19080229? ago

:) good work! he appeared very friendly at first, didn't know was pos.

18759594? ago


You post an archive or screenshot and don't offer a direct link so people can look at the source for themselves.

Bullshit, you disingenuous prick.

What do you call this?

I'd like to talk to these anons outside of their safe zone

Oh, I bet you would...

Funny how now it's "anons", instead of "QTards".

Why the fuck would anyone want someone who has nothing but contempt for QAnons, who deliberately shits up the subverse, to become a moderator/owner here?

18759670? ago

I'm not @C_Corax but you are welcome to come tell him what you think in the thread he posted. In fact I encourage you guys to do so. The only way these problems in QRV are gonna get solved is if people talk about them. And that isn't possible in anon sub because noone can tell if people are just replying to themselves or not aside from the OP.

18759718? ago

He got a notification via the search crosslink bot.

The only way these problems in QRV are gonna get solved

They manufactured the problem, it will stop when they do. The question is, will they stop or will they just keep going until they successfully plant one of their own on the mod team?

18759813? ago

I'm absolutely opposed to that for obvious reasons and I have stated so in the thread he posted. It's not a troll or a trick or anything. It's simply an opportunity to have some open dialogue on the issue. Whether or not any of you guys want to speak your mind is entirely up to you.

18760006? ago

I'm absolutely opposed to that for obvious reasons and I have stated so in the thread he posted.

I know. I'm not throwing any anger in your direction, though what you said about this being sad is off base considering that @C_Corax's claim that no link to his submission is presented, is disingenuous at best.

It's simply an opportunity to have some open dialogue on the issue.

Do you really think, with all of the anti-Q rhetoric and contempt of QAnons, that they want genuine dialogue? Really?

Whether or not any of you guys want to speak your mind is entirely up to you.

People here have spoken their mind and continue to do so. Can you really not see that the attempt at baiting people into engaging outside of here, is a ploy to facilitate further harassment?

18760395? ago

Do you really think, with all of the anti-Q rhetoric and contempt of QAnons, that they want genuine dialogue? Really?

Do you really think the entirety of Voat hates you? Really? I think most of us agree with you in principle although there is a lot of differing opinion as to whether Q is a larp or Mossad or some other conspiracy. Being locked in an anon sub makes it extremely easy for a few people to consensus crack a narrative.

People here have spoken their mind and continue to do so. Can you really not see that the attempt at baiting people into engaging outside of here, is a ploy to facilitate further harassment?

You really don't understand Voat at all. I mean if you are perfectly fine with the way the mods set this place up and don't mind the constant shitposting and porn spam then by all means continue on with what you are doing. I just figured some of you might want to have say regarding how your sub is being managed and potentially figure out a solution to the problems you are experiencing. I only got involved because this shit was spilling out into the normal subs and I figured I may as well toss out an olive branch while I was here. Do what you want. I really don't care either way.

18760672? ago

Do you really think the entirety of Voat hates you? Really?

Did I say "the entirety of Voat"? No.

I think most of us agree with you in principle although there is a lot of differing opinion as to whether Q is a larp or Mossad or some other conspiracy.

People are of course free to their own conclusions, to voice them, etc. That's not the problem here. Using beliefs as an excuse to harass and slide is.

Do you see people shitting up anti-Q communities with Q worship? No. They keep to themselves for the most part.

Being locked in an anon sub makes it extremely easy for a few people to consensus crack a narrative.

I am well aware of that, moreso than just about anyone on this site. Yes, I can say that with confidence.

You really don't understand Voat at all.

Bullshit. I may not be the oldest goat around here, but I've gotten around and have been filled in on a lot through others and my own spelunking through some of the oldest archived shitstorms. I'm not the one running around manufacturing crises in order to have subverses I don't like shut down, I'm not the one facilitating pseudo-censorship by sliding under the guise of "trolling" and "free speech".

I'm not the one disregarding others' rights to be on Voat and have their say, those who are constantly trying to make v/QRV untenable are the ones doing that, acting like it's 'their site' and that anyone who doesn't fit their mold must leave.

I mean if you are perfectly fine with the way the mods set this place up and don't mind the constant shitposting and porn spam then by all means continue on with what you are doing.

