ksjdfkas878345 ago

you have no idea what you are talking about

zyklon_b ago

spam ga

ksjdfkas878345 ago

No mods should ever be deleting content

lmao, I guess we should start protecting spammers now and calling cynabuns a power mod, fucking nigger logic

ksjdfkas878345 ago

this site should be run more like the chans

lmao, just merge everything into one verse. more nigger logic.... gaba has zero issue removing comments you know that right? so does kevdude.... power mod you think. I dont see you fighting against that.

run like chans, thats why they are fucking shit and always have been.

Again you are you are a shit troll

managed by all

, you seriously that fucking retarded? all it take is like maybe 20 users with alts or whatever you control voat (oh ask me how I know). Which is what they are doing now and have been for a very long time.

that is the most asinine bullshit I have read on in my 4+ years being active on here

ksjdfkas878345 ago

downvoats are for faggots. whats the fucking point of a moderator them? nigger logic you have

CameraCode0 ago

I respect Putt's attempt to reason with them and help them out to improve the sub, but Q people can't be reasoned with. He's totally right, but it's a waste of time for him.

zyklon_b ago

look at @srazyzie and GA they have no arguements so they must resort to personal attacks..

@le_squish @empress @trigglypuff. lmao REKT

ksjdfkas878345 ago

shit alt

ksjdfkas878345 ago

I been telling them to turn off since they started.

But what @puttitout doesnt understand what will happen is that as they start removing the spam those people will start about a power mods etc. Then possible make a retarded QRV2 verve and continue to shitpost in the orginal untill they all leave and find a new platform.

Also they will also downvoat /v/qrv to shit too

Happened countless of times, and even to me before


zyklon_b ago

fuck q and GA

CameraCode0 ago

GA is better than QRV. Not great, but they aren't completely brainwashed and can be pretty decent.

zyklon_b ago

yes they are

ksjdfkas878345 ago

I made some edits, but I'm not wrong in any way. But, thats what will happen

zyklon_b ago


nothingoriginal ago

That sub is trying to exploit loopholes to destroy the front page for unregistered lurkers.