18786384? ago

How about any discussion or link not on the topic of a Q post...be deleted and the person discussing be banned?

18776357? ago

fastjack sounds like the $5 parking-lot special

18773394? ago

What happened to the Most Recent Q discussion sticky??

Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution FearFearFearFearFearFear You're gonna lose your home if you don't do what we say is right! Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Forum slide Forum slide Forum slide Forum slide Forum slide

18773461? ago

When Q posts again we will post a new sticky

18774083? ago

Resign, you cucked faggots

18773388? ago

if there's no way around porn shilling, just see it as a reminder of what is about to be taken down; a sick network of pedophiles, human/childtraffickers, satanists, terrorists, globalists, cannibals, and sexslavedrivers, raping-destroying and consuming children . all these losers are in panic and have to take it out somewhere. what better place than the puddle that investigates their sick tracks ? we might have to endure their panic .

18773159? ago

Since when is porn considered to have anything to do with speech ? What opinion is truely offered with it?

18771698? ago


golf clap

This has to be the most successful troll thread yet.

18771202? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#41340) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18770470? ago

Welp, feeding the shills like this has made the problem twice as bad.

Thanks a lot!

18770117? ago

Fun? What's so fun about dealing with trolls and shills when you're trying to have a serious conversation? QRV obviously need some serious re-vamping. The original Board Owner isn't even here any longer. Looks to me like QRV has been compromised because of it. Or maybe the BO was compromised from the beginning and Q just didn't know it when he endorsed him. Either way, this confusion needs to be cleaned up.

18767436? ago

How about letting users block all posts by the 'bad actors'. I don't need to know who they are. But if they are posting smutty stuff that I don't want to see... Let me block the account. They can keep posting the smut. And I don't even know it is here.

18771501? ago

Proxies and VPNs route around IP blocks.

18766136? ago

anon 5ever. don't give em shit. if people don't like it here they can fuck off to reddit? grow some fucking skin.

18765402? ago

I don’t like the porn but I’ve learned to spot it — you can usually tell by the number of downvotes. It’s annoying to have to dodge it but it can be done. My question for the mods is - should we down vote them or ignore them. I’ve always wondered if they get paid by up and down votes. Thanks!

18771527? ago

Or, just grow a thicker skin and a pair of balls. Don't offended by naked people doing shit to each other.

18766866? ago

I’ve started going in and editing porn into seemingly legitimate upvoted comments. It takes longer to excite but it’s honest work

18765414? ago

very good question

18765285? ago

give our mods a no confidence vote

so·ci·o·path /ˈsōsēōˌpaTH/ noun a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

anyone who has a smidgen of tolerance for the behavior that has taken place on QRV are by definition sociopaths.


Give our mods a no-confidence vote.

18761248? ago

Just wanted to say that it looks like Q was telling us that the current porn-spam was gonna be happening now/soon, if you look at Qpost number 3331 (the one with the karate kid video) . Alot of newbies and lurkers might be feeling like Daniel the karate kid, curious about what all this Q story is about, so they have a peek and check out a few links. But instead, they find random "offensive" pics, get the wrong idea and quickly leave (just like in the vid) . If you would like a better explanation about how the spam is meant to confuse you, or to slide away the real news/info, you can check out this comment: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3233816/18751386

I think the important message for the newbies and lurkers is that by the end of the movie, Daniel was able to sort through the fake news/karate and learn what it was really all about: systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD Enjoy the show! the average movie is approx 2 hrs, but this real-life irl thing takes abit longer.

18759501? ago

Don’t be a putts. No.

18759278? ago

QRV has been flooded with liberal tears masquerading as conservatives.

18758900? ago

Nothing but moaning little snowflake liberal girls here in QRV now. Where is the research?

18759682? ago

There is no research. There is only @srayzie crying for her pussypassprotection

18762579? ago

"No research"...getting there, just porn to destroy QRV. Has nothing to do with Great Awakening. Can't wait til Q moves everyone over there...it's much better anyway.

18762608? ago

sure, whatever you say, srayzie.

18763682? ago

LOL...not srayzie, pornfag

18763698? ago

ok srayzie

18766935? ago

..so dumb.

18767420? ago

sure srayzie

18758482? ago

Muh Shills QQ

18758368? ago

Stop being such whiny fucking pussies!

18757275? ago





18756599? ago

I only became a member of Voat because I could get Q updates here. Now, the top section is a bitch and gripe post and everything Q has been removed.

18756432? ago

Free Speech is Free Speech

Anti - Censorship is just that

Fuck off if you can’t handle a few porn pics, the internet is not for you.

18762050? ago

Actually, posting porn and trying to trick people to click on the link by attaching a normal sounding comment is not free speech. It's being deceptive.

If ya'll want to post porn, then label it as such, so normal people can avoid...but we know what this is really about don't we. And we know ya'll wont do that because you have an agenda.

Porn, deception, specious argument claiming free speech....equals liars and everything Q hates.

Good luck with that.

18762696? ago

TIL only 100% honest speech counts as free speech. Someone better alert POTUS

18771354? ago

And Q too...... I thought "disinfo was necessary"? Unless it comes to links, apparently.

18757313? ago




18756125? ago

@FastJack The Mods know who's posting porn. How about they simply out just the perps? Start with the most obnoxious, that should settle down the copycats.

18756705? ago

The admins, not the mods.

18767711? ago

Heard a rumor that one of QRV's mods was posting porn.

18757898? ago

Thanks, I'm still learning.

18756094? ago

Just stop down voating or commenting at all on porn. If you see a picture attachment, just pass it by.

18755502? ago

Could a kind hearted person create v/qrvAnon? I don't trust the SBBH shills at v/greatawakening

18754550? ago

Is it that hard to just keep removing the spam? A janitor's job is to clean every day, not kick out the students that make the mess so he doesn't have to work.

18753437? ago

Speaking only for myself but I am gone if this thing goes non-anon. Only idiots are clicking porn links. Gullible fools. These fools shouldn't dictate to anyone. This place is a war zone not a kiddie pool. Go to reddit if you want moderation.

18762204? ago

"Only idiots are clicking porn links"

BS...porn links are not labeled and comments are purposely deceptive to sound on topic..so how is a newbie sposed to know?

Ya, they can't. Talk about censorship...can't click on any link because it might be porn. So, content is being censored...by the porn shills.

That was the whole point of QRV...a place to send newbies and sheeple (off the chans) to wake up. Normal people don't want to see porn.

18765653? ago

Whatever shill. If you're stupid enough to click on blind links in QRV, you deserve what you get.

18765736? ago

LOL...you must be a pornfag. Pornfags have no reasoning/comprehension skills.

18767518? ago

No, I'm just not dumb enough to click on strange links on a completely anonymous forum.

18762713? ago

I like the loli and tranny porn. Not so much the interracial stuff

18753381? ago

Dear Putt,

The shills seem desperate to manufacture a censorship crisis, likely so they can incite the rest of Voat to attack us for violating the ideals of free speech. The shills will likely also attack you and Voat for not being a free speech platform if you encourage censorship.

This isn't a game that can be won.

No rules will stop the shills because they'll just love the attention and consider it a challenge to adapt. Instead of porn, we'll see pictures of puppies or music videos. If more rules are added to make content Q related, we'll just get pictures of puppies with QAnon drawn on them and music videos that "relate" to Q or even endless bible passages that the shills will claim relate to Q.

I suspect half of the people calling for censorship are the shills and the other half are Reddit users who long for a safe space.

Giving the shills what they want will only create new problems.

Emotionally mature adults are capable of ignoring shills and naughty pictures because we know they won't hurt us.

Voat is one of the last warriors for free speech ~ please don't let the shills destroy that.

The shill problem is made worse because a single anonymous shill can pretend to represent an army of people.

I don't know what can be done because SBBH is a CCP farm.

18763290? ago

@Srayzie, @Putt

"Emotionally mature adults are capable of ignoring shills and naughty pictures because we know they won't hurt us." 18753381?

Shaming tactic...nice try.

Dear Putt,

As per the rules, porn on QRV is off topic. Not to mention the deceptive practices anons are using to get people to click on the pictures. Pornfags are claiming free speech. It's not free speech when deceptive tactics are used, like an attached comment that sounds reasonable and on topic (with porn pic).

What about my "right to free speech" (or reading) to not to see porn? Why is it not flagged as such? If it was flagged, porn could be avoided and the shills/pornfags would lose their destructive jollies, while retaining the "anon" so many are concerned with and allowing newbies to participate.

Q is battling porn, trafficking and sexual deviancy in all forms. Viewing porn has been proven to cause harm and destroy normal relationships. Porn is addictive and changes brain structure. Porn is destroying America by destroying the family. This is being done on purpose, both here and in America. And it's evil. There is a reason HRC was going to legalize many new perversions. There is a reason, LGBTURXYZ is being pushed. Why children are being sexualized. Why transgender is being shoved on us. Why pedo's are gaining political power. Porn destroys.

To see this on Q's board is hard to reconcile. QRV was made to spread Q's message to the world for normies and sheeple; to wake people up to the DS/shadow government and to pray. It has become impossible to send normies/sheeple/family here. No more red pills. No spreading of the Q message. Effectively, dismantling what Q wanted to happen.

And you are allowing this.

18755573? ago

I don't know what can be done because SBBH is a CCP farm.

Everybody knows that fph is the traditional CCP farm, although nowadays it’s easier to jump on Trump’s knob in politics, news, or one of the awakening subs. Check out previous posters who have even ‘raced’ to secure CCP. It’s a waste of time farming the banhammers, they’re more like a garden.

18755591? ago

What is fph and why did you abbreviate the most important part of your entire comment, rendering it worthless?

18755881? ago

Which bit is that?

18755622? ago

v/fatpeoplehate, q-tard

18755836? ago

Oiu bnik aayn fatm yfg.

18753372? ago

Leave it be.

18753042? ago

Please keep it anonymous, and use technology like the upvoat / downvoat system to weed out or discourage shills. And be aware the shills learn all the rules and find ways to try to defeat the rules. So the rules may need to morph over time to keep up with the shills changing attacks / challenges. This place is like a bomber during war, the more central over the"target" it gets, the more flack it receives.

18753038? ago

its fine the way it is

18753004? ago

Toughen the fuck up pansies! It’s fucking embarrassing.

Who GIVES A FUCK ABOUT PORN PICS. Grow the fuck up and scroll away from it.

Only faggot shills are calling for censoring. Fact.

18763424? ago

Porn destroys.

18752293? ago

Anon removes ego. Why not just get someone to remove pornography?

18752174? ago

ModFags. What the fuck is wrong with making post be required to be Q or Q-related? Go fucking look at the /pizzagate sub. Shills are slamming this sub with prolapsed assholes, concave assholes, and low-effort Florida types. Moderate the shit out of it if the content is off topic. If it's Q related, let it stay. Good, bad, or ugly. Require a fucking statement: This post is Q related because XXXXX. Free speech is utmost, but there are noise ordinances. So much shit here is intentional noise. Fuck that and fuck them. We don't owe the enemy a voice or a platform. Signed @JodyOnTheBlock

18771377? ago

You know that Pizzagate is compromised and censored? Right? That sub was taken over in 2017.

18752460? ago

The Jews run the world. This is Q related because Q is fighting traitors.

18757386? ago

See these people keep bringing up the Jew thing thinking it will be the next push to be banned. Bro clearly nobody is stopping u from ur daily Jew rants, it’s like 99% of voat at this point.

18758551? ago

Maybe you should pay attention.

18753041? ago

If this was a post, I'd delete it. Low-energy, low-effort, no sauce. As a comment, whatever.

18758814? ago

Nobody put you in charge.

18752194? ago

QAnon Research Voat /QRV

18751867? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

18751820? ago

poal.co just saying its a thing.

18751413? ago

For those of you who may have not been around voat for a while:

This entire site is astroturfed to hell. It has been under constant infestation of every shill group imaginable in many ways and in every method you can imagine. It's been this way for a very long time. Years. It's not just the obvious trolls like SBBH, who are coordinated, and more nefarious than simply trolls. Points farming, content curation (controlling the front page with many alt accounts, keeping aversive content on the front page at all times, sliding important information to invalidate the purpose of a free speech site)

Every group of bad actors you can think of is here. Almost every poster outside of the primary subs is a shill for some PR firm or another. Controlling digital real estate is big business. People are heavily invested in making sure the first thing you see when you come to visit Voat is "KILL ALL NIGGERS". No really, look at the front page on any given day and I promise you there will be something similar to this. The point is to scare people who might otherwise join the community, which makes the community worthless and with bad reputation. There are similar tactics employed on major chan sites as well.

This effort to create a manufacturered crisis in QRV around cartoon child porn and bomb making posting is not the work of "trolls". It's the work of people who are very heavily invested in driving people away from the community and with the eventual goal of taking over this community. Call them Communist (the ends justify the means) call them deep state, call them intel spooks, probably a mix of all three. But don't call them benign. They are not benign. They are actually attackers and their goal is to destroy the free dissemination of information.

They post and bombard this information all over the sub constantly, and then they say "we need moderation!!!" (Manufacture a problem) then they say with their other hand "the mods are doing nothing! We need curation! Open a moderator position!!! We need a janitor!!" Of course the same people posting the porn will be first in line to be the janitors, with the goal of attaining a super user position on the board, and thus the ability to control and delete posts at will, especially and including any useful information. Once these people attain a super user position, they will no longer need to post porn, so they can say "see? We stopped the porn!" (Provided a 'solution' to the crisis). The cost is you give up your rights to having free flow of information.

This is an effort to lift the curtain on the utter shitstains who inhabit this place. They aren't ever going to stop. They are going to continue to do what they do until something gives in one direction or the other. If they get their porn deleted, they will say "there's no free speech here!!! QRV censored us!! It's compromised!! It's evidence that it is a controlled operation!!" If they get moderation, they will work to gain that super user status. If you ban them, they will simply hop to another virtual machine on a different instance with a different IP and start again. They can keep playing the whack a mole game forever. They will keep doing it forever. They will never stop, because these people are more than trolls, they are BAD ACTORS.

Anyone who works this hard to destroy is motivated by more than the lulz. Voat is a virulent cesspool of these people. Yes there are legitimate users, but they are heavily outnumbered by professional forum trolls with dozens of sock puppet accounts and very very bad intentions.

18771445? ago

So, when do we get to the "Killing all Niggers" part? That sounded pretty good.

18758990? ago

Good post. Keep it anon. I lurk 99.9% of the time but I wouldn't post at all if it wasn't anon. Tell the ones that want censorship etc. to go fuck themselves!

18755936? ago

name your self anon fag.


18755612? ago

It's not just the obvious trolls like SBBH, who are coordinated, and more nefarious than simply trolls.

This gets me every time. -george

18757804? ago

Almost every poster outside of the primary subs is a shill

Doing our part to sell products neglected by time - caveman


18759492? ago

And at prices so low... it’s criminal!

18755914? ago

we're getting monolithed, what a fag.

18751486? ago

I’m just doing it for the keks friend.

18750533? ago

Let's all have sex!

18767719? ago

Not Q related. Kek.

18750493? ago

Keep it anonymous. Too much shadow-banning going on most other venues. Shadow-banning if innocent people that bring valid information to the discussions. I understand the annoyance of some people but it is best to just ignore them and move onto better topics.

18755620? ago

shadow-banning going on most other venues

There is no shadow banning on Voat, except for @derpyguy

18750536? ago

18767043? ago

Jesus is the only one who can free you from your porn demon. Ask Him for help today.

18767090? ago

I’d love to stay and chat about how Christianity is fake, and how Jesus likely laid with man, but I have important spamming to get back to. Can you understand that?

18767400? ago

...that's just sad.

18750462? ago

Everything changed when @8bit resigned. 😏

18749648? ago

This is why we can't have nice things.

18749532? ago

Clearly the only reason for the shit and porn posts is to discredit this sub. Keep it anon, remove the turds and lets get sharing info.

18752322? ago

Let's talk about the Jewish problem in America.

18766856? ago

Off topic, hater.

18768870? ago

See how quickly this devolves into censorship of things you don't like?

18769430? ago

Ahahahahhahahaha.....Typical manipulation slide.

"See how quickly this devolves into censorship of things you don't like?"

Off topic means your comment is not what is being discussed. It means wrong post, pumpkin. Don't try and insert your opinions of the Joos into a completely different conversation about porn, then when someone basically says, "Stay on topic" you try to scream censorship. And then try and tell me what things (conversations/ideas) I do and don't like.

That's so typical MSM mind-buggery, manipulation, projection/gas lighting, easily spotted shillery all in one sentence. You need some more training or something.

How many times today did you post that sentence on this thread? Looked like several times. Quite the slide agenda you have. You want to talk about the "Jewish problem in America" then go and submit your own post and have your own conversation with like minded goats.

These people are stupid - Q

18771392? ago

If I want to start a thread and explain how Jews are fucking over the white race I should be able to.

It's free speech and it's Q-related.

18757464? ago

The fact that this is you’re response to ever “keep it anon remove the porn” suggestion shows that you’re implying “ok if you do that we will just post more about the Jews again.”

Go ahead, let’s talk about the Jewish problem in America. You’re long winded history lessons about some Jewish ancestor 2500 years ago or whatever is a lot more easy to ignore then little trap links and threads spread across the sub.


18758540? ago

The fact that you ignore the Jewish problem means that you are part of the problem.

18749285? ago

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter Mods are all gone

18749005? ago

You want the site to crumble, go ahead.