The configuration is not a problem any moreso than the behavior of those seeking to exploit it. Shifting the blame onto the mods is crap and just serves as a justification for the concerted effort to attack this subverse.

I just figured some of you might want to have say regarding how your sub is being managed and potentially figure out a solution to the problems you are experiencing

And like I said, people are having their say.

I only got involved because this shit was spilling out into the normal subs and I figured I may as well toss out an olive branch while I was here. Do what you want. I really don't care either way.

That's fine.

18759236? ago

This submission was linked from this v/subverserequest comment by @C_Corax.

Posted automatically (#40987) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18757032? ago

I will volunteer to mod qrv. I think everyone knows I am not emotionally invested in the q movement. I will strive to be fair, and I am an honest man. drstrangegov.

18754966? ago

This is why anon subs are stupid. Also why I never up/down voat anon subs

18753426? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @C_Corax.

Posted automatically (#40851) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18752360? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#40836) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18752178? ago

Where is all the porn people talk about? I have seen 0.

18751386? ago

Explanation time for those of you who may have not been around voat for a while:

This entire site is astroturfed to hell. It has been under constant infestation of every shill group imaginable in many ways and in every method you can imagine. It's been this way for a very long time. Years. It's not just the obvious trolls like SBBH, who are coordinated, and more nefarious than simply trolls. Points farming, content curation (controlling the front page with many alt accounts, keeping aversive content on the front page at all times, sliding important information to invalidate the purpose of a free speech site)

Every group of bad actors you can think of is here. Almost every poster outside of the primary subs is a shill for some PR firm or another. Controlling digital real estate is big business. People are heavily invested in making sure the first thing you see when you come to visit Voat is "KILL ALL NIGGERS". No really, look at the front page on any given day and I promise you there will be something similar to this. The point is to scare people who might otherwise join the community, which makes the community worthless and with bad reputation. There are similar tactics employed on major chan sites as well.

This effort to create a manufacturered crisis in QRV around cartoon child porn and bomb making posting is not the work of "trolls". It's the work of people who are very heavily invested in driving people away from the community and with the eventual goal of taking over this community. Call them Communist (the ends justify the means) call them deep state, call them intel spooks, probably a mix of all three. But don't call them benign. They are not benign. They are actually attackers and their goal is to destroy the free dissemination of information.

They post and bombard this information all over the sub constantly, and then they say "we need moderation!!!" (Manufacture a problem) then they say with their other hand "the mods are doing nothing! We need curation! Open a moderator position!!! We need a janitor!!" Of course the same people posting the porn will be first in line to be the janitors, with the goal of attaining a super user position on the board, and thus the ability to control and delete posts at will, especially and including any useful information. Once these people attain a super user position, they will no longer need to post porn, so they can say "see? We stopped the porn!" (Provided a 'solution' to the crisis). The cost is you give up your rights to having free flow of information.

This is an effort to lift the curtain on the utter shitstains who inhabit this place. They aren't ever going to stop. They are going to continue to do what they do until something gives in one direction or the other. If they get their porn deleted, they will say "there's no free speech here!!! QRV censored us!! It's compromised!! It's evidence that it is a controlled operation!!" If they get moderation, they will work to gain that super user status. If you ban them, they will simply hop to another virtual machine on a different instance with a different IP and start again. They can keep playing the whack a mole game forever. They will keep doing it forever. They will never stop, because these people are more than trolls, they are BAD ACTORS.

Anyone who works this hard to destroy is motivated by more than the lulz. Voat is a virulent cesspool of these people. Yes there are legitimate users, but they are heavily outnumbered by professional forum trolls with dozens of sock puppet accounts and very very bad intentions.

18761253? ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#41009) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18752535? ago

Which is exactly why free speech is a shit idea. Remove the trolls, remove the porn. Fine with me.

18752807? ago

Your comment has been deleted for violating community standards, please allow 72 hours before you are allowed to post again

18752943? ago

Pah, free speech contains within itself the seeds of its own demise. Kick the pedos off or put up with them ruining everything. What a great idea...

