18703948? ago

So Gay-Bara speaks Japanese now? @wtfeva @DieselBustersYes @cyclops1771 @SirDigbyChikenCaesar How can we defeat soap box ban nigger??

18704082? ago

More shitposting

18696402? ago


I'm glad QRV seems to be largely on the same page. Srayzie is obviously mobilizing on her end, partly in thanks to kevdude. They're very clearly panicking. It must be all this talk of treason...

18695659? ago

Who the fuck is SBBH? Thanks

18755160? ago

You must be new, or sheltered.

18754852? ago

should be in a mad house or they forgot to take their meds? @PuttitoutIsGone @Lauraingalls @Crensch @heygeorge explained https://voat.co/v/whatever/3234218

18698975? ago

the fags are also on voat r/SoapboxBanhammer/ they are early gimme-grants came to voat in the early days during the Bernie years, the soap box fag drama cancer grows bigger all the time

18692439? ago

N ones cares about your faggoty internet drama

18696244? ago

Ahh, the ol @penshitlord spin.

It's tired. This isn't about "drama" this is about delineating what defines people as shill and who they might be at Voat. Anons can prove it. I've made my username known (not because I wanted to) to anons and none of them ever go near me. They shouldn't, either. I acted like a famefag and I deserved to be ignored, just like the famefags that haven't learned their lesson need to be socialized.

Fuck you, penshitlord. Your lack of insight and obvious retardation need to be ousted from the community along with the moronic sickness you inspire in anons.

18692505? ago

yet you care enough to post, so guys @ToFat2Fish @NeedleStack @CameraCode0 why these soap fags come attacks with virus and spam !?

18693472? ago

I have no idea what's going on. Soo white power I guess. Also please marry me @needlestack and give me autistic children.

18692614? ago

Called a faggot and then you proceed to get gayer...well played

18692199? ago

Those drag queens over at qult headquarters post here to screenshot and post at their Reddit because they need material. It's an d trick people with downs play to impress each other. I call them out all the time.

18693192? ago

dis wa happenz wen u dis respeck soap box like dem niggaz who dont respeck da hood

18695708? ago

I had a feeling qult_headquarters was moderated by violent, deranged BlackLivesMatter gang members. Your response confirms it.

18691250? ago

Hey Q, since you have it all...would appreciate you tracking down these tranny/child porn posters who are ruining your board and give them a little talking to?

Sincerely, patriots.

18696263? ago

I'm glad they were stupid enough to fall in to my trap and reveal themselves for us.

What fucking losers.

18690793? ago

If you hadn’t engaged on their posts do think they would still bother?


You only have yourselves to blame

Don’t feed the trolls

18693201? ago

y'all crackaz!! soap box dindoo, wuz gud boi !

18690466? ago

SBBH did 9/11

18691991? ago

some peopele will try blame them for everything but they are not innocent, I seen the posts ...nasty trolls @flyingcuttlefish @PacaGoat @divine_human @Wazhappenin1 i feel they are trying to do more, the spam is nasty but they have another issue here....maybe cover up or do something illegal or harass

18692203? ago

Wait a minute this is waz, are you calling me a nasty troll? or are you linking me to this post because you think i might be interested?

18689977? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @AlwaysDeplorable.

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18689420? ago

I don't really consider myself a member of sbbh but I have became allies with them ever since they started posted gay shit to QRV because I was tired of the level of your stupidity, not all of you but some at least.

18692587? ago

Was not a fan of shitposting at first –––––>Cuz tranny porn is retarded.

But u/lauraingallsis be more retarded.

Shitposting wins

Never laughed so much in muh life now

Thanks @zyklon_b you have freed me, muh fren

E-thug 4 life!

18689393? ago

I hope rebbit gets hit with an anti-trust lawsuit by VOAT.

18689353? ago

Voat needs federal protection as a free speech zone. Mandated free speech zones are necessary. America was founded on muckraker (sifted through the bullshit to avoid disinformation) journalism.

18689581? ago


18689296? ago

I wonder what qualifications are sought in hiring a shill? Cheating on school papers? Stealing? Worse?

