SearchVoat ago

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bulrush ago

Those weren't really attacks yesterday, there was just 400,000 people online at once. Something the server admins probably didn't expect. But yes, that many people could very well get on that site when more news comes. More and more people from all over the world are getting onto 8chan to read it for themselves, like Vietnam (there was a huge migration of Vietnamese to, UK, Germany, Australia, and more.

I'd love to see an hourly graph of the unique users online for the past few days on 8chan. I haven't been able to find one though.

nednederlander ago

It would be very interesting to see just how many people from other countries are following this here in America. From what I've seen, we do have a ton of support from abroad.

divine_human ago

Posting will disabled for a few hours on September 21 from 0400 EST while we migrate our database to INNODB. Hardware upgrade downtime is still TBA.

DanijelStark ago

What attacks ?

From what I understood , there was a huge number of people accessing that board in very short period of time , essentially DDoS-ing the whole site . Basically , the "attacks" were by 8chan Anons , themselves ...

Stopmotionhistory ago

The upgrades are the attacks. Stay alert.

nednederlander ago

That is an interesting theory. elaborate?

Stopmotionhistory ago

Strange events. Reddit , Everyone to Voat, odd Q posts (didn't) feel right. Aliens? Shutting down for maintenance. post 363 We may have exhausted our ability to maintain safe-comms. The 363 post is old, does not make it invalid. Maybe all just a coincidence. There are many more things which make me feel we are being manipulated, but they require anyone reading this to study literature including the art of war, and the illuminati's playbook. We are being divided,

bulrush ago

Being open to the possibility of manipulation (vis a vis 8chan upgrade and server overloads) is certainly a good thing. I don't think it's quite time to get locked into that idea yet.

Stopmotionhistory ago

Fool us once (for thousands of years) shame on them, fool us twice , shame on us. I think we are heading down the best path, But I have thought that before, Keeping my eyes open this time around.

nednederlander ago

Yeah the alien comment made me uneasy too, and it wasn't the usual Q type rhetoric either. It all seems a bit odd. They definitely wanted us divided, and got to the reddit people voat could be next, although Q has said this would be coming, and 8chan would be the only safe place, but the odd Q posts and unnannounced Q&A aren't the MO we are used to.

Even is comms have been compromised, they can't' just erase all of us from the internet. WWG1WGA

Stopmotionhistory ago

Anything outside the norm should be a red flag.The internet could be erased via An EMP may still be within the deep state. A virus from WHO in the new flu vaccines. etc. Stay awake everyone.

nednederlander ago

Danger is lurking everywhere, I am anti flu shot because they definitely put shit in there, since its a yearly shot that most people get. Don't get it!!!

Stopmotionhistory ago

My elderly parents got it. Put them down for almost a weak. They recovered. I mentioned the safety issues with the shots, but they believe in the lies of the people who wear suits.

nednederlander ago

I am sorry to hear that, and happy that your parents were able to recover. I have tried to tell my family and friends too, every year I speak out against the shot, and they act as if I'm crazy and that there's no way in hell our government is run by a deep state with malicious and nefarious plans that try to keep the masses dumb and docile.

AperionPatriot ago

"Military planning at its finest.

Q" -in relation to the reddit ban and both voat and 8chan struggling to accept the refugees.

Xenophobic ago

It's funny the mirror of Europes immigration crisis and voat 8 chains crisis. Well not funny but it is striking.

LurkMaster ago

Lets be factual. Its up right now. The down time is tomorrow according to the banner message at the top of 8chan.

Posting will disabled for a few hours on September 21 from 0400 EST while we migrate our database to INNODB. Hardware upgrade downtime is still TBA.

Qdini ago