18752497? ago


18755609? ago

18771943? ago

@empress how do you support @crensch for being such a cyberstalking cunt. you know he's trying to be a powermod and he is bullshit

18752495? ago

Anyone who works this hard to destroy is motivated by more than the lulz. Voat is a virulent cesspool of these people. Yes there are legitimate users, but they are heavily outnumbered by professional forum trolls with dozens of sock puppet accounts and very very bad intentions.

That's the one place you're wrong. Sad they have convinced you of that because you are fairly close to the truth. There are are a small number of people who are coordinating to consensus crack this sub but you can't tell because the dickheads who set up this board intentionally left the gate open for them.

18757107? ago

dickheads who set up this board intentionally left the gate open for them.

why would they do that

18757557? ago

Why do they pay shills to attack forums? Think it stops there?

18757648? ago

no idea. kindly ELI5 to me?

18757885? ago

The lack of moderation and incessant trolling of this sub has boiled over to the point where it might warrant admin intervention. I don't believe that is a solution that anyone wants but clearly some things need to change. Go have your say about it.

18752359? ago

Hello. I agree with most of what you wrote here, but to be clear, I posted the TATP article because I'm an anarchist turned accelerationist, and it's good info to have. Jihadists have this recipe and are not afraid to use it. By sharing it with patriots I am trying to level the playing field. It's just information, harmless on it's own. If someone chooses to use it irresposibly, that's on them.

Apart from that, you're pretty accurate. Voat has always been attacked by shills in a number of different ways including those you mentioned. SBBH faggots are a cancer, but that is the cost of freedom of speech.

I'm not opposed to removing the porn. But don't lump my "trolling" in with those degenerates, I'd actually like to see the west saved.

18757087? ago

Honesty get DV because trolls like you & I know how retarded Qultists are. They can't think for themselves. They actually believe that FastJack isn't comped with that shit he pulled yesterday.

18752815? ago


18752870? ago

Anarchist is not equal to terrorist. Terrorism requires using violence for political gain. As an anarchist I just opted out of society and skateboarded, smoked a lot of pot.

Now accelerationist, one could make an argument linking to terrorism, but even still the definition requires violence to be accurate.

18753000? ago

Why bother calling yourself an anarchist when you mean 'edgy teen with a safety pin somewhere stuck through something on his person or of his person'. How old are, 20?

18753018? ago

Anarchism was very popular amonst skate punks when I was a teen and early 20's, yes. I drifted, hitchiked, graffiti'd, attended protests, banged a fuckload of women, and generally just did whatever I wanted while contributing zero to the system. That was a long time ago.

Since then I've learned a lot, and like many people on voat, rejected the status quo. I don't want third worlders in my country. I don't want the deep state and corporate overlords enslaving the common man. I believe in free enterprise and reaping the benefits of your own hard work. I had nothing because I achieved nothing. Now I have stability because I work for it.

I would rather see this corrupt system fixed in a peaceful way, but if not... well there are only 3 boxes and we've already tried 2 of them.

18756437? ago

Yeah how long?

18759692? ago

You have to understand the spirit of the internet. We were born in the darkness, and have our own culture. It's random, spectacular, mischievous, and brilliant. It's HWNDU and pepe, IOTBW, and the happy merchant.

And it's growing every day.

18768358? ago

You sound like a faggot. Go outside

18768396? ago

I am outside. The blackfly season is starting

18768547? ago

Put your fucking phone down

18752642? ago

Proliferating bomb making instructions isn't helping make the world a better place.

18752666? ago

Read Tarrants manifesto.

18752691? ago

I did, and I stand by my point. Bombing people doesn't make the world a better place.

18752638? ago

Proliferating bomb making instructions isn't helpful to your objective.

18752124? ago

High Ranking #1 anon chimes in just in time. Pretty much covered it all here so there is nothing for high Ranking #2 to contribute.

18752797? ago

Who can tell with this faggoty randomized user name

18753077? ago

Post speaks for itself

18751662? ago

wow... @srayzie @crensch

this sounds exactly like you faggots!

18751826? ago

Right on queue here comes the bad actors.

18751890? ago

Of course the same people posting the porn will be first in line to be the janitors, with the goal of attaining a super user position on the board, and thus the ability to control and delete posts at will, especially and including any useful information

correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't @srayzie a mod of both v/pizzagate and the BO and Main Mod of v/greatawakening ? Isn't @crensch a SBBH lifer and a close ally of @srayzie ?