18689545? ago

I doubt they get paid. They're brainwashed by whatever content they were suckered into believing and think they're awesome for joining a troll army. It's quite disturbing to read the Nazi, antifa, nihilistic, anarchy, and other sites that these people are bred from. It's all the same brainwashing tactics, just with different talking points. It's sad and sickening. They're responsible for several attempts at what we have called false flags recently, even... Just looking into the Nazi-type sites, you'll find that those responsible for such sites hide away in other countries, including Islamic states and the Philippines (makes me wonder about the 8 chan owner), using offshore servers that I bet they or whoever controls them owns. I'm thinking the new EO has them scared, though, or at least their masters.

(I had a link to the new EO saved to my clipboard, but somehow it's gone.)

18692628? ago

The laffs r worth more than money, fren.

When did you last laff so hard, u peed ur pants?

18689622? ago

Paid shilling is a real business. Israel has it's own online force to disintegrate anything against the credibility of israel. They have more intelligence agencies than anyone I think. Cointelpro is a real business too, although clandestine (america, paid shilling).

Brainwashed people are another thing. That's mkultra.

You are talking about general brainwashes though.

Real brainwashed false flag shooters are called manchurian's. Derek zoolander is based on a true story.

18689594? ago

We just like triggering the boomers into writing long screeds for nothing

18689288? ago

Where they actually sending viruses?

18693295? ago

and they vote farming, brigade and down vote your points. This is done with new alt accounts and sock puppet handles @Nipplesurfer

18718318? ago

Well this is interesting. I get mistaken for a lot of different folks folks here. Arent you guys always threatening to dox people that disagree with you? Didnt you claim you were tracking everyones IP

18688908? ago

Spiritually, some of us Patriots need to become porn-proof mentally, i.e. the Armor of God.

Pray for us! Thank you very much!!!

18692435? ago

who? @ardvarcus

18689605? ago

I’d like to take Jesus in my mouth and anus

18703434? ago

Not until the little spic is finished mowing my lawn.

18687816? ago

So the consensus is useful idiots. But do these idiots have ties to groups of interest? If they don't they could still evolve to be more so...

18693324? ago

Some could be hired but they are too stoned and drunk to be of much use, heads melted from all the drug abuse ...remember @heuristic @fritzly these drug addicts have forgotten everything

18687712? ago

So what? Really? You want a ‘safe space’?

Grow up and deal with shit. Ignore dumb posts, don’t comment on them. Stop the muh shill posts ffs

18693178? ago

Soap box dindu nuffinz y'all

18688454? ago

look, someone stuck a quarter in KD's ass

18696094? ago

KevDude is one of the biggest faggots that goes to voat. He LOVES trannies.

18693244? ago

This comment was linked from this v/AnonTalk comment.

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18687620? ago

Their latest attack scheme is to post porn pics (like at least 2x in this thread here). And below other pictures that belong to normal comments they post claims that these pictures were porn. They do this to make it nearly impossible for us to use pictures to illustrate our comments because they would cause some turmoil then.
It's definitely the same user who flags comments falsely and posts these porn pics. Example: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3226603/18684336 (attention, there's really a tranny porn pic behind "Warning Patriots Porn Alert").

18715495? ago

18687807? ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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18687657? ago

JFC how do we avoid this?

18691838? ago

I N R I....that's how.

18690288? ago

Sad and pathetic tactics by beta pedophiles. Fucking nerds.

18687798? ago

I'm not sure. It's really destructive what they do. We can keep the threads clear by up- and downvoating and ignoring the massive spamming as far as possible.

18687820? ago

This is new tactic disheartening and disgusting

18689066? ago

Mental floss. Scroll down so top of image shows on load so you see %10 of it instead of the whole damn thing. It’s nostalgic and will remind u of dial up days.

18687513? ago

Cartoon porn says these are low-life perverts snorting chinese research chemicals in moms basement.

Easy to spot when shit hits the streets and those honed Xbox skills will not serve you well. Weuu!

