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15899914? ago

Damn, look at all the anti-Q types this proveked. @syrazie

15968349? ago

Learn to spell my name @Gothamgirl.

She’s trying to act like me, Srayzie. It’s this retard.

15976418? ago


15976549? ago

@Shizy, @Gothamgirl is stalking you again.


15976956? ago

@Shizy, @Gothamgirl is stalking you again

And yet you left the safety of GA to harass me here...

And quit calling me Gothangirl! Your cyber stalking files of my profile should indicate whom this is you retarded fuck.

Go home power control faggots! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

15979946? ago

It's so lame how you play the victim card!

That's how everyone knows you're GothamWHORE!

15979825? ago

And quit calling me Gothangirl!

Do you prefer fat slut since that's what you are?

15977229? ago

It was so hard to leave GA. I hit reply. πŸ™„

16052405? ago

It was so hard to leave GA. I hit reply.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that, QRV, theawakening, and greatawakening are consolidated into one board, forgot all about that, but thanks for reminding me.

Wait! Why would @Srayzie GA forum be connected to the theawakening board that NeonRevolt is connected with although scrazie β€œhates” @NeonRevolt?

Thanks for confirming this for me, you truly are a retarded idiot!

15976759? ago

I knew it was you slow learner with the one worded comebacks!πŸ‘†

Doesnt Shareblue have a topic on the employee dashboard on more elaborate comebacks? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You faggots are killing me today, like McDonalds slogan says, I’m lovin’ it! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