18771970? ago

yes on all counts. srayzie is the main culprit who has been egging on this mess. crensch came to whiteknight her and in doing so pissed off a lot of people who didn't care to that point.

18757130? ago

any useful information

the only useful information you need to know is that Q is a psy-op @srayzie @crensch

18751935? ago

I am not letting you fucking spook faggots derail the message with manufactured divide and conquer drama. Fuck off back to whatever child raping circle of hell you crawled out of.

18752505? ago


18752032? ago

so... your answer is YES

it's OK, I knew already.

18757148? ago

@srayzie you really really lose any hope for anybody ever taking you seriously. you got outted and will never live this down until you beg for forgiveness

18752085? ago

Any third party who may be reading this: take note. This poster's correspondence is a method of subversion employed by the bad actors mentioned above.

The tactic employed by this professional forum spook is to sink the conversation into baseless accusations and the subsequent defense of those accusations. This is exactly the type of person the initial comment is talking about.

18752113? ago

then why has @srayzie been carrying on about the loli porn in QRV and demanding Mods step in?

why should she care about QRV degradation when it only funnels users to her sub?

18757213? ago

spread this far and wide. Srayzie is despised and seen for the dramafaggot that she is



18752544? ago

I’m not trying to take users from QRV. Not everyone is a bad actor. I care about this movement. No matter what I do, some people will bitch about it. If I didn’t give a shit, then I would be blamed for wanting it to fail.

18752565? ago

You're blamed for not playing enough motown.

18752142? ago

You have to consider the notion that S is just a nosey female concerned that one of the pillars of her beloved Q movement is sinking into glow nigger faggotry, It looks like 4 chan in here.

18751116? ago

Oh who even cares.... Just ignore ir

18751113? ago

I fucking love you OP! You rock!

18750564? ago

Yet @Gothamgirl was tortured again by the Qtards for the last 3 days and she had nothing to do with any of it.. Revenge is a motherfucker!!!!!

18751240? ago

@Gothamgirl is the dumbest fucking cunt on voat!

18751277? ago

Death to your subs then?

18750366? ago

Thanks OP

18750361? ago

What a dumb fuck. Have an archive. http://archive.is/n41JJ

18750276? ago

Mother fucker this makes sense:

"Seriously, just ban the Q Anon retards 24 days ago by CivNatisFullRetard in whatever [–] C_Corax 24 days ago I dunno. Ever since they arrived I have noticed there is a lot less infighting here than there used to be. If people are grumpy they simply visit QRV and take it out on them."

18750998? ago

Shit. This explains a lot of the civility in the other subs over the last few months. It probably also explains my lower blood pressure readings.

18750209? ago

crosslink this in protectvoat.

18782605? ago

they know about soap box @Broc_Lia @theoldones some of the spam and porn is also by reddit spammers who cross link @Mumbleberry @heygeorge

18782570? ago

@totes_magotes @TheBuddha @KatHarzso I think the soap box losers are in deep shit this time, thats just my opinion on it @WhiteRonin @thelma

18784570? ago

Fuck what people think.

Isn’t that the way of Q?

18782612? ago

Q Is a time traveler?! LMAOROFL!!!!! HAHAHAHA! Wtf. LOL I cannot stop laughing, now I'm crying.

18782594? ago

We should ban all of them!

18750220? ago


18750133? ago

I don't know who the porn spammers think they are fooling. Their agenda has been transparent from the beginning.

18750985? ago


18750104? ago

Jewing intensified... Goats know what to do...

18749909? ago

These people are sick “I've been making quite a lot of semi legit Q posts that I edit at the 8-9 minute mark in the past few days. That means that they will upvoat themselves before I change it to a scat/gore post. And because it has positive points and the thumbnail doesn't change more people will click it. My aim is to make QRV a hell hole where you can't trust anything you see and hopefully help some of them snap out of it from it.”

18757300? ago

They're brilliant, actually. I laughed my ass off at this!

18752342? ago

I fully support c_corax and his efforts. His videos got upvoated and it pretty much proved that Qtards can't even watch a video with out blindly upvoating. They can't vet for themselves the quality of the posts being submitted and upvoat away.

So much for "think for yourself."