Maybe it's all part of the (((plan))).

18748492? ago

It’s losing not loosing

18748406? ago

Let's have the QAnon research board limited to QAnon research

I personally don't like seeing porn on here and would like some real moderation, sitting back and doing nothing cause free speech is sort of horse shit imo, appropriate regulation should exist.

18748954? ago

Amen Patriot. Remember these days?

18766883? ago

Jesus loves you. Did you know that if you died right now...there is an afterlife? Heaven and hell. It's time to turn from your pornfag ways and accept Jesus.

18766903? ago

Check out the loli-cumshot I just posted NEW. Praise Moloch you weak minded faggot worshipper.

18748220? ago

I am comfortable on this sub BECAUSE it is anonymous. On Twitter I've received threats from antifa types. Don't tell me to avoid Twitter - there are great citizens of the world there - reporting on things we don't hear about in the U.S. On other platforms I have to deal with men sending me DMs or following me..... yes, even at my age! The anonymity of this sub lets me contribute on a level playing field.

18766959? ago

"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed in Him should have everlasting life."

It's time for a change, anon.

18766977? ago


18767341? ago

Actually, not really, just wondering if I posted scripture against the porn would I be banned...which would speak volumes.

18747566? ago

The only people complaining are close-minded and can't hear other people's opinions. They are big babies, everything posted here just about is in voat conspiracies anyway and that is moderated. If you're hanging out in an anonymous board plan on seeing things you don't want to or go away. I'm sure I probably would have just been banned for saying that.

18747499? ago

How about anyone who spams porn loses anon status?

18763472? ago


18767021? ago

Did you know that God hates porn? Jesus came to save you from your sins...like your porn addiction. You can be saved today, just ask Jesus into your heart.

18767047? ago

Christians say heaven is better than earth. But you haven’t killed yourself yet. Are you a liar?

18767359? ago

LOL..so dumb.

18767366? ago


18767413? ago

Ahahahaa.....low IQ porfag

18766908? ago

Jesus is the savior of the world. He died for your pornfag sins. Repent.

18766917? ago

Should I take plan B? Tehehe.

18747887? ago

Haha, none of it bothers me, but I bet it would bother you 😁👍 Vote up for your quick response.

18748007? ago

It’s so sickening and shocking to my senses. I am a Christian women and the above conversation I had with the site admin was beyond pale.

18748334? ago

I can understand how you feel however Voat is as close to the chans as it gets as far as I know and I personally I like it that way. As long as it's not breaking laws then it should be ok. I suggest you avoid opening any pics, I rarely do. I'm here for good information and until today I've never paid any attention to all this crap, it's noise to me. I have been on the net since the beginning when you needed to learn Dos to do it and there was a time with zero moderation, you name it people posted it. I mean no disrespect but just because it bothers you does not give you a right to control it, understand? ✌

18748416? ago

The screenshot of our conversation clearly shows he’s anti-Christian and ignoring our pleas on purpose. To drive us away from here.

18748678? ago

No it isn't anti Christian, it's anti suppression of free speech. He's not attacking you for your beliefs. You cannot demand everyone and everything be the way you believe they should be, if you can't handle it then you have the choice to leave or stay. That thinking is the same thinking the left is using to have us all living under an authoritarian boot.

18747099? ago

fuck this site!

18746243? ago

Only time i post to anon subs is when i use my alt @bigdick69motherfucker

18746050? ago

I go more to 8ch now because I CAN block the hate. Ya, I will dowse the shills with their own septic water, but I'd rather NOT have to do that. Honestly, I have never been impressed with they rules of this place. I come here to find like minded patriots. MAGA

18747599? ago

Do you consider the truth hate?

18767668? ago

Jesus is love.

18745955? ago

Here’s a simple solution

  1. Enhance subs to allow content flagging by mods/janitors
  2. Enable opt-in hiding of flagged content for users

18752009? ago

In other words: "build us a safe space we can hide in"

18756947? ago

Yeah a safe space from porn.

Nobody comes to QRV to look at porn. It’s not “art” it’s not “speech” it’s not “relevant.” If I want fag tranny porn I have google.

People will still be able to bash the Jews and Muslims and blacks, even though they’re ignorant. The only difference will be no porn images floating around.

It’s one thing if it was relevant content, but when the whole idea around it isn’t promoting free speech, but actually to try and disrupt the free speech and communications of the board members, I don’t see how anyone has a problem w banning the porn.

Anyone who wants a non anon sub or porn to be free speech is clearly a shill. Weapons of disino.

18758904? ago

Speaking of disinfo... when is the last time Q accurately predicted something?

18759787? ago

come on, man. Q can't even predict when he takes a shit.

18758594? ago

It’s one thing if it was relevant content, but when the whole idea around it isn’t promoting free speech, but actually to try and disrupt the free speech and communications of the board members,

After you successfully ban the porn, the same argument will be used to ban "antisemitic" stuff you don't like. Watch.

18766663? ago


18752971? ago

How so?

18758846? ago

"Filter out the stuffing don't like hearing about (e.g. Jews and niggers)"

18764728? ago

I was thinking two flag categories only: porn and gore. Two content types that severely limit the ability to view this sub in public, at home with the family around, or at work.

Flagging would be solely up to the sub’s mods/janitors to decide what breaches that sub’s house rules, and also requires users to opt in so no filter by default.

Any calls to extend flags to anything except these two categories should be rejected.

18771321? ago

Any calls to extend flags to anything except these two categories should be rejected.

That never happens. Once you allow censorship it goes straight to iron-first totalitarianism in no time.

18773807? ago

Flagging = categorisation != censorship

Do you agree with the sub being flagged as NSFW? Same thing.

18747115? ago

Here’s a simple solution @puttitout @fastjack

Enhance subs to allow content flagging by mods/janitors

Enable opt-in hiding of flagged content for users

yes and yes

18747787? ago

How about a simple hide function so the end user can decide what to hide.

18747819? ago

that's fine too

18747337? ago

18767185? ago

Jesus is the way...ask Him into your heart today.

18767205? ago

Did you watch the gif? It’s simply stunning.

18767249? ago

God loves you!!!

18745740? ago

fun police my ass. theres a difference between being an annoying shill, shitposter, or troll and posting sick obnoxious depravity that in no way, shape, fashion or form contributes to this board. With them you can discern the spectrum of thinking around a particular idea and they provide additional perspective to reason with (even a shit-shilly post)

ok, noobs lets reason this a little, k. I really want to troll the living fuck outta this subject, srayzie. I dont because i not going to stir the shit pot and agitate peeps, besides the fact ya just dont feed trolls. maybe a few perspectives will help shed some light on the subject.

This is a public forum, akin to any public venue. ANYONE CAN COME, THEREFOR IT IS PUBLIC. children too, dear god hopefully not very many, this place can be vile. Society establishes boundaries all the time, come on lets take a look at a few.

if you take a bag of mcdonalds into the burger king and think your gonna sit down for dinner, NOPE your gonna get asked to fucking leave.

if your sitting in the movie theatre and break out your phone thinking that your gonna converse with your friends, NOPE your gonna get asked to fucking leave.

if you walk into the local mall and think that your gonna sit around mouthing off a bunch of shit, guess what your gonna get asked to fucking leave. errr uhhh unless your with ANTIFA.

if you walk into the home depot and start shillin lowes, yep you guessed it folks, your gonna get asked to fucking leave.

if you sit around at night thinking that you gonna crank the stereo up in the middle of the night, wooops, yea that shit aint gonna happen either. your gonna get 911'd.

if a retarded pervert is walking down the street flashing people guess what folks, that dumb-fuck is going to get arrested.

Starting to get the real picture folks. How many different perspectives must be laid down.

a ideologically driven Mod is no better than the narrow minded fucks that everyone rails against. They are sociopaths who cant look past their own opinions to see the difference between right and wrong. Get off the ideological soapbox.

so VOAT and QRV need to get off their collective asses and take action. Words fade with time, images stick with you for a period of time. What these people do constitutes a criminal offence.

18746315? ago

Want to see a close up of my bhole?

18745474? ago

In other words please feed the trolls because they are starving to death.

18745287? ago

I don't get the big deal here. This attack was the easiest for me to deal with after the disgust I just looked for the file name/place. After that a down vote told me not to click. Ignoring the posts is the fastest way to get them to stop. Freaking out only adds to the length of time we have to put up with the crap. Now we have a huge drama over shills! And just because you can't see your mods doesn't mean they aren't there!

The content is all our responsibility. This is YOUR BOARD. If you see a genuinely crappy post (not just because you don't agree), down vote it! Throw up a good one and walk on. Don't engage shills, down vote them. Don't blame the mods for attacks and don't expect them to be responsible for washing someone's mouth out with soap because it offended you.

This sub was made anon because there was a problem with popularity and egos. It was causing infighting and votes for your friends instead of content. That also slides the boards from less popular but also important information!

If your a mod of another sub, mind your own damn business. Writing to Q and to Puttitout is childish and looks to be self-serving. "I slayed the dragon!!!" "I'll melt if I see or hear something that offends me!!!" You are aware of where you are...right?

Ask for help from another mod from another sub. Talk to people outside your normal circle and maybe they can help you get your feet back under you. Take a political vacation. Check if something else is what's really bothering you. (A big breakthrough in knowledge usually comes with some pain after the fact. There is a re-adjustment after a break through.) We must all take responsibility for our own self care. It's a huge must! Check yourself, love yourself, be-kind-to-your-Self. And never, never, never forget to breathe... and laugh. Patriots are here for you, what do you need?

18745151? ago

Go DOX yourself

18744573? ago


18744079? ago

I see what you’re doing. You are comped. You want this board to fail. Then you can blame Voat. Mark my words. @8bit should have chose someone else when he resigned.

18744024? ago

The spammy virus style porn stuff seems to have cut back already, I don't know who is doing it but I'm sure you have read which people might be responsible. and maybe sometimes all you need is a good cop walking the beat once in a while. People thought they could come in and spam up this place and silence users.

18752490? ago

Still waiting on those arrests from Q.

18743811? ago

So I thought the whole point of Voat was free speech? Is that not the case? Confused as to what the Admin is getting at?

18743862? ago

Do you consider a video of 2 naked japanese chicks eating each others' shit to be speexh?

18752420? ago

Do you consider telling the truth about Jews 'free speech'?

18752534? ago

Yes. Why?

18752583? ago

Good. Lots of kikes here would ban discussing the Jewish Question.

18752601? ago

The only thing I'm supporting is removing the porn images (which is jewish degeneracy).

18752610? ago

If you want free speech you have to take the good with the bad.

18752622? ago

A video of two chicks eating each others shit is not speech. A picture of a penis is not speech.

18752645? ago

Censorship is not the answer. Ignoring and downvoting are how you deal with it. Posting good content of your own. That's how you win.

18757424? ago

It is not censorship to remove porn from a sub if the sub is not a porn sub.

18744570? ago

Yes and No, depends on context, it sounded to me more like the Admin was a little specific about taking away Anon status, many of us who do not post porn or racially l discriminatory language/content still prefer the anonymity, it allows for open speech without the fear of reprisal. I do not have to click on the other crap and am willing to put up with it for the anonymity.

18762240? ago

Porn has no context to Q...that's the whole point.

18762621? ago

No, the whole point was an anonymous site to freely post without threat of reprisal or censorship, at least as I understood it. I don't like the Porn or Racism but again willing to push back against and ignore for the promised anonymity.

18763709? ago

No, QRV was to spread the Q message. Porn has no place here. Destroys Q's message.

18765450? ago

No you are right, porn doesn't belong here however, Q wouldn't have recommended it be Anonymous if not for a reason.

18765608? ago

Agreed...but porn destroys Q's message. The Q's message is to wake the world to evil. Evil is posting porn. Porn is destroying the ability to spread the message to the sheeple.

Admin or mods need to find a strategy to fix this. To do nothing and claim it's because "free speech" when mods know it will damage Q's message is...on purpose. Therefore...

18747353? ago

Possibly- or replace mods.

18743429? ago

I still like anon. Just hire a janitor and clean up the porn. This is a Q research sub and that clearly is not Q research. THat should be the next step. Don’t need to solve everything all at once. We’ve always dealt with the chatter.

The porn is deep state visual programming that bypasses our intellectual filters and should be thrown out as the off-topic trash that it is.

18752134? ago

Let's investigate why Q / POTUS never arrest any traitors.

18743368? ago

Q is a fucking larp


@Zyklon_b 1990

18743404? ago

1990 komrades. shit up GA

18744333? ago

Post tranny dick

18744354? ago

so itin GA

18744432? ago

Post tranny dick to GA

18744640? ago

Do it i am benned

18743349? ago

@badg0y1m @FastJack @msdia80_dll

Just letting you faggots know that @PuttItOut will demod all three of you, play 18 holes, and then sleep like a fucking baby. Clean the porn off the sub.

18743431? ago

exactly, it's not that big a deal to have a simple janitor to remove off topic porn/gore spam.

18751994? ago

Who decides "off topic"? You?

18773173? ago

Porn is off topic on the QRV. Simple. The fact even we have this discussion is bizar. ThinQ

18761765? ago

UHM....On topic = Q related. Porn = not on topic.

Pretty sure anyone without an agenda to kill this board could figure that out.

18771292? ago

The Jewish Question is Q related. How long before some kike wants to ban "antisemitic" posts here?

18783100? ago

Based on the downvoat the answer would be, yesterday.

18784811? ago

It's guaranteed to happen. As soon as we start censorship we'll slide right down the slippery slope.

Take a look at GA for an example of a compromised sub.

18788225? ago

I watched pizzagate go downhill. Then GA. Now QRV, say it ain't so.

18744021? ago

I too demand we censor this sub. Silence these Qultists

18743337? ago

Yes please moderate, I see too much porn/gay porn and trolling. It will turn off newbies

18751118? ago

You came to a free speech platform to call for censorship?

Go back to reddit, niggerfaggot.

18757224? ago

No he came to a sub-verse ON a free speech platform dedicated to Q discussion and links related to it. Porn pictures pulled from other subs has nothing to do with this.

I actually never went on Reddit not once, followed Q through Qmap since the beginning and only know of this site because he sent us here. Fuck your Reddit, fuck ur voat, fuck ur shill porn.

Shill porn is used on this sub to attack our free speech about the topic that the board was made for.

Fuck your shill porn, go back to sbbh or greatawakening or wherever it is all U faggots are crawling out of.

Keep it non anon, delete porn and gore. SIMPLE. Faggot.

18743266? ago

@badg0y1m @FastJack @msdia80_dll

Here comes the fun police

ehem... your only response to the owner of voat is to publish his communication as 'here comes the fun police'?

folks, we have 3 mods here who have 23 CCP altogether, all new to this board. one of them was a mod on CBTS, you know what brought that sub down, looks similar here, doesnt it?

you mods got pinged by various people, various times, but ignore everything. seems like youre totally not interested so GTFO.

18756858? ago

This is pretty much what I've been arguing with folks on this sub who think that @FastJack is watching out for them. lol @Puttitout is right – that was a low class move.

This board has been a PITA for Putt. And without addressing any of the crap that's going down when you took over, you sidestep the heat that you've been getting from anons pinging you & your MIA mods. You let Putt take the heat instead.

Not cool, bro. Not cool at all. Handle your sub like a man, not a mouse.

Putt never should have had to step in.

18743135? ago

I have zero tolerance for the loli and gay porn! I support being anonand staying anon!

18743013? ago

If it is not anon the community can unite and downvote the shit out of the porn posters, killing their accounts.

18744129? ago

And the SBBH Voat farmers can use their internet points to target and silence users who don’t feed the narrative curated by the namefag who thought she deserved to own this community.

18750449? ago

You talking about @srayzie ?

18750485? ago

I love that you knew exactly which name was fagging. Yes the one at the center of all Q drama on this site.

18750651? ago

Dude, Q brings drama with or without her. It’s controversial in nature. Mods should moderate, NSFW tag should go, porn needs to be deleted.

Yeah unlike you anons who have no accountability at least she is putting a name down to be heckled or supported. Either way you look at it, drama with Q on Voat is not exclusive to her. As I recall she went out of her way to welcome you lot but got turned away.

Now where is /qrv moderators? Where are they? We cannot even hold them accountable as they seem to be doing very little to look after their subscribers. This is why this sub is going to the dogs.

18772800? ago

Srayzie needs to step down as mod because she can't be shitposting on the one hand and then acting like the victim on the other. She's a shitstirrer and people resent the fuck out of her for being twofaced.

18786236? ago

Yes, crying victim from a troll/shitposter is pretty lame. You are right!

18767000? ago

"....going to the dogs."

That's putting it nicely. I'd have chosen another word.

18786264? ago

Well my speech is due to my upbringing, I love dogs btw but there are dogs that are sadly neglected, abused and tormented and in turn become untrustworthy, sly, bloodthirsty and downright dangerous to let loose. These dogs usually get put down.

18750765? ago

Hi Srayzie

18750953? ago

Nope, try again!

18744148? ago

Like they're not doing in the other 2 subs right now?

18743536? ago

That's not exactly the trade off, the anti trump trolls from voat collectively have hundreds of alts, and plenty of game to turn the sub in a circus in ways that make the porn spam episode seem less disruptive. Would you want anti Trumpers running his campaign? We don't need them moderating QRV either.

18754579? ago

Paranoid much? this isn't reddit you retard

18743570? ago

Funny how Voat collectively destroyed all the CTR/Shareblue accounts during the 2016 election cycle before you retards even got here.

