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18761248? ago

Just wanted to say that it looks like Q was telling us that the current porn-spam was gonna be happening now/soon, if you look at Qpost number 3331 (the one with the karate kid video) . Alot of newbies and lurkers might be feeling like Daniel the karate kid, curious about what all this Q story is about, so they have a peek and check out a few links. But instead, they find random "offensive" pics, get the wrong idea and quickly leave (just like in the vid) . If you would like a better explanation about how the spam is meant to confuse you, or to slide away the real news/info, you can check out this comment:

I think the important message for the newbies and lurkers is that by the end of the movie, Daniel was able to sort through the fake news/karate and learn what it was really all about: systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD Enjoy the show! the average movie is approx 2 hrs, but this real-life irl thing takes abit longer.