18691758? ago

One of the shills freaked the fuck out in a freemason sub, I thought one was some soap box jew nigger but then he was defending arabs and saying masonic stuff harmless, all masonry was good and a bunch of other weird shit. I feel they have some agenda going here.

18696064? ago

Just type, "Jahbulon". They'll stop talking real quick.

18690300? ago


They WILL NEVER stand a chance outside of their bedrooms....and even then they aren’t safe. When the SHTF they will be the first to die.

18688477? ago

We need a new anon sub called moms basement

18687047? ago

SBBH is the synagogue of voat.

18687320? ago

One is in seattle on an oldass cellphone, another some dead end computer help line, many are tranny devil worshipers, their only concern their bitcoin payment for the next high/hit otherwise they go to a street corner and sell their anus

18687691? ago

What does a diseased anus sell for, per-session in Fukishimaville nowadays?

18687774? ago


18686464? ago

Gotta say, the LauraIngalls thread is fucking hilarious tho: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3226535

Read thru her comments and you'll see why she gets trolled so hard.

18687666? ago

yea, she/it is ridiculous

18686498? ago

Fuck off home to reddit soap fag

18686676? ago

no u

18687822? ago

This is why I subscribe to @18686676`s posts. Solid Gold

18692171? ago

i am genius, i know

18692194? ago

I hate to say, it, but yes you are. You are a genius

18843727? ago

soap ban?

18843768? ago


18843736? ago

.. bong hammer ?

18692324? ago

thanx fren

18686775? ago

hey! wait a minute!

18686463? ago

The Qult Headquarters fags also post stupid shit here then screenshot and put in their sub.

These niggers are pathetic: r/Qult_Headquarters

18688909? ago

That place is great! Finally somewhere on the web where Q can be discussed in a civil manner without cultists blathering nonsense and misusing words they don’t understand, like “shill.”

18686946? ago

people came on voat posting here .. .. now saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ . . , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

18687912? ago

SBBH has been doing this same thing for almost 4 years here, with the admins participating in the sub and allowing them to ruin their site over and over again.

Good luck dealing with SBBH when the site's owner is part of their clique

18687635? ago

Do they all have hate speech provisions in their tos?

18843715? ago

18686753? ago

soap box is cancer ... so looking back on the new wave of attack @Conspirologist starting to make sense @icuntstopswearing @Crux and what of the paki vietnam virus spammers? @daskapitalist @oldschoolrunescape07

18688088? ago

Fuck off SBBH asshole.

18843718? ago

why u post?

18686258? ago

Weiner's out of prison...ya think?

18686462? ago

Oy Vey .... when bombs stopped falling and the fires went out lots of sympathy for them and their foreskin mutilation culture... the legal Ruth types get in and then its Jeffery, the Spacey island, and what happened the missing dead wife of creepy Alan Dershowitz ? On other parts of the internet you can not discuss them or other groups and names which shall not be spoken

18686255? ago

The soapbox banhammer subs have always been a cancer. Ultra faggots who deserve to be impaled and displayed as a warning

18687123? ago

The one and true soapbox banhammer sub has always been the greatest of Voat

18686475? ago

they are like a strange alcoholic drug den and also have a weird woody allen vibe

18686510? ago

They are the worst type of trolls is really all it is. Childish retarded faggots and niggers. And for some reason some of their top active members are voats golden children. Like a lot of the people around here dont connect the dots. They should be ostracized off the platform but no, because they are convincing liars and musicians are retarded cucks, they gain popularity and respect despite being a huge negative to the community

18687592? ago

It's because the operator of this website is buddies with them. If I saved links over the time I spent on this site I would be able to prove it, but the internet is full of spooks and gov operatives that they would have got me by now for proving it.

18686952? ago

Here is the site admin joking about SBBH spamming this sub.

18690328? ago

Pathetic Pedo Porn Posting


18686221? ago

Today it's chicks with dicks, and I have to admit, without the dick she woulda been pretty hot.

Does that make me gay?

Anyway, it was a refreshing break from that Japanese animated kiddy porn. Does anyone actually get off on that shit?

18687749? ago

one of those fuckers does

18688600? ago

Mike from v/loli here. We appreciate the artistic aspect of it.