18744083? ago

Voat has enough never Trumpers to do the same to QRV because they hate Q related posting. That's why they have no problem watching the sub be derailed by voat shipposting porn spam.

18744115? ago

Voat has enough never Trumpers to do the same to QRV

Did you even bother reading what I said? The people that BTFO'd the shills were all pro Trump. And if your arguments had any merit then the other Q subs would be getting shut down right now. But they're not because you're wrong.

18744456? ago

Maybe I'm wrong but here's my reasoning, fmr Trump supporters, or at least not opposing him in 2016, they now hate Q, and while they may have supported Trump versus Hillary, they now believe Trumps policies toward Israel more than enough reason to keep a QRV sub from staying focused. They think Q keeps conservative people from accomplishing things for the country by wasting time.

18744474? ago

The only thing you're overestimating is how many people are actually shitposting in here.

18744950? ago

Good point thanks.

18742898? ago

nah, anonymity is good for this sub but NSFW needs to be removed.

18743551? ago

That's the simplest and most effective solution, therefore it won't happen.

18742892? ago

How does this not have more upvoats

18742792? ago

Surround sound ear fuck

18743016? ago

Fuck off, ghostskin

18743044? ago

Beware the iron fist!

18742597? ago

So Putt is calling for stripping us of our anonymity and censor our sub?

I don’t care that we have spam and shill posts, it’s half the reason I use QRV over the several alternatives on voat. If you don’t like the shill war here go to the other subs.

18742810? ago

So Putt is calling for stripping us of our anonymity and censor our sub?

Deliberate misrepresentation of @PuttItOut's words.

spam and shill posts, it’s half the reason I use QRV

If you don’t like the shill war here go to the other subs.

This really doesn't look good in combination with your opening statement.

18742897? ago

I don’t care how it looks. The shills here expose their tactics daily and I am made keenly aware elsewhere of the same patterns. I prefer to learn by experience than to have my experience denied to satisfy people who can’t handle a little spam.

I didn’t misrepresent his words. It’s exactly what he is calling for.

18743167? ago

I didn’t misrepresent his words.

Oh yes you did.

shills here expose their tactics daily


a little spam.

Implying that forum sliding and manufactured crises are just "a little spam" and aren't tactics that form the patterns which can be observed in shill behavior?

You're transparent as fuck -- either that or fucking stupid. Or both, I suppose.

18743236? ago

You mad bro? Lol. You aren’t going to convince me to trade privacy and freedom to post for a little security from naughty pictures. I don’t care about the spam. I’d use the namefag variants of this sub if I did.

18743328? ago

privacy and freedom

naughty pictures

You should really update your script.

"Didn't you listen to the last round, meat head? Pay attention, you're saying the same shit [over and over]"

Gee whiz, speaking of patterns...

18743365? ago

So much anger, tell me more how I need to care about protecting my self from porn and shills by demanding censorship and namefagging.

18743477? ago

So much anger

censorship and namefagging.

You're really low on talking points for this one, aren't ya?

"It's only a little spam... CENSORSHIP! NAMEFAGGING! JUST NAUGHTY PICTURES! You must be angry! I know I just said I see patterns, but what's forum sliding? Never heard of that, nah. It's only a little spam... [repeat ad infinitum]"

18743584? ago

I am angry that the admin here is trying to implement censorship. I just think you’re cute for trying so hard.

18743773? ago

I am angry that the admin here is trying to implement censorship.

Repeat play of the emotions card along side repeat twisting of @PuttItOut's words in combination with a repeat of "freedom".

I just think you’re cute for trying so hard.

You sound very conflicted, tends to happen when you're pushing utter garbage.

But please, keep repeating yourself and trying to play cool -- it's totally not obvious that you're disingenuous and try to argue a case for allowing the continuation of sliding. /s

18743848? ago

I don’t care if people forum slide, it’s like a giant arrow pointing at useful information. Follow the slide to the triggering post and you’ve got gold. But tell me how I should demand censorship, I’m dying to be told again.

18744065? ago

And so once again, contrary to your earlier statements regarding shills and patterns, you say you don't care about sliding.

Relying on claims of censorship, while overlooking and being an apologist for the censorship caused by sliding.

Your self-contradiction is palpable.

18744436? ago

Any one can slide. I don’t consider it censorship. Only mods can use the delete button. That is censorship.

18742484? ago

You're just giving "them" a weak spot to target you with. You're an adult, grow into your rhino skin already

18742287? ago

I’m sure everyone here is fine with anti spam laws, so let’s establish some, here

18752143? ago

Nope. I'm not fine with censorship (no matter what you want to call it).

18743073? ago

No I’m not. Every time that single inch is yielded it decays into full blown censorship. Every single fucking time.

18745357? ago

This. Who do you trust to pre-screen your reading material for you?

18746109? ago

No one. I trust my own judgement. I’ve moderated before. I can tell what is worth ignoring and what isn’t on my own.

18752154? ago

Nobody needs a gatekeeper who decides what others can or cannot post.

18742311? ago

I’m sure everyone here is fine with anti spam laws

Everyone except those who are doing the spamming, whatever their motive may be.

18743553? ago

And the shill moderators that support them who seem to be intent on poisoning the well.

18742155? ago


18742969? ago

Yes, one of my favorite ignorant word mixups.

18742088? ago

Just look at the comments and see the division. Perhaps its a set up? I also see alot of people claiming that porn posts keep them from getting back to "Q" research. Its been my experience these people are the kinds that endlessly browse QRV because theyre awake to some extent but havent actually learned to think and formulate for themselves. Still soldiers to the cause, I mean no disrespect.

18743032? ago

It is a set up and you can spot the liberal shills the way you can always spot SJW's. They're the ones crying because pictures.

18742925? ago

Some people have legitimate concerns with having NSFW images pop up on their screens when they are using a non adult subverse.

18743046? ago

QRV IS NSFW, moron

18743078? ago

What does a dick pic have to do with Q?

18744186? ago

Lose the point and pivot to a new talking point. Classic

18744378? ago

I forgot about the Q drop that mentioned the two japanese girls eating each other's shit.

18743671? ago

What does a guy shitting into another mans mouth have to do with Q? Why can't people opt out of NSFW or have someone remove the pics as off topic while still keeping the sub anon under the same mods?

18771482? ago

What does a guy shitting into another mans mouth have to do with Q?

It's metaphorical. Q shits in all of our mouths every single day by lying to us.

18773106? ago

That would be more like shitting in our ears or eyes dipweed.

18743732? ago

while still keeping the sub anon under the same mods?

Unless the mods are responsible?

18744095? ago

That would be a strange turn of events. What motive would there be for that?

18749292? ago

Sabotage. The manner in which this sub was initially set up and then consequently abandoned absolutely guaranteed that it would turn into a complete shit show. It wasn't by accident. The same BV who was dismissed for spamming the porn on 8chan is probably also the same one who set up this sub and suggested that Q to endorse it. You don't think shills solely consist of people spreading bullshit in comments do you?

18749432? ago

Perhaps even involving some of the same people that nudged the ban of reddit GA?

18749561? ago

I think it very likely. PenSHITLORD was removed on 8chan. He is also the same one who promoted these 'new' mods here. The new mods are the old mods which is why they have resorted to antagonizing PuttItOut. They lost their influence on 8chan and this is the only influence they are left with. Explains the attacks on the GA sub as well.

18760861? ago

why are they so antagonistic WRT Putt? I don't know the history.

18761187? ago

Your guess is as good as mine.

18759929? ago

This is the only explanation that makes sense to me. Those screencaps FastJack posted were a highly calculated maneuver. I saw right through it. Sadly, a lot of NPCs believe that Putt's the bad guy.

18759967? ago

The way this sub was set up was exactly the way someone would set up a porn sub. You do the math.

18760207? ago

Pls explain - it's unclear what you mean here.

18760450? ago

Anon and NSFW.

18760824? ago

ah ok. thought you meant this sub was being secretly monetized or something.

18749897? ago

Meet the new mods, same as the old mods, one of whom posted kiddie porn on 8 chan

Now loli rape and scatlord trannies have fetishized the trolls

Meet the new mods

18749957? ago

They are poisoning the well.

18742768? ago

new people coming every day, theyre not yet shill-experienced and rhino-skinned. heavy lifting research is mainly done on 8chan but not everybody feels well there.

18752431? ago

Fuck those faggots. They belong back on Reddit.

18742059? ago

Make this sub open instead of anonymous and the larptards will be eliminated in hours. The boomers will be back to Reddit in short time.

18742446? ago

FUCK you and everyone else who throws shit at us boomers!! You fuckheads wouldn't be alive if it weren't for us. Not ALL of us are responsible for the crap mess the world is in right now. Just FUCK YOURSELF!

18743710? ago

that sounds copypasta speak SheBBH

18742946? ago

You either were a hippy faggot or trusted the ZOG like a good goy. What you should have done is rise up and overthrow the damn government. Unlike now you had the numbers.

18742724? ago

Fortunately I can easily fuck myself in a number of unique positions thanks to my dexterity and extremely long dick. Unfortunately I cannot fuck myself due to the injunction your wife filed preventing me from inserting my extremely long dick in anything except her. Sorry

18741934? ago

it should be moderated. all of the anti-Jew Nazi/islamist shills, and the scat-porn, would disappear overnight. With moderation, we can ensure that all content is related to Q and doesn't have any racial components. These incels are scared to death of Jews, its hilarious.

18752546? ago

Fuck off kike.

18757729? ago

triggered Islamist / Nazi! got another one! ding ding.

18743774? ago

no, just a simple janitor to remove porn spam for being off topic is all that's needed or remove the NSFW feature (if possible)

18743856? ago

why are you against removing anonymity?

18744305? ago

SBBH and SDBH on voat play organized troll games, mostly harmless. They don't function so well under anon conditions. But many members despise Q and would find QRV an ideal staging ground for doing some real consensus manipulation using countless alts with countless votes. Also, the voat mods that would likely oversee a non-anon situation (that oversee mods) aren't necessarily pro Trump either and they too participate in troll games, they tend to give their friends a pass, so it seems.

18742977? ago


Go back to sucking baby dicks rabbi. The only thing we are concerned about is the porn that your lot sued to get classed as "speech" so you could push it on the gentiles.

18743423? ago

awww the scared little Nazi/Islamist is angry. i would be too if i was getting crushed.

18743516? ago

I'm a hiring manager for a major Fortune 500 company. I had to hire 3 out of 7 final candidates. What made it easier was automatically not hiring the 2 jewish candidates. Typically we keep the resumes on file for future positions. I deleted all 4 non hires to keep the kikes from any future consideration.


18752555? ago

You're doing God's work.

18743653? ago

lol oh that must be true! if youre not a Muslim, then youre a basement dwelling neckbeard no doubt about it . lmao that you think anyone would believe that. Mohammed is a faggot pedophile by the way.

18743787? ago

Protip- not everyone who sees the jew as the degenerate parasite that it is is muslim.

I dream of a world where the arabs and the jews nuke each other into nonexistence.

18743866? ago

and that is why no one will ever take you seriously.

18743884? ago

It was pretty serious for two jews still running around without paychecks.


18742779? ago

go to reddit, fag bait kike lover

18742836? ago

Aww is the scared little Muslim angry? Dont like the way things are going? Aww poor little degenerate incel.

18742857? ago

Aww is the scared little ziotard angry? Don't like the way things are going? Aww poor little degenerate jew

18743361? ago

lmao, very original. makes sense that Nazis and Islamistsack creativity. i almost feel bad fucking with someone so intellectually inferior... almost.

18743385? ago

Nothing is as inferior as a Qoomer israel ass licker who cucks for jews.

18743449? ago

lol youre just making me look real good, child. keep it coming. let me see your REEE rage.

18747683? ago

Its sad, really. You will cuck for israel and jews no matter how much evidence is put before you that they hate whites and America. Its cognitive dissonance

18757685? ago

Islamist, or possibly an extremely immature child, shilling racism on QRV. Nothing to do with Q and everyone knows it. No one, no one that matters, is listening to your scared, desperate, racist garbage. you are transparent

18757716? ago

Zionist supporter right here, folks^^^^^^^^^^

18741705? ago

This is a bad idea, it will kill the sub which is exactly why the shills are pushing for this.

18742782? ago

Of course. The other Q subs are probably behind all of it

18744147? ago

100% agree. This is Srayzie and SBBH

18761799? ago

Not srayzie...that's BS.

18743821? ago

SBBH and friends, a lot of anti Trumpers waiting to moderate this sub for us

18741950? ago

Sad but true. The people spamming porn have different politics than members of the Q movement and they want it shut down. At the same time they would not tolerated flooding their voat subs with off topic spam brigades.

18741685? ago

I'll take the shills, concern fags, trolls, and other degenerates over being moderated. People need to get a backbone. Fucking A

18741979? ago

that's the conclusion I reached after realizing that the problem stems from factions with voat, some for shitposting, but all for trying to shut down QRV

18742095? ago

We don’t want to shut you down as much as we just want you to leave.

18761880? ago

And there it is...the truth. You just want to shut down QRV.

You are on the wrong side...sad.

18742700? ago

Some of us are happy to exist in this microcosm and let the rest of voat be voat.

18742786? ago

Why don’t you join VOAT and discard Q?

18743069? ago

Why don’t you join VOAT and discard Q?

@Puttitout that is the purpose of the porn spamming imo. That's not a free speech issue. QRV isn't trying to shut down other voat subs by flooding them with Q comments and making them so off topic that those sub members no longer want to use it. an anon sub should have the same ability focus on a topic

18741558? ago

You mean the kike prevention squad. This sub is infiltrated by kikes posting disgusting porn while attempting to gatekeep all you normies from realizing the truths you were sent here to learn.

18741506? ago

theres difference of opinions=free speech........ and BLATANT sabotage spam....which is very distracting

18744599? ago

Distracting if you let it be so. Creating power positions where content is curated kills this site. Yes there is a problem, but we need better solutions than a reddit ban mentality.

18741453? ago

At the end of the day, Q gave us a "Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors" and we weren't anon on reddit. If it gives us an advantage over shills, fucking right I'll post non-anon!!!!!

18773197? ago

I can see DS puppets drule by reading your comm…...

18752024? ago

Namefagging, groupthink, and paytriots are what you want.

18743892? ago

There's more at play, going non-anon turns out to bring in other sabotage that you can't ever get rid of. A simple guideline to call porn off topic spam and then have a janitor remove seems easy enough with out having to give up anon.

18751024? ago

There are no rules that will stop shill attacks, so why play their game at all?

The shills will LOVE a rule banning porn because then they'll post gore. Then we'll get gore censorship and then the shills will attack using hand-drawn pictures of Q... and then music videos of Q relates songs and then Q related scripture.

Use your brain.

18741193? ago

I think the sub should stay as is and perhaps admins can put more focus on finding creative ways of keeping SBBH members from trying to shut down or push this sub towards censorship. I used to think that going non anon would be a solution but I have changed my opinion, going non anon would just make this a full time SBBH organized theatrics stage. Right now having it be anon doesn't give them the fame of flame.

I honestly believe that loli and porn is coming from other voat subs who simply don't like the politics of this sub. So taking it over just changes it from uninvolved mods to mods who are more than likely aligned with the politics of the trolls causing the problem to begin with. So sadly, the lesser of the two evils appears to be tolerating the legal porn and shills, rather than risking having troll aligned (idealogically) mods be in charge.

If there was a simple janitor function to remove porn as off topic spam, that wouldn't be bad, but I don't see how that's possible given voat mods are friends with or part and parcel of SBBH shitposting brigades which would love to see this sub fail or be a barely functioning sub.

It's a sad observation of voat, that the other parts of the site can't tolerate free speech on QRV without shitting all over the sub. It's not about the freedom of porn on voat, as there is plenty of porn to found for anyone interested in it.

18752191? ago

The one thing that never occurs to you guys is trolling out of boredom / anger. People are pissed off that Q has not delivered on any of the arrests he promised. I got fed up last Nov. after the Dems stole the House and nothing was done about it. I troll here for fun as a way to say "Fuck You" to Q for not delivering on his promises.

18765741? ago

lol. i wanted to believe q but got so bored waiting for arrests that i took the jew redpill on other subs. now i troll this sub cuz i'm bored and pissed and realized that trump is a zionist. we're never gonna get arrests. remember how he promised that hillary was going down? so much hopium that never delivered.

q broke muh heart and now i troll to feel things

18771415? ago

I dispense black pills.

18762331? ago

"The one thing that never occurs to you guys is trolling out of boredom/anger."

So...go take a walk instead. Typical snowflakes...things not going their way so they decide to be destructive to QRV. Adults don't think like this. Mind boggling that they actually think this is an "excuse."

These people are stupid - Q

18771421? ago

Nobody gives a shit how you think or how you want other people to think. Nobody put you in charge.

18762737? ago

I spam this place with tranny and loli spam for the keks. AMA

18763721? ago

How does it feel to be evil?

18763883? ago

If having a couples keks is evil, I don’t want to be good.

18764165? ago

Gonna suck to be you on judgement day. God is real.

18765392? ago

Don’t you think the creator will ask you why you’re on a site that hosts tons of Japanese Child rape porn? Check out v/loli

18765469? ago

"Don’t you think the creator will ask you why you’re on a site that hosts tons of Japanese Child rape porn? Check out v/loli"

So dumb.

18765667? ago

So no? He won’t ask about it?

18765834? ago

Nope. Your premise is dumb.

