15917133? ago


15942958? ago

Scabies on @Srayzie with Rabies

15917039? ago

Hey @ Srazie you're lookin good girl! Ignore the dumb ass shills.

15916536? ago

I don't think she is GG. Anyone can set her pic as their profile. Sad sad anon OP. Got raped with a brook handle when he was a kid and has hated women ever since.

15919460? ago

I’m not GothamGirl. People are saying that because GothamGirl is obsessed with me and she’s the one on the right side of the screenshot above saying I have demon eyes. Then in the comments too.

15916510? ago

Meanwhile, at OP’s House...

15916207? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#17482) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15916181? ago

This is me. For Transparency.

15916362? ago

At least you seem fun!!

15916444? ago

I am fun!

15916103? ago

As long as I can say nigger and faggot here, srayzie can do what ever the fuck she likes. Enough with these boomer kikeouts.

15917050? ago

What your mommy doesn't let you say those words at home? Poor thing.

15916079? ago

Q has just posted his definitive view of this dispute , and im afraid he likes Srayzie better, fellaz 😉🤣

15921666? ago


15918061? ago

Yes, let's discard the facts presented in the post and just call this a dispute.

15916662? ago

Okay, this is funny.

15916629? ago


15916213? ago

😂 love it!!!

15916175? ago


"On the c[l]ock"

15916097? ago


15916087? ago

Fake Trip code is wrong.

15916171? ago

fake news

15916335? ago

Date is wrong, unless we are time travelers.

15916633? ago

This is an excellent timeline, tho

15916357? ago


you telling me you cant tell a parody?

15916393? ago

Are you telling me you didn't feel my sarcasm coming off that because that it was is what I going for.

15916388? ago

These guys above have probably blew their funny fuses loooong ago XD

15916083? ago

15915963? ago

You shills act like it’s some huge deal that you saw my Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and now Steemit. The whole point of using the same username on all platforms was so that my real life and online life wouldn’t mix. If I was trying to hide, I wouldn’t choose Srayzie as my usernames other places dipshits. I used the same profile pictures only for my online life. I don’t use those same pictures anywhere else.

I don’t even do social media outside of this kind of stuff. Everyone I follow and everyone who follows me, are Q people or patriots. NOBODY in my real life, is attached in any way, to my social media accounts. I didn’t know I was going to run a Q sub when I made those. But I wouldn’t go post my real name on Facebook like a retard. You guys act like you struck gold.

Since I’m here, I will share this and expose you guys...


You guys, this is what has them freaking out. I’m obviously living in this ones head rent free now. I must be doing something right!

15916729? ago

Leave these people behind already. You have more important things to do. ಠ_ಠ

15916653? ago

You're becoming a Voat legend, srayz. As I predicted. Keep up the excellent work!

16006879? ago

You're becoming a Voat legend

For cyberstalking? Agreed, she will be a forgotton legend in a few years.

15916772? ago


15916194? ago

Admitting to talking to your own alts is a positive step in the right direction.

15916076? ago

they think you are me 😂 ok, so not only did you kidnap the wrong twin after centuries of planning but now you can't even distinguish beyond the fact that there is more than one Australian here, besides i thought you realised i'm not limited by geographic location?😁 https://youtu.be/eEJ2b6IaGWU

15921714? ago

ew gross

which one of you is australian

the first to confess wont get banned i promise

15916159? ago


15916112? ago

Wth! They burning rothchild money! That is a federal offense.

15916059? ago

Hampton Brandon lives in Ice Poseidon's head rent free.

15915917? ago

Those photos show women of fairly different skin tone. One is incredibly pale and the others seem fair or even tan. And why would someone actively avoiding doxxing post photos of herself with the literal same exact username? this is retarded.

15916270? ago

Some of those could be the same person, but several of those are obviously different people

15915998? ago

That’s called lighting

15915905? ago

That chick looks like she blows her nose in the bed sheets and has cracked feet.

15916069? ago


15916045? ago

15916375? ago

Well since you're pinging that loon here, tell him to bring his friend @Gothamgirl so she can get triggered again seeing that @srayzie is 100x's better looking!

15915883? ago

rayzie be crazy.

15915807? ago

Dang, u/srayzie is hot.

15916737? ago

Like a Carolina Reaper.

15915853? ago

Beauty is 1mm deep and the rest is a demon.

15916555? ago

It looks like @Gothamgirl is obsessing again

15916543? ago

1mm? No wonder you're so frustrated. Find an asian girl who is a virgin.

15916288? ago

Your ex thinks differently!

15916255? ago


15916293? ago

I was quoting anElf from the picture.

15916300? ago

Then my comment was for them instead 😜

15915862? ago

I'd go more than 1 mm deep.

Waaaaay more.

15919505? ago

This had all upvotes. Pervs. 😂

15915894? ago

Haha talk about an angry inch. 👍