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18739629? ago

Id say fewer than one-third of folks here have a tolerance for the grotesque porn that has been posted lately. There are a lot of good and decent people here who just want justice and an earth-shattering change in the way America goes forward. The old model is no longer working and the elite need to be removed from power. It's simple as that.

18739803? ago

And many of us that just genuinely enjoy trolling retards, but don't upload porn. Don't forget about us!

18740437? ago

Trolling is fine, I love arguing with the trolls. Fun for both parties.

But the porn and all that shit has to stop. We don't want it, and moderation has done nothing about it.

18740469? ago

Porn is garbage. Trolling is gold.

18740518? ago

Posting porn is like arguing against someone and all they have left is calling you a faggot. Both are low iq responses that just prove you were right.

Proper trolling actually requires brain cells to be clever.

18742113? ago

Posting porn is like catching a glimpse of some tranny soy boy freakshow. Yeah I dont want to see it but grow a fucking pair and move on.

18742184? ago

Ignoring problems, how very boomer of you.

18747318? ago

Whiney pukes like you wouldn't have lasted a week in the 70's and 80's. Without the internet we had to actually deal with each other in person which actually meant you mouthed off you had better be ready to fight or cry home to mommy where you would have stayed.

18741432? ago

Proper trolling actually requires brain cells to be clever.

That art largely died long ago, outside of Voat and on Voat alike.