18686133? ago

encel queers love posting picture of cocks..
liberals are such homos. they sit in mommies basment and ass fuck themselves with giant black rubber dongs whilst chanting "reeeeeeeeee"..


18686639? ago

? you assholes are doing this crap every fucking day @bdmthrfkr @TheBuddha time to ban the spammer @totes_magotes @drstrangegov !!

18687271? ago


18686698? ago

I have nothing to do with it. Good luck!

18686913? ago

User @TheBuddha /u/TheBuddha 's boyfriend is Buddy Fletcher ... where have you heard that name before? HeyGeorge, don't be afraid .... You were made toooo go out n gether Theminute you let her under your skin. Then you begin to make it better And anytime you feel the pain, hey George, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder Naaaaaaah naaaaa nah nanana nah nah nah

18686666? ago

i'm not doing anything...….drstrangegov

18686069? ago

Go back to Reddit and stay there.

18686987? ago

I also noticed a lot of Masonic stuff down voted or people coming in and shilling in threads that exposed the criminality within certain Freemason groups, anyways voat has pissed of people the Jews, Saudi, Mason, Hollywood you name it

18696162? ago


18689804? ago

We must fight off the shill attacks. The are brigading from here

18689815? ago

I can’t believe the admins won’t do anything, even with screenshots!

18691157? ago

Yup...Q is going to be pissed.

18686064? ago


18686789? ago

voat asked difficult questions, free discussion and sometimes uncomfortable answers @madmalloy @salvia_d @bluntripkin !

18686052? ago

Excellent counterespionage, anon.

I liek how the top comment (in link[atm]) is literally from satan

18686039? ago

What's sad is they think what they're doing is funny and they they're really getting to people here.

I would love to see their reactions when the truth hits them.

18686120? ago

They start to troll and then it changes them, it happens to everyone, they come in to 4chan, they came to the old blogs and the old school forums to spam. Some will not change as they are kinda weird maybe deluded are cold evil. But those who see truth will it will start to add up, they can not ignore the truth the lies of Iraq, Dennis Hastert Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Drug Trade and Human Trafficking, the pedophiles at the BBC, the Churches and fake Temples, the Gulf of Tonkin, Government lies corruption, the agenda of Hollyweird, all wars banker wars

18687187? ago

I’m sure I’ve been here longer than you, feggit, now stay quarantined in your anon sub repeating what you are told to think while the adults create.

18687279? ago

I go way back, when this place was 1or 2 scifi and software posts a week, and a smaller bunch of ron paul bernie crybabies, you could log on the next month and the same tumble weeds would blow past ... anyways maybe just carpet bomb one of the soap box subs, nuke it from orbit. They got warning plenty of times @wonderfuldonut @srayzie @LakotaPride @ArtistiqueJewelry @Shizy nobody will miss soap box, they have facebook, reddit, phucks and a shit ton of other faggot piss holes. What they are doing now is illegal and wrong.

18693846? ago

What is illegal?

18687360? ago

Patriot, I believe this is all going to be addressed soon. this is why President Trump made it possible fro people to report issues.

18687505? ago

PDJT will LOCK UP SBBH for posting tranny porn on a site that hosts v/shemales

18693518? ago

dindu nuffinz @Rellik88 @u_r_wat_u_eat @u_spez_is_a_cuck @DietCokehead1 soap box wuz gud boi

18693795? ago

Why the fuck am I here? What is this about?

18694098? ago

It's jews who lash out for being called out.

They're fucking losers

18694135? ago

Are we seriously playing asphinctersayswhat?

18694183? ago


18694243? ago

Jesus fuck. Why have you mentioned me in your post? Have I done something to upset you?

18694891? ago

I didn't ping you, it was some other faggot

18686015? ago

18686239? ago

Voat had a 5 yr anniversary party and nobody told me .... hey @PieceSeeker you seeing this? @PuttItOut @oy_stopthehate @oiseaulibre @heygeorge ?

18685966? ago

SBBH invented 'edie' let that sink in.

18689703? ago

A brief history of SBBH raids. They are organizing using the same tactics they always use.

