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CyberStalkMuch ago

It is unsurprising to me to see you are up to your usual MO ways and calling for support while you stalked a child.

People, this is not good person to follow and is very evil, beware of her & her mod friends!

Great job @

srayzie ago

Hi @Gothamgirl with a brand new username. Do you think your screenshot holds up when anyone with a brain can figure out that I could not plant child porn on your phone when I’ve never even met you? I don’t even know your damn number.

You admittedly, were seeing at least one man you met online and letting him into your home. After your address was posted on Voat, you proved it was your address by posting a picture of your house! You let people know that you’ll be gone for a few days, and tell them where you and your kids will be vacationing. You publicly posted your child’s information on Facebook. Really responsible mother there lady! Yet you imply that it was ME threatening to kidnap your kid?

I have my own family. I don’t need or want to kidnap yours. I’m sorry that you have mental health issues and that you are so fixated on me. But, you are making yourself look ridiculous.

Please note Gothamgirl’s new alt. I’m including you guys from pizzagate since that is where she is spreading her lies about not only me, but you guys as well...

@MolochHunter @Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch

Gothamgirl ago

Wrong not me. I have been shopping all day, and just got in.

I use only as a uploader, and wouldn't know how to put the red square around wording. Looks like your work to me.

@Srayzie I am going to not say anything nasty, cause you have claimed to be a victim of abuse as well.

This is my last comment to you ever, unless you jump on the bandwagon and attack you my children. Then the gloves come off.

Shizy ago

My address was posted by someone else like 2 days before I moved not by me. I don't live there anymore so yes I did post a pic.

Bullshit! Your address was posted on here long before you moved. In fact, it was posted not long after Zkylon left you and you began stalking him. That's why it was posted, because you were acting like a psycho stalker.

It's also a lie that you posted your house pic after you moved. You posted it weeks ago in an attempt to defend yourself against him saying your house was nasty. You delete everything so it's no longer there, but it was up long enough for people to confirm that your house really was in fact the address that had been posted on here.

Since you confirmed that it was your house, it would have been very easy for someone to google your address and find out your name, telephone number, relatives names, etc. You completely doxed yourself! It really doesn't matter where you move now. If someone wanted to go after you they already have your personal information because you are an over emotional jilted woman who didn't think before she reacted.

srayzie ago

That’s right. So next time she finds child porn is “planted” on her phone, or someone threatens to kidnap her kid, she can leave my name out of it.

Shizy ago

She just refuses to learn!

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you stalk me so much lapdog?

Not jilted over anything, or anyone, you sound unhinged every rant about my past ex relationship, why is that? Why can't you let go of my relationship? I was tagged into that shit mostly anyways and others shared it with me. You think I didn't know it was you bitches trolling me lol on those anon posts, you are a dead giveaway bitch.

Why the fuck are you so concerned with me? Find something better to do. This is a waste of your energy, take a yoga class and breathe psycho. Get your own life ..

Shizy ago

You're the stalker! That's why your address was put on voat, to get your to back off someone who was done with you! You obviously are the one who can't let shit go!

I don't give a shit about you, your fuck buddies, or anything else you pretend to do. You are a low IQ bitch who likes to randomly start fucking with me so I defend myself. It's really easy to do because you just can't help but say dumb things! 🤣You make wild claims about people putting dead animals in your yard (newsflash, animals die sometimes), people threatening your kids, and putting CP on your phone, but you're too stupid to understand how you lack of forethought leads to you making yourself an easy target if someone really did want to go after you! You're needy for attention and love to play the victim card. You lie and lie some more just to try and get attention. SAD!

I really hope you're serious and you do LEAVE so I don't have to keep dealing with your stupid bullshit games you try to play! Just go already and quit taking about it!

Gothamgirl ago

Wait a minute, all that shit you talk, but it's ok for you to edit your comments?

Your tumbling like a weed, flea.

Shizy ago

but it's ok for you to edit your comments?

Oh please! I immediately corrected a typo, I didn't change the content or add anything unlike how you roll!

Gothamgirl ago

Yup there is a reason I do that, however your not smart enough yet to figure it out. Maybe some day. It has nothing to do with adding at all.

