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15901249? ago

The Board Owner called Srayzie out for a reason, guys. Don't let Ryann fool you. The tranny isn't here to help us.

15901332? ago

Show this, or STFU

15902012? ago

Go fuck yourself.

If you weren't so lazy and stupid, you would have already seen it.

You don't go to the board. You don't follow Q. You know little about chans. You're a poser. You're paid to do this. We're not stupid.

15902049? ago

Anybody that has to say "I'm not stoopid" usually is.

15903428? ago

A hearty rebuttle there Ryann.

15903459? ago

Who the fuck is "ryann"?

15907673? ago

You tell us Rayann.

15963173? ago

So that is her name then, the tranny denies it, but you are like 15th person to use it. Must be a coincidence 15 times now.

15964086? ago

Call it Ryann. It'll be a lot more fun.

It's a tranny.

15965541? ago

That explains the just the facial shots then. Anytime a female takes selfies they always includes their tits unless they fat AF or a dude in RL which you clearly demostrated that they - Ryann - are a shim. Good looking out anon.

15965828? ago

Anon I've proven over and over for the better part of a year that these fucks are all shills.

I bugged BO about Voat for a little bit and finally got him talking. He revealed without me even asking about that thing that it's a shill and it harassed him a lot in the beginning.

I painted a perfect picture of what these fucks do, how they do it, and who their friends are.

I warned them over and over this would happen. They didn't listen. Hell, Crensch's dumbass let himself get caught even after I told him time and time again not to fall for emotional bait.

You know who I am. You know why they hate me. Too bad they're too stupid not to keep making the same mistakes, eh?

15967527? ago

Oh my, there is fireworks going off in GA tonight!

Check it out -

The shills mods don't know what to do except downvote it.

15968002? ago