No wonder you guys get labeled and hated on by MSM.


18758863? ago

They change the post after 8-9 minutes...

18758948? ago

That's what they get for trusting the internets blindly. This is a war zone.

18759085? ago

So let’s say you post something relevant or interesting and I upvote it. Minutes later you change it to a shit pic. That’s what I get for trusting the internet blindly? No that just makes you a dirty bitch.

18759191? ago

Dirty bitches run the internets, komrade.

That's lesson #1 everybody should have learned from the get-go.

Think your data was ever safe with Mark Zuckerberg??

"But it's free!!" the NPCs cried as their data was sold to China and bluechip corporations while their private lives were profiled and they demand that government interfere so that more control can be deployed over their wage slave lives.

Time to wake up, ya'll. Q isn't here to save you.

18761208? ago

Nobody is denying there aren’t a lot of dirty bitches on the internet. No one is denying this is war. We’re already awake.

18752580? ago

He's right, guys. The people who are so fucking paranoid they think Hitler was working with the Jews are the sheep in all of this.

18749650? ago

Interestingly, Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP), often referred to as “acetone peroxide,” was the explosive used in the recent Brussels attacks. It is relatively simple to make from commonly-available ingredients. It is an entropy burst explosive, releasing massive amounts of fast-moving gas as its internal structure collapses.

Straight out of the early 1980s to you, here is the G-file on acetone peroxide, courtesy of Textfiles.com:

You need:

acetone (hardware, paint store) hydrogen peroxide (hair bleach type – 15 volume or higher – hair/cosmetics store) sulfuric acid (concentrated; if you use battery acid,boil until white fumes appear to remove all of the water) You also need a thermometer, ice, salt, and containers.


Combine 30 milliliters of acetone and 50 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide into a glass container and mix thoroughly.

The container must now be put into ice/salt water and cooled to below 5 degrees Celsius. The easiest way to do this: take a coffee can, put in water and salt to about half full, put container (empty) into can, put plastic lid on can to keep container from floating, put can in freezer, when water is frozen, take out, remove lid, proceed. This will provide excellent cooling and also keep container from floating.

Now, put a thermometer in the mixture. When it is below 5 degrees Celsius, start putting in the sulfuric acid, one drop at a time. Keep stirring and watching the thermometer. Adding the acid produces heat; if it gets up to 10 degrees, stop adding acid and wait for it to cool. You need to add a total of 2.5 milliliters of sulfuric acid, one drop at a time.

What happens if the temp gets significantly higher than 10 degrees? I don’t know, because I never let it happen. The BlackBook usually warns you if you are in danger, and there is no warning here, but still, don’t try it! Keep the temperature down. Also watch the acid, as it tends to splatter.

Keep stirring for a couple minutes after adding all the acid. Put the container in the fridge (not freezer) and let it sit overnight. When you get it out the next morning, there will be a white precipitate on the bottom.

Pour the solution through a coffee filter, paper towel, or other filtering paper. This will collect the precipitate. Pour a couple of spoonfuls of ice-cold water through the towel to remove acid. Now set the paper out to dry. The resulting powder/crystals are a very powerful primary explosive. According to the book, “Keep away from shock, friction, and flame.”

This material can be loaded into a 2.5 inch length of brass or copper tubing and pressed down to make blasting caps. The pressing may be hazardous – the book details the manufacture of a loading press which includes a shield to protect the user. The book says this type of blasting cap will detonate most homemade explosives without a booster explosive: “Acetone peroxide is a very powerful initiator and can be used by itself as the main filler when making homemade detonators.”

This is the explosive of choice — called the “Mother of Satan” by some terrorists — of those who are attacking us in Europe. All of its ingredients are easily obtained, and the process of making it is simple and (relatively) stable. In other words, we cannot stop it from happening.

It illustrates the failure of diversity: without social trust, a society turns on itself. If you cannot trust that your neighbor and you — barring his insanity or sociopathy — have the same goals and values, you can expect terrorist attacks on a regular basis. Also expect complaints to be ignored, because they will be used spuriously.

Our future is one in which either we hyper-regulate many common chemicals, or we get used to the gentle sound of explosions and the wailing of victims. This is the future under diversity in a free society, and if it has a flag, it should have the TATP molecule on it.