Shizy ago

I'm smart enough to use "your", and "you're" correctly!

Gothamgirl ago

So fucking what. I have a lot more street smarts then you, and that beats a snowflake kalx education any day.

Shizy ago

that beats a snowflake kalx education any day.

Is that supposed to be English?

Gothamgirl ago

Nope never tried to contact that person ever again except to tell him money was being sent and stop ragging on my family. The only thing I did address on posts was the slander as I watched it come down my feed.

Well gotta go try not to have stroke over my life...

Shizy ago

I really don't care! Once again, you want to vomit your personal information all over me, and all over voat. Stop it! And just go.

Gothamgirl ago

You do care otherwise you wouldn't be carrying on talking about me everyday. 🤣🤣🤣 Your bothered, stop being a crybaby, be an adult and leave.

Shizy ago

So you edit your comment after I replied to add in your lame "shekles" comment. How typical! 😂

Gothamgirl ago

Ok welfare check then?

Shizy ago

Ok welfare check then?

Nah, I have a husband. You should try it.

Gothamgirl ago

So your gold digging gay or a tranny like I suspected. Damn I am good.

No, I shouldn't try a husband I have shitty choice in men, I can admit that.

Shizy ago

Now you're just sounding lame! I thought you were leaving hog?

Gothamgirl ago

I never said I was leaving anything except Pizzagate. I said I had to go earlier cause I was going in the Pool and Jacuzzi.

Shizy ago

I said I had to go earlier cause I was going in the Pool and Jacuzzi.


Gothamgirl ago

Well of course a gay dude would say and think that. 😁

Shizy ago

You do care otherwise you wouldn't be carrying on talking about me everyday

I've already told you, you talk shit about me and I will respond. You pinged me to your sub and I didn't respond because you weren't running your mouth about me. See how that works?

stop being a crybaby, be an adult and leave.

Leave what exactly? V/GreatAwakening? 🤣😂🤣 What do you think @Srayzie? Should I leave?

Shizy ago

@srayzie see parent. She's lying again, how shocking right?!

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

Look at your edits AFTER I replied. I know that trick Miss Thing. The whole last paragraph was added after my reply.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago

ummm-maaaaa, GG blob:

Gothamgirl ago

Busted for what exactly?

srayzie ago

Pizzagate would be better without you. Please go! You’re a compulsive liar, and your only goal is to lie about us pizzagate mods so that you can cause division on pizzagate.

I’m not putting your kids down. None of this is their fault. You’re smart enough to use a different uploader so that you could appear to be a different person.

I’ve never been a part of brigading you. If people downvote you, it’s because they are aware of what you do, or you also attacked them. I don’t ping people for that reason. I ping the mods so that they are aware of you because you are a suspicious user.

Everything you and all the other pizzagate users in your group that have lied about me, I have proven with screenshots and archived links to show that I was telling the truth. I even showed the other half of a conversation between you I, that you posted. It showed that you were taking my comment out of context.

So, take your victimhood to Poal. Take your fellow snakes with you. I am tired of all the fakes around here. I would be happy if I never see another post or comment by you ever.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

Gothamgirl ago

Nope not me liar.

srayzie ago

Omg go away

Shizy ago

How do we get rid of her? She's like herpes!!!

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah you would know all about herpes right?

Shizy ago

Everybody who didn't drop out of high school knows what herpes are! 🙄

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't drop out of high school, you seem over obsessed with herpes, so it makes me wonder why? Do you accuse everyone you don't know, or never meet of having it?

Shizy ago

Do you accuse everyone you don't know, or never meet of having it?

I didn't accuse you of having it, I accused you of being like herpes. Annoying and won't go away.

srayzie ago

Sssshhh don’t talk about that. @HeyGeorge has herpes. 🤫

Shizy ago

He didn't get them from her did he?? 😱

heygeorge ago

Oh, nah, @srayzie is confused. I got harpies. Damn speech to text.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have a group, people tag me to their posts and I thank them.

I will be on Elpis.

Pizzagate would also be better without you as well.

You can't blame all your issues on me, Fuck off.

srayzie ago
