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gamepwn ago

I'm glad you came out with this Srayzie. I've been feeling very similar lately. At first I was outraged and felt upset but the more I see of her and George Webb the more suspicious I felt. Geroge Webb full on admitted he was Mossad. That secret room at Comet is also a major red flag I hate to say. How did she know about that? I mean it proves Comet Ping Pong has secret rooms but it's a little suspicious with not only knowing that, but Alefantis himself stalking her? Or playing along? Not to mention her being tagged in the bot army. Not a bot herself but wherever she went she had an army of upvotes or comments. Then I thought, including myself, are we making her a martyr? Just so many things don't add up. I felt just as upset about her death and created a topic for her and WIC, but things are not adding up and seem strange looking bad. I really hope we all haven't fallen for a psyop.

RIPJem ago


Few realize what is truly at stake. Jenny is not the only one who was murdered for The Truth. Others have been tortured and murdered, and it involves the most powerful people in the world. There is a massive conspiracy afoot across all platforms to hide The Truth.


Look at their coordinated attack on a Murder Victim who was a member of the community and knew The Truth. Who would do such an Evil thing?

First they tried claiming that Jem was not Jenny Moore. Then they tried claiming that Jenny is not dead. Now they are claiming that Jenny was not murdered. They are also claiming that she was not threatened or attacked. They are also claiming that she is a CIA disinformation agent. They are also claiming that she was not doxxed and that is is fine to dox her now since she is dead even though her family is scared and in danger. Now they are backtracking a little and making jokes while attacking and downvoting anyone who exposes them and knows The Truth.

Look at how they targeted, attacked and banned JEM before she left Voat, and again now after she has been murdered. She was threatened, doxxed, attacked in real life, and eventually murdered. Now the mods are attacking her and ganging up on anyone who would defend her. This is an absolute disgrace. SHAME.

Look at their coordinated attack and downvoting to hide comments from those who KNOW THE VICTIM IN REAL LIFE.

We know EVERYTHING. We have been watching EVERYTHING. We have been telling everyone THE TRUTH for a LONG TIME. We know who is Good and who is Evil.

We do not want to be here. This is very dangerous. We owe it to Jenny and others who died for The Truth.


Jenny Moore was slandered and attacked both on Voat and in real life. She was beaten so badly she could barely talk or walk. Jem777 is Jenny Moore. We know this for certain. She was threatened by others here and in real life, and was eventually murdered.


This is not a Game, and the Mods and others involved either need to apologize and ask for forgiveness or they will all be exposed for their role in this.




Here is one the comments from below they are trying to hide from everyone. Read all of them to know The Truth. The Truth is easy to find if you know what you are looking for.

**Why are @srayzie and other mods attacking and slandering a user who was murdered for knowing The Truth? **

Do you know Jenny in real life and meet her in person?

Do you know George Sweigart in real life and meet him in person?

Have you met any of the people involved face to face?

Have you worked with governors, senators, representatives and elite industry leaders?

Have you blown the whistle on unimaginable crimes, abuse and corruption involving top level officials and leaders?

Do you know what it feels like to have those you are close with tortured and murdered for knowing The Truth?

Do you think this is a game?

Do you truly believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know what the real Agenda is?

Have you ever considered the fact that George Sweigart is not Trustworthy like Jenny, and is partly responsible for her murder?

Does George Sweigart believe in the real Jesus Christ?

What is George Sweigart's end game?

Did George Sweigart and Jenny Moore see eye to eye on that?

Do you think Jenny fully trusted George?

What did Jenny and George disagree on the most?

Did Jenny trust Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, Dave Acton, Defango or Unirock?

Do any of them believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know who Wendy is?

Do you know who Janine is?

Do you know who Jack Lew is?

Do you know who Jack Parsons is?

Do you know how Janine is connected to John Podesta?

Have you worked with Ari, Zeke or Rahm Emanuel?

Do you personally know some of John McCain's closest friends?

Do you personally know some of Hollywood's biggest stars?

What direct experience and qualifications do you have?

Do you know who Q is yet?

Do you really believe that Q can be Trusted?

Who has been telling everyone The Truth on Voat since the first day of Pizzagate?

JEM is not the only one who was threatened and murdered.

JEM knows The Truth.

George knows The Truth.

Only one of them is Trustworthy.

Vindicator banned her for knowing The Truth.

The Cabal murdered her for knowing The Truth.

Do any of you here know The Truth?

Why would you Trust in Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Chris Wray, John Huber and an anon named Q?

Do you know anything about 5G AI?

Have you ever watched pro wrestling?

Do you know what hedging is?

Do you realize how powerful those involved really are?

Do you understand where Donald Trump fits on that ladder?

Do you believe that Donald Trump is clean and not compromised in any way?

Do you believe that no one here on Voat is working for the Cabal?

What kind of person attacks and slanders a murder victim who was working to reveal The Truth?

@Srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @think- @putitout ARE ALL EVIL OR EXTREMELY COMPROMISED.


