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18739629? ago

Id say fewer than one-third of folks here have a tolerance for the grotesque porn that has been posted lately. There are a lot of good and decent people here who just want justice and an earth-shattering change in the way America goes forward. The old model is no longer working and the elite need to be removed from power. It's simple as that.

18741253? ago

@badg0y1m last comment - 7 months ago (13 CCP)

@FastJack last comment/submission - Never (0 CCP)

@msdia80_dll last comment - 1 month ago (10 CCP)

All mods added about 1 month ago, no old mods.

Putts sends message talking about unmoderated sub, they talk shit and post screens.

18742926? ago

They talk shit or They stand up for their community?

I’m with the mods on this. Putt is flexing on us and it’s pathetic.

18751143? ago

Putt is tired of the bullshit this sub generates. All he was asking was the mods to step in and get active.

Mods have been MIA and the first move they make is post screencaps. Totally dick and jew-ey move. They could have handled it better. Both are taking strong positions. They both could have sorted it out better.

But FastJack's first move as a mod was just try to shift frustration onto Putt. Not cool at all.

I predict that this isn't going to end well.

18751556? ago

No, he gave it to the community because it’s our decision not his. He did what a moderator should, let the community debate and make their own informed decisions on the situation and kept us apprised of dangers to our community. As a result we outed the culprit behind this manufactured crisis. Had the post not been made we would have likely lost our community to the very person who tries endlessly to destroy it.

18751862? ago

Had the post not been made we would have likely lost our community to the very person who tries endlessly to destroy it.

Putt is trying to destroy this community?? lmao. You really have no idea wtf is happening, do you? It's a handful of SBBH vs GA mods, as well as random shills and shitposters who are trolling this sub. You should pay more attention before you make asinine claims like this. Well done, @FastJack. You pulled a fast one convincing NPCs that Putt is the bad guy.


18751936? ago

The user who requested the transfer of this sub is the one posting part of the porn he used to justify his request for the sub.

18752011? ago

I know. That's C_Corax who requested the transfer.

Now what was your point, or did you even have one?

18752029? ago

Had these messages from Putt not gone public we wouldn’t have outed the con job and Putt would have likely taken action against our board.

18752115? ago

On what basis are you making this claim? Has Putt ever had a history of doing that? Support it with evidence that he has done that, please, and stop repeating rumors that are unsubstantiated.

There are no good guys or bad guys in this. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation from Putt's POV.

As I said earlier, FastJack pulled a fast one. I see through it for what it was: a power move in an effort to shift ire that's been directed at him for not modding onto Putt. Jew move.

18752153? ago

I’m not blaming Putt for the con job, are you daft?

18752179? ago

I'm not daft, you retard. But if you're going to make an argument, at least be able to reference names so I know who you were referring to.