18689437? ago

Don't forget about Srayzie and her little clique. They try to act like they aren't friends with SBBH, but they certainly are. That account and Shizy are run by the same person. Crensch (Creq on Reddit) is modded at several subreddit and used to be a mod at technology for three years. He and his friends freaked the fuck out when I first started talking about this. Vindic8tor (Vindicator here at Voat) was a former r/GreatAwakening or r/Pizzagate mod. I no longer remember which, but it'd be nice if someone could show us that picture again.

I've recently talked a bit about Tencent, suggesting they may employ both the group in question and groups at Reddit and sites like it (like Voat).

Srayzie (prominently) and other users are the ones flooding both this place and the board with cartoon porn (typically depicting animated children nude or in compromising positions... which isn't better than real life children, mind you). This is likely mostly gabara and zyklon_b. ExpertShitposter is also a likely culprit, along with syriansfuckcorpses and heygeorge.

PeaceSeeker, essentially the site's liason, is a Vat shill. The guy would suck the pope off in a heartbeat if he could. Putt, the owner, fraternizes with the the lot of them, suggesting he's close to them at times (or sometimes the other way around). He may let us use his platform for "free speech purposes", but we all know full well that this claim has fallen to a meaningless status under the guise of "muh porn is free speech. muh shit posting is free speech (usually just spam...). muh quit making a big deal we're just making jokes le xD".

They're largely SRS/CTR/ShareBlue/leftypol/Unit8200 shills...

18696334? ago

Here is evidence that the information is accurate:


18697112? ago

The person you are replying to is a paid shill named @NotHereForPizza

He’s accused us of this countless of times. I wrote about it here...


18700674? ago

being this dumb

Oh, srayzie... You're making things awfully hard on yourself.

Your impotent damage control only further unveils your intense desperation.

18691190? ago

"Srayzie (prominently) and other users are the ones flooding both this place and the board with cartoon porn (typically depicting animated children nude or in compromising positions... which isn't better than real life children, mind you)."

Ahahahahahhahahaaaaa.....ahhh, so stupid.

Nice try.

18695205? ago

Actually, I fucked up on that part. I should be more specific: srayzie points them to where to slide/discredit. I'm not sure what I was trying to say there either.

18691165? ago

I made fun of her clique that she tags on every one of her posts.

18695218? ago

she's actually insane and obsessive as hell. fuck alinsky. i'm not trying to pathologize her. "she" is genuinely unstable.

18690744? ago

Good to see you @NotHereForPizza! You're so easy to spot with your lies and butthurt bullshit!

Why don't you tell everyone how you have been outed using about a dozen alts? Or how you're a tranny faggot who longs to become pregnant? Have you cut your dick off yet! It must really suck despising yourself! Just end it now pussy!

18695042? ago

Imagine being this person👆👆👆👆👆

18695057? ago

I think he's dead now.

18695104? ago

Elvis dead or Isaac Kappy dead?

Which kind?

18695250? ago


18694929? ago

Rekt and kekt

18690449? ago

SBBH has been helping code the site for years. They are the reason there are restrictions and extra rules in the first place. They create problems then create their own solution that benefits them only

18695235? ago

They are the reason there are restrictions and extra rules in the first place. They create problems then create their own solution that benefits them only

Precisely. They're posers. Rules for Radicals 101.

18703115? ago

now you've done it ! @goatboy @Cockulator @sosat_menya_reddit @d0c5 @Redcobra Hope you enjoyed the ride.... Get ready for a surprise! If I am not me, den who da hell am I?

18707208? ago

Cobra is red dy

18689730? ago

@fromtelavivwithlove is also a conspirator. It/they have been waging a multi-month operation that has only begun to be amplified in the past few weeks or so

18687584? ago

Hahahaha, I clicked the edie explanation link and saw one of my threads about edie's love child https://voat.co/v/QRV/3129210


18687149? ago

edie was some cringy retard shit, and many of you fell for it and engaged him

18691177? ago

She distracted from the Q message IMO. NameFags should die.

18687418? ago

thought it was funny

18686715? ago

no way that's true.

