18748840? ago

local friends posted about it and i wasn't sure, because the reports were only in a couple outlets. but now they've been proven true. Cops redacting and covering up.

18747383? ago

Just a thought...if more patriotic citizens started carrying guns these thugs wouldn't be able to match the fire power cuz they couldn't legally obtain one. And THAT would definitely stop their violent behavior.

18746082? ago

This is common for them to have them tell u they are 14-16, when in reality, they are 20-30 years old. Same shit happened in Denmark and they found they lied about their age. Deport them all.

18743932? ago

This news is a distraction from pipe bombs found on that woman's home in Grass Valley.


18743489? ago


18746678? ago

She's instructed by others. Before joining Congress, she was on a local board with a friend of mine. Friend said she never participated, always was texting on her phone...suspected Omar had her phone on an open call where others could listen & then text her instructions.

18746912? ago

that does not surprise me in the least, i do hope that effort to unseat her are successful.

maybe aoc should take a few tips.

18743204? ago

The imigration pact must end now! No more 3rd world imigration!

18740915? ago

Geez, I live in the cities and I haven't heard of this. I wonder what other things don't get reported here.

18746691? ago

Call the StarTribune & local stations & ask them WHY they are avoiding the story.

18740792? ago

It's exactly why the Demo rats 🐀 want our guns so badly. They want to have the American people slaughtered...

18740789? ago

Where is the Outrage, Where Are The Protests?

In Minnesota, it is the Lutheran Services that has had a leading role in creating the largest Somalian community in the world outside of Mogadishu.

As of 2017, it has been the Lutheran Services (along with Catholic Charities and the Jewish Vocational Services) that gets paid $2500 per refugee to just pick them up from the airport.

The State Department then pays the agency to set up shop in every town in America to get refugees set up in society. So the natural emphasis for these organizations is to constantly expand to receive more federal dollars. Along with this, is the call for more refugees to justify their ever growing expansion of offices across the country.

Refugees are given free dwellings to live, free food, and welfare.

They are assigned a SSN. The State Department then encourages refugees to receive long-term Medical Disability under the Social Security Disability Act (SSD). This is life long 100% Disability Social Security. The program is near identical as in Sweden and Germany.

Where Are The Protests Against Such Madness?

Somalia does NOT send us their brightest and best immigrants.

The Somali national IQ is 68.

It's a very predictable tale when members of such incongruent and opposing cultures to Western society is advocated and installed into the middle of unsuspecting communities. It's not a question of "if"*, but "when" friction and tragedy rears its ugly face.

With Justine Damond, she never had a chance. She never knew.... No one ever told her the truth about these people. Yet, they openly admit they hate us and in a matter of time they will take the land from us that our forefather's gave us from their blood and sweat. Mohamad Noor is the Somalian police officer who shot and killed Justine Damond.

Noor also graduated from Augsburg College, a well-known private Lutheran liberal arts college that costs minimally $35,465 per year to attend.

Where did the money come from to send Noor to such a well-to-do private college?

Is this another case of refugees getting free college?

Then there is the 5-year old that was tossed off a third floor level at the now shit-hole Mall of America by what is purported to be another low IQ Somalian. It seems to be a censored portion of the story though. We know that he was charged in 2015 for other disturbances and banned from the premises of the Mall of America. What gives? Why the leniency? Why was he not permanently banned from the premises? The tragedy could have been prevented.

18764918? ago

Believe me when I say the outrage starts the moment people even know about this stuff. I write for a globally read blog, and if you have sauce, I'll post it.

18746655? ago

Best analysis on here. (((They))) purposefully decimated MN - and Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities & Jewish Vocational Services lined their own pockets.

As to little Landen, the boy thrown off the balcony, it is a horror beyond words. At the renamed Somali of America - disgusting.

18739949? ago

Is there a way at this time to vet every single one of the Somalis that Obama brought in Now? As a country, we have every right to re-think bad decisions made by former elected officials who turn out to be traitors?

18746704? ago

They bring them in, literally, by the planeload - all in colorful native dress. They are then whisked off to location(s) unknown where they re-emerge in the Muslim garb.

18739775? ago

HEAD TO 8ch and read the global notables anons: Puttitout (Voats moderator) is trying to force Fastjack to UNMASK all of the QRV anons. This back and forth conversation is happening as we speak. Voat may be comped.

18746734? ago

False. Fastjack is the dirty one.


18739692? ago

Where are all the CC holders in Minnesota? If they tried that shit around here at least a couple people would pull their sidearm and dispose of the garbage. And the cops would write it off as self defense in about 10 seconds flat.

18748942? ago

we are all in the burbs, far enough away from Minnesomalia

18746764? ago

No way MN State Attorney Keith Ellison would allow any valid self-defense to go unpunished. MN is as far left as you can get.

