Information Slowly Emerging about Pipe-Wielding Mob of Somali Youths Who Attacked People Waiting for Light Rail Train in Minneapolis Last Friday (
submitted 5.8 years ago by 3232519?
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18739775? 5.8 years ago
HEAD TO 8ch and read the global notables anons: Puttitout (Voats moderator) is trying to force Fastjack to UNMASK all of the QRV anons. This back and forth conversation is happening as we speak. Voat may be comped.
18746734? 5.8 years ago
False. Fastjack is the dirty one.
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18739775? ago
HEAD TO 8ch and read the global notables anons: Puttitout (Voats moderator) is trying to force Fastjack to UNMASK all of the QRV anons. This back and forth conversation is happening as we speak. Voat may be comped.
18746734? ago
False. Fastjack is the dirty one.