Adarcer ago

One of my first comments was regarding this. But I do not agree that it is hosted by MI I believe it is still in the hand of the owners, I believe they got a influx of funding and older equipment that was replaced. The clues that make me feel this is valid. how laggy Voit was the day we came here next day or couple of days later a quick maintenance cycle then no lag afterwards.

GodGunsDogs ago

Lets go. Enjoy the show. DS rats devoring DS rats. Doesnt get better than that

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q 2247 - 2254 >>> UK/AUS Collusion - (Piano) Wire For Mr Rosenstein - MAGA Rally Springfield MO - Friday September 21 2018' was posted in v/CalmBeforeTheStorm and includes this reply from @Silverlining: This link gets me onto what appears to be the QRV board - but I think people are messing around.

Here are the insiders discussing the situation

This notification (#456) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot( More information here, including how to suppress this notification.

Silverlining ago

That link will only take me via NSFW to the front page

magavoices ago

That's because you have to fix your settings before you visit the link. Click your settings link in the upper right corner, checkmark the "Enable Adult (NSFW) Content" and click save.

Maholland003 ago

Then I suggest you have Q mention it directly. Because that page is shut down

Kneadedtherapy ago

This is great news ... I definitely wasn’t fully getting 8 Chan!

DustinFromVancouver ago

8chan is ultra confusing--not a place where we can actually chat with each other--Long live VOAT!!!

Mumbleberry ago

here; (best post I ever made)

Silverlining ago

I got through this link even though I was then not clicked to NSFW access.

Mumbleberry ago


Majik32 ago

magavoices ago

This is Q's officially sanctioned Voat.

Make sure you enable "NSFW" in your settings before visiting there or it will error.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

This takes me to pizzagate. I was banned after two posts. They're all pizzagate posts on that page.

Pickzilla ago

INCOMING!! Goats take cover!!!

KKOH ago

"/BO/ thank you for your service People are scattered since Reddit termination What about starting a trusted VOAT board under your direction? If you build it - they will come. Q" Too wordy for Q, imo. Feeling a bit uneasy.

PuttItOut ago

Although I love hearing about all the things I didn't know about Voat, Voat is not that.

Morbo ago

OMG! Putt just confirmed he is Q!


PuttItOut ago

I'm P, Q's half brother.

P ago


kikidan ago


PuttItOut ago


Hmmmm... Interesting.

White_pride_cis ago

You told me you were his cousin... which one are you!

PuttItOut ago

It gets messy trying to explain how I'm both ;)

White_pride_cis ago

I heard the pickings are slim down south... I would say that’s pretty much a famine haha

WanderingTaurus ago

You are from Kentucky? ;)

(J/k.. I love the state of KY)

MrWicked ago

Thanks for the clarification. Like the new user fast window upgrade.

SwampDonkey318 ago

I was wondering about the security but missed the maintenance post. Nice correlation magavoices!

frontholio ago

Pretty sure you're right, magavoices.

Moved to the same server farm as 8chan?

Majik32 ago

8CH’s “server farm” isn’t nearly as big as you might think. If I remember correctly, there’s no more than 4 servers involved along with a CDN overlay.

But no, Voat is not hosted on/alongside 8CH.

If NSA/MilInt wants to be involved or protect a site, they can do so transparently.

SeanBox ago

I hope Q picks SBBH...

Mumbleberry ago

Voat has NOT undergone maintenance. Quit spreading disinfo, faggot.

magavoices ago

I must have been imagining the sticky at the top of Voat regarding maintenance downtime for the last week that is no longer there.

Mumbleberry ago

Only a week late. You qucumbers are slow witted.

White_pride_cis ago

Medicaid’s doctors are slow with refills

ideologicidal ago

Wouldn't that put it as being in the immediate aftermath of the great plebbit bannening?

In this civilians opinion, we've witnessed military planning at its finest.

magavoices ago

Consider this: the new voat

It's 100% anonymous. Names are random numbers in every thread. That didn't just happen in one hour, it took specialized coding (unless Voat has a completely anonymous version that already did that).

ideologicidal ago

Acknowledged. Already been posting there.

lckypscs ago