18750234? ago

Huh. I've only ever been there once, to a somewhat rural area near the Canadian border for a fishing trip. Everyone there seemed pretty normal at least.

18753258? ago

I grew up in Northern MN. Gus Hall, who lived 20 miles from my hometown & ran under Communist Party USA for president in the 70's, was considered a whack job by everyone. Fast forward to Obama - and they willingly voted for him even though his platform was essentially the same as Hall's. The party moved left & they didn't realize it. Northern MN is now getting mining jobs back thanks to POTUS - I believe many miners voted for him but would not admit it because things were so bad up there. But many people across the state, particularly in Mpls/St Paul, are hard core leftists. Even CA, NY and IL have voted more recently for an R president (Reagan) than MN. That's how bad it is there. So happy I moved away.

18740911? ago

In the Twin Cities a lot of people are pretty far left, so we don't have a ton of CC holders. Your average person here most likely supports the Somalian invasion.

18739347? ago

Citizens of MN you better stand up and take back your state from these foreign invaders. The rest of America can help but you have to make the first move. Make noise, don't let this one incident pass with just a shrug and walk away. It will only get worse if action is not taken now. Where do you think these "youths" get the very ideas and support to terrorize the public? Why their jihad parents and community leaders of course. This incident would never happen in an open carry state like Arizona.

18739959? ago


18738985? ago

Pipes and hammers? Shoot them on sight.

18741902? ago

Yep. Pipes and hammers are deadly threats and who can be blamed for defending their lives?

18738672? ago

We need a law that can remove citizenship from "immigrants" if they commit any sufficient act of crime, and then deport them.

18738837? ago

Or just shoot them.... either way.

18738363? ago

Send them all back. The niggerkike Obama imported savages from Somalia and dumped them in white areas his whole 8 years.

18738184? ago

This is the kinda shit that's gonna bring this situation to a head, man. Just sayin'. I know to trust the plan but that plan can't come soon enough.

18739378? ago

What plan? Does it have your interests in mind? Start asking questions.

18739543? ago

they've already been answered. Now, we wait. Patiently. Declass.

18738831? ago

"The Plan" = white genocide. Maybe more people around here should stop following blindly and ask more questions.

18739526? ago

well, the problem is systemic. You can beat up the outer ring all you want but it won't change the inner circle, which is what the President and Q Team are doing. We've always known "it was going to get worse." It doesn't make it any easier.

18738356? ago

The plan is to become militant

18739501? ago

well, if that's the plan, so be it. I'll just wait for someone to shine the Q sign up in the sky.

18737741? ago

"Somali youths" Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. Let's think about this for a minute. Hussein shipped in people from Somalia in large enough groups to literally shift the outcomes in voting, hence the reason Omar got elected to congress in the first place. It was not just Minnesota, there are plenty of other areas in the country that were affected by this intention to change the constituents within areas to help the invaders gain control.

18738480? ago

"Somali youths" Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. Let's think about this for a minute. Hussein shipped in people from Somalia in large enough groups to literally shift the outcomes in voting,

Had not realized Minneapolis was in danger of flipping from a liberal shithole to conservative stronghold.

18746598? ago

MN conveniently had a globalist governor in Mark Dayton who willingly went along with this plan.

POTUS lost MN by only 1.5 points so yes, the cabal needed to shore up one of its solid states. Can't have it going red, now can we?

18756066? ago

Same thing in Maine, a teetering bluish state. Somalis have overrun some of it.

18738816? ago

The more niggers and sand-niggers they let in... the more likely it's going to flip to an Adolf-Hitler voting white supremacist stronghold.

18739192? ago

Right Wing Death Squads when?

18749807? ago

As soon as the Civil War starts.

18738464? ago

*"Somali youths" Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. Let's think about this for a minute. Hussein shipped in people from Somalia in large enough groups to literally shift the outcomes in voting, *

Had not realized Minneapolis was in danger of flipping from a liberal shithole to conservative stronghold.

18737943? ago

Most of the places they picked were traditionally white, middle-class areas.

18737999? ago

Get a gun. Carry it in your purse at all times. Use it.

18737750? ago

Cameras fix everything. When are the going to realize niggers don’t care about cameras or extra security.

18737455? ago

Just imagine if it was a crowd of white people beating somalis with pipes. The national guard would be called and it would be so you heard about for months. The media would beg for whites to be killed in retaliation. The Minneapolis police would have daily pressers takin condemning hate crimes and talking tough to the camera. And on and on and on

18737961? ago

Just imagine if it was a crowd of white people beating somalis with pipes.

Pretty soon, it will be. But, it won't be pipes.... it will be guns.

18739687? ago

They will only be able to do this once or twice and then the city will be cleared of all black (Somali or otherwise) youth.

