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18762553? ago

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18742691? ago

That sounded like mob tactics from putt. I really don’t trust this sites admin one bit.

18741185? ago

You're the best Putt!

18767230? ago

I just prayed for you. If you died tonight, do you know where you'd end up? There is life after death. It's not too late to chose Jesus.

18747458? ago

Kill yourself faggot!

18747484? ago

Trying to promote unity here in these trying times.

18747510? ago

The only unity you enjoy is uniting your asshole with big nigger cock!

18740251? ago

It's only low class to assume this kind of shit should be taken behind closed doors. This is the kind of subversive shit we need to stop allowing to go behind the scenes.

18740350? ago

Putt was trying to handle it man to man with the sub owner before actually taking any action, and he got told off for it.

Pretty low class to do that to putt imo.

18749970? ago

This FastJack sounds like a whiny bitch.

18759878? ago

He is a whiny bitch.

They all are.

They're following a mystery man a Jew stooge.

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with these retards on the regular.

18746863? ago

Go to bed, Putt.

18740494? ago

You have some fecal matter on your nose.

18740552? ago

Ah, I see you don't actually have a counter besides calling me a brown nose, nice.

18740868? ago

A counter to what? You kissing someone's ass? Didn't know a counter was necessary.

18740941? ago

You seem to think about ass and shit a lot, someones got a fetish.

18740953? ago

Maybe I do.

18741186? ago

Thats good to know.

18740337? ago

Behind closed doors is what is called faggotry. Only those with something to hide use this tactic. Bunch of brown-nosers here agreeing with this bullshit.

18741156? ago

I dont want the police to search me, therefore i am guilty of hiding something. Def just dont wanna get a patdown and my shit thrown around.

Exact same logic as you're using. Low class stuff there

18741221? ago

So classy. You act just like the politicians you revere. Oh, so classy. KEK.

18741295? ago

No I'm calling out your stupid statement of "Only those with something to hide use this tactic". If you actually believe this statement, you either have an IQ below 70, or you haven't take the time to think about it fully.

18741435? ago

It's your problem you can't be honest. Only those with something to hide need to handle things away from view. gtfo with your backwards logic. There is no tact in secrecy. Speaking of IQ, only retards like you would bring it up because of your own insecurities.

18747629? ago

Betcha your windows @ home are all see through and not obstructed in anyway.. cause iVe gOT nOthiNg to HiDe /s

18747677? ago

Yeah cuz thats what putt ad jack are talking about. Retard KEK

18742235? ago

Yeah, i'm not insecure about my IQ at all. Mensa member with the paperwork to prove it. You're obviously a moron, so there is literally no point in me arguing with you. Good day, mongoloid

18742275? ago

ROFL mensa member. You are retarded, and actually proud to have been indoctrinated by "education." Stupid and programmed. Congratulations lol.

18742286? ago

No, I actually barely graduated. Thanks for pretending you know what it is, though.

18742327? ago

I don't care what it is because I know education is not there to teach anything other than conformity. It's too bad you still believe in the bullshit they sell, have fun.

18742394? ago

It has nothing to do with education, only iq. I couldnt have cared lesss about education, hence me having to take summer school to graduate, and not going to college afterwards. The only way i ever use it is to shut up morons who think they're smarter than they think they are.

18742554? ago

IQ tests are based off of the education system.

18742454? ago

Here's the thing, I never brought about a competition of wits, that was all you. I'm not retarded, but nor am I full of myself, so good luck with your insults. It's just sad that you need others to validate yourself, I don't need a mensa to tell me I'm not stupid, but apparently, you do. Hopefully mensa makes you feel better about yourself. XD

18740231? ago

@FastJack, I hope Putts takes this sub and makes it system. That would make my friggin day.

18741597? ago

Hope and faith are for retards. Whatever happens..... happens. Don't be a bitch. "Oh, I hope this and such happens to you, you naughty one!"

18765714? ago

Whatever happens..... happens. Don't be a bitch. "Oh, I hope this and such happens to you, you naughty one!"

Truth this frank is rarely spoken.

18741326? ago

I disagree.

18741215? ago

I agree too!

If you're not going to moderate, why the fuck you even here @FastJack? Let the sub go!

18743482? ago

Illegal content is removed. Users demanded that be the maximum extend of moderation here. That’s what we got. It’s what we want.

This is reddit level power plays by the admin, nothing more.

18745517? ago

This is reddit level power plays by the admin, nothing more.

So wait, you think Putt is just trying to grab power? Or just flex his muscle? I'm confused by what you mean.

18746101? ago

I think mods he is friends with are pulling a power play through him.

18740305? ago

me too u/PuttItOut

18740051? ago

Contradiction is the motto of corruption. They've been trained well.

18739751? ago

You're required to remove illegal content.

Any legal content is not required to be removed.

18741382? ago

Why is removing obvious porn spam such a difficult concession. The sub has a specific purpose for existing, why can't there be a simple janitor function to remove "non Q related" porn spam?

