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NosebergShekelman ago

FIRST! fegits

Sorry, Putts. I lost my middle finger in the great meme war of 2016


PuttItOut ago

And you didn't read, but nice nub.

voatislying ago

Isn’t it funny, that in a time when most websites try to prevent VPN access, Voat is promoting it?

Why are you then using google ReCAPTCHA that prevents people from using vpns?

Also why did you ask QRV mod to start banning people and threat him if he doesn't?

Fambida ago

I'm sad you're getting downvoted. That QRV shit is not fucking acceptable on a free speech website.

As for the recrapcha, what alternatives would you propose to slow/eliminate a DDOS?

Hysterical ago

Yeah seeing these downvoats is frustrating. He isn't lying or misrepresenting anything.

Also there are alternatives but from my understanding they're rather expensive. Still though, the question he asked is more about the point than the specifics? It seems a bit ironic, and considering people's general lack of understanding how these things work, it's like when they brought up the picture of your middle finger I sort of cringed. I wonder how many people will unknowingly doxx themselves with exif data. Even just having a skin color to associate with all the other bits of data they can glean from stuff we say -- and most of that analytics comes from algorithms not spooks reading over our posts, it doesn't take being singled out to get targeted by this, it's why they call it a drag net. All of us have profiles made up of information about our psychology and beliefs, threat assessment, etc etc. Some of us probably have several profiles that they haven't tied together yet from a lack of info, like those of us who use multiple accounts and take other precautions.

We say a lot about our selves when we interact online. What we focus on. What we choose to respond to. How we respond. Our semantics. They're all identifiers and they can all be used to build a psychological profile of us.

But yeah let's also give them our specific skin tone and exif data -- and I'm not even saying there's something sinister going on at Voat, or PIA, but if you're security oriented and want a VPN for that reason all of this just seems silly to me.

Recyclops14 ago

Why did you make an alt just to say this? I don't agree how he handled that either but don't be such a fucking coward.

Hysterical ago

And specifically, was he wrong about the VPN thing? No. Was he lying about the interactions with Putt? No.

Yet look at all those downvoats. People come out of the woodwork to defend Putt. Voats reaction to people criticizing him isn't anywhere close to friendly. Meanwhile at the end of the day the user known as Putt could be anyone, and any number of people. We have no idea what's going on behind the curtains, so when people make a post like buddy did here without any lies or misrepresentation and everyone's immediate reaction is to downvoat and attack them it's genuinely fucking weird for me.

I never see people get that many downvoats for speaking the truth on Voat.

Recyclops14 ago

You're a fucking moron going on a rant. Like I said I agree with him, I disagree with putt. I didn't downvoat him who gives a fuck what these other mongrols did. In fact I upvoated it so stfu

Hysterical ago

You asked why he wanted anonymity, then you called him a fucking coward. So I explained in detail why he would that and why it's fucking strange of you to even be questioning it. I don't care if you downvoated him. The point was other people are, and he's receiving dumb fucking comments from imbeciles telling him he's a fucking coward.

The fact that you can't understand the shit I had to explain in my "rant" really makes sense to me now that I've seen you're genuinely nigger level response. I didn't accuse you of anything other than being wrong to call him a coward but you took everything super personally.

Enjoy the double digit IQ mate.

Recyclops14 ago

You don't need to explain things for other people when they already have the ability to defend them selves kill your self virgin.

Hysterical ago

I like how you're acknowledging that everything I said was accurate by focusing on the super irrelevant point that people can speak for themselves.

I responded to you, kindly at first, because I disagree personally with you acting like a retarded faggot by calling him a coward for wanting anonymity. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and responded nicely. Then you came at me with literal retardation so no, you're a fucking idiot that lacks basic logic skills and regardless of buddy being able to defend himself or not you required someone to explain to you why people would want anonymity on Voat.

I'm getting fed up with stupid people who think far too highly of themselves.

Recyclops14 ago

I never disagreed with you? yes and? You're getting a riled up because I asked this dude why he made an alt just to ask that question. It's almost like it was you who made the alt. Quit trying to take the intellectual high ground by "giving" me the benefit of the doubt. No one cares about your courteousness. I don't give a shit about your perception of my "logic skills", should I be concerned with everyone's idea of me? You're just jumping to conclusions by suggesting I think "far too highly" of myself.

Hysterical ago

Maybe he was concerned that Putt wouldn't like the way he was "communicating" and didn't want Putt to reconsider their friend status like he did with Fast in those messages?

I mean yeah on a website like this, depending on what you say I can entirely understand not wanting to get on the bad side of the website owner.

Besides I've personally deleted accounts in the past after criticizing aspects of Voat because I was starting to get harassed and noticed odd behavior directed toward my account.

I guess we should all just stop being "fucking cowards" and just say everything we say on Voat in real life. We should just go up to our bosses and tell them about the JQ. I mean let's stay consistent, right?

People have all sorts of reasons for wanting anonymity, you're on a website that values and respects that; so why the double standards when it comes to this specific instance? Does him using an alt account change anything he said? Is anything he said misleading or false?

prettymuchbullshit ago

We should just go up to our bosses and tell them about the JQ.

I brought this up in a staff meeting the other day. I was commending a co-worker for being fairly able-bodied despite the Cerebral Palsy. I said that if the Holocaust were real then he'd surely have been gassed.

Turns out he doesn't have Cerebral Palsy. He's just a really expressive fag. Who knew.

Hysterical ago

Not to sound like a reddit fag, but relevant username? I'm genuinely curious.

elcob32 ago

I'm not Putts but I can tell you from my time here that Voat has been subjected to numerous DDoS attacks, most likely the IP is on a banned list for that exact reason.