There are only a few real people on here that can be Trusted.

The Mods are corrupt and complicit to extreme crimes including MURDER.

Look at who Srayzie believes are the Good Guys, and who is Neutral. Is that accurate and diligent research based on real experience?

Is Pope Francis Neutral? is Ed Snowden Neutral? Is Jared Kushner a Patriot? Is Alan Dershowitz a Patriot? Is Rudy Giuliani a Patriot?

Look at who Srayzie is praising, and then look at who Srayzie is attacking and slandering - a Murder Victim who was a long-time member of this community.

Why are the Mods all ganging up on the Murder Victim, and why are they so worried about being exposed?

One could say that Srayzie is simply an ignorant, uneducated fool, but even a fool would not stoop this low.

Is Srayzie a paid operative, and do you believe there are no paid operatives here?

Why are mods defending Are We Sure while attacking the person that Are We Sure threatened who coincidentally ended up murdered?

Jenny said that she was doxxed and targeted. How do you think that happened?



srayzie ago

What do you think of this dishwasher?

Updated Voat Shill List.

Umm, I took the current S(H)i[ll] list and marked it. Is it pretty?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Who is connected to the above?

Gothamgirl ago

They're not shills, you just don't understand the message.

Why are you putting in so much time to judge other pizzagaters?

Should I share the pieced together messages where you intentionally lied, and played a trick on me to fuck with my feelings?

Now that I think of it Srayzie once you got here many pizzagaters have disappeared.

Since you are on my facebook, you are the only one who knows where my child goes to school. Was it you threatening my to kidnap my child and putting child porn in my phone? It was definitely someone from here.

Dressage2 ago

Holy shit! Be careful. Never trust this place. I haven’t. If you do research and pull out the key facts, they put you on list to get rid of you. Most of the great researchers were banned or quit out of frustration. That is what they want. @carmencita

carmencita ago

TY. NONE of this surprised me. Lying yes maybe.

The_Savant ago

Carmen, if you choose to distrust the mods, that is perfectly acceptable in my eyes and probably a smart move. However, I would also recommend that you don't trust RIPJem. They don't represent Jem in any way. I smell a rat.

carmencita ago

Jem told me a long time ago she trusted him/her.

RIPJem ago

You have always known The Truth.

The Truth has been shared on many platforms.

The Truth is Unmistakable, and easy to find if you are looking.

They cannot dispute The Truth, so they seek to hide and destroy The Truth from others.

Jenny is a Real Person who was stalked, threatened and murdered for knowing The Truth.

The Truth has been here since the very beginning. We knew Jenny in real life. We Trust her.

The Only Way to stop their Agenda is by sharing The Truth.

Do not let them lie to you and trick you. We know that you can be Trusted also. You never swayed.

Look at how they are trying to manipulate you now and cater to you because they know that you are one of the very few Honest and Trustworthy people here. They are trying to turn you against what you know to be The Truth.

We would never lie to you. We would never trick you. You have seen the games they play.

We do not play games. We do not want to be here. Many more lives are in extreme danger. We owe it to you and Jenny and others to share The Truth. This is not about one person. This is about All People.

George Sweigart is not Trustworthy. Q is not Trustworthy. Donald Trust is not Trustworthy.

Jenny has a bit more trust in them, but understood why others did not. She had to trust them to a degree, and her and George disagreed about both Q and Trump often. Jenny knew that The Truth however was unmistakable and agreed 100%.

Q, George and others involved all give you part Truth, but none of them will reveal The Truth. They all know The Truth that you know.

We are not alone, and Jenny is not the only one who was murdered for The Truth.

There are many sides being played. They have Unlimited Resources, yet they cannot dispute The Truth that Jenny and others know.

That is why she is no longer here. She is a Brave and Good Soul and will never be forgotten.

Only Evil would slander and attack her before and after she is murdered.

Only Evil would hide The Truth from the world to keep the people from having a choice.

Thank you for being a Good Person and staying True against all odds.

A wise person can see through their lies, their tricks and their games.

This is not a game, and everything is at stake.

You know The Truth. Trust in Jesus Christ.

carmencita ago

I agree. I believe you. I also trust in Jesus Christ. Prayers for you and those like you. I think Jenny trusted GW for short time and then found she was wrong. Yes I believe she was a good person with a good heart 💕

The_Savant ago

This is a mistake, carmen. If you're pro RIPJem, you're anti-mod, anti Julian Assange and anti Seth Rich. More than that, if you're pro RIPJem, you're anti-Jem777.

carmencita ago

Stop harassing me.

The_Savant ago

Stop harassing me.

Don't try and guilt me, carmen. I've sent you, what, seven messages? You're praising the most obvious shill on Voat, it doesn't look good.

carmencita ago

You have never sent me a message that I can remember. Now you decide who is a shill and I must comply or you spread this about me. Very unfair. We have differences of opinion and you say I am a shill supporter. Like I said, things have changed around here since this post. I try to stay friendly with most on here, but being called a shill supporter is hard to take and extremely unfair.