18751932? ago

The specific purpose for existing is to arrest the traitors. Q has failed to deliver.

18743514? ago

Because today it’s porn tomorrow it’s truth. Happens every time someone slips on this slope.

18748995? ago

I understand the generalized "slippery slope" argument. But I don't buy into what you said for a moment. Simply creating a porn janitor would in no way be a slippery slope.

18749047? ago

Until it’s photos of skippy raping people at spirit cooking parties that can’t be published.

18749455? ago

In that very, very unique situation we could simply decide to make an exception. We don't need to be wooden on either side of the issue.

18749522? ago

So who’s permission do we need for that special speech that is normally banned but deserves an exception. Maybe we could form a ministry of truth?

18751497? ago

How about the mods? Couldn't they? Humans are not riged and wooden. We're not trees. We are flexible and we have minds we can make decisions, we can make rules, and we can make exceptions.

18751524? ago

The moment they hold and utilize power they will be suspect to every user here. The only answer is for no decision making to occur. It’s in that act of making a decision that the system becomes corruptible.

It’s all or nothing. You have either free speech or tyrant. There is no half step.

18751845? ago

100% in disagreement. 100%.

18751857? ago

Sadly what either of us think is irrelevant so long as someone else holds the power to decide what the limits on our permission to speak are.

18745298? ago

The people posting porn will grow tired of doing so, long before the people posting truth will tire of doing so. It will pass.

18770197? ago

8chan QR is still "hit and run" with porn. Doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon. Why would it be a different story here?

18770666? ago

Tits aren’t the same as trannies deep dickin’ it through shit.

8ch is family friendly compared to the stuff that gets posted here.

18771047? ago

8ch gets both. Plus the anti-juh bs. Voat is getting to be no different.

18749011? ago

Not as long as they keep getting reactions from us they won't.

18748831? ago

You’d be surprised. I was limited but constant for the first 2.5 weeks. Then a small following of other shills started doing it too. I learned to get better at it through some tips they’ve given me. There are probably 5 or so copycats now.

18746116? ago

My thoughts too. Shill methods come and go. Truth is timeless.

18745376? ago

If it's not porn, it'll be something else. Spammers will spam.

18746105? ago

18741651? ago

There can be a janitor for that.

Ask the mods. They can make one right now.

18740160? ago

Nobodies disagreeing with that. Putt basically said

yo, you're users are bitching about the moderation, aren't you gonna do something about that?

to which he basically got told to fuck off.

18751940? ago

Good. I'd tell him to fuck off too.

18747660? ago

If people aren't happy here, they can go to /v/greatawakening, where moderation happens.

18740748? ago

Where did putt say anything?

This Extremely Legitimate Screenshot©®TM?

18740799? ago

Meh I guess you could go the whole "its just photoshop" route but that doesn't really address any of the issues with the sub.

18741139? ago

No, but it definitely addresses the concern of "is putt turning his back on free speech?!" which for all I know is a huge lie.

18741171? ago

I'll start questioning putt when he actually does something to censor.

18741198? ago

Stop questioning the screenshot! It's extremely legitimate!

18741246? ago

I never said don't question the SS, I'm saying that the SS doesn't matter in regards to trusting putt or not because nothing was actually done.

18741625? ago

True stuff

18740246? ago

yo, sbbh is bitching about the moderation, aren't you gonna do something about that?


to which he basically got told to fuck off.


18749090? ago

I disagree with you. This sub is worthless the way you want to run it. If you can't control the porn spam you lose the value of the sub. Plus, you acted like an asshole in the pm's. I'm betting you don't act like that in real life. Or, if you do, you're likely extremely ineffective in basically all forms of interpersonal communication.

18765740? ago

its sbbh doing the same dumbfuck.

its so when he does give in to their mob, they can turn around and claim he censors, and go whine to putt to replace the mod with someone who works for them.

this is how they take over subverses.

18740274? ago

What moderation? lol

And I'm not sbbh, what about me?

18740093? ago

I've yet to see the trolls post illegal content... which makes sense givenTtey're trying to attack QRV, not Voat.

18751951? ago

The reason people shitpost is because they disgruntled and angry at Q for lying about arrests.

18740130? ago

Whole conversation could be faked.

18741016? ago

About 10% likelihood of that

18741784? ago

I was thinking more like 65.324857% Where'd you get your numbers from?

18741982? ago

The facts that it was happening real time, matches the interface, and putt didn't deny it make your numbers look asinine.

18742277? ago

You know, 45.32457% of statistics are made up, on the spot.

18743950? ago

Very clever - hopefully you get the gist that the conversation is likely legitimate instead of arguing like a dumb ragging bitch about whether "hello" has disrespectful undertones

18744112? ago

All I did was make a joke about statistics. Making jokes about statistics is marxist. Jokes = marxism. You people are fucking retarted

18745219? ago

Who's you people? So easy to find the fucking nigger kike faggots

18745229? ago

Im including you in 'you people.'

18741164? ago

What're you basing that on? My numbers gave 1 in 24,000 chance of this being a real screenshot.