Is the internet evil? There is porn on it. I don't look at porn on the internet. Is voat evil? Voat has porn on it. I don't go there. Is tv/cable evil? There is porn on it. I don't watch porn on tv/cable. Are movies evil? There is porn on them. I don't watch porn movies. Are books evil? There are books about porn. I don't read porn books. Are some people evil? I chose to hang with those who reject evil and try do do right.

So, again, your premise is dumb.

18766233? ago

Sounds like your rationalizing your degeneracy

18766382? ago

Ahahahahahaaaa....oh, that's rich after trying to send me to your loli-porn. Pornfags have low comprehension, reasoning and reading skills. Might try picking up a book now and again instead.

Later pornfag.

18741052? ago


I have supported you for a long time now, but what the fuck is this nonsensical shit? Why are you trying to bully the moderator of this verse, who has broken no rules whatsoever? Why are you sending veiled threats by PM, then acting like @Fastjack is the low class individual, when it is clearly you?

I've been behind you and supporting you at every turn, but this is really fucked up. Also, when did you start writing like some half-retarded ESL kid? It doesn't even look like your writing....

This is deeply concerning. What the actual fuck is going on here?

18746665? ago

I haven't been exposed to the porn on here that much - maybe I just don't visit as often as others. Is the problem mostly image links in the comment section? Maybe the capability of linking to an image should be removed, if possible.

18752052? ago

Let's ruin the whole site and declare victory!

18745253? ago

@Puttitout ---- It's time we all started looking to another alternative than VOAT. This place is not the free speech platform we all thought it was.

18743964? ago

the sub members are sick of porn and sick of feeling they have no voice to have sub that is topic focused. @Puttiout was asked to look into it. That being said, I have changed my position from advocating to go non-anon to keeping the sub anon with the option for a janitor to remove porn spam because it's off topic. Or have anon but not NSFW, keep the same mods, because it's anti Trumper SBBH members schlepping porn here imo.

18783178? ago

Is it possible to get ride of thumbnails. And make sure people click at their own risk?

18752043? ago

Accept that Jews and niggers are a problem and demand Q arrest some traitors and the trolling will stop you stupid boomer faggots.

18751069? ago

the sub members are sick of porn

Nothing will stop the shills, so just act like an emotionally mature adult and ignore the naughty pictures. They won't hurt you.

Problem solved.

18773240? ago

Well, if the payments stop, they will stop...; ) Look for the thought behind the machine; moneymoneymoney

18743042? ago

I haven’t trusted Putt since he tried making secret subs for child porn distributors.

18742089? ago


18741764? ago

Seconded. Been a user since alpha but where we go from here could be the end of voat. This is another strategy to divide and conqueror. Thank you @FastJack for transparency.

Even if I don't agree, I will fight for your right to say it.

18742924? ago

Even if I don't agree, I will fight for your right to say it.

So will Voat. This isn't about freedom of speech, it's about off-topic and spam. There are other places on Voat these people can post such stuff. QRV doesn't need it.

18752059? ago

Nobody put you in charge faggot.

18744503? ago

Of course it doesn't need it. But controlling the way others communicate or do something is not the answer. There are entities out there that spam/ off topic with a vested interest to prevent communication and distract. Once you create a power position that can curate content, free speech is lost. It's not easy or convenient to wade through the bullshit shills post but it's easy to identify them. Voat has been spammed since its inception and the glowfags glow. Changing the rules for one sub means it goes the way of reddit which would let them win.

18747028? ago

Once you create a power position that can curate content, free speech is lost.

No, because Voat has /v/whatever, which exists for the sole purpose of allowing completely uncurated content. Other subverses are supposed to be organized around themes. Post photographs or paintings to /v/pics, not videos or plain text documents. Is removing a plaint text document from /v/pics censorship when /v/documents exists to accept it? You are applying the standard of freedom of speech to a community when it should be applied to Voat overall. Voat overall is a freedom platform; forbidding content organization within that freedom platform just makes the whole thing a jumbled mess with no coherence.

Changing the rules for one sub means it goes the way of reddit which would let them win.

This isn't changing the rules though. Content curation is allowed all across Voat, and Vot has public mod logs to keep track of what every single mod removes so that the community can judge if the mod is curating content reasonably or if the mod is silencing dissent. If it turns out the mod is silencing dissent, Voat steps in a removes them. That's how this has always worked. It's why Voat is the best freedom platform out there because it allows anything that isn't completely illegal, while also enabling anti-slide and anti-shill and anti-spam defences that other websites lack so that important information can always be seen.

18752107? ago

What about the Jewish Question?

18757901? ago

What about it? Voat's front page is filled with discussions on the Jews. QRV, being largely a political subverse, has plenty of reason to discuss the Jews. There is no reason that content pertaining to the Jews should be removed from QRV. There is every reason why porn spam should be removed, and no reason why it should remain.

18743554? ago

There are other Q subs where you can go that do censor the sub, go there if you’re so bothered. I would rather deal with porn spam than namefags any day of the week.

18743613? ago

In my opinion that's a separate issue. Removing anon was just a recommendation to make removing the sliders easier. It shouldn't be necessary. If the mods would just delete the shit content that would be half the battle.

18752068? ago

How would you like to be an unpaid janitor who mops up jizz at the nudie booth?

18743665? ago

Have the battle to win censorship?

If you can’t handle the shit content go to a namefag Q sub and buy your books. I will gladly remain where even my enemies have a voice no matter how pathetically they apply it.

18743996? ago

right on SBBH consensus influencer /s

18743840? ago

I'm not saying "censor dissidence". Stop conflating the issue. I'm saying that spam is contrary to the spirit of freedom of speech because it abuses it so that others struggle to participate in the meaningful conversations. If your "enemies" want to post porn everywhere, Voat offers them the freedom to do so in a community dedicated to that. QRV is not that community. At least there is no rational reason that it should be.

18752076? ago

What about telling the truth about the Jews and niggers?

18757720? ago

What about it? Voat tolerates that as freedom of speech and Voat's front page is evidence of that.

18744483? ago

Spam is the spirit of free speech.

If people can’t say what ever they want including disruptive things, we have no freedom at all.

18746899? ago

"If people aren't free to shoot innocent people, we don't have gun rights at all"

Spam is not free speech. It is an intentional abuse of a system, and tolerance of it will collapse the system that tolerates it.

18747613? ago

Are you equating words and bullets?

18748199? ago

It's called an analogy. I am saying that the "freedom" to exploit something by contradicting the natural law is not the same as the freedom to use something within the confines of natural law. There is a difference between the right to bear arms and the "right" to kill people, just as there is a difference between the right to speak freely and the right to completely render a platform useless. Does freedom of speech enable one person to go to the town square with a megaphone and scream shrilly for 24 hours a day? No. Neither should it permit people to spam and render forums unusable. Neither should people be able to post content unrelated to a community wherever they like and thereby sabotage the efforts at organizing content so that people who want to read about forests don't have to sift through an infinte amount of content, and instead can just go to /v/forests to learn about what they are interested in. No, this isn't censorship, because the people who want to post about clouds can do so in /v/clouds, and not in fucking /v/forests.

18748289? ago

Does freedom of speech enable one person to go to the town square with a megaphone and scream shrilly for 24 hours a day?

It does permit that. It’s a travesty that this has been made illegal with unconstitutional limits.

18748328? ago

You have a Whiggish sense of absolute freedom and no sense of the moral order.

18748341? ago

And the problem with that is?

18748391? ago

There is no social progress outside of the moral order. There is no civilization outside the moral order. There is only chaos, and chaos is exactly what systemic rejection of the moral order yields. Not only does no one want to live in a society where dozens of people scream shrilly at the top of their lungs in every public street; no one can because it hinders community interaction. No one can live in a society where murder is legal. Freedom is not absolute; it is conditional upon a willingness to exist within the moral order. Without that, men become free to kill -- or scream over you.

18752086? ago

Nobody elected you to be the morality police.

18757812? ago

The thing about morality is that it isn't defined by anyone. It is, and is apprehensible through reason.

It is not reasonable to leave spam to overwhelm a community, nor is it reasonable to leave content unorganised when all the same information can be posted except in an organized way.

18748708? ago

Equating murder and free speech because I don’t care if people use their voices in obnoxious ways?

18754561? ago

It it not an equation. It is an analogy to show that absolute freedom is retarded. We have to operate within the moral law or freedom is useless.

18754575? ago

We do operate within the law. Any thing else?

18757955? ago

Posting spam is a violation of the moral law because it abuses the freedom to speak by posting an endless flood of worthless content for the explicit purpose of making it more difficult to access the vuablevdisvussions. The spam porn should be removed. No one can make an argument as to why it and it specifically should remain.

18757072? ago

You’re a fucking idiot. There’s not even this much fagporn on 8chan. So why here? Is it because they know this is easily accessible to normies like myself?

MY FREE SPEECH and freedom to gather and disseminate content is being purposefully disrupted and STIFLED. They are NOT posting porn because of “muhhh freee speech doe!” They ARE posting porn to try and STOP PUR FREE SPEACH and STIFLE the spread of knowledge.


The word glow comes to mind every time I see someone defend porn, being used to slide and slide only, as free speach.

Janitor solution is best, the shills can still have their racism, Steven Christ, shills like edie, larpers etc. cuz u know MUH FREE SPEACH REEEEEEE

18743880? ago

Censorship is censorship no matter how you reframe it. If you want a curated sub go to the namefags sub and you can have all the censorship crafted view of the world you want.

18757109? ago


What purpose does tranny and cartoon porn serve the Q movement? Are they posting said content in an effort to express their freedom of speech or an effort to suppress true freedom of speech and dissemination of content?

If you already know the answer to this Q (which you do) and you still defend porn posting in a completely non porn related sub, then fuck off.


18746875? ago

If you want a curated sub go to the namefags sub and you can have all the censorship crafted view of the world you want.

Curation is not censorship. It is organization. It facilitates research, whereas spam hinders it.

18752096? ago

Who decides what is spam? Jews are ruining America. We should talk about that.

18757868? ago

No one said we shouldn't. The issue is porn spam and there isn't a single person who can make a rational argument about why it specifically should remain in /v/QRV.

18747607? ago

Welcome to reddit.

18748147? ago

Welcome to any forum on the entire internet, where content is curated for the purposes of organization. What distinguishes Voat from reddit is that Voat allows any (legal) community to exist, whereas reddit does not.

18748311? ago

Apparently not. We aren’t doing any thing illegal and yet our platform is being threatened by a power flexing admin.

18748349? ago

This community is not being threatened and the admin is not threatening anything. He is trying to help the community protect itself from spam in the absence of active moderators who are refusing to fulfil their duties.

18748722? ago

No, he is threatening our moderators, did you even read the messages?

18754586? ago

Explaining what he is intends to do and is entitled to do in the event that moderators do not fulfil their duties is not a threat, and he onlyvreaxhed for the sake of this community, not in spite of it.

18754616? ago

The mods fulfill their singular duty flawlessly, they permit this community to decide for its self and they act in accordance. As in they stay the fuck away from the delete button and ban hammer. We would revolt if that changed.

18758021? ago

they permit this community to decide for its self and they act in accordance. As in they stay the fuck away from the delete button and ban hammer.

You tolerate spam in the false belief that doing so preserves freedom of speech, when in reality you only tolerate the freedom of the spammers to make it more difficult for everyone else to use this platform. The porn spam adds nothing to any discussion and removing it (when Voat has modlogs to show whatever is removed) is perfectly reasonable.

18744012? ago

thanks for that SBBH consensus influencer /s

18741620? ago

You're an idiot, it's his place faggot.

18741004? ago

The enemy is the Satanic Cabal. Their minions (shills) are easy to spot, and I don't think we are currently dealing with them. All this can be resolved with a few trustworthy words.

18740917? ago

I like a good debate. I like the research and notices of things I might otherwise miss. But this loli porn and slime fighting ....... Not worth it. I'm outta here back to 8chan

18740909? ago

The mods don’t give a fuck. They are comped.

18741057? ago


18740862? ago

I'm a 62 year old female. Do NOT change this sub. The complainers need to recognize the 2nd Amendment applies to things they don't like or don't agree with.

Voat has tools to report illegal content - learn to use them. If something offends you learn to scroll past and not comment.

I love the fact this is anonymous and the thought police and power seekers can't create their own little gangs here.

WWG1WGA God Bless you, Anon Patriots

18752501? ago

Cartoons are not 'illegal'.

18763557? ago

Content is pornfag.

18771562? ago

Loli porn is a bunch of cartoons. It's legal under the 1st amendment. No children are involved in producing it.

18743832? ago

2nd ammendment is about guns, the first is about speech.

18763544? ago

Ahahahahahaaa....excellent comment.

18744455? ago

Haha my bad. You're right. I believe in both but usually have to stand up for the 2nd. Thanks for the correction.

18742957? ago

^ This is a digital soldier, bitches.

18742515? ago

reporting doesn't work unless the mod creates a policy that considers legal porn a form of spam/off topic, in order to justify removing it. Right now the sub has no guidelines other than default categories. Legal Porn is not subject to removal under the site wide rules.

18752508? ago

Here comes all the rules......

"anyone who doesn't think like me is banned"

18744803? ago

I struggle with this as you explain it that way. I'm comfy scrolling past porn but others - who really need the good info here - are turning away from this sub because of it. There are plenty of other posts I find offensive but also cause people to leave the site. If the president is set to remove one type of offensive material then it could open the door for people to ask for other types of content to be removed. I think it should all stay and people need to learn to scroll past what offends them.

18763584? ago

Can't scroll past porn pics when deceptive comment relating to topic discussed has porn pic. Needs to be flagged.

18765227? ago

Can't see pics if you don't click the link. Personally, I don't click on any posts that lead off of Voat until there have been comments confirming it is a legit site OR the link is a familiar site. I always click on the comments instead of the posted subject line.

For porn links within a post that I unknowingly click on - it is usually pretty easy to tell that it is gonna be porn - so I click the little .jpg button and it closes without fully opening.

The "removal of posts" is too slippery of a slope for me to be comfortable with. Users complain about porn - it gets removed. Users complain about an opinion they don't agree with - it gets removed too. Who gets to decide what stays and what gets removed?

Keep it anonymous and explain to those offended how to ignore content they don't like or agree with. There are a lot of legal ramifications for board owners once they start moderating and removing certain content. Ultimately, the board owner could be reclassified as a publisher instead of a common carrier where the members are responsible for the content THEY submit to the site.

18765531? ago

Don't conflate unpopular opinion censorship with porn. Two different animals.

If you were a newbie to Q and someone sent you here and you are deceived into clicking the link by a seemingly relevant comment to the conversation...you would never some back and Q's credibility would be destroyed. Porn is breaking the rules, not Q related and just evil.

18765780? ago

I used to be a newbie to Q and so did you. We've managed to survive - what makes us so special? We're adults who believe in the 1st Amendment even if we don't agree with what others are saying or posting! I believed this sub has no rules besides the obvious "nothing illegal".

You are asking for porn to be banned because it isn't Q related. Well, a lot of GOOD information on this site isn't specifically "Q" related either and I would hate to see that prohibited. Are you gonna define what is "Q related" and what isn't?

Ignore the porn and posts you don't agree with. Make a special effort to engage on the GOOD posts - even the ones you aren't that interested in but are good posts.

People really NEED to scroll past what offends them.

Maybe we need a new Sticky: "Ignore posts and links that offend you - with an explanation of how to open the Discussion without clicking on the Subject in case it takes you to a porn pic or outside offensive site. Explain how to click on the .jpg button on a post to open it and to click it again to close it immediately if it looks like it is porn or not how it was described in the post.

I love, love, love, LOVE that this sub is not censored. It is freedom. So many other areas of my life I have to put on a mask and not share my political and/or social beliefs because it is dangerous to do so now.

18765947? ago

...you just don't get it. Deleting porn is not censorship. Anons don't want to see porn, even for a second. What is so hard about that concept? QRV should not have porn.

18766151? ago

I don't want porn here either - but do you realize how much energy you're wasting on it? Ignore it and promote the good content by engaging in it.

I choose to support anonymity on the sub, and no moderation. None of the porn, or other things I disagree with, have any space in my mind nor any of my time. It IS that easy to ignore it all and look at the gems of information in this sub.

Life is pretty easy when you ignore what you don't value and only focus on what is truly important.

18766255? ago

"I don't want porn here either - but do you realize how much energy you're wasting on it?"

Yes, I do. Because porn destroys things. Allowing it here and turning a blind eye is what got us anons here in the first place. It's called "complacency" and "tolerance." It's why America is in the state it's in today.

It's what Q is fighting against. Step up or get out of the way.

18766785? ago

I can feel your frustration and feeling of helplessness over this. I am not a supporter of porn but there are far bigger fights to engage in.

If you want to prevent further destruction of our families - pick up your mantle and fight against abortion; the sexualizing of children; the promotion of gender alternatives to children; the graphic and perverted sex education courses targeting children; fight for the Christians who are being killed around the world; run for City Council or the School Board in your area. There are unlimited options for people who want to "Step Up". Complaining on a message board might be your thing - but it's not mine.

18767316? ago

LOL...doing that also.

18745049? ago

Fair enough, both our positions support remaining anon and I'm convinced that it the most important thing at this juncture. It's something I learned because of all the spamming if you can believe it. So the trolls of voat showed more than guys going down on each other, they showed themselves doing the same.

18740794? ago

Hey Putts, just wondering, where you a hall monitor in high school? Did you get beat up a lot and wear glasses that were taped together? Grow a pair dude, the porn images are annoying, but they're easy enough to avoid.

