Size difference between Italy/Africa. Why would they suggest Italy should be accepting Low IQ psychotic African migrants by the boatload??? (
submitted 5.6 years ago by 3226603?
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18682985? 5.6 years ago
Here a comparision to US, China, Europe:
The Africans already have the biggest continent with immense resources. There's no reason to also give them our countries.
18683867? 5.6 years ago
^^^^GAY PORN^^^
18683991? 5.6 years ago
Do you declare a map of Africa as porn now? How pervert is that?
18684031? 5.6 years ago
18684093? 5.6 years ago
Is every picture porn in your eyes? Incredibly stupid.
18684129? 5.6 years ago
No, I’m just not going to let Patriots continue to be tricked my porn link you stupid faggot
18684310? 5.6 years ago
If you had clicked on a link and noticed it was porn, it would be useful what you do. But without any clue this is retarded behaviour.
But it's essential to use pictures on Voat. So please stop your stupid lies! Lok at the picture and think about if this.
I took the picture from (the picture at the bottom of that site)
18684336? 5.6 years ago
^^^^Warning Patriots Porn Alert^^^^ These shills are getting more and more insidious
18687628? 5.6 years ago
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18684469? 5.6 years ago
The shill who pretends to warn about porn, is the same who posts porn! Reported.
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18682985? ago
Here a comparision to US, China, Europe:
The Africans already have the biggest continent with immense resources. There's no reason to also give them our countries.
18683867? ago
^^^^GAY PORN^^^
18683991? ago
Do you declare a map of Africa as porn now? How pervert is that?
18684031? ago
18684093? ago
Is every picture porn in your eyes? Incredibly stupid.
18684129? ago
No, I’m just not going to let Patriots continue to be tricked my porn link you stupid faggot
18684310? ago
If you had clicked on a link and noticed it was porn, it would be useful what you do. But without any clue this is retarded behaviour.
But it's essential to use pictures on Voat. So please stop your stupid lies! Lok at the picture and think about if this.
I took the picture from (the picture at the bottom of that site)
18684336? ago
^^^^Warning Patriots Porn Alert^^^^ These shills are getting more and more insidious
18687628? ago
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Posted automatically (#40046) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
18684469? ago
The shill who pretends to warn about porn, is the same who posts porn! Reported.