Donky_punch ago

I've had to take a break from posting for about 2ish months. I lurked every now and then, but i really needed a break. This new wave of faggots brought me back out, i can't stand idly by anymore

Adam_Jensen_ ago

This seems like an attempt to oversaturate this site with speculation and bury any discussion about (((them))).

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q 2247 - 2254 >>> UK/AUS Collusion - (Piano) Wire For Mr Rosenstein - MAGA Rally Springfield MO - Friday September 21 2018' was posted in v/CalmBeforeTheStorm and includes this reply from @Silverlining:

More insiders here

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heygeorge ago

nor do malicious shit

What’s your definition of malicious? Jk, sort of

magavoices ago

Q just posted a link to Voat.

Look the upper right hand corner. 109,968 Online in the last 24 hours. And there's a link to voat in the upper banner, and the last post was a link to voat.

There's 110k people coming to Voat from alone. But there's also,, etc. (many qdrop sites). This is a movement of millions of people. We are filtered/banned from Twitter, Facebook, Reddit ... there's no where else to go to speak freely except 8chan, which isn't as intuitive, no upvoting features that lets the best news rise to the top.

The incoming group doesn't care about farming votes to get the power to downvote ... in fact the feature to gain CCP on /v/QRV is limited. We just want a platform where we can discuss things and keep track of Q news without getting banned.

99.9% of new users regarding Q won't even be paying attention to anything else other than the official Q thread.

MadWorld ago

XD Those fucking idiots...

magavoices ago





I reserved my name on Voat 1.8 years ago in case I wanted to post here someday. The only reason I'm here now is because reddit was shut down.

So fill me in on this conspiracy theory you're concocting, where Q patriots are actually a big ol' farm of sock puppets to control user opinion. Who the fuck would pay good money to have 10,000 sock puppets manned by real people. Who do you think would pay for such a thing? What would the incentive be? To snatch your precious upvotes?

Tell me how many fucking sammiches I can buy with a fucking upvote. For God's sake pull your head out of your ass.

heygeorge ago

i could hit that in a hour on my own.


heygeorge was correct they are doing it on purpose.

I don’t like to state my opinion baselessly. Except when I do it for fun, and then I try to keep it obvious.

Your friend freshie references you frequently re: simple manipulation, but I am not sure you want to spend the energy to do it to this scale consistently.

HateCumbuckets ago

I'm seeing alot more sleeper accounts becoming active lately. Even before this current migration.

magavoices ago

This is me: This is me: This is me:

I reserved my name in case someday I wanted to post here. Now with Q, I do have a reason to post here. That makes me brilliantly smart.

And you faggots think Q is a conspiracy. "Oh no look out for sleeper accounts OMG".

dunklederf ago

you still have to get into the oven, sorry.

HateCumbuckets ago

You might have a valid reason and that makes sense. Voat has been attacked too many times to assume all are like yourself.

As to what I think about Q. Being an Aussie, I really don't give a fuck one way or another.

magavoices ago

What's your point? I love a good conspiracy theory.

magavoices ago

lulz when you realize nobody there gives a shit about votes

ESOTERICshade ago

From what I understand Qanon endorsed the sub on 8chan and they started piling in like an ant farm.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

And here I was hoping this would just blow over and they would go away.


PuttItOut ago

Isn't it funny that sane has screwed over so many and they don't even know about his greatness?

13964704? ago

One day when we're all old and gray, we should have a Voat picnic and invite sanegoat to be the guest of honor. I'll bring the pound cake.

aGameCalledCountries ago


PuttItOut ago

I'll bring the bodyguards

13964894? ago


Kill-Commies ago

tell the imgoat guy the newfags filled the server up or something.

Gorillion ago

The hero we needed.

gabara ago

Probably gypses, itals, and mics.

gabara ago

Anon won't give them CCP, so there's that.

gabara ago

9270 user(s) here now

In a 1.7 hour old subverse? @PuttItOut @kevdude @cynabuns @bob3333

Cynabuns ago

It's real - major news drop and major influx to the site. Time to put out the finery and welcome our new kids

Gorillion ago

Time to put out the finery and welcome our new kids

No. They're being disrespectful entitled and trying to find ways around the CCP system. All while running the site costs up.

Q, if you're out there. You better throw Putt some fucking crypto to keep the site functional, and tell your followers to respect the site rules or they'll be drowned in shills.

Cynabuns ago

It will all level out with time. As for CCP, there's no gaming since the sub owners set it to anon, there's no points earned. There's been quite a few users who've made posts and comments on this in their new subverse, they will figure it out soon. The group has a lot to offer us all, they just need to get settled in to understand The Voat WayⓇ

gabara ago

Oh! I don't follow the news anymore, sorry. Just holy crap close to 10,000 users in a 1 hour old subverse. Is that even possible? I need to go take my geritol and go to bed.

GoBackToReddit ago

Check the CBTS/Q numbers against it.

gabara ago

I'm not into BDSM.

Cynabuns ago

All related to that dumping from reddit last week, a blessing came today/tonight from their chief cook and bottlewasher that voat was fo shizzle cool.

Don't forget your slippers and robe, nightynight ;)

GoBackToReddit ago

Jesus Christ! I fucking refresh v/all and that fucking spam is all over the place. How many of these fucking subs do we need to block?

E: This faggot..

created by SensibleStoner

Not even on the mod list.

E2: Documentation:

FrozenFire74 ago

3.2 year old account with only 78 comments and 6 submissions total. Goes multiple months in between posts until recently, but even still hasn't posted in 9 days.

MadWorld ago

That's a sleeper agent. There are so many more of that type of accounts!

GoBackToReddit ago

Look at the sub post history. This isn't some organic influx of new users...

FrozenFire74 ago

Betcha 50 bucks someone made a post on Reddit again about a new farm going up. SerialBrain2 did that with a v/mathematics and v/jokes post.

GoBackToReddit ago

After being busted in many places, they are probably doing it from a source not known to Voat at the moment or simply from discord.

FrozenFire74 ago

It could also explain how Voat started shutting itself an hour or so ago. Got the error message about Voat being down for maintenance. Is there a Qanon discord?

GoBackToReddit ago

Why would there not be? These people love to dox themselves.

Mumbleberry ago

It's anon. And the qucumbers are too stupid to realize. I made this btw, best troll ever;

gabara ago

I know, but fuck what happens when they do?

Mumbleberry ago

Chaos, tears, outrage and I'll be eating popcorn.