18769811? ago

Great work, autists! Much <3.

18758181? ago

People are awake, especially QAnons, by the Q drops. Now the DS Cabal agents' cryptic messages on twitter and instgram to their sleeper cells around the US and the world to carry out mass casualties are routinely spotted by our beloved Anon Autists, and as a results, a lot of their attempts have been thwarted, innocent lives saved, perpetrators identified. Kudos to our beloved Autists Anons!

18756631? ago

Why the fuck is he not in fucking jail????? I know I would be if it was me!!

18756375? ago

nice work anons.

18755490? ago

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18755471? ago

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18753275? ago

Just throwing it out there: grass valley CA is relatively close to the Oroville dam. I wouldn't be a bit surprised with all the recent buzz about "the dams about to blow" this wasn't at least a considered target. God bless the Patriots working day and night to keep our communities safe! May He continue to protect and watch over you amd your families. Amen!

18752527? ago

Bks on Amazon by Author J.M.K. Walkoff ( & R. Byers or Walkowicz): Legend of Trump, May 7, 2019; The Scribbles (w/ Robt. Byers), April 5, 2019; Blue Earth: The Body (w/ Byers), Aug 23, 2018; Blazing Night (w/ Byers), Aug 23, 2018; The Eager to Play (w/ Byers), Aug 23, 2018; & Poems Naturalistic Fantasy (w/ Walkowicz), May 13, 2019.

18752201? ago

Anyone else notice odd postings of sloppy paintings in comments to Anon tweets. If you click the pics, are taken to Amazon site. There are now 5 such pics for sale as kindle books, one being "Blazing Night". Another click brings you to a summary of the "book". Terrible stories, & odd symbolism. I think these are DS Comms to possible FFs. Hopefully Q is aware of these. What do you think about my POV?

18749677? ago

but anons are qtards.. 😂😂😂 boom bitches... where you at trolls?

18748091? ago

Can't Comey have an plane accident like so many good guys seem to have? The fact is the longer the 'investigation' takes, the more people he will harm.

18747328? ago

Thanks!! This meme will help explain the deep state antics to some normies I know.

18747242? ago


18746887? ago

What theories do you guys have on why Comey would even drop the tweet. Was he activating the attack? Was it a black hat proof to be able to show they did it? The 2nd seems more likely... "Don't lock us up or we activate sleepers"

18746248? ago

WOW! This is huge!

18746246? ago

Pretty thin to me.

18746153? ago

I read this and feels like serious stretching to make it fix the FF theory.

But then, he labels his jobs VERY oddly. That whole tweet is just weird....

18745698? ago


18745563? ago

Way to go, Patriots!!!!!!!!

18745282? ago

Comey is one sick fucker

18744602? ago

Grass Valley is Hometown of murdered Benghazi ambassador Chris Stevens.

The ambassador’s roots run deep in Grass Valley. His great-great-grandparents were among those who emigrated from Cornwall, England to find work in the mines. His paternal grandparents, Elmer and Marguerite Stevens, taught in local high schools and were active with local charities and nonprofit organizations.


18744499? ago

Oh the irony of leaving out his HSBC ties lmfao

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18743749? ago

MOAB soon? :)

18743688? ago

Really is a bizarre tweet. Definitely looks like a coded message. Great decode.

18743655? ago

Either you're a "conspiracy theorist" or a "coincidence theorist".

18743320? ago

OMG - thank God FF was averted!

18743278? ago

Where are all of the tribalist leftist commie Bolshevik puppet shillbots with "Crackers (white people) gonna Cracker" or whatever other derogatory "guilty before proven innocent" narratives?

Oh that's right, this doesn't fit their narrative.

Fake news and the anti-Q shills are funded by the same Satanists,

18746260? ago

Because Whites don't do this sort of thing on the same levels as the other invading races.

But hey, I am sure that will trigger the psychopathic jews who think France does not belong to the native French.

18747615? ago

Whites did exactly that when they invaded countries in the past.

You're just a panicking Bolshevik shillbot trying to divide the Q movemeny by race.

You don't care about whites or any other race. You only care about grubbing for shekels from your commie masters.

18748467? ago

EVERY race did that in the past.

However my point is that jn White nations, it is the non Whites doing most of the killing and raping.

Those are facts son. Your baseless accusations against me are "panicking".

Cabalists want to remove the native French, yet strangely you call the native French "cabalists".....

