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18750209? ago

crosslink this in protectvoat.

18782605? ago

they know about soap box @Broc_Lia @theoldones some of the spam and porn is also by reddit spammers who cross link @Mumbleberry @heygeorge

18782570? ago

@totes_magotes @TheBuddha @KatHarzso I think the soap box losers are in deep shit this time, thats just my opinion on it @WhiteRonin @thelma

18784570? ago

Fuck what people think.

Isn’t that the way of Q?

18782612? ago

Q Is a time traveler?! LMAOROFL!!!!! HAHAHAHA! Wtf. LOL I cannot stop laughing, now I'm crying.

18782594? ago

We should ban all of them!

18750220? ago