Maybe you should just take a nap, you sound cranky.

18742596? ago

the porn images are annoying, but they're easy enough to avoid.

I guess you missed the gore that can't be unseen. Or the fact that the porn flooding was meant to shut the sub to make it practically worthless to visit. Like letting homeless people shit up all the sidewalks in San Francisco, but even there they hire teams to clean it up every night.

18763649? ago

And the porn that can't be unseen. It's evil.

18771592? ago

What are you 10? You've never seen a dick or an asshole or a pussy or some shit?

18752520? ago

Grow a sack and toughen up. Otherwise, leave.

18763639? ago


18740791? ago

So.... should voat be taken down because of all the complaints from outside of voat?

18740744? ago

WTF, is this real?

18740755? ago

yes it's real

18767144? ago

Start reading the New Testament. God is real, so is Jesus. Ask for help and you'll be saved.

18740691? ago

Arrests or GTFO

I know this may seem off topic to this thread but if they ever started, or anything else beyond pointless circle jerking over nothing with Trump, the complete shitting on this sub would stop in an instant.

18752543? ago

This. ^^^

18741728? ago

Roger Stone can write to you from prison.

18771645? ago

Has anyone besides "our" side gone to prison?

18771900? ago

It's always easier to hit the traitors first since the libtard clowns will allow it to make trump look bad.

18777497? ago

Newsflash: The "libtard clowns" already hate Trump and make him look bad all day long in the MSM. That's what they do.

FUCK THEM. Destroy them. Stop caring what they think or do. Don't delay 'the plan' because of what they may (or may not) do.

18740590? ago

People are aware that they can shit talk Q elsewhere, right? I'm not even subscribed, but you assholes who constantly attack it remind me of antifa fags.

18752159? ago

The message is for Q.... not you. Get over yourself.

18740642? ago

Sorry, but words cannot attack anyone. Welcome back to reality.

18741582? ago

You sure do seem triggered for someone not attacked by words

18741624? ago

Yes, I'm oh so triggered by stating that words cannot attack anyone. I'm smashing this keyboard as we speak.

18741874? ago

u mad

18741916? ago


18743100? ago

Get a job!

18743179? ago

Your amswer to boredom is a job? So brainwashed.

18743199? ago

What's your answer? Sit in front of a cartoon and whack off?

18743221? ago

Go work hard until you die. Why are you so concerned about what I do? Are you that miserable?

18745660? ago

First, I could care less what you do with your life. It's yours to waste or to make something of yourself. Your choice. You're going to die anyway. Most folks seek a feeling of accomplishment in life; there's nothing quite like taking pride in what you do well. If you're can't or don't, you're doing the wrong thing. So if it suits you, live in a hovel off the goodwill of others and waste away. No, I'm not miserable at all, but you seem to take joy from spreading misery around. How's that working out for you? Do you have any friends, or are they all disappearing one by one?

18747274? ago

I said words can't attack people. You are insane. XD. Just cause you're miserable doesn't mean I'm the cause. Lecturing now? Lol. Fucking crazy...

18748481? ago

Any fool might point out to you that you're contradicting yourself repeatedly. What I posted was not an attack, a lecture, OK but you obviously responded to WORDS in anger at what you perceived as an ATTACK. YOUR premise is that words cannot attack people. Why do you respond as that did happen? If words cannot attack people, read your post. I didn't see any words of love or support, just nutzo anger.

HERE IS an example of an attack: "Insane, miserable, Fucking crazy, watch too much TV, emotional about everything, keep assuming things..." [then you say words can't attack people - again!] One word fits this behavior. Hypocritical. There are others. All the things you are accusing me of YOU are doing! Look inward. You have NO CHANCE of fixing anyone but yourself. PS, I don't have a TV, but as you seem to be reading from your own playbook, I repeat: I could care less what you do with your life.

18748765? ago

Another lecture haha. Fucking hilarious. Words can't attack people, nutcase. If you feel attacked by words, don't read on forums. More lectures please...

18749034? ago

Damn you're stubborn! I'm not attacked. I don't give a shit. Your nutzo words have no meaning and no consequence.

18749312? ago

Exactly. Just words on a screen. Harmless words. They can't attack. Overly sensitive much? Lecturing random ppl on the internet? Talk about nutzo... XD

18754729? ago

Now I understand. Now I know why you don't have a job. Go back to Fantasyland.

18756353? ago

Haha you assume I don't provide for myself because I don't work at a job? So simple-minded. No wonder you're so miserable, you do this to yourself.

18741731? ago

Did it make you feel weird typing that as you smashed on your keyboard?

18741766? ago

I'm still angry, you should just let me simmer in my rage until my hair catches fire from the pure anger fuel.

18741673? ago

Words are not violence, but a verbal attack IS a thing. Knob.

18741708? ago

verbal attack IS a thing

To little bitches, little bitch. Oh no I was "attacked" by words. Pussy much?

18741887? ago

why u so mad?

18741939? ago

I didn't know pointing out the obvious was caused by anger. Did a verbal attack hurt you as well? Are you going to be okay? Help is on the way.

18741763? ago

Your anger is binding you, homie. It's synonymous with disparage. YOU are the one interpreting it in sjw fashion.

18741831? ago

Sorry, but no. There is no such thing as a verbal attack. You sound like an sjw.

18740561? ago

I really, really hate all the irrelevant posts, and I think they should be deleted. I do NOT think it should be non-anonymous.

18752209? ago

Is the Jewish Question 'irrelevant' to you?

18766831? ago

So dumb...

18740318? ago

This shit is FAKE. Bullshit shills, i call fucking bullshit. This belongs to anon. Not your clown ass.

18740191? ago

It's true. The problem is easily solved by banning those that seek to harm it.

But removing anonymity results in posters exposing themselves as racist anti-semites.

Racists who want a wall to stop the lesser races from invading, and anti-semites who want the Jewish control of the lying media ended.

18740163? ago

NO, fuck this. We are anon. All this will do is help the shills

18740138? ago

Fake conversation.

18740096? ago

So I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the complaints are 15% anons mad about porn, and 85% kikeshills mad they keep losing arguments

18740077? ago

So Voat is an anti-censorship site where, if you don't censor and an admin gets a bunch of complaints, they'll take over your community? Hmm.

18747359? ago

This site will always stay ANTI CENSORSHIP

18741713? ago

voat is run by rothschilds, look at the goat.

18740809? ago

Intentionally spamming a sub to death with garbage is also censorship hiding under the banner of free speech. You know this. You sound like a jew.

18766480? ago

Yes, censorship under the banner of free speech. Excellent point.

18751901? ago

What about people who want to speak freely about the Jews? Are you going to censor them too?

18751974? ago

Of course not. Whatever gave you that idea?

18752606? ago

It's a slippery slope. First you ban loli porn as off topic. Then, it's gay porn. Then, it's Lord Steven Christ. Then, posts about niggers are considered 'off topic'. Eventually, a kike gets into a mod position and makes a new rule that antisemitism is 'off topic'. In the end you get a hivemind echo chamber where everyone agrees with each other.

18766491? ago

Conflating porn pics with written opinions is a dumb argument.

18771216? ago

This is how censorship works. Once you start censoring things, you no long have "free" speech. The censorship never ends. There is always one more group who is offended by something and wants to see it removed.

18748417? ago

There is no 'free speech' here. You have to play the fucking points game to earn the privilege to comment. That isn't free speech if you have to earn it by earning points so you can comment on QRV where you can't earn fuck all. Wake up!!

18777367? ago

Idiot. "Free Speech" = "Freedom of Speech". You automatically interpreted "Free" as "Of No Cost". You are a socialist shill.

18749608? ago

There is no such thing as free speech. All speech has consequences and sometimes you like the outcome and sometimes you do not.

18755087? ago

Don’t get your dick stuck in a semantics trap. Oh shit. Too late.

18751398? ago

There is no such thing as free speech.

You don't need permission to speak your mind but on Voat you need to collect enough points to obtain the privilege. A privilege is not a right. Free speech is a right. That''s my point here. Speech on Voat is not free!!!

18741072? ago

You sound like a weak faggot that can't deal with minor shit like spam.

18745431? ago

Did you just come here to suck a goats cock and throat that yumyum into your tumtum faggot?

18751109? ago

Sounds more like your interests than mine.

18741091? ago

You sound like a kike whose only goal is drive people off of voat altogether.

18743990? ago

One anonymous sub that you have to find and subscribe to for the content is driving the whole sites users away huh? Pretty powerful that.

18744585? ago

Nice straw man, rabbi.

18742500? ago

You sounds like a repetitive retard.

18741013? ago

Intentionally spamming a sub to death with garbage is also censorship hiding under the banner of free speech.


It's a tactic known as sliding.

18740690? ago

Categorizing the content users want to see in a specific place is not the same thing as censorship.

It's the same thing as having ethnostates

18767277? ago

It's okay, God will forgive you. Find Jesus...He's waiting for you.

18767285? ago

I want to take Jesus in my mouth

18743369? ago

It’s also the same thing as having common sense.

18740674? ago

What about speech that is verbal harassment or off-topic? Should that be allowed?

The only reason to post porn to a Q research sub is to harass the users. To act like there is a problem with the complaining users is very disingenuous.

18770127? ago

Totally agree!!!!!

18756148? ago

We are infected with SJWs. I don't like the porn so don't open any pics or dwnvoat. Ignoring them puts them last and they don't get a reaction. They love this post btw they get talked about!

18760280? ago

SJW's? More like Q researchers. It is very telling that people like you will not admit that there is even a problem. You know that these posts are off-topic in QRV, but you refuse to admit it.

If people want to post gay porn on voat, then there are other subs for it. Why QRV? Hell, go post it at reddit.

18766515? ago

Exxxactly. I can't even believe we have to have this conversation about porn. It does not belong on QRV.

18767034? ago

Agreed. And they know it, but pretend that they do not know. It is a typical stunt out of the Satanic-Marxist-Communist playbook. They believe there are no limits on behavior. When limits are imposed, they look for loopholes so they can claim superiority.

The first law of Natural Law is "Do no harm to others."

18751911? ago

What about telling the truth about Jews and niggers?

18770155? ago

How about telling the truth about how Hitler was demonically possessed and how the Democrats are the original KKK racists?

18760289? ago

What about it? Have you researched the Sabbatean Frankists? Have you researched the Satanists?

18749238? ago

Yes, so fuck you.

18749477? ago

Great response. Very intelligent.

18741563? ago

Free speech is all or nothing. There are no exceptions.

18770623? ago

Actually, there are exceptions. QRV has a side bar list of them. Spamming is one of them.

18746043? ago

Not true. There are exceptions. Study the court cases to learn what they are.

18747324? ago

No thanks. I don't recognize fraudulent courts.

18747514? ago

It is a fraudulent court, but here are exceptions to behavior. If not, then you may as well be a Marxist communist, which you probably are.

18747641? ago

I don't play the game you call politics. Insult me all you like, shows your character.

18747945? ago

There are limits on behavior. You believe there are none. That shows your character.

18748001? ago

I said free speech is all or nothing. You brought up behavior limitations. Then start calling ppl commies. Drugs are bad.

18749518? ago

I did. There are limits on behavior, including free speech, and that is a good thing.

18740734? ago

Go cry in your mommas apron.

18740146? ago

Hmmmmmmmm 🤔

18740073? ago

What would be the issue with removing the anonymity? It would allow us to post here without having to go get points from elsewhere on voat, and it would allow us to immediately identify the small group of dedicated shills. They don't necessarily need to be banned, but where is the harm?

18742079? ago

I don't think you understand the ramifications of having trolls with dozens or more alts, and years of practice of theatrics and crisis acting on this sub. They have already skewed free flow of ideas on the rest of voat. imo.

I'm okay if porn is removed, but only if it's a simple janitorial function to remove it as spam. The sub should remains anon.

18743852? ago

But the shills are already doing this, and are not fooling any of us as it is. So what is lost?

18744197? ago

it takes awhile to see the patterns that create controlled op conditions within voat subs, a little like paid performance actor Alex Jones. It's more subtle then gay porn lol. They can still do it as anon, but less able to stick to script. Some do it because they like to fuck with people's heads, others because they believe Trump is a threat to the country and that Q is keeping people from acting.

18740166? ago

in part, it is to encourage us to research everything we see...something the American people have stopped doing. can you not see how relying on the media has led us down this path of near destruction? We cannot continue to just ingest what we are fed. It is to eliminate limited hangouts. it is to eliminate disinfo agents from steering us down paths and away from others. everyone is on equal footing, and no one is viewed as an insider. no name fagging, nobody building up a business off of Q through Voat, not assisting PAYtriots.

18740134? ago

where is the USE??? they already IP hop from tel aviv, at will, all day long. Ever been to fucking 8ch??? a better question is, why unmask us?? it would make no difference to the kikes who are hell bent on trolling Q anon day and night incase you haven't noticed.

18741322? ago

But we are already "unmasked" as far as the government is concerned. None of us is here anonymously.

The only "unmasking" this change would effect would be to unmask just how few shills there are repeat-posting here.

18740871? ago

It would allow people to tell who actual users are, and be more wary of new people or people with little q postin.

The more they ip hop the brighter the cia nigger glow

18740061? ago

The fact of it being anon is both the attraction and as we can see its achilles hill. I'd suggest a respectful dialogue with the site owner. Maybe a middle ground would be for @puttitout to ip ban ?

18742172? ago

A few selective IP bans would likely improve Voat through out the site, perhaps. A few 'inner circle' trolls with hundreds of alts skew Voat to reflect what they want people to read and talk about IMO and they use disruption to as a form of censorship.

18740005? ago

FUCK THIS! you little bitches need to fucking sack up and be adults. i dont like the porn and shit, either, but how fucking bad is it hurting you? you bitches are crying about cartoons. CARTOONS. So fucking what if you see two, three, eight dudes banging. how mentally weak are you that you cannot just move on from it. you little cunts surely could not stomach for any real conflict, so you sit at your keyboards and whine and bitch, trying to somehow erase your feelings of irrelevance. fucking wastes of semen that cant handle the chans acting morally superior. fuckers are going to kill voat.

18766840? ago

Ahahahaaaa.....wow, pornfag triggered.

18795593? ago

no, i am an adultfag getting triggered by simpletonniggers being triggered by other degeneratekikes exercising constitutionally upheld rights. you must be too stupid to grasp shill/troll tactics (assuming you are neither) and have been manipulated into letting them play with your strings. go back to reddit.

18742858? ago

top notch poetry, man

18743151? ago


18741589? ago

Whatever SBBH, I don't disagree about keeping QRV anon, but child rape anime isn't Q related and has it own sub that is not subject to flooding of Q posts, so I would be okay if current mod removed it.

18796147? ago

yes...i choose to side with freedom and the constitution and am also SBBH..... so where do you draw the line at what should be censored? is it okay if others decide what should be censored or are you the only arbiter of good taste? how do you know it isnt Q related? has anybody looked at source codes and other tech stuff embedded in the images?

18799579? ago

yes...i choose to side with freedom and the constitution and am also SBBH..... so where do you draw the line at what should be censored?

Censorship really isn't the issue, it's about whether sub scribers can have an expectation that mods represent good faith attempts at having the sub stay true to it's purpose for existing. That means the flooding of a sub with material that is spam or is used like spam is subject to removal.

is it okay if others decide what should be censored or are you the only arbiter of good taste?

To repeat, it's not an issue of censorship, and not one of good taste either, v/loli exists for a specific purpose, the pics and sub are not censored, I could venture to guess that the majority of people find that sub one of poor taste, but no one has to go there, so it's irrelevant if the sub contents adhere to what's not illegal. Just as people who hate Qanon don't have to stay here and subject themselves to language they find offensive.

how do you know it isnt Q related?

Because if the entire content of the sub were to be pics of v/loli material, no one could argue that it would be a Q related sub. There's nothing about it that stands alone to define it as Q related. It's only claim to exist here is when people argue over that it should or shouldn't be here.

has anybody looked at source codes and other tech stuff embedded in the images?

I don't know.

If the intent of this sub was to be a replacement sub for reddit GA (there was no porn there), I believe there is nothing wrong to have an expectation that the sub strive to support the research of Q related material, no different than the 99% of subs on voat that have guidelines meant to support the purpose of their respective sub.

18762763? ago

Child rape anime is free speech you fucking fascist kike

18767052? ago

Hardly, pornfag.

18767127? ago

I just put some on NEW for you.

18740887? ago

So should the European people just "man up" and deal with the immigrants who just shit up the country?

18740697? ago

Spoken like a true Satanist. Do you use the same argument for Desmond is Amazing and the abuse he is subject to?

18796211? ago

i wouldnt know what a satanist sounds like. good for you for being so well versed, though. since you are too fucking dumb to differentiate between a real live child being used and abused versus a fucking cartoon drawing, i would suggest that you go fellate a 9mm and swallow it all, like the thirsty faggot you are.

18740611? ago

fuck off

18796263? ago

sure thing, sport! gold star commentary.

18796500? ago

Better than your womanly comment.

18800115? ago

depending on the woman, that is certainly a contentious statement. do you have any other chestnuts to unleash?

18800139? ago

Womanly meaning, in a hand-wringing sense.

18800326? ago

still sexist as fuck, but you don't strike me as the sort to care. also, fuck you for not being a better communicator.
better to wring my hands like a fretful old biddy than two wring my hands together like a money hungry kike (((you)))

18800356? ago

still sexist as fuck

This is kike faggotry right here ding dong. They propogated all that shit you should know that.