18753335? ago

You don't care about whites or any other race.

Your real target are Q anons on QRV.

You are trying, and failing, to portray the Q movement as racial supremacist.

You are panicking.

If you cared about racial genocide you wouldn't be on a Q research subverse.

France does not mean [race x].

18753960? ago

I am pro Q and I believe ALL people have the right to a homeland and the preservation of their culture.

There is nothing supremacist about that.

There IS supremacy in your cabal belief that westerners do not have the rights to their own nations though.

18743250? ago

Best qrv post I've seen.

18743224? ago

Don't they have other ways to communicate than twitter? lol

18745840? ago

xbox, playstation

ex-box, not-a-work station

18743094? ago

hahah way to go patriot! I'd say you've definitely learned the comms! Very nice. We are the news now.

18743048? ago

Qanon team now saving innocent lives on the ground. So proud !!

18743035? ago

This creep is going to jail - omg; this is really non-functional tweeting to get some FF outcome and it is pure-evil! wwg1wga (((+)))

18742859? ago

The latest Q post 3335 that’s been sitting there idly starts to make more sense now.

18742770? ago

We are so fucking sick & tired of hearing about the threat of false fucking flags.

Arrest the fucking bastards now!!!!!!!


18745679? ago

Shut up faggot. Go play internet tough guy and let the adults handle their business.

18742808? ago

I don't even care if they commit suicide on the way to the precinct for booking.

18742677? ago

Another woman? Isn't that special!

18742419? ago

Why would he do that on his own account? Surely they can use some random account nobody knows about for stuff like this.

18742918? ago

All channels are being watched. If he made any attempt to obscure it, attention would be immediately drawn to it.

18742252? ago

Autist of Badassery!

Suck it, Nobody's Homey Blomey! (Name Credit SPM of Maplethorpe)

18742068? ago

Consider this: Comey is compromised, but broadcasting coded messages on Twitter to PREVENT the attack.

The whole “broadcasting our attacks in secret social media posts” thing never made sense to me. Like write it down on a piece of fucking paper and deliver it.

18749288? ago

In a world where literally EVERYTHING is bugged, the only way to hide is in plain sight amongst noise.

18748750? ago

plausible denuability...

18746298? ago

I've considered this as well. Some things Comey does are just too obvious. But I'm still trying to get past his signing of initial FISA.

Currently reading the released transcripts - seems like Strzok & Andrew McCabe were keeping Comey in the dark. IDK - totally confused now...

18747656? ago

True but I keep thinking of gowdy saying that history would look back on him in a positive light and q saying some were forced into evil. I don't know anymore though.

18752605? ago

Makes me wonder if the Comey tweet was his way of warning the world that a FF was coming, instead of a go signal to the perpetrators???

18788406? ago

It's a nice thought. I pray we get these answers one day.

18752995? ago

And then the deletion was confirmation

18755882? ago

Doubt it. Comey was crooked way back when he worked for HSBC.

18746007? ago

The whole “broadcasting our attacks in secret social media posts” thing never made sense to me.

Spies have been using print media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) to communicate with each other for over 100 years. It's a commonly used method. Using social media for the same purposes is just a natural evolution of this communication technique.

18741992? ago

Nice. Real nice.

18741818? ago

this woman's house is just down the street from where that event was going to be held. Too much.

18743636? ago

Yep, here's a pic someone posted lower in the comments: https://files.catbox.moe/d4drz0.jpg

18741734? ago

This is incredible and could have been played a different way. Curious why this wasn’t intentionally linked to a Qanon crazy? Way to delete your tweet- doesn’t make you look like you were greenlighting psychopath at all.

18741570? ago

very good job on this.

suck on this, rothschilds.

18741448? ago

How did they decode 5 letters to a school randomly? Meaning how did they connect GVCSF to a school event in the first place?

18746367? ago

They typed in the first letters - GVCSF - into Google. Like I just did.

The top result? Grass Valley Charter School Foundation.

18747118? ago

Yeah, it would be the top result now AFTER the fact that it was already in the news. Also, Google gives you tailored results based on YOUR history so for you it appears as the top result.

18743271? ago

Roman numerals. The position 1-26 in the alphabet and gematria.

18743247? ago

Quite easily. Google Fu is a real skill.

18741900? ago

I was curious. So I "googled" GVCSF. First thing that comes up is Grass Valley Charter School. https://www.google.com/search?q=GVCSF&rlz=1C1EKKP_enUS833US833&oq=GVCSF&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61.662913j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Hey Deep State...

