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MolochHunter ago

In your How are people not seeing the infiltration going on? link you initially thought Type-o-neg was dumping on Neon Revolt, now you think they are one and the same. Is that how Type-o won your trust? dirt-bagging one of his alts?

also, this one question has never been sufficiently aired and examined :

If Reddit was compromised and shut down its pizzagate and Q subs - what measures were taken to prevent / ensure that the vipers that undermined it did not become the influencers here on Voat ?

Vindicator ago

If Reddit was compromised and shut down its pizzagate and Q subs - what measures were taken to prevent / ensure that the vipers that undermined it did not become the influencers here on Voat ?

v/Pizzagate struggled with this question from the very beginning. It's why @kevdude and @Crensch got involved. The shills knew exactly how to troll the reddit refugees into demanding censorship that would trigger the Voat immune system and stir up the shitposting troll goats.

That is why v/pizzagate got the ruleset it has, which helped distinguish serious researchers from shills unwilling to do extra work to pursue the investigation. We actually had a sleeper shill mod named numbchuck who went nuts and tried to delete all of our research. Fortunately, kev (who was a temporary O at that time as we were building the ruleset) caught him and demodded him before he got very far. It confirmed the shills didn't understand Voat transparency, and proved to me that the "Voat is compromised" narrative pushed by them was fake and gay. Kev saved the day.

WhiteDragon ago

ThanQ @Vindicator, you are an old soul here (in v/ terms old goat???)

Vindicator ago

I came with the r/pizzagate migration, so I am not sure I qualify as an old goat. :-) But I understand and value Voat culture, as well as the clash that ensues whenever an influx of normies happens.

MolochHunter ago

wow. how many submissions do you reckon he deleted before Kev nabbed him ?

Vindicator ago

I think he got six or so. It was no big deal, because they just went to Removed Submissions. It was my first night as a mod.

Another account, ArmySeer, was running around taking advantage of the situation to trigger people into ragequitting. He made a sub that looked like a pizzagate sister sub, v/pizzagateshills, and then would put people on his shill list and then ban them from the sub. As soon as I started reassuring people he was not part of v/pizzagate or a mod, and his "ban" didn't effect them, he banned me. That dumbass did more to restore trust in mods after numbchuck's bullshit than any other single thing. One guy he banned was a very agitated SWAT team guy who had seen a lot of bad shit done by the elite and not been able to do anything about it. When he got banned, he pinged me -- but because of the time difference, I didn't see it for hours. He truly lost his shit, thinking I was ignoring him and unleashed an avalanche of accusations, insults, etc. That was a violation of our no meta rule, and another mod then really banned him. I got on the next day, saw what had happened, and then explained to him how he'd been played. When I didn't take his meltdown personally, that guy wrote up a detailed apology, deleted all his negative comments and became a great member of the sub after I unbanned him. It was an epic fail by the shills.

MolochHunter ago

lol i remember being on ArmySeers petty little lists

Vindicator ago

It was kind of great, actually. First, he banned all the legit investigators, like @PleadingtheYiff. Then he started after lesser-known users. And when I started pointing this out to everyone, he banned me. He created his own Pizzagate Legit club. Complete retardation. I'm pretty sure he is now lurkiing under the name DeathtoMasons. LOL.

MolochHunter ago

i remember he used to get all pissy with me about my name, like, he thought the accusation 'you havent ACTUALLY hunted down ANY Molochs HAVE YOU!' would be like some kind of devastating blow to me, like my name is some kind of literal and not figurative moniker 🤣