Straight up cuck statement.

18985168? ago

HONK HONK HONK!! know several women that are worth 20 of you; i dont think blanket generalizations are intelligent. it is the fucking kiggers like you that sees entire groups of people as the same. you are so woke, free of mind, and uncucked that you see everyone as the same, huh?
truly, it is YOU that is the cuck. i bet you are the type that cleans up when he is done, too. HONK HONK

18740586? ago

Seriously, bunch of little bitches crying about harassment from words or pictures on a computer screen that they voluntarily click on. What a joke.

18740812? ago

fuck right off

18740856? ago

I'm good right here. Little bitch

18740907? ago

Sorry faggot, we banned people in pizzagate, we are free to do that in our own sub (speaking of 'freedom').

We can't do what the fuck we want in our own sub?

Who's the little bitch exactly?

18740947? ago

Still here... little bitch.

18740229? ago

Absolutely!!!! If you’re so weak minded, that you can’t just ignore the porn, then you need to turn in your man card and become a pussy soy boy. Cause that’s what you’re acting like.

18740616? ago

Fuck right off.

18740602? ago

Some homo down voted you because you hurt his feelings.

18740706? ago

The downvote is for presenting a horrible argument. If what he/she posted is true, then there are no limits on behavior. Do you agree that there are no limits on behavior?

18741798? ago

downvotes seem to be worthless when people have so many alts they can manipulate appearance of consensus and groups of trolls, even more so.

18740747? ago

This is a forum. Nothing is reaching out of your computer screen and harming you physically. Stop crying.

18741850? ago

thanks for that from the v/loli gallery, maybe v/loli should be flooded with Q material to slide the pics off the front page, oh that's right they would just remove it as off topic. I want an anon board where flooding of porn spam can be removed.

18741891? ago

Drama queen.

18741599? ago

You're judging.

18741670? ago

I'm talking shit, just like you. Typing out words on a screen to random internet people. Everyone is so dramatic about nothing.

18741050? ago

They are damaging Putt's property, dumbass.

18741076? ago

You are a special kind of retard, aren't you? Show me the damage of said property.

18741110? ago

Driving people away from the platform is damaging the platform. That is what you are doing. We both know this.

18741159? ago

There's a warning at the entrance to the sub. Can't drive away someone who agreed to it in the first place.

18741151? ago

And you have actual numbers proving there are any less people now? So now you're actually speaking english. "damaging someones property" is not the same as what you just said.

18740807? ago

fuck off to another subverse if you don't like it

18740641? ago

I know. They can’t help their self. Like that’s gonna stop me.

18739984? ago

There is a push to decay this sub. I don't frequent here enough to know from which side it's coming from.

18744064? ago

It’s coming from the namefag who thought she deserved to run this community. She has been angry ever since and has waged a campaign to disrupt this sub to drive traffic to hers. Now her and her friends are making a power play to lift ownership of this community and bring it under their control so they can ensure that it’s curated the way most beneficial to their narratives.

18761840? ago


18757170? ago

Which are the other subs so I’ll be sure to never visit? Heck who am I kidding, I never heard of VOAT before Q and still have left this sub only 4-5 times and instantly backed out because it sucked.

18746447? ago

@srayzie on suicide watch

18761832? ago


18741719? ago

from Jews

18740816? ago


18740252? ago

From trolls.

18752119? ago

Trolls are mostly disgruntled former Q supporters.

18761147? ago

Disillusioned people don't hang around.

18740250? ago

All sides, dude.

18739960? ago

The image is faked.

18739925? ago

If you don't like the admin, you're free to fuck off to some other darkened corner of the web. Seriously, get lost. Q is a LARP and all you boomers are most unwelcome on Voat. GTFO.

18740273? ago

If you don't like QRV you're free to visit other subverses. GTFO.

18740441? ago

Fuck you I do what I want.

18769506? ago

Obvious Shill is obvious

18769942? ago

Fucking kill yourself.

18740700? ago

Cartman XD. "bitch, I do what i want!"

18740195? ago

Honestly I don't mind them. You're just a faggot who can't stand people minding their own business in their sub. At least it's not loli sub.

18742667? ago

You missed the ones with people shitting in someone's mouth I take it. But even that is better than have SBBH shut down this sub and turn it over to SBBH affiliated mods. Think about that @Puttitout

18740452? ago

You need to go too.

18739921? ago

Putts sounds like a fag.

18740612? ago

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. Hmmmmm.....

18739895? ago

This has 420nigger fag’s smell all over it. Fucking pussy.

18739872? ago

QRV mods have a bunch of integrity don't they!

18739869? ago

There are non-anon subs for Q followers. Keep this one anon.

18743873? ago

I agree also, keep it anon, just don't respond to trolls/shills - downvote and move on.

18741698? ago

There are non-anon subs for porn too. Spamming this site with porn is just that and porn spam should be able to be removed while keeping the anon status of the sub

18742605? ago

be gone, you jew shill

18742825? ago

it's the jews that push porn onto the public that isn't interested in it. who's the jew? I want an anon sub, with a guideline that porn spam is off topic and subject to removal for that reason. Same with gore.

18766680? ago


18752127? ago

What about telling the truth about the Jews and niggers? Is that spam?

18741429? ago

I agree

18739861? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @zyklon_b.

Posted automatically (#40715) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18739860? ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @clamhurt_legbeard.

Posted automatically (#40714) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18739850? ago

interesting take on the situation (those of you taking PUTTS side here) Question: say Fastjack starts banning users for posting porn. Can they not simply use a VPN, IP hop and continue posting, and for that matter don't they already do this on voat and 8ch anyhow?? again, how does unmasking QRV anons actually help this situation when they have been iphopping from the beginning??? serious question

18778239? ago

Well, now we have fastjack trying to get everyone over to another forum with...you guessed it, no anonymity...and not verified by Q none the less... maybe he really is trying to set us all up. Plus his other board.volunteer literally just got banned pn 8ch for posting a shitton of gore and scat porn mixed with child porn. I may have to change my diagnosis here. No longer trust FJ or his staff

18745098? ago

I'd be happy if the obviously irrelevant porn is deleted in a timely manner.

18753413? ago

What kind of moron clicks on it?

18761739? ago

How're you sposed to know not to click on it? There's no warning. Comment attached sounds legit and on point. Newbies will click and then it's over and all Q credibility is lost and they never return. Why is this so hard for people to understand? CANNOT send newbies and family here. Cannot spread the word about Q...which was the whole point of this place. For pete's sake...it's not rocket science.

There is obviously an agenda to kill QRV.

18765638? ago

It's very simple: don't fucking click on links in comments unless you're retarded.

18765706? ago

Reading comprehension 101. Re-read slowly. Here, I'll make it simple for you...

N-e-w-b-i-e-s will click on deceptive comment links and then Q's credibility and message is destroyed. Comprende, Sally?

18771287? ago

Who appointed you as the white knight to save the noobs?

18767513? ago

I don't give a shit about newbies. This forum isn't about newbies. Fuck newbies.

18741132? ago

Banning an account from posting content to a specific subverse, has nothing to do with the user's IP.

It means they will be forced to use an alt account to continue, thus revealing what other accounts they use on Voat if they do choose to keep going. Eventually they'd burn through their most prized accounts and be left with easily identified young accounts -- the process of creating new accounts and gaining the ability to post is arduous when not manipulating votes; if vote manipulation is utilized in the padding of new alt accounts, those responsible would be globally banned.

It's not a perfect solution but it could very well result in a sharp decline in attempts to poison v/QRV.

18751969? ago

Q has poisoned QRV by failing to deliver justice.

18756205? ago

Q provides front-row seats to history being made.

If watching til the end of the film is too taxing for you then I suggest you do something else ~ go outside and play in the sun. Kick a ball and climb a tree or chase a butterfly while the adults talk.

18766649? ago


18758738? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Select one.

18741297? ago

I agree with this, and I have no problem not being anon when I post.

18748972? ago

If I have to post non-anon, I'd have to post bullshit I don't believe so I could get points. Without points, I can't post at all. Speech on Voat isn't free, you have to earn your privilege. Make Voat a true free speech forum. Ditch the game rules.

18741207? ago

in other words, it wont effect the porn posting, and in the process will unmask the entire QRV subverse. Just like I said.

18741231? ago

in other words, it wont effect the porn posting

Read again.

Use comprehension.

18741240? ago

comprehension is fine. it was just used to see through the blatant holes in your retarded non-argument, that for some reason you had to write a wall of text to explain. Next.

18741330? ago

comprehension is fine.

Clearly it isn't.

it was just used to see through the blatant holes in your retarded non-argument, that for some reason you had to write a wall of text to explain.

Lol. You call that a wall of text but claim your reading comprehension is fine. Sounds more like reading is pretty difficult for you.


^ Same to you.

Unless of course you have a dog in this fight; a vested interest in seeing the subverse poisoned.

18740261? ago

When you start banning it's over. period.

18751989? ago

This place will turn into /r/the_donald in no time.

18746671? ago

Yep. May as well be reddit at that point.

I must be a joo shill tho since I support keeping an anon board true rolls eyes

18740800? ago

Bullshit it was done in pizzagate and that place still thrives.

18742701? ago

It's run by shills who have historically done their fucking top best to delete the best content.

18742771? ago

Only shill mod might have been Millennial Falcon and I think he was just power trippin.

18741740? ago

You know what's really thriving? Pedos.

18739714? ago

@zyklon_b here maybe make me mod and swing da hammer

18739712? ago

Non-anon ASAP, let’s get rid of these losers and get back to research

18740164? ago

I agree with "get back to (Q) research".

18771677? ago

Start with: "Why the fuck haven't there been any arrests yet?"

18774755? ago

There have been multiple arrests of high profile people.

18777423? ago

None that matter.

Start with Hillary and John Podesta and work your way down from there.

18739792? ago

Yes, more illuminati jesuit and leonardo di vinci code type stuff. wagawaga1488

18740301? ago

Criticism from someone who only comes here to harass folks is meaningless.

18740363? ago

Never knew words on a computer screen is considered harassment. Could you possibly be anymore of little bitch? Probably not. Praise the duck.

18741919? ago

cyber stalking is considered harassment I think, so it's not like the concept is non existent

18741972? ago

Concepts are non-existent, otherwise they wouldn't be considered concepts.

18739917? ago

and 1355 too!

18739988? ago

and 6969! It aligns with polaris at 12:15 am midnight, and if you eat fried chicken 10 days after the full moon, you take a giant illumnati shit!!!! It's official! Still winning, baby.

18740645? ago

i heard if you eat fried chicken past midnight, niggers will do a home-invasion looking for leftovers

18740920? ago

Wikipedia verified this information. Can confirm.

18739640? ago

The sound of corruption.

18739629? ago

Id say fewer than one-third of folks here have a tolerance for the grotesque porn that has been posted lately. There are a lot of good and decent people here who just want justice and an earth-shattering change in the way America goes forward. The old model is no longer working and the elite need to be removed from power. It's simple as that.

18769926? ago

Id say fewer than one-third of folks here have a tolerance for the grotesque porn that has been posted lately. There are a lot of good and decent people here who just want justice and an earth-shattering change in the way America goes forward. The old model is no longer working and the elite need to be removed from power. It's simple as that.

I agree. We come here instead of 8chan to get away from the porn. The shill porn is just an effort of the Deep State to stop the truth from getting out to the masses.

18754919? ago

And what would you replace it with?

I’ve seen he porn here. It’s not that bad. It’s just ducks and asses. Grow up. And it gives itself away. If you’re not a fucking retard you can sort out what’s what and not click on it.

Stop playing homeland security. That shit is a front. And nobody’s buyin what you’re sellin.

18751505? ago

Show a thumbnail of all attached links. Don't open what you don't want to see.

18754976? ago

How do you do that?

18743978? ago

Meet the CEO of VOAT https://i.imgflip.com/31jzdq.jpg

18744238? ago

18743171? ago

Potty-mouth as a strategy isn't very effective either.

18752618? ago

Fuck off.

18742694? ago

If you are going to define a subverse by assigning it a topic, then people who don't want to stick to that topic have the freedom to not come here.

It's as simple as that. Has nothing to do with "free speech."

18766466? ago

Oh noooes....that's waaay to logical for the pornfag/muh free speech shills.

18741977? ago

The old model is no longer working and the elite need to be removed from power. It's simple as that.


Yes the jewish controlled post WWII world order needs to be destroyed.

18741652? ago

We need to ban cult behavior and clean out this place.

18754993? ago

Yes Jew. Shut the fuck up

18755125? ago

We also need to start banning posts uncritical of Q.

18760627? ago

Banning. Spoken like a true lefty.

18769227? ago

You should be banned for not supporting these bans. You are obviously a hater and divider.

Seriously though, I was being facetious, because if we banned cult behavior around here then nary a Qlown there would be. The whole forum would then close because without Qlowns here to redpill there wouldn’t be any reason for thinking people to stick around.

18772861? ago

You have too much time on your hands for what you believe is futile behavior.

18773462? ago

Oh, you have no idea..

18775212? ago

We each pick our paths.

18788611? ago

No, actually, we do not.

18792335? ago

Well now I’m curious.

18810201? ago

We are living in a geocentric virtual reality that runs like a program; plays like a movie. We have been living our history over and over and over again. At this point we do have some control over choosing the lifetimes we want to live, but that wasn’t always the case. Ultimately that would be up to “GOD” (all caps.)

18811385? ago

Oh I see. You think you’re trapped here.

You’re not. This whole thing is a choice. Every time you come you set a plan of action and lessons you wish to learn. You either learn them or return in similar or different locations/circumstances to attempts and learn them again.

It is all free will.

This whole “place” will not change much, bc it’s designed to be this holographic place where we learn. When we’re done here we don’t come back. You get to say when you’re done. But YOU, not you. Because you forgot YOU when you came here. That was also part of the plan. YOUR plan.

GOD is part of every thing bc it is with it that it created this, more itself. To experience the variety of experience. Nothing more. “He” is fine with this because we designed it and now inhabit it as these bipeds.

The constrains are self imposed for a lesson only.

18811498? ago

We have no free will.

18811636? ago

Ahh, I now see why you have so much time for futile efforts. You’re a programmed bot.

18812140? ago

Just mark my words. You will find out, eventually, before you see the spheres.

18813470? ago

I’ve seen the spheres. And yet our conclusions about what’s so is very different.

18741253? ago

@badg0y1m last comment - 7 months ago (13 CCP)

@FastJack last comment/submission - Never (0 CCP)

@msdia80_dll last comment - 1 month ago (10 CCP)

All mods added about 1 month ago, no old mods.

Putts sends message talking about unmoderated sub, they talk shit and post screens.

18785835? ago

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18774060? ago

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18746300? ago

@Puttitout The mods are obviously compromised and seem to like the sub being filled with porn spam. They only care about participating when their power is threatened. Remove them, keep it anon, and give someone a janitor position.

18771716? ago

HAHAHA! You stupid motherfuckers are going to become non-anon just because "trust the plan."

@FastJack acted like a total douchebag. If your stupid, kike mod didn't do that, putt would have left all of you alone.

18754934? ago

Look how quickly you retards vote this cunt up. He’s taking your power from you and you’re just high giving this monkey criminal.

18754925? ago

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Go away.

18757118? ago

Spoken like a true adult.

Leave this stuff for the grown-ups, kiddo.

18751877? ago

As soon as you appoint a "janitor" you get groupthink hivemind.

18747690? ago

Compromised by doing as the community demanded and only removing illicit content? Compromised by letting us decide for our selves what to pay attention to? Compromised by not protecting us from fag spam?

We demanded they not use the delete button. They don’t. This is my favorite online community and the only one I participate in because I know I have an unfiltered view of every thing smashed into one spot.

But let’s declare them compromised for running the community the way the community asked it be run...

18752829? ago

disagree.. too many trolls and queers who love posting dicks.... all patriots should just go to THEAWAKENING and THEGREATAWAKEING...qrv is compromised by muslims nazis..all of which are anti-trump and anti-american

18776959? ago

Then I'll stay here, I don't mind trying to see some other views as well. If I wanted to block people I'd be a libtard. Don't promote censorship for the love of god.

18777659? ago

i promote the censorship of liberals, nazis, racists, and porn posters

18754954? ago

Shut the fuck up.

18756959? ago

so via proxy, you are one of the muslim queers who love posting dicks .

18749320? ago

Agreed: this isn't a game that can be won. If rules are added then shills will just start posting Q related garbage and scripture. Our best bet is to behave like emotionally mature adults and ignore the shills and their naughty pictures.

18751098? ago

Emotionally mature adults? Have you read any of the content here? QRV needs to migrate to Reddit as far as I can tell.

18761444? ago

"migrate" is Globalist diction 🙁

18754944? ago

So fuck off. Why do you care?

18751157? ago

Why are shills so desperate for QVR members to flee?

18751889? ago

Still waiting on arrests from Q.

18752926? ago

So you want arrests without investigation or indictment?

Don't you think that's super-retarded?

18758931? ago

It doesn't take years for indictments. Fast track that shit now!!!!!

18746037? ago

who were mods the before a month ago? what happend to them?

the current ones don't seem to be doing much.

i often go to new and down voat shit. normally i have to get the eye bleach out afterwards. i should vote more often though, i can pass a week or month just lurking

18746512? ago

just read the deleted submissions and comments. it was PenSHITLORD, not much was ever deleted.

modertion in moderation isn't an issue for me, especially when we can all see the deleted stuff afterwards anyway.

