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magavoices ago

Q just posted a link to Voat.

Look the upper right hand corner. 109,968 Online in the last 24 hours. And there's a link to voat in the upper banner, and the last post was a link to voat.

There's 110k people coming to Voat from alone. But there's also,, etc. (many qdrop sites). This is a movement of millions of people. We are filtered/banned from Twitter, Facebook, Reddit ... there's no where else to go to speak freely except 8chan, which isn't as intuitive, no upvoting features that lets the best news rise to the top.

The incoming group doesn't care about farming votes to get the power to downvote ... in fact the feature to gain CCP on /v/QRV is limited. We just want a platform where we can discuss things and keep track of Q news without getting banned.

99.9% of new users regarding Q won't even be paying attention to anything else other than the official Q thread.