18737339? ago

"youths" is the media's way of saying "niggers"

18739371? ago

"niggers" is a panicking anti-Q shillbot's way of saying "I am too embarrassed to admit that have such a low IQ that I couldn't get a real job so instead I grub for nazi Soros shekels to divide Q movement by race"

18739728? ago

Gas yourself kikeshill. Anyone upset about White countries wanting to stay white majority is on board with the Kalgerie Plan, which is what the Jew Soros is pushing for. So like a Jew to project.

18744167? ago

...says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik puppet shillbot for the 9,794th time.

Go back to sucking nazi Soros dick for shekels you low IQ "Muh divide by muh race.exe" NPC.


18744228? ago

Haha you keep calling me a Jew, when I'm the one who hates Jews. Soros wasn't a Nazi, he just Jewed other Jews for them for his own benefit. Nothing Jewier than a Jew Jewing Jews. And the Bolshevicks were also Jews. You are admitting the Jews are the enemy, and too blind to realize it. You are the definition of a low IQ NPC dumbfuck.

18744451? ago

says the Bolshevik puppet shillbot.

You don't hate or fear 'muhjoos', you fear Q anons, you're only here trying to divide the Q movement on QRV by race and religion.

You're so stupid you cannot even see the logical implication of your own shilling.

We know who you morons are. We know when you post here.

Your Bolshevik masters should hire new shills. You're a fucking loser.

18750537? ago

For the 6 gorrilionth time- Bolshevicks WERE JEWS.

Jews are scum of the Earth. I hate them as much as I hate Muslims. I don't care who follows Q or who doesn't. I care about my people, and awakening them to their impending destruction by the International Jew through replacement strategies. Strategies that you are covering for with your "Muh Q Doesn't Want Division" bullshit. I have no issues with people of other races provided they fuck off to their own countries and mind their own business.

Q is right about a lot, but not everything. White Nationalism is the only way we will ever MAGA. David Duke is right about a hell of alot of things that Q is wrong about.

This isn't a good damned religious cult, nor is Q a prophet, you faggot kike. It's a source of information and nothing else. Kikes like you are trying to co-opt it into controlled opposition. Gas yourself.

18753314? ago

Ah i see you're an extremely low IQ Bolshevik puppet.

You shill on behalf of Bolsheviks, by PRETENDING TO BE AN ANTI-SEMITE Q ANON.


We know who you morons are EVERY TIME YOU POST.

Your target is not 'muhjoos'.

You don't care about white people or any race of people.

Your real target is Q anons on QRV. That's why you're here on QRV trying, and failing, to divide it by race.

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18756655? ago

I'm not a decietful liar, unlike you. I am a White Nationalist first and foremost. I don't care if I am reaching out to Q followers, or my brethren in Europe. My mission is awaken them to the actions of the International Jew, who wishes to rule the world, and knows only the White race is powerful enough to stop him. I want nothing more than my people's freedom of self determination. You serve the Jew. You want to see White countries go Brown. You are the enemy of the White race, and serve the International Jew. YOU WILL BE DEFEATED. EVERY DAY MORE OF US WAKE UP. Q is redpill level 0.5, my mission is to deleiver the FULL REDPILL.

18743952? ago

^ Panicking Bolshevik puppet shill having a meltdown.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

You're a low stupid moron who fears Q anons.

You're projecting.

You're scared.

You're trying to distract from this


18744011? ago

Hahaha have fun being unmasked when Putt makes this non anon you filthy kike. Bosheviks are Kikes, like you, like Soros. Your pathetic attempts at shilling for White Genocide and the Kalgerie Plan are about to come to an end.

18744355? ago

Your target is not the Jews.

You only 'muhjoo' here on QRV because your Bolshevik masters fear the Q movement.

You are a 'useful idiot' of the Bolsheviks.

You attack the Q movement and spewing the exact narrative they want you to type.

You are their slave.

18750572? ago

Bolshevicks are Jews you 60iq nigger. Nobody fears Q. He's just a source of information, that is all. Faggot kikes like you are trying to turn it into a controlled opposition cult to prevent Whites from waking up and preventing their own destruction. Please gas yourself.

18753301? ago

The why are you a puppet of those you denigrate you low IQ moron?

You shills are just having daily panic attacks on QRV because that's what your Bolshevik masters want you to do.

Your real target isn't "muhjoos'. If they were you wouldn't be here.

Your real target is the Q movement, you weak, pathetic, sad sack of degenerate shit. You are such a loser that you couldn't get a real job so all you do is try to divide the Q movement by falsely portraying it as anti-semitic.

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18737330? ago

Niggers ruin everything!

18743967? ago

...says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik puppet shillbot.

How many shekels is nazi Soros paying you?

Anything over $0 is overpriced 'labor'.

Get a real job.
