitated SWAT team guy who had seen a lot of bad shit done by the elite and not been able to do anything about it. When he got banned, he pinged me -- but because of the time difference, I didn't see it for hours. He truly lost his shit, thinking I was ignoring him and unleashed an avalanche of accusations, insults, etc. That was a violation of our no meta rule, and another mod then really banned him. I got on the next day, saw what had happened, and then explained to him how he'd been played. When I didn't take his meltdown personally, that guy wrote up a detailed apology, deleted all his negative comments and became a great member of the sub after I unbanned him. It was an epic fail by the shills.

MolochHunter ago

lol i remember being on ArmySeers petty little lists

Vindicator ago

It was kind of great, actually. First, he banned all the legit investigators, like @PleadingtheYiff. Then he started after lesser-known users. And when I started pointing this out to everyone, he banned me. He created his own Pizzagate Legit club. Complete retardation. I'm pretty sure he is now lurkiing under the name DeathtoMasons. LOL.

MolochHunter ago

i remember he used to get all pissy with me about my name, like, he thought the accusation 'you havent ACTUALLY hunted down ANY Molochs HAVE YOU!' would be like some kind of devastating blow to me, like my name is some kind of literal and not figurative moniker 🤣

divine_human ago

If Reddit was compromised and shut down its pizzagate and Q subs - what measures were taken to prevent / ensure that the vipers that undermined it did not become the influencers here on Voat ?

are there any measures to prevent it? except for under strong moderation, people say and do what they want to say and do.

divine_human ago

hmmm... keeping the mod crew clean seems to be no issue on /GA. the background of /TA is clear, same compromised mods as on reddit. /QRV 8chan mods anyway dont moderate.

with public mod logs, mod power trips without being called out isnt easy. maybe i am short-sighted here, but whats the issue if everbody who cares to look can see what the mods do? isnt that a bigger safety net than even 8chan has?

srayzie ago

I think he is connected to Neon Revolt. Same team. Yes, when I wrote that, it was before type-o-negative came back.

If Reddit was compromised and shut down its pizzagate and Q subs - what measures were taken to prevent / ensure that the vipers that undermined it did not become the influencers here on Voat ?

Exactly my point.

Qvoater ago

AND what’s happening here, now, is logic and useful posts are prevailing. The tone here is actually improving a bit IMHO. Quality information eventually drowns out the crap. Look at 8chan. Great example there - it’s holding its own, remaining relevant and valuable. The notables page alone is worth it (and thank kek for filtering!!)

kneo24 ago

Is that how Type-o won your trust? dirt-bagging one of his alts?

I would say that tactic works pretty well, but it all falls apart when they start telling you who all of their alts are. It's about layers of control. If they can't get away with controlling some community, maybe they can control the narrative - though in this instance this shouldn't tell us anything more that we didn't already know - that the reddit cancer mods were here long, long before they ever claimed to be and had this worked out as a contingency plan from the start.

Kind of sad if you really think about it. They were shut down almost instantly by the rest of the Voat banding together to fight them off. The best they can do is try to influence narratives.

Vindicator ago

The best they can do is try to influence narratives.

And even that is becoming harder and harder for them to do.

Dafunkstarr ago

Love you srayzie. Stay strong. Wwg1wgA!

srayzie ago

Awww thank you ❤️

Crensch ago

They're resurrecting all the dead (ESOTERICshade) faggots whose reputation here is completely shot. Any and all accounts, young and old. They're throwing them at you like the North threw bodies at the South in the Civil War. Just keep mowing them down with your superior... everything.

WhiteDragon ago

Best reaction to the shill attack is: IGNORE (((them)))!

Simply: no response at all!!!

The_Savant ago

That is probably true but who doesn't enjoy a good argument? Plus, when you do get in an in-depth argument with a shill, your comment acts as a nice source of evidence for your argument that you can refer back to later when you need it.

WhiteDragon ago

If you have the time to interact with all the bots / shills maybe but it all might just be waste of time and space...

Down-voting the posts helps others to waste time reading the non-sense...

pby1000 ago

I am ES!

Vindicator ago


Joe10jo ago

Bwaaa no shit! I just ran across “Are We Sure” about 5 mins ago on some other Voat forum whereas the only place I’d see him in years past was on PG.

Vindicator ago

Yes...the shill action mostly left v/pizzagate as soon as people stopped posting about QAnon there. Other than the gaslighting of PG survivors, which they are still attempting.

Chiken-lover_Hater ago

I honestly started laughing when I saw AWS on GreatAwakening. He was so out of place there, it was absurd and it didn't fit the character he had built for himself at all.

I remember he tried debunking a video of a suspected assassination of a female journalist (I think) with last name Fuddy. After her plane went down and all the passengers safely made it out of the plane into the ocean, a diver who was never a passenger emerged out of the water - clearly a diver with an oxygen tank - and he said that it was some kind of error/anomaly that only appeared because the video had been compressed to fit Twitter's video format. I've never seen more bizarre and desperate clutching at straws in my life.

We're winning without a doubt.

MadWorld ago

The images were quite clear. This author did a really good job with the documentary.

Vindicator ago

:-) As desperate as the shilling is getting, I think something big must be about to drop.

Shizyy ago is the deal. This sub must be deleted. Q has already addressed it

Shizyy ago

Shizy will be doxxed unless this sub is deleted. The sub is not endorsed by Q. Thus sub is operated by deep state shills from the uk. We will fix this.

Shizy ago

Yes I'm in the U.K. You're gonna have me doxed in no time you stupid shill 🤣🤣🤣

BulletMagnet879 ago

Fuck off, bot.

Crensch ago

Shizy ago

Thanks crensch!

I'm super scared that they're gonna find me in my quaint cottage in the U.K. Anytime now! 😂

Shizyy ago

Shizy twitter name is @stayshizyy We need help doxxing. She doesn’t have a pic like Srayzie. We asked twitter to locate Srayzie and the responses have been good. This sub verse is going down.

BulletMagnet879 ago

This is almost as good as watching the D's dig their own graves.

Crensch ago

Enjoy your Kentucky Scarf and the short drop. Your payments will be in the records of whatever MediaMatters branch you happen to be a part of.