18750178? ago

It's interesting that you think anyone here wants your psycho bomb-making post. It's even more interesting that you didn't link to the website that you linked to before. Same script... Shall we research this site, too? Will it also be linked to someone who is leaving the country in the middle of next month whose passport is most likely already flagged? Or will it be linked to those "neo-nazis" overseas, cuddling up to jihadists?

18750174? ago

For those curious, this is the crown jewel tactic of the deep state. They are trying to destroy this community by pushing the limits as far as they can until someone succumbs to the pressure to silence us.

This is what today is all about, taking over by committing false flag acts on our board. They are creating the justification they need to dismantle us.

18750668? ago

Not really buying the deep state angle.

A little more likely that they're just a bunch of losers who enjoy shitposting and fucking with people because they have miserable lives.

18750644? ago

No. It's normal intelligent people who think you're a retarded cult, and hope you wake the fuck up.

18750724? ago

Or, you know, accelerate...

Praise St Tarrant

18750224? ago

You must hate free speech if you're so triggered by obvious copy pasta. Nothing illegal about this information, just makes people uneasy.

18750286? ago

Lmao did you read my comment? I don’t care one bit that it was posted. I’m highlighting the motive behind its posting. It’s intended to trigger the moron admin into censoring this sub.

18750360? ago

Considering how many muslims know this recipe by heart and spread it to promote suicide bombers, @puttitout will agree that a few westerners reading it is probably not a bad thing. #TheMoreYouKnow

18750193? ago

And @puttitout is falling for it.

18750354? ago

I'm pretty sure the guy is retarded so I just want to pet him

18749986? ago

Jesus Christ anon

18749462? ago

Margaret is asking if we're still welcome here. Me an Red just got back from a citizens border patrol and the damned Suburban keeps breaking down. We nearly ran out of water and Red had to hike back to a ranch for help. My scalp is so sunburned it looks like those gooks after we napalmed them. I still remember the smell, oh god it was like gasoline, char, and death. Fire and brimstone! Margaret still makes her little sugar cookies too

18752053? ago

What year is your suburban. The ones from the 70’s were so cool

18756090? ago

Well shit, I'd have ta ask Red. It's a big old beast though, 454ci!

18750370? ago

That's one hell of a hog

18750398? ago

Thanks, me and my dad shot it in West Texas. It was super wild. We walked forever till we got to this little spot and boom. I ate that meat for almost a whole year.

18750422? ago

I cain't eat no boarish meat myself. If it ain't farm raised and neutered befor it's mature, it's gonna taste like hell. I guess you already know what that hog taste like though!

18750443? ago

Something about the taste of a well aged hog. Bitter, gamey, and a little salty.

18751260? ago

Hey @Gothamgirl this guy sounds like he'd be into you!

Fucking hog!

18749559? ago

This is more like it.

18749653? ago

Don't encourage the boomers

18749550? ago

Got pics?

18749381? ago

“To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.”

18776334? ago

I think maybe they went too far.... and what the fuck is going on @Caveman_in_a_suit @sosat_menya_reddit @gabara ! @drstrangegov @totes_magotes is soap box finished?

18776935? ago

Public pranking? Omigosh how horrible

18776776? ago

Shizzy fo rizzle

18776353? ago

I don't know, anonymous person. if it is @zyklon_b killed it. and I wont soon forgive him for it.

18749374? ago

Just got word that Putt is doing something about it.

About an hour ago.

Check his comment history.

Looking forward to it.

Farewell tranny porn posters.

18761917? ago

Putt is appointed by Muslim Atko who retains total control behind the scenes and is quoted as finding Voat's Islamophobia "problematic". His entire dev team was part of /r/SoapBoxBanHammer from the beginning. This is a fake website SRS set up to quarantine and manipulate Rightists. Their top coder is a tranny named FuzzyWords who hates the Right.

18761940? ago

Yeah? Send me a link.

18782638? ago

That was @freshmeat.

18749611? ago


Instructions to use ublock origin to filter yourself.

18749661? ago

18750097? ago

I knew without clicking that this was a shill post, I am capable of deciding for my self what I see. I don’t need protection from this person. They did nothing wrong to me or any one. They expressed anger at us for being who we are by wasting their life posting useless crap. This brings me pleasure. So this person has done more good than harm.