18742926? ago

They talk shit or They stand up for their community?

I’m with the mods on this. Putt is flexing on us and it’s pathetic.

18751143? ago

Putt is tired of the bullshit this sub generates. All he was asking was the mods to step in and get active.

Mods have been MIA and the first move they make is post screencaps. Totally dick and jew-ey move. They could have handled it better. Both are taking strong positions. They both could have sorted it out better.

But FastJack's first move as a mod was just try to shift frustration onto Putt. Not cool at all.

I predict that this isn't going to end well.

18751556? ago

No, he gave it to the community because it’s our decision not his. He did what a moderator should, let the community debate and make their own informed decisions on the situation and kept us apprised of dangers to our community. As a result we outed the culprit behind this manufactured crisis. Had the post not been made we would have likely lost our community to the very person who tries endlessly to destroy it.

18751862? ago

Had the post not been made we would have likely lost our community to the very person who tries endlessly to destroy it.

Putt is trying to destroy this community?? lmao. You really have no idea wtf is happening, do you? It's a handful of SBBH vs GA mods, as well as random shills and shitposters who are trolling this sub. You should pay more attention before you make asinine claims like this. Well done, @FastJack. You pulled a fast one convincing NPCs that Putt is the bad guy.


18751936? ago

The user who requested the transfer of this sub is the one posting part of the porn he used to justify his request for the sub.

18752011? ago

I know. That's C_Corax who requested the transfer.

Now what was your point, or did you even have one?

18752029? ago

Had these messages from Putt not gone public we wouldn’t have outed the con job and Putt would have likely taken action against our board.

18752115? ago

On what basis are you making this claim? Has Putt ever had a history of doing that? Support it with evidence that he has done that, please, and stop repeating rumors that are unsubstantiated.

There are no good guys or bad guys in this. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation from Putt's POV.

As I said earlier, FastJack pulled a fast one. I see through it for what it was: a power move in an effort to shift ire that's been directed at him for not modding onto Putt. Jew move.

18752153? ago

I’m not blaming Putt for the con job, are you daft?

18770957? ago

So you still think it was Putt who's at fault here?

Check out how your mod FastJack is trying to make off with QRV to poal.

Pls tell me again how he's not a shill glownigger: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3235269/

18771116? ago

You still struggling to comprehend the multiple statements that I don’t think Putt had any thing to do with this? You’re fighting a straw man.

18771148? ago

Nope. I never said that. I'm pointing out that you FastJack is the snake in all this and was trying to make Putt look bad. You were the one defending FJ, remember??

Now it's all out in the open and you're seeing FJ overplay his hand.

18771212? ago

Nothing the mod here has done has lead me to see this grand conspiracy that every one has intoxicated them selves with. I see a dutiful steward laying safeguards, I was planning my backup migration before that announcement so it aligns with what I was already doing my self and therefore congruent.

I see a bunch of people trying to save the day from a problem they imagined I have which I never had in the first place trying to sell me solutions that are abhorrent to my world view.

18771282? ago

And FastJack has that final solution: gotcha. That's a classic glownigger tactic.

The solution could easily have been to be an active mod. Not pull a Q-endorsed community out from Voat to set up his own community.

Too bad you don't see how shilly it is.

18772229? ago

You’re attempting to convince me of secondary outcomes to a primary predicate that I’ve not bought into. I do not think we need active moderation as so many of you spewing anger here do. Since I agree fully with the hands off approach here, every thing there after falls flat when argued to me.

It’s not “his own community” it’s a shot across the bow of puttitout letting him know that this community won’t be strong armed into capitulation as we have other options.

Besides this community isn’t this board, it’s the people who are spread across the many modalities. You can dismantle any given platform and you’ll fail to touch the actual community.

18773165? ago

Because I am arguing the same point in more than one place? Try harder.

18775858? ago

That's a shill, tactic, bro.

18775917? ago

Only allowed to talk to one person now? Can’t have more than one conversation any more? I guess we need to take my anonymity away so I can be banned for engaging people on debate.

18775958? ago

Bro we're catching guys like you in both threads doing this. Ya'll think you're clever...


18776089? ago

Oooo catching users using the site hahaha what are you doctor detective Goodman

18776211? ago


18776173? ago


18776164? ago


18776157? ago


18776148? ago


18776141? ago


18752446? ago

Putt almost fell for it.

Putt is no idiot.

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3233816/18749352/ Give the owner and builder of this site some credit, will you.

18752453? ago

He just tried bullying our mods into capitulation. Gonna take some time before I can.

18752468? ago

What exactly have your mods been doing for you while the spamming, porn, shilling and trolling have been going on? Please be specific and reference some examples for me, prior to the screencaps from today.

18752481? ago

They have let me decide what to pay attention to and not. Allowed me to learn from the spammers and shills how they work to disrupt communities, they were bold enough to allow the natural outcome to form and not interfere. This I value above any action they may have decided to take.

18752608? ago

Fair enough.

I'm going to leave you with some links that you might want to take a look at in depth to help you form a better opinion of the mods of QRV and how "powerful" their inaction is...

Why did we have to find out about the QRV mod change from a mod of GreatAwakening? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3217150/

Do you think that it shows QRV mods care about "our" community?

Why was it that a mod from GreatAwakening had to directly ask Q for help because QRV anons were not getting replies from any QRV mods? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3217150/

And in return why was a GreatAwakening mod relentlessly trolled and spammed as a result? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3227845/

Did the QRV mods ever post any open responses to her attempt at helping combat shilling and trolling on his sub? (Answer: no) But here is a GreatAwakening mod responding to a post where "our mods" were pinged to but never responded to: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3216674/18586669/

As I said, I've been watching them carefully and following all the threads. I know names and comment histories of most of the players involved. This situation is not as cut and dry as you would think and you're naive to believe otherwise.

18752681? ago

Why does she deserve a response from our mods? She just creates drama and distractions when we are minding our own business.

18752835? ago

So who does deserve a response from the mods, then? Is it up to them to ignore whomsoever they choose at their discretion?

18752991? ago

No one deserves a response if all they are doing is demanding censorship and behavioral control of the users.

Putt deserved a response. Outside of that, Q and BO. I wouldn’t expect a response if I harassed them about things that hurt my eyes, I have eyelids after all.

18753062? ago

No one deserves a response if all they are doing is demanding censorship and behavioral control of the users.


However. Does the Q community at large not deserve a response? Something along the lines stating "the mods believe and support free speech, blah blah blah use your discernment blah blah"

Stupid as it may be, it's effective in:

  • signaling to the community that mods are paying attention
  • signaling to Putt that mods are putting low effort into the sub
  • signaling to trolls and shills that sub doesn't have MIA mods.

win/win/win for all involved until the next shitpost storm ramps up.

18753076? ago

The Q community at large hasn’t demanded a response. They can upvoat something if they want the mods to answer to something. So far it’s just a bunch of namefags throwing fits that we don’t do what they want. If they can get a post here to the top with 300 votes then I bet you the mods will respond.

300 is the current consensus mark. 150 or so is casual consensus. Slow news days that’s 30-80 but any which way, consensus here is 300 upvoats. Get that and the mods ignore it, then I’ll agree they have some explaining. Until then, it’s noise making namefags creating drama to make them selves feel important.

18753446? ago

300 is the current consensus mark. 150 or so is casual consensus. Slow news days that’s 30-80 but any which way, consensus here is 300 upvoats

This is new info for me. Can you point to a thread that discusses this?

I'm curious, what about threads where there is much commentary, but the UV hasn't even hit casual consensus, according to this definition. Such as this post, for example.

This moderator is the first and only that I can say I’ve actually respected.

We disagree about FastJack. I'd have preferred just one post going "hey Qfags, I'm your new mod. Respect the free speech, you niggers, and kindly fuck off unless you see CP or other illegal shit."

There's politicking at play. I'm not buying the "FastJack is on our side" hype that's coming out of this. This sub has been a PITA for a long time. If I were Putt, I'd be sick to death of it being such a problem child.

18753483? ago

Watch the stats on the posts over the course of a month. Those are the high water marks. The fluctuate with the amplitude of panic in the msm and frequency of Q posts. Next time Q posts, check the upvoat tally on the thread that gets spawned.

As for disagreeing, that’s fine, I don’t care who because the seat of power isn’t that chair. It’s Q and BO. If this place was compromised then it would be called out as such and appropriate action would be taken.

I’m sure he is sick of the drama that gets manufactured around our use of this platform, he can squash it and silence us and will undermine all faith in this platform or he can live with the reality of what he has worked so hard to create and the consequences of what it really means.

The users here are immune to the bullshit. The value content makes it to the front page. The rest gets flushed down the toilet of the new page. When it matters people participate. The spans of time between, the shills betray their talking points and people with not value to their existence derive microscopic amounts of dopamine from the rush of being that guy pathetic enough to post toilet pictures all day.

18752639? ago

Why did we have to find out about the QRV mod change from a mod of GreatAwakening?

Because nothing changed. They continued to remain hands off as we expect of the mods.

Why was it that a mod from GreatAwakening had to directly ask Q for help because QRV anons were not getting replies from any QRV mods?

Because they didn’t get their way and tried using their cult of personality as a means of demanding attention that they aren’t owed by virtue of a title?

And in return why was a GreatAwakening mod relentlessly trolled and spammed as a result?

Because we don’t respect namefags trying to tell us what to do.

We don’t want her help or need her help. She is inserting her self where she isn’t needed, wanted, or welcome.

18752708? ago

They continued to remain hands off

Hands off to what extent? To the extent the board goes to shit and Putt gets dragged into this mess? Nice results.

as we expect of the mods.

Define "we". Define "expectation." Define "mods" and what their role in a subverse should be, ideally. Perhaps clarify that to the users of the sub since there's an uproar over what roles should be, what is to be expected of mods, and who "we" refers to (one mod, two mods, all three mods?)

I have no clue what "as we expect of the mods" means and neither do you.

Because they didn’t get their way and tried using their cult of personality as a means of demanding attention that they aren’t owed by virtue of a title?

Get their way in what respect? They were asked to help out when mods of QRV ignored their own users. They tried to help QRV's users. Looks to me more like they understand some fundamentals of modding.

Because we don’t respect namefags trying to tell us what to do.

Nobody was trying to tell anybody what to do. GA mods got pinged when QRV mods were silent and ignored users.

We don’t want her help or need her help.

That much has been blatantly clear.

18752982? ago

They tried to white night that shit. We don’t need saving. We threw a fit when theawakening deleted any thing at all and the mods heard us loud and have since left the delete button for illicit content only. This is what every one demanded and it’s what we got and it’s bloody glorious.

Can’t handle the heat? Go to Srayzie safe space.

18779128? ago

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18753001? ago

nope. Not into deleting or censoring. Don't agree with srayzie and her methods. She's brought a shitload of this down on herself and is not innocent.

But I also don't agree with being completely ignored by mods. At the very least, post a reminder about free speech and start a convo for newbs who don't get it. Show that you're even around and paying attention, FFS.

The only thing I've taken away from this whole fiasco is that one of the mods, FastJack, has a pulse.

18753012? ago

I guess the amplitude feels proportional to the degree of panic. I expected this flood and have been enjoying the show.

Every one is so worried about newbies. They are few and far between. And frankly if they can’t handle a dose of reality, they aren’t ready to actually see what’s been happening around them.

18760152? ago

@puttitout pls see comment above, and pls check out parent

18772941? ago

He doesn't care, @puttitout is publicly threatening you. He will find a way to force you off the platform. I thank the Q crowd for at least showing that he is not the free speech supporter he pretended to be.

18787530? ago

That's not the case at all. Nice try to shift blame and fear monger, though.

18779015? ago

Sure @FastJack shill. We believe you.


Nobody falls for glownigger tactics.

18752579? ago

Inaction is powerful in the face of instigators.

Shit you people are stupid

18752179? ago

I'm not daft, you retard. But if you're going to make an argument, at least be able to reference names so I know who you were referring to.

18752203? ago

Lol names

18752225? ago

are you daft?

Names, indeed. Hypocrite much?

18751784? ago

No, he gave it to the community because it’s our decision not his

Our decision to do what? Mods have been getting pinged re: porn, trolls and shills. In the screens FJ basically said that complaints are irrelevant. Do you really think they are on "our" side? lol

As a result we outed the culprit behind this manufactured crisis.

The culprit is not Putt, trust me on this. If you think it is, then Fast Jack pulled a fast one on you.

You don't find it strange that the very first move he does is post screencaps? There has been no word, no announcement from him at all. He has been pinged constantly with no reply. Now suddenly...oh look, guys! Putt is bad! Dick move.

I don't see how the mods have served this community in any way. They look like jackasses. Putt basically said to them, clean up your bedroom or get the fuck outta my house if I have to clean it up. He is in the right. His house, his rules.

Mod the sub or GTFO.

18739892? ago

i always comment on the gay & loli porn ' looks like jews doing what jews do' or something to that effect

18747203? ago

18747250? ago

oy vey! those are 2 happy kikes

18739803? ago

And many of us that just genuinely enjoy trolling retards, but don't upload porn. Don't forget about us!

18755011? ago

We love you. You make us sharper. We can almost always tell who you are. You’re making us stronger and better.

Don’t hate yourself for it. We’re grateful.

18756323? ago

Don't you worry, I have no hate, and least of all for myself. What you think of me is interesting, but I assure you, you are incorrect in your assumptions. XD

18740437? ago

Trolling is fine, I love arguing with the trolls. Fun for both parties.

But the porn and all that shit has to stop. We don't want it, and moderation has done nothing about it.

18742947? ago

Speak for your self. I don’t care one bit about the porn. It’s shills trying to force this place to be “dealt with” and Putt took the shillbait.

18742444? ago

I come and here fuck with Qtards, yes, because I try and get them to think, awaken. I do not agree with the spamming of porn. That is most likely the other Q subs doing it. Just my opinion

18749273? ago

awaken the woke anons of the great awakening. You're doing a super job foiling Q's plan. It's working. Keep trying! You'll get there soon!

18742963? ago

Likely the namefag who thought she deserved to lead this community.

18743161? ago


and she is mod happy

18743284? ago

Ps if you’re one of the Q haters arguing here, keep it up. I welcome your questioning of my reality as it forces me to reflect and my faith grows ever stronger the harder you try to destroy it. This is a good thing. And maybe just maybe we will teach each other something along the way.

18746564? ago

Check out my asshole

18745272? ago


18743350? ago

Whatever floats your chicken

18745269? ago

Awe days raysist. Honk honk

18740469? ago

Porn is garbage. Trolling is gold.

18740518? ago

Posting porn is like arguing against someone and all they have left is calling you a faggot. Both are low iq responses that just prove you were right.

Proper trolling actually requires brain cells to be clever.

18742113? ago

Posting porn is like catching a glimpse of some tranny soy boy freakshow. Yeah I dont want to see it but grow a fucking pair and move on.

18742184? ago

Ignoring problems, how very boomer of you.

18747318? ago

Whiney pukes like you wouldn't have lasted a week in the 70's and 80's. Without the internet we had to actually deal with each other in person which actually meant you mouthed off you had better be ready to fight or cry home to mommy where you would have stayed.

18741432? ago

Proper trolling actually requires brain cells to be clever.

That art largely died long ago, outside of Voat and on Voat alike.

18739613? ago

Good. I'm not even a Q follower and can tell the mods don't give a damn about this subverse. Putts is doing the right thing and I hope he makes it a system sub.

18748741? ago

“I’m not one of you but you should all be punished for not doing what I expect.”

Said every tyrant ever.

18744099? ago

If they don’t give a damn why are they standing up to this effort to destroy anonymity and institute censorship?

Mods mod as we asked them to. Delete nothing but illicit content. No more or we revolt. I have more faith and respect for our mods now than at any point before.

18748699? ago

I'm standing with the mods too

18767086? ago

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Light. No one comes the the Father, but thru Me," said Jesus. Turn from your wicked ways today.

18744198? ago


18742188? ago

I hope he helps find another solution to deal with off topic porn spam without giving up the anon status of this sub.

18742972? ago

I don't.

18739703? ago

So much for free speech. Ass kissing 101 right here.

18740207? ago

There are plenty of porn subs. There are plenty of places to talk about porn online.

Fuck off with that dishonest argument

18740268? ago

I never mentioned porn. What are you smoking?

18740280? ago

Fuck off with that dishonest argument

18740685? ago

Ok, faggot. I don't even care for posting porn, but OH NO a picture of naked ppl or a cartoon. OH NOS. Faggot.

18742375? ago

Go back to v/loli where no one challenges pics of cartoon gang rape of children.

18740701? ago


Posting porn is like arguing against someone and all they have left is calling you a faggot. Both are low iq responses that just prove you were right.

Proper trolling actually requires brain cells to be clever.


18742408? ago

I don't clever trolling is being criticized.

18739738? ago

Spamming porn isn't free speech you dimwit. You're intentionally trying to ruin the Voat experience for others. This makes you not a great person.

18752221? ago

Speaking of 'ruining the Voat experience' how about all those boomer retards who came here from Reddit?

18742259? ago

Flooding any sub with porn spam is an attempt to shut down a sub or make it fail (unless the sub is about porn in which case it's no spam) Why porn has to elevated to some special status as untouchable form of free speech is beyond me. Subs should reflect the topic that they were created for. We don't see porn spam flooding a sub like v/knitting and if it was, the mods could justify removing it as off topic (short of a pic of a cock sock)

18744875? ago

viva la cock socks!