Your magic wands are broken boys.

18741783? ago

I believe it was more than a coincidence. That said, there are tens of thousands of schools all over the us, so I’d expect picking 5 letters from a scrabble bag to have the same effect. But finding someone stashing pipe bombs in their closet in the same city as the scrabble school becomes significantly less likely. Deleting the tweet also doesn’t seem like the actions of an innocent person that made an innocent tweet.

18742105? ago

Not "same city" it is literally 700 feet from the fairgrounds where the event would be held.

18741896? ago

And two people are murdered in their town

18751385? ago

You do the math on those shots the neighbor heard? 17.

18742133? ago

Hopefully he was on the US patriot side but probably not

18741584? ago


18741406? ago

but what led to those fuel-air bombs in the ladys home? what or where was that connection?

18741360? ago

Sweet decode anon. We've learned their comms

18750743? ago

Did Ohr's wife ever set up her HAM radio or CB radio comms?

18741272? ago

The tweet was bizarre, and it makes sense that it was coded. That is quite a coincidence.

Was Comey's tweet one of those weird warnings they like to do before an attack, like the two people running around before the Vegas shooting that were shouting that everybody was going to die?

Or are their comms so bad now they are reduced to coded posts on Twitter?

18759656? ago

Telling people they were going to die would be lesser magic. In their world, you were given a choice and decided to sacrifice yourself for their power.

18743239? ago

Just like you would say meme magic to us can only be spread either by

1) voice (hearing a meme and repeating it) 2) sight (seeing a meme and reposting it)

They have to give signs or they think their dark voodoo whatever jew jew shit they do won't work. Its why they planned 9/11 for near 3 decades, AFAIK September 2001 happened 33 years after the 911 call system was started.

18748897? ago

Weird, 33 years after alright. We’re living in a simulation....

18758206? ago

We’re living in a scripted reality

18742081? ago

Last I heard they were communicating on Playstations, 😂

18743999? ago

I'd like to think role play evil video game characters while they make up their plans.

18749260? ago

I imagine more some games were literally completely made for them. Like they think anyone beating the game IS the ritual. There’s some fucked up horror games.

18741173? ago

I somehow missed the GVCSF before. Now the weird choice of job titles, and leaving out major jobs, makes total sense! Fuck. That SOB!

18747445? ago

This lunatic theory makes sense to you? Seriously?

Circling random letters? Are you kidding. You circle random letters in a Trump speech and make it say I AM THE ZODIAC KILLER or BEN CARSON AND I ARE LOVERS

Come on now.

And the Five Jobs I've Had thing didn't originate with Comey, it was flying around the internet for a while before that.

This is just completely silly.

18749993? ago

Right, because Comey has nothing better to do but play social media questionnaire games? That lunatic theory makes sense to YOU? Seriously?

18790266? ago

Lunatic theory? Can you write out both theories and explain which one is embraced by lunatics and why?

the code theory is really too stupid for me to explicate.

18790308? ago

Geeezus lady, get up to speed already, and pay fucking attention! Not sure if you should have stayed in school or dropped out. Either way, you're screwed.

18791192? ago

You would be far, far closer to reality if you paid not attention.

You don't process information well.

18751874? ago

It's lunacy to not at least entertain that social media could be used for comms.

18751880? ago

plausible deniability

18749229? ago

What letters were circled randomly? Everything I saw circled was actually very logical, like either the caps in the hash tag, including the last word, and then the first letters from each job. That’s not random at all.

18790499? ago

Logical how? What does the word logical mean to you?

Why is the message not FIBS ROT ORE?

A fib is a lie, but also an anagram of FBI. When you mine gold, you dig up the ore. FBI badges are gold. The FBI seal has the motto Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity surrounded by gold stars. Comey is saying the corruption is rotting away the integrity of the FBI, staining the badges and the seal.

I randomly chose some letters from his tweet, tell me why my interpretation is not valid.

18798773? ago

Because it was random and not logically chosen. Don’t make a point in the first sentence and then go completely against it as some sort of example. You’re very illogical, even in the formation of an argument.

18754805? ago

The only part that is a bit illogical is the jihad (the "ad" part). I get the rest and agree

18757503? ago

It’s (J)obs (I)’ve (Had)

It’s really not hard to follow.