18750204? ago

Way to be a good sport about it friend

18750240? ago

No problem, you may be a pathetic little person but I’ll support your right to cry out for help in any way you choose up to and limited by the moment you deprive another of their rights in doing so.

18750355? ago

Thanks I guess. I have some important keks to to get back to. Kekekekekek

18750388? ago

Shill on my pathetic little man. Shill on.

18750649? ago

You're an idiot bro.

18750019? ago

Say goodbye bro.

18750235? ago

18750285? ago


18749397? ago


18749351? ago

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter Two can play this game

18749553? ago

Not them goof.

18749469? ago

@puttitoutisgone this is a bad idea.

18749721? ago

Is that porn??? I'm not clicking that nigger!

18750316? ago


18751252? ago

If I click it will you stop pinging me? I think we could be friends if you stop acting like a nigger.

18751443? ago

Yes I will stop pining you

18751584? ago

Uuggggg, that's the worst one I've seen on here! I'm not eating chocolate for a month!

18751579? ago

Ok I'll look......

18749364? ago

I hope you're not threatening them, those 3 had nothing to do with me posting this.

18752589? ago

He's just calling this to their attention.

18749309? ago

100% manufactured. This is a power play and Putt is either being duped by fake complaints or complicit.

18750921? ago

Putts being more than complicit. read his bullshit from earlier. blatant kikery. calling for users to downvoat and upvoat in unison etc... i'll never trust the guy again.

18749352? ago

Oh the complaints are legit with regard to people being sick of the spam and obvious attempt at a hostile takeover.

@PuttItOut is not complicit in anything nefarious, that much is certain. Duped? I doubt it. Again, plenty of legitimate concerns have been shared with him.

18749362? ago

Any one complaining that speech is too free is illegitimate.

18749578? ago

Off-topic. Nobody has shown that porn posts to QRV are relevant to Q research.

18749626? ago

It highlights what posts the disinformation shills don’t want us paying attention to. It’s valuable information that labels sets by their relevance.

18749481? ago

Fag porn is not the free speech most of us are here for.

I don't care if you want to say faggot cock Jew tranny asshole fuck. I just don't want to see it!

18749505? ago

Then don’t click on image links. It’s not that fucking hard. I haven’t seen a single gay porn image in a week by simply not clicking it. If you’re so stupid you can’t tell the shill porn from real links then go to the two curated versions of this sub.

18749658? ago

Thanks for answering the schrodingers cat exanple of any posted picture. Most are labled with a clickbait style title, or labeled as something pertinent to the typic of that thread. The point is that someone has to view it to validate its contents. Only then can we report it and call the content out for what it is to save others from viewing the trash. Unless you have some easier method of previewing the content without actually viewing the image, someone will see it and call it out.

18749691? ago

Kamikaze method. I like it

18749689? ago

Don’t be lazy. The shills use common patterns. Pay attention for a week and you’ll be able to spot users by style a mile away

18749604? ago

Then don’t post the image links. It is done to annoy, harass, and interfere with Q research. It is done to sow chaos, which is what satanists do,

18750172? ago

Tell ya about a "wake-up". Margaret found some Anacin at the General Store, now the box was a bit faded but it tastes like it always has. Once when I was in Korea we had to raid a gook store for supplies and the shop keeper was a real champ. He put up a good fight but Red got him square in the jaw with his rifle butt and that shut him up. Never seen so many teeth knocked out at once. We grabbed what we needed while Red gave that little slope an attitude adjustment. Later on the Sargeant was to know why his buttstock was cracked and we all just laughed and Red told him he tripped. Margaret still makes her little sugar cookies to this day and everytime I think that little gook must have a hard time eating without no teeth!

18760451? ago

Satanists are easy to identify, even in anonymous posts. You will not have your behavior limited in any way, and you will always see how far you can push the envelope. You just cannot help yourself. You start with sex with adults, then it gets dull and you want the excitement back again. You try something new by going younger and pretty soon you are into pedophilia, but then that becomes boring. You then go even younger and pretty soon you are violating babies. You know it is wrong, but you find it strangely exciting because you are pushing the envelope on acceptable moral behavior. To push the envelope even further, and to reignite the original excitement, you decide to seduce your Mom because it is the "new" thing on the Jewish porn sites you frequent.