18740239? ago

No, wrong. it's ALL free speech. This is where that shit begins. It's not like i haven't watched this very tactic on repeat over and over and over on Reddit before QRV was around. It's pretty damn transparently simple too. You just start with something everyone can agree is bad and then on to something that most people think is bad..you just continue stepping up that control incrementally. The enemy is very uncreative. it's not hard to memorize their short list of tricks.

18742271? ago

Does Reddit have porn and loli subs?

18742687? ago

It has a Pedo friends sub

18742740? ago

voat has something along those lines I think, they had a goal of reaching out to the community to have people view pedos in a positive light. I doubt they are responsible for posting the child rape anime.

18742784? ago

And in my opinion pedos don't need to be anywhere on earth let alone posting on social media but see, there is Reddit..balls to the wall controlled and censored. Still they allow the very shit that people think censorship can get rid of here. Nope..it's just like a gun ban. You only eliminate the "good guys".

18742929? ago

And in my opinion pedos don't need to be anywhere on earth

I agree with that, but I'm not calling for censorship on voat. Most all the subs on voat are created for the purpose of a given topic, and creating simple guidelines to adhere to the goal of focus on that topic is not censorship. The freedom of assembly is also a right.

18752280? ago

You have no "rights" here. You are on someone's private server and you agreed to their Terms of Service.

18739947? ago

your dealing with people that think being able to say nigger alone is free speech. Voat is hardly a free speech platform

18740278? ago

You're not even dealing with reality. You genuinely, honestly believe some speech should be censored. It's lunacy. Period end. You are OK with censored speech and coralled locations, that's your right, go be a faggot elsewhere.

18742313? ago

porn pic isn't free speech issue here, porn is not censored on the overall site, the issue is whether an anon sub has the justification to make a guideline defining porn as off topic spam, and then remove it for that reason.

18740519? ago

Also, with your nigger say the word hello, dis mah free speech, fucking homo

18740401? ago

You're not even dealing with reality.

naw, I'm seeing it pretty clearly.

You genuinely, honestly believe some speech should be censored.

I think you immature faggot. I'm going to start posting loli porn in tradwives now and when they remove I'll cry but mah fre spech, Tyone I dindu nuffin

Period end. You are OK with censored speech and coralled locations

You're not even dealing with reality.

that's your right, go be a faggot elsewhere.

but mah free speech, you are censoring me. you are against free speech dingus

18739938? ago

You complained, didn’t you fag?

18739759? ago

I've never spammed porn, psycho.

18739782? ago

Nice ninja edit, faggot.

Original comment was:

I've never spammed porn, psycho. I just troll.

FYI, you SUCK at trolling and you're a terrible person.

18739826? ago

Yeah, I troll, no porn.. Oh no you caught me in changing what I said. Off to prison i go....

18739868? ago

You're stupid and cowardly thinking you're achieving something for trolling an anon sub.

18739890? ago

You are so brave and courageous. Like a true warrior!

18762553? ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @voatislying.

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18742691? ago

That sounded like mob tactics from putt. I really don’t trust this sites admin one bit.

18741185? ago

You're the best Putt!

18767230? ago

I just prayed for you. If you died tonight, do you know where you'd end up? There is life after death. It's not too late to chose Jesus.

18747458? ago

Kill yourself faggot!

18747484? ago

Trying to promote unity here in these trying times.

18747510? ago

The only unity you enjoy is uniting your asshole with big nigger cock!

18740251? ago

It's only low class to assume this kind of shit should be taken behind closed doors. This is the kind of subversive shit we need to stop allowing to go behind the scenes.

18740350? ago

Putt was trying to handle it man to man with the sub owner before actually taking any action, and he got told off for it.

Pretty low class to do that to putt imo.

18749970? ago

This FastJack sounds like a whiny bitch.

18759878? ago

He is a whiny bitch.

They all are.

They're following a mystery man a Jew stooge.

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with these retards on the regular.

18746863? ago

Go to bed, Putt.

18740494? ago

You have some fecal matter on your nose.

18740552? ago

Ah, I see you don't actually have a counter besides calling me a brown nose, nice.

18740868? ago

A counter to what? You kissing someone's ass? Didn't know a counter was necessary.

18740941? ago

You seem to think about ass and shit a lot, someones got a fetish.

18740953? ago

Maybe I do.

18741186? ago

Thats good to know.

18740337? ago

Behind closed doors is what is called faggotry. Only those with something to hide use this tactic. Bunch of brown-nosers here agreeing with this bullshit.

18741156? ago

I dont want the police to search me, therefore i am guilty of hiding something. Def just dont wanna get a patdown and my shit thrown around.

Exact same logic as you're using. Low class stuff there

18741221? ago

So classy. You act just like the politicians you revere. Oh, so classy. KEK.

18741295? ago

No I'm calling out your stupid statement of "Only those with something to hide use this tactic". If you actually believe this statement, you either have an IQ below 70, or you haven't take the time to think about it fully.

18741435? ago

It's your problem you can't be honest. Only those with something to hide need to handle things away from view. gtfo with your backwards logic. There is no tact in secrecy. Speaking of IQ, only retards like you would bring it up because of your own insecurities.

18747629? ago

Betcha your windows @ home are all see through and not obstructed in anyway.. cause iVe gOT nOthiNg to HiDe /s

18747677? ago

Yeah cuz thats what putt ad jack are talking about. Retard KEK

18742235? ago

Yeah, i'm not insecure about my IQ at all. Mensa member with the paperwork to prove it. You're obviously a moron, so there is literally no point in me arguing with you. Good day, mongoloid

18742275? ago

ROFL mensa member. You are retarded, and actually proud to have been indoctrinated by "education." Stupid and programmed. Congratulations lol.

18742286? ago

No, I actually barely graduated. Thanks for pretending you know what it is, though.

18742327? ago

I don't care what it is because I know education is not there to teach anything other than conformity. It's too bad you still believe in the bullshit they sell, have fun.

18742394? ago

It has nothing to do with education, only iq. I couldnt have cared lesss about education, hence me having to take summer school to graduate, and not going to college afterwards. The only way i ever use it is to shut up morons who think they're smarter than they think they are.

18742554? ago

IQ tests are based off of the education system.

18742454? ago

Here's the thing, I never brought about a competition of wits, that was all you. I'm not retarded, but nor am I full of myself, so good luck with your insults. It's just sad that you need others to validate yourself, I don't need a mensa to tell me I'm not stupid, but apparently, you do. Hopefully mensa makes you feel better about yourself. XD

18740231? ago

@FastJack, I hope Putts takes this sub and makes it system. That would make my friggin day.

18741597? ago

Hope and faith are for retards. Whatever happens..... happens. Don't be a bitch. "Oh, I hope this and such happens to you, you naughty one!"

18765714? ago

Whatever happens..... happens. Don't be a bitch. "Oh, I hope this and such happens to you, you naughty one!"

Truth this frank is rarely spoken.

18741326? ago

I disagree.

18741215? ago

I agree too!

If you're not going to moderate, why the fuck you even here @FastJack? Let the sub go!

18743482? ago

Illegal content is removed. Users demanded that be the maximum extend of moderation here. That’s what we got. It’s what we want.

This is reddit level power plays by the admin, nothing more.

18745517? ago

This is reddit level power plays by the admin, nothing more.

So wait, you think Putt is just trying to grab power? Or just flex his muscle? I'm confused by what you mean.

18746101? ago

I think mods he is friends with are pulling a power play through him.

18740305? ago

me too u/PuttItOut

18740051? ago

Contradiction is the motto of corruption. They've been trained well.

18739751? ago

You're required to remove illegal content.

Any legal content is not required to be removed.

18741382? ago

Why is removing obvious porn spam such a difficult concession. The sub has a specific purpose for existing, why can't there be a simple janitor function to remove "non Q related" porn spam?

18751932? ago

The specific purpose for existing is to arrest the traitors. Q has failed to deliver.

18743514? ago

Because today it’s porn tomorrow it’s truth. Happens every time someone slips on this slope.

18748995? ago

I understand the generalized "slippery slope" argument. But I don't buy into what you said for a moment. Simply creating a porn janitor would in no way be a slippery slope.

18749047? ago

Until it’s photos of skippy raping people at spirit cooking parties that can’t be published.

18749455? ago

In that very, very unique situation we could simply decide to make an exception. We don't need to be wooden on either side of the issue.

18749522? ago

So who’s permission do we need for that special speech that is normally banned but deserves an exception. Maybe we could form a ministry of truth?

18751497? ago

How about the mods? Couldn't they? Humans are not riged and wooden. We're not trees. We are flexible and we have minds we can make decisions, we can make rules, and we can make exceptions.

18751524? ago

The moment they hold and utilize power they will be suspect to every user here. The only answer is for no decision making to occur. It’s in that act of making a decision that the system becomes corruptible.

It’s all or nothing. You have either free speech or tyrant. There is no half step.

18751845? ago

100% in disagreement. 100%.

18751857? ago

Sadly what either of us think is irrelevant so long as someone else holds the power to decide what the limits on our permission to speak are.

18745298? ago

The people posting porn will grow tired of doing so, long before the people posting truth will tire of doing so. It will pass.

18770197? ago

8chan QR is still "hit and run" with porn. Doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon. Why would it be a different story here?

18770666? ago

Tits aren’t the same as trannies deep dickin’ it through shit.

8ch is family friendly compared to the stuff that gets posted here.

18771047? ago

8ch gets both. Plus the anti-juh bs. Voat is getting to be no different.

18749011? ago

Not as long as they keep getting reactions from us they won't.

18748831? ago

You’d be surprised. I was limited but constant for the first 2.5 weeks. Then a small following of other shills started doing it too. I learned to get better at it through some tips they’ve given me. There are probably 5 or so copycats now.

18746116? ago

My thoughts too. Shill methods come and go. Truth is timeless.

18745376? ago

If it's not porn, it'll be something else. Spammers will spam.

18746105? ago

18741651? ago

There can be a janitor for that.

Ask the mods. They can make one right now.

18740160? ago

Nobodies disagreeing with that. Putt basically said

yo, you're users are bitching about the moderation, aren't you gonna do something about that?

to which he basically got told to fuck off.

18751940? ago

Good. I'd tell him to fuck off too.

18747660? ago

If people aren't happy here, they can go to /v/greatawakening, where moderation happens.

18740748? ago

Where did putt say anything?

This Extremely Legitimate Screenshot©®TM?

18740799? ago

Meh I guess you could go the whole "its just photoshop" route but that doesn't really address any of the issues with the sub.

18741139? ago

No, but it definitely addresses the concern of "is putt turning his back on free speech?!" which for all I know is a huge lie.

18741171? ago

I'll start questioning putt when he actually does something to censor.

18741198? ago

Stop questioning the screenshot! It's extremely legitimate!

18741246? ago

I never said don't question the SS, I'm saying that the SS doesn't matter in regards to trusting putt or not because nothing was actually done.

18741625? ago

True stuff

18740246? ago

yo, sbbh is bitching about the moderation, aren't you gonna do something about that?


to which he basically got told to fuck off.


18749090? ago

I disagree with you. This sub is worthless the way you want to run it. If you can't control the porn spam you lose the value of the sub. Plus, you acted like an asshole in the pm's. I'm betting you don't act like that in real life. Or, if you do, you're likely extremely ineffective in basically all forms of interpersonal communication.

18765740? ago

its sbbh doing the same dumbfuck.

its so when he does give in to their mob, they can turn around and claim he censors, and go whine to putt to replace the mod with someone who works for them.

this is how they take over subverses.

18740274? ago

What moderation? lol

And I'm not sbbh, what about me?

18740093? ago

I've yet to see the trolls post illegal content... which makes sense givenTtey're trying to attack QRV, not Voat.

18751951? ago

The reason people shitpost is because they disgruntled and angry at Q for lying about arrests.

18740130? ago

Whole conversation could be faked.

18741016? ago

About 10% likelihood of that

18741784? ago

I was thinking more like 65.324857% Where'd you get your numbers from?

18741982? ago

The facts that it was happening real time, matches the interface, and putt didn't deny it make your numbers look asinine.

18742277? ago

You know, 45.32457% of statistics are made up, on the spot.

18743950? ago

Very clever - hopefully you get the gist that the conversation is likely legitimate instead of arguing like a dumb ragging bitch about whether "hello" has disrespectful undertones

18744112? ago

All I did was make a joke about statistics. Making jokes about statistics is marxist. Jokes = marxism. You people are fucking retarted

18745219? ago

Who's you people? So easy to find the fucking nigger kike faggots

18745229? ago

Im including you in 'you people.'

18741164? ago

What're you basing that on? My numbers gave 1 in 24,000 chance of this being a real screenshot.

18742008? ago

Okay joker your outrageous odds prove you are a shill - it was happening real time, matches the interface, and putt didn't deny it.

18742215? ago

Where did putt say this was true? Post a link.

18743901? ago

I said he didn't deny it you stupid fucking faggot piece of shit

18745029? ago

I saw what you said. He said nothing at all today, but you make it seem like he did.

Interesting that you think I'm a piece of shit for calling you out when you mislead people.

18745209? ago

You stupid piece of shit all I said was that he didn't deny it and you're trying to create something out of it because you're stupid piece of shit

18745355? ago

You never denied murdering a white infant in 1990.

So who are you to talk?

18745606? ago

Stop being such a faggot. Can you? It's not my birth you were molested

18745641? ago

It's not my birth you were molested

What do you mean by this?

18739576? ago

Don't mods have GOD power on Voat? Maybe I have this site confused with another one.

So, we just established that Fastjack is a NWO satanic communist infiltrator. Some housecleaning is now due.

18740102? ago

So, we just established that Fastjack is a NWO satanic communist infiltrator

How so?

18740733? ago

He/she is using satanist logic, whether they are aware of it or not. There are limits on behavior, right?

18740893? ago

Hate to break it to you, but satan isn't real. Like santa claus, you should really grow out of that phase by now.

18746069? ago


18741107? ago

Thanks, I am now convinced.

18741190? ago

Not trying to convince you, if you can't see that yourself, you are lost. lol

18741209? ago

au contraire

18741230? ago

oh hold on, I have satan on the phone, gimme a minute.

18741595? ago

Wishing no devil won't make it so.

18741608? ago

Have fun believing in your devil, no one cares.

18741630? ago

You seem to.

18741688? ago

Was just surprised that grown adults still believe in fairytales is all. I could care less.

18741753? ago

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

18744767? ago

Ok, crazy. You are the reason no one needs religion in their lives. Lol

18744883? ago

Okay I wish you the best.

18744961? ago

Sure thing, psycho xD

18740813? ago

Not the guy you were responding to fyi

Of course there are limits. No limits is how you get sacrificed babies, open borders, pride parades, etc etc

18739771? ago

His spelling skills are "rediculous".

18759906? ago

Dude he's probably a 50 year old boomer with nothing else to do

18762261? ago

I'm sixty years old, and I have plenty to do. I've got voat tabs open from three days ago that I haven't had time to read yet.

But I can still spell!!

18748685? ago

A generation that was never taught about English composition, spelling, punctuation etc. Not their fault. I gave my 18 yr old neighbor my old Hardy Boys books to read.His mother gave them back not long after. Too many big words!? I read the series when I was eleven.

18750823? ago

Wow, just wow! That's really sad. There's so much to be found in, and to love about, multisyllabic words.

18766616? ago

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.... :)

18766978? ago

And my personal favorite:


Fighting the 'atrocious' heathen liberals since the 1800's.


18767352? ago

LOLOL...I haven't heard that word in years. Bravo!

18742548? ago

he's loosing it

18742714? ago

Does that mean he needs tightening?


18743292? ago

lefty loosy, righty tighty

18743594? ago


18740011? ago

It’s extremely strange. The sub creator likely has connections to Q since Q endorsed this site and sub specifically. The creator also has never posted outside of QRV with his 0 voat karma. You’d expect a Q related member to at least be able to spell words like this.

18740904? ago

Is OP an owner/mod? If not, where did they get the screenshots of the communications with putt?

18766587? ago

Screen shots by mods on other voat places. Legit.

18766810? ago

Thanks for the update. Did you see the voat post about FJ starting another board on poal ?

I'm not involved with all the drama, nor do I want to be, but it sure seems like someone, somewhere seriously wants to divide this movement. Reddit had 70,000+ subscribers, the boards here each have 15,000 +/- . Where did everyone go? Another split and how many more will be lost?

18767328? ago

I did not know that...hmmmmm. Thx for the info.

18767590? ago



More confused than ever....

18767611? ago


18743306? ago


18743645? ago

How would we know if it was or wasn't?

18743677? ago

Waiting on Putt to say so

18743863? ago

Like a global sticky or a post in a sub verse somewhere?

18743883? ago

Global sticky would be best.

18740770? ago

Between SensibleStoner (creator) being MIA for the past eight months, the recent departure of 8bit from voat and 8chan, and the installation of two new owners and a new mod, I don't know what to think anymore.

18739923? ago

subtle knock on reddit?

18740676? ago

Are you saying FJ's misspelling, and not my comment, was a knock on reddit? I suppose it could be, although I've seen this misspelling other places, as well.

18796244? ago

i was not commenting on your spelling. i was remarking about FJs initial spelling. you are right, it is a common enough misspelling. i was just throwing a thought out there. given the subject matter, it could fit into some plausible theories explaining current events and state of Voat.

18798576? ago

I thought so, just wanted to make sure. And yeah, strange things going on between reddit, voat and the mods, thereof.