18745429? ago

Yup. Glad I was part of the movement to alert the authorities. Great job anons!

18744740? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real users that (((Q))) team is a (((JEW))) team and they have access to remote mind surveillance/control tech. We've been living in a "(((JEW))) world order" it seems.



The more non-jews that know about the above, the better. Try and spread the information if you are not a (((JEW))) or were born a (((JEW))) but don't consider yourself one or don't wanna be one. 😊

18746040? ago


18749533? ago

(((Q))) team member alert...

18745728? ago

Super asshurt shill ^^

18749548? ago

Super asshurt (((Q))) team member...

18743040? ago

GVPD Virtue signalling cunts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDLHyk-TdUk

Shaming the people who did their job for them. I guess they are an "asset".

18746028? ago

It's shit like this that makes me laugh my ass off and remember how fucked they are xD

18745954? ago

i tell you what about the kids, the school. They get to live to learn another day. What a bunch of pricks. OMG donut holes! I mena, they found pipe bombs in green valley AND comey deleted his tweet. There are no coincidences. Sounds about right, though. They look like a bunch of donut hole-eatin' lackeys.

18744421? ago

This is my former town. Grass Valley CA.-not NV. My son is still there. And I know from personal experience, pretty much EVERY GVPD cop and Nevada County Sheriff in this town are crooked AF. Not surprising to see this bs. Eat moar donuts, popo.

18748096? ago

The old head sheriff Keith Royal was a total faggot (I hear he cheated on his wife) but he was always up to shady bullshit along with the DA. Now there is some Dyke sheriff Shannon Moon that was elected last year when when Royal retired so I don't know if things have changed or not. But yeah Nevada County sheriffs are fucking faggots. They pulled us over once and my friend let them search the car. They tore his radio out and threw all his CDs out of his CD case all over the floor. They released us after they ruined all his CDs and found nothing. That's why you don't let the police search you, especially if it's the Nevada County sheriff.

18744728? ago

Not doubting what you’re saying, but if they’re crooked why would they have raised that house? Would’ve been easier to say they investigated it and found nothing suspicious there.

18745245? ago

Because there had already been too much exposure and white hats were likely aware of the FF by then. The police doing nothing, at that point, was not an option.

18745525? ago

too bad they don't arrest themselves, but then what hopium am i smoking...

18742247? ago

Yeah, who calls it "Chemist" in the states?

18742774? ago

No American calls a pharmacist a chemist. But actual chemists are called chemists. What else would they be called, pharmacists?

18747162? ago

True, except unless Comey was paid to do his degree in chemistry it's never been one of his jobs

18742557? ago

More like who says “Strike Replacement Teacher”

18746266? ago

Substitute Teacher would have been normal verbiage - which oddly enough also starts with an "S".

Seems like Strike was a keyword signaling it was a go order.

18742626? ago

2bct 101sr airborne is strike. Funnily enough I was a strike replacement when I got to my unit in late 2011, replacing a brave cav scout who made the ultimate sacrifice. Then I found myself teaching and prepping the Iraqi army and Afghan nat guard. So I was exactly that - a strike replacement teacher. Lol. Small world.

18741054? ago

This is a bit of a stretch, I'm not 100% convinced. But I'd like to see people research and find out more about this Mary Dalton lady there seems to not be much info on who she is.

18741370? ago

a bit of a stretch??

that's a mother fucking slam dunk, concern troll. lol

18741404? ago

You are the kind of person that would be on a jury that accidentally sentence s an innocent person to death.

18741483? ago

shut up, concern troll shill..

Rather than telling others to 'do more research' to satisfy your phony skepticism, get off your ass and do it yourself, you fucking faggot.

18741578? ago

Fuck you nigger I'm at work, and said I wasn't retard.

18741733? ago

Lol. Did you see that burn?

18741644? ago

Lmao you're at work. WE KNOW

18742224? ago

Haha good one!

18741136? ago

I thought so at first too but it’d be a big fking coincidence. What’s the probability of picking an unusual tweet of a former fbi director, attempting to decode it to some random mid sized town, then later police discovering a stockpile of pipe bombs?

18741615? ago

AND COMEY DELETED THE TWEET!! Why do that for such a "lighthearted" tweet about your old jobs???

18741372? ago

"There are no coincidences"

18741352? ago

Idk I'm very interested in this because it's my town, I really want more info on this lady. It's amazing no one is discussing her identity, I'm trying to look more.