To your surprise, you discover that your Mom is a hermaphroditic who has a larger cock than you do. The only way you can get your mind of the taste in your mouth is to post off-topic comments on QRV.

18760620? ago

Mentos: The Freshmaker

18749523? ago

Well no shit? Is that how that works? I had no idea?

Fuck you!

18749562? ago

Lol, that guy is a dumb fuck, good answer.

18749682? ago

Thank you. It just gets really old that fag porn connoisseurs are making this a free speech issue.

18749998? ago


18749335? ago

Putt is either being duped by fake complaints or complicit.

OR he just wants the mods to remove the porn spam.

18749627? ago

It IS that simple. Off-topic posts need to be removed, The Satanic mods are not doing it, so remove the mods. Problem solved.

18749849? ago

Off-topic posts

Easy there reddit cuck. Porn removal does not get slippery sloped into "opinions I don't like removal"

Remember the USS Liberty.

18760470? ago

No slippery slope, satanist cuck. There are other subs on voat for your favorite gay porn submission. Behavior is limited here, right? As it should be...

18760571? ago

Porn removal is fine.

But you don't get to use it as precedent to shut down discussion of the jewish role in subverting our republic.

18761058? ago

There is a factual basis for the Jewish role in subverting our Republic. That has already been very well-established. We have also established who is behind all the degenerate porn...

18750093? ago

Um, fuck you.

18750345? ago

18750477? ago

Yes, I know about it. Sickening. Had a client who worked on the cable decodes for NSA during that attack, he was on a spy ship. He turned me on to it, and said to read The Puzzle Palace.

18750539? ago

Which is why you need to be careful with

Off-topic posts need to be removed

There are crybullies that will demand any post/comment naming the jew be removed because "muh greatest ally" and/or "muh antisemitism".

18755421? ago

I want to spread the term "anti-noahite", or to match the use at the end of your comment, "anti-noahtism".

These are people who proclaim that they do not believe the Flood happened. Bet it won't get as much traction.

Oh, and Noah was Shem's father! Shem is the root of the term, "anti-semite".

18757406? ago

Unlike the holocaust, there is evidence for the flood.

18755442? ago

The idea being -- there were many, many more people alive than six million, when the Flood happened!

So denying that many deaths should be that much more absurd, or disrespectful.

18750580? ago

Well that's true, I understand that line of thinking. Tough situation.

18750594? ago

So you remove pornography and gore pictures and use the votes to handle content.

18750621? ago

I know. But I want it non-anonymous at this point. Like all the rest of Voat.

18749392? ago

That's it I know for a fact.

18749287? ago

This is so sick. So blatant

18751232? ago

Reddit redux: site VIPs with dubious agendas spending lots of time achieving them.

18749880? ago

One of their posts: “I've been making quite a lot of semi legit Q posts that I edit at the 8-9 minute mark in the past few days. That means that they will upvoat themselves before I change it to a scat/gore post. And because it has positive points and the thumbnail doesn't change more people will click it. My aim is to make QRV a hell hole where you can't trust anything you see and hopefully help some of them snap out of it from it.”

18751149? ago


anon comments and submissions not allowed to be edited maybe? this is ripe for abuse anytime.

and it's anon, not like someone will care if they can't edit a comment

18751189? ago

We can consider this. It would make the software side much more maintainable.

18757293? ago

Love ya, Putt. Keep up the good fight.

FJ is a cocksucker. We see through that bitch maneuver he pulled yesterday.

18751218? ago

You're a legend. Best benevolent host ever.

18749950? ago

And the one just above it:


[–] C_Corax 13 days ago in reply to TheBuddha

The editing stunt? Fuck yeah :D


This was me. You probably don't want to click the link since it's a trailer to some scat porn movie.

18757270? ago

This actually convinced me how brilliant c_corax is. Thanks. I knew Qtards were shit for brains but this just proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I hope his scat vids got many forwards! 😂

18750275? ago

LMAO that thread is gold. Even the loli-Spammer showed up with super sick stuff

18750101? ago

Bunch of fuckbags!

18749398? ago

The jig is up for those faggots. Anon no more.