18686417? ago

What's Edie? (am a newfag)

18686607? ago


In summary a person who signed most of its bizarre posts with "----edie", defeating the purpose of coming to an anonymized sub.

18686066? ago

This is true

18686018? ago

I miss edie :(

18687409? ago

I slam hammer'd edie's wife, eide in her clambox

18685930? ago

The last 2 are what ... a company with call centers in Turkey, India Pakistan and the Oy! Vey! faggy guys from Tel Aviv / Jerusalem

18687208? ago

People think you are a retard when you say oy vey. Just a tip, if you want people to take you seriously. But you probably call people boomers too. Cringy shit man.

18689485? ago

People think you are a retard when you say “oy vey”.

No. People know without a shadow of doubt that they are dealing with a retarded when we read that.

18686035? ago

Names groups were mentioned they don't want you to talk of. You figure it out yet? @Mumbleberry @Empress This is actually the calm before the storm @kevdude @clamhurt_legbeard @theoldones ?

18687944? ago

4 out of 5 of those users are known SBBH/SRS users. You guys cannot help but getting played, can you? At least this thread is starting to connect some dots, albeit you are asking SBBH to help fight SBBH lol

18685939? ago

the Vietnam spammers are also involved

18686170? ago

nobody clicks on those anymore dumbfuck

18686208? ago

Just look at the multiple porn shill related threads in GA this place past week. Shh bby its ok

18686450? ago

Mods are AWOL.

18689839? ago

Good! This is a free speech zone!

18690223? ago

free tranny porn zone you mean

18685904? ago



18687889? ago

^ this is an SBBH meme started by @zyklon_b who is a pill abusing basement dwelling sodomite who spends every day of his life trolling conservatives online.

18703664? ago

I thought zyklon_b was the gas used to exterminate 6,000,000,000,000,000 of your fellow kikes.

18687909? ago

thanks my legend has grown due to yall useful idiots

18692796? ago

"legend" lol

18687952? ago

literally no one gives a fuck about you other than the negative atmosphere you create.

18689856? ago

Don’t be such a butt hurt faggot. Zyklon is an institution on this site

18690433? ago

thats the problem. A bunch of radical homosexual liberals are larping as far-right. And likely responsible for the US intelligence agency issues a couple weeks ago

18691432? ago

Big gay is in a shadow war with US MIL

18688593? ago

I do. WE LOVE YOU ZYKLON. Keep up the good work. I’m doing my part soldier. Let’s the porn taps wide OPEN!

18685898? ago

Err.. OK? Does this information accomplish something for you? You believe these 'attacks' are the 'big guns'? Better hold on to your fucking guts then Bqqmer. Fun's not even started yet. You need to be gone.

18686388? ago

I wonder why humans attack, steal, harass and kill each other over seemily nothing, I'm a person of peace I try to chose a peaceful way but some always want a war. What are these spammers? @thedirtypuma @Atko @Voat The idiots who like to attack? You should be careful what you wish for when the real fun starts, let's say your in a nation a place its say 250 miles long or maybe 400 km from north to south, and its width ranges from 100 km ... one big bomb lands and your entire nation is wiped off the fucking map

18687429? ago

What the fuck is this lunacy? Another deranged senseless word salads. Ugh.

These third world shit hiles really need to up their game with their bots. These things are embarassing

18685868? ago

Tattle fag.

18686543? ago

Who the fuck are these devil worshipers .... Would you believe the subs which freak them out the most are the Traditional Housewife subs .... like a fucking troll melting or vampire exposed to sunlight @silverplate @Empress @Shieldmaden some are not paid to shill they just hate America and the West almost religiously?

18687211? ago

@edenz and @glipglup are the same massive faggot sucking his own dick

18687399? ago

pretty sure those are 2 different people

18688507? ago

This is Glipglup here to tell you that you're on an anon voat sub, which means he's retarded. Everyone here is retarded but doesn't realize how retarded they are.

18687419? ago

@glipglup sucks his own dick

@edenz sucks his own dick

18910247? ago

Fight me on v/whatever we both know you won't do it because youre a pussy cuck.