pby1000 ago

I can't wait to see these people go down.

His name was Seth Rich!

Silverlining ago

Look who landed with Q https://voat.co/user/EyeTheSpy Now you don't have to tweet to engage with the Eyeing and the Spying.

Silverlining ago

The Gospel according to Q - Original Collected Sayings of Jesus - Quelle - The Source


Silverlining ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/2734682 This link gets me onto what appears to be the QRV board - but I think people are messing around.

Here are the insiders discussing the situation https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2734639

Silverlining ago

The Kim Clement Prophesies


urbanaut ago

CLOCKWORK. According to the "Q Clock" future proves past points to July 24, 2018. Go take a look on QMAP website for that date. QMAP page 10.

Silverlining ago

https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/#1690 You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. POWER WILL RETURN TO THE PEOPLE. Q

1691 We saw you! God bless Patriots! https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/91j83q/motorcade_honk/📁 Q

1692 https://twitter.com/LarsPrintzen/status/1021822850427248641📁 What a wonderful day. Do you believe in coincidences? Q

1685 Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary? Logical thinking. [20] Q

More there - check it out - Q referenced 1690 tonight if I am not mistaken

Silverlining ago

I assume you want a cell facing Mecca https://twitter.com/SteveNC1776/status/1043254461848801280