18742008? ago

Okay joker your outrageous odds prove you are a shill - it was happening real time, matches the interface, and putt didn't deny it.

18742215? ago

Where did putt say this was true? Post a link.

18743901? ago

I said he didn't deny it you stupid fucking faggot piece of shit

18745029? ago

I saw what you said. He said nothing at all today, but you make it seem like he did.

Interesting that you think I'm a piece of shit for calling you out when you mislead people.

18745209? ago

You stupid piece of shit all I said was that he didn't deny it and you're trying to create something out of it because you're stupid piece of shit

18745355? ago

You never denied murdering a white infant in 1990.

So who are you to talk?

18745606? ago

Stop being such a faggot. Can you? It's not my birth you were molested

18745641? ago

It's not my birth you were molested

What do you mean by this?

18739576? ago

Don't mods have GOD power on Voat? Maybe I have this site confused with another one.

So, we just established that Fastjack is a NWO satanic communist infiltrator. Some housecleaning is now due.

18740102? ago

So, we just established that Fastjack is a NWO satanic communist infiltrator

How so?

18740733? ago

He/she is using satanist logic, whether they are aware of it or not. There are limits on behavior, right?

18740893? ago

Hate to break it to you, but satan isn't real. Like santa claus, you should really grow out of that phase by now.

18746069? ago


18741107? ago

Thanks, I am now convinced.

18741190? ago

Not trying to convince you, if you can't see that yourself, you are lost. lol

18741209? ago

au contraire

18741230? ago

oh hold on, I have satan on the phone, gimme a minute.

18741595? ago

Wishing no devil won't make it so.

18741608? ago

Have fun believing in your devil, no one cares.

18741630? ago

You seem to.

18741688? ago

Was just surprised that grown adults still believe in fairytales is all. I could care less.

18741753? ago

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

18744767? ago

Ok, crazy. You are the reason no one needs religion in their lives. Lol

18744883? ago

Okay I wish you the best.

18744961? ago

Sure thing, psycho xD

18740813? ago

Not the guy you were responding to fyi

Of course there are limits. No limits is how you get sacrificed babies, open borders, pride parades, etc etc

18739771? ago

His spelling skills are "rediculous".

18759906? ago

Dude he's probably a 50 year old boomer with nothing else to do

18762261? ago

I'm sixty years old, and I have plenty to do. I've got voat tabs open from three days ago that I haven't had time to read yet.

But I can still spell!!

18748685? ago

A generation that was never taught about English composition, spelling, punctuation etc. Not their fault. I gave my 18 yr old neighbor my old Hardy Boys books to read.His mother gave them back not long after. Too many big words!? I read the series when I was eleven.

18750823? ago

Wow, just wow! That's really sad. There's so much to be found in, and to love about, multisyllabic words.

18766616? ago

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.... :)

18766978? ago

And my personal favorite:


Fighting the 'atrocious' heathen liberals since the 1800's.


18767352? ago

LOLOL...I haven't heard that word in years. Bravo!

18742548? ago

he's loosing it

18742714? ago

Does that mean he needs tightening?


18743292? ago

lefty loosy, righty tighty

18743594? ago


18740011? ago

It’s extremely strange. The sub creator likely has connections to Q since Q endorsed this site and sub specifically. The creator also has never posted outside of QRV with his 0 voat karma. You’d expect a Q related member to at least be able to spell words like this.

18740904? ago

Is OP an owner/mod? If not, where did they get the screenshots of the communications with putt?

18766587? ago

Screen shots by mods on other voat places. Legit.

18766810? ago

Thanks for the update. Did you see the voat post about FJ starting another board on poal ?

I'm not involved with all the drama, nor do I want to be, but it sure seems like someone, somewhere seriously wants to divide this movement. Reddit had 70,000+ subscribers, the boards here each have 15,000 +/- . Where did everyone go? Another split and how many more will be lost?

18767328? ago

I did not know that...hmmmmm. Thx for the info.

18767590? ago



More confused than ever....

18767611? ago


18743306? ago


18743645? ago

How would we know if it was or wasn't?

18743677? ago

Waiting on Putt to say so

18743863? ago

Like a global sticky or a post in a sub verse somewhere?

18743883? ago

Global sticky would be best.

18740770? ago

Between SensibleStoner (creator) being MIA for the past eight months, the recent departure of 8bit from voat and 8chan, and the installation of two new owners and a new mod, I don't know what to think anymore.

18739923? ago

subtle knock on reddit?

18740676? ago

Are you saying FJ's misspelling, and not my comment, was a knock on reddit? I suppose it could be, although I've seen this misspelling other places, as well.

18796244? ago

i was not commenting on your spelling. i was remarking about FJs initial spelling. you are right, it is a common enough misspelling. i was just throwing a thought out there. given the subject matter, it could fit into some plausible theories explaining current events and state of Voat.

18798576? ago

I thought so, just wanted to make sure. And yeah, strange things going on between reddit, voat and the mods, thereof.