buildingbetter ago

I say just remove the 230 status and let the lawsuits start rolling. Don't give them what they want. I backed off facebook for a month or so. Could we get a boycott going?

BanoutSurvivor ago


Planning my counter attack.

sfscubarob ago

I wasn’t suspended but they auto-unfollowed his account yesterday. Just checked, my account is still working.

magzy ago

yup happened to me to

Don_Tomaso ago

Imagine if someone simply put a 9mm in that jack fuck..

SK63 ago

My sister called today enraged that something like this can happen. In America. Where is Antifa when you need true anti-fascists to stop this censorship?

But gang, there's a platinum lining here. It proves that Collins is smack dab over the target. As a result, we should REALLY pay attention to Collins now.

srayzie ago

Exactly! Now I won’t get my app alerts tho 🥺

srayzie ago

You know why this is happening?! Cuz shits about to get real folks!

wealthword ago

Yup I was also suspended too! after following RepDougCollins YAY

srayzie ago

Wow. That’s nuts!

WokeazfuQ ago

Nice Q proof. Thanks.

BadAssUncleSamNOLA ago

TRUMP 2020 I Got Banned From Twitter For This Video

srayzie ago

Wow. It’s getting bad.

scoripowarrior ago

I recently started following Rep Collins. Hummm...I'll need to check.

Cathat ago

I was in twitmo for saying “sluts are going to slut” on a thread talking about the sex boycott. How is that a violation. I never referred to anyone specifically. I just wish we all could switch to a format that is similar

srayzie ago

Did they send an email or anything? I didn’t even get a message. I don’t even know what I did.

Christosgnosis ago

well, when the Left gets behind hitting social media with regulation because they're unilaterally censoring only conservatives

then you know that that is what the Left wants - for any privately run platforms on the Internet to be regulated by government agencies

SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago

Something to consider though, while this "Would" work well for the Dem's if they keep control of the House. But, once FISA de-class happens (and it will) then their "House" comes crumbling down upon them and the GOP will take control. Be careful what you ask for dem's, they thought that Mueller was going to put Trump & his family in prison-how did that work out for them?

Paladin_Diver ago

Rings true to me.


Haha! Amateurs! I got suspended within 5 minutes of making my account on Twitter. The first and only person I followed was @realDonaldTrump! Immediately suspended forever it seems. Haha! Clown world!

LostandFound ago

You all know why this kind of shit is happening right? It's not just about this election, it's not even about left or right political bias.

They are lashing out as hard as they can so they can be regulated. They dont care about who you are or what you believe in, they just want to hurt you, so you will accept the problem / reaction / solution paradigm.

Big problem needs big regulation, which will kill of all competitors. This is our last warning to vote in a free market, stop using these platforms and let them go the way of myspace or be stuck with them for a long long time.

Free4ever ago

Jack and Zuck were asking for that last year.


Yep! This right here folks is what it is all about. More regulation= more control. More control=more brainwashing. They fully intend to crack down on any voice that is not approved by them. If we don't stop them now then anyone with a different opinion will be silenced, one way or another.

More_Cowbell ago

Twitter let me unlock my account by verifying I was a real person. I bet what happened is Doug Collins followers count shot up uncharacteristically fast and this triggered an algorithm designed to prevent fake follower bots. So actually they may not be targeting Doug or us specifically. Just not prepared for the side effect of getting endorsed by Q

kilokai28 ago

I followed him the other day and it keeps unfollowing him I'm gonna open a support case just to be a smart ass.

BettyLiberty ago

I'm in Twitmo for calling Sarah Silverman a whore.

srayzie ago

Lmao shame!


Bad Betty!

Haha! Good job!

Bee4Q ago


SouthernPA ago

Twitter locked my account today also. I just followed @repDougCollins also. Got a message that my account has been locked for suspicious activity. It wants me to enter my phone number to unlock my account. No way. I hope POTUS takes down big tech soon!!! Censorship is not acceptable.

srayzie ago

Yep. They have their little tricks so get more information. I already used a number so that’s not helping me. They also asked my name. Hell, I can’t remember what I said my real name was. I hope they don’t say that’s suspicious activity now because the name doesn’t match.

MrShekelstein ago

twitter playing hard ball, it wont save them from the punisher.

User_3605 ago


I've avoided twatter since it's evil inception. Joined 72 hours ago for the hell of it to follow POTUS etc. I followed 15 people, had two followers. I never twatted. I never retwatted. I did comment on about 8 posts from POTUS, Rep. Jordan, etc. I've always liked Rep Doug Collins. He seems like a hell of a guy. SO I followed him to see what he may have to say in the next few days or weeks. WHAMMO! BANHAMMER! Dad checked Lisa Mei and she says she lost 2000 followers today. I'm in that group. It was fun while it lasted. FU@J*CK

srayzie ago

Geez! Oh and Lisamei probably had that happened because POTUS retweeted her tweet

User_3605 ago

I was thinking they targeted the Rep. Doug Collins followers after the Q reference, and about 2000 that were banned from twatter also followed Lisa Mei. I was one of them. No matter how you slice it, it sucks.

srayzie ago

It sure does

gabara ago

gimmieTheFormMEOW: function() { $("form").submit(function(n) { return $(n.currentTarget).valid() &&, !1 }) };;


hamman365 ago

You are such a shitstain

gabara ago


gabara ago

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RobWilJas ago

I followed, will see what happens.

User_3605 ago

Probably won't be long now.

More_Cowbell ago

Yeo. Me too

black6 ago

I have to think with all the evidence doj has collected including accused participation, aiding, abetting and providing material support to an active coup, crimes against humanity, genocide against the human population, and child murder, rape and trafficking that there is a remedy available, including but not limited to doj temporary seizure and/or supervision, if not far more drastic measures such as arrests of executive management.

I’m ready for a swat team to break down the door to the house jack built.

Nipplesurfer ago

Eh. Isreal will launch every nuke the us and uk hqve before that wver, ever happens.

ChiCom ago

It's owned by Saudis, not Israel

NosebergShekelman ago

No!! Its the Chinese Jesuits that own erything mane! The Chinese control Hollywood too! Alex Jonestein told me so

Nipplesurfer ago

Oh wow....

Ok man. Seems like more than two layers of complexity is just a leeeeeetle too much to ask.

Ok. It's the saudis. Lol.

ChiCom ago

Israel is bad, American leftist Jews worse, but don't underestimate the mudskins or chicoms.

They're all after the west.

Nipplesurfer ago

They are all, unilaterally the slave of the jew, regardless of what they, or you believe. They all are.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Why Israel? Israel controls our nukes?

hitekhobo ago

They stole a few... 😬

Nipplesurfer ago


Jewed ago

Obviously controls the president and congress.

Blacksmith21 ago

@Jack obviously doesn't understand what the Streisand Effect is.

User_3605 ago

I do hope it bites them in the ass.

TurquoiseLover ago

google disabled my account months ago for the same reason, none.

Lauraingalls ago

He must FRIGHTEN the Deep State.