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Vindicator ago


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VicariousJambi ago

Does that mean all this gay ass drama is done

Le_Squish ago

@syrazie has clearly demonstrated why women can't have nice things.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

She benned me yesterday too. It appears that incels will let her keep getting away with everything.

bopper ago

Fantastic to hear that. Appreciate everything.

Rotteuxx ago

It's a rainy day tomorrow and I'm beat after this crazy week I just had, may just take the time to go full autist on this gaslighting and Crensch's bullshit post.

Jumping back into the drama, tired of these bitches shitting up the place like it's a high school babysitters club.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm also thinking about doing a ten page essay on why he is Ben Shapiro ah ah ah

Rotteuxx ago

Well he did write up a jew post accusing someone else of being a liberal jew... typical kike projection ? Maybe he is Shapiro !

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I also wanted to say that I refuse to align with Zionism and that's what pissed the Voat group off at me. Think about that.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I always had him pegged as a jew larping as a Nazi. I sniffed him out the first day I ever came here from Live Leak. I am a jew hunter. But he has big roots here. He is connected to the core of Voat so that's why I never really swung back at him because I love Voat. If you call him out then be ready because alts and Voat biggies will come for you like they did me, which some of these people I truly liked a lot, so it did hurt my feelings a little, but that's when I realized who & what Voat is. Watch who he pings every time someone goes after he or Srayzie. Watch how they work. I've watched them for a long time and have compiled some very interesting things that I will probably never share other than keep it as a dead man switch.

totes_magotes ago

I have never defended her and for good reason. She's been doing this for over a year that I know of, banning and deleting comments for any reason including "because God." On a personal interaction level, I have no complaints. As a mod, she is not worthy of the mantle.

After our "incident," I never attacked her because I found out a few things and let it go because when you have real power over a person, you don't have to flex it. And my general position has been to leave her alone because I love it when people hang themselves and I am always fine with giving people more rope. In fact, I made a conscious decision to keep my filthy little nose out of it this time. But since you've finally noticed this issue, there it is and I feel it's time to speak a bit.

I didn't say anything when she started playing in the SBBH litterbox because I knew it was going to make it worth far more popcorn when things went back to what we're seeing now. And after running with the SBBH crowd, it's expected that you kind of know voat's rules and what not to do to people and SBBH kind of has a reputation that puts you on users' radar. Giving people shit all over the place is one thing, being toxic is another completely, even going as far as pinging other users so that they can brigade and attack.

Now all that said, I'd still be fine if she'd settle down and stop. But it pops up every once in a while so this isn't a matter of not knowing or having a bad week or whatever. It's habit. It's how she runs her ship and that's not going to change.

And if she thinks that this will settle down and she can go back to obscurity, I remind everyone about @She.

So she needs settle down. I have no personal gripes against her and I'd love to see her settle in as a welcomed part of the mod community on voat. I would.

I'm just not convinced it's going to happen.

bopper ago

She's been doing this for over a year that I know of, banning and deleting comments for any reason including "because God."

This is totally inaccurate whoever you are.

srayzie ago

I have never defended her and for good reason. She's been doing this for over a year that I know of, banning and deleting comments for any reason including "because God." On a personal interaction level, I have no complaints. As a mod, she is not worthy of the mantle.

Me? Bullshit. Check our mod logs.

totes_magotes ago

Now you're gonna lie?

srayzie ago

Where is this anger coming from? I’ve barely even talked to you before. I have no clue what you’re talking about. Ok, what does steemit have to do with Voat?

I have very rarely ever removed comments. Only a submission post of its not Q related or low quality. The mod logs are public here.

Do you guys understand what he’s talking about?

@HeyGeorge @Kevdude @Argosciv @Crensch @Shizy

argosciv ago

Do you guys understand what he’s talking about?


zyklon_b ago

Agreed she needs stop provoking shit. im done with it and got my lulz :)

totes_magotes ago

Great, now maybe you can get back in the kitchen. @FecalDemiurge6000 is having no end of problem finding horse meat.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Is this what they mean when they say "It's happening?" Was this declas???

argosciv ago

I love you two.

You both care a lot about Voat, and srayzie's dedication to QAnons and/or GreatAwakening's integrity is something to admire.

Thank you for reaching a middle ground without escalating.


argosciv ago

21 days account. Just saying.

DIY-Guy ago

Wasn't talking about myself being banned. Already cleared that up.

in these situations get rid of you (ban you from ever posting there again).

argosciv ago

I still question your ability to summarize the entirety of v/greatawakening or understand the complexity of the broader situation in the background, after only 21 22 days...

You're either an alt, or a very-long-time lurker or you're bullshitting and trying to stoke more conflict by sticking your nose in with rhetoric against the subverse as a whole.

Convince me otherwise, or don't. Don't particularly care one way or the other.

DIY-Guy ago

I came here 2 years or 2.5 years ago something like that.

My first two accounts are gone. Didn't stick around the first two times, but still lurked. I am a long time lurker though so yes that is true as well.

Since I was lurking I had them pop up every so often or /v/greatawakening for that matter. Their mindset is very different to that of the rest of voat in many situations and/or at least has been a few dozen times I've gone into their posts and read some comments. I have noticed this heavily in the last six months or so. Voat doesn't agree with them in many situations I've seen. /v/greatawakening has an odd / strange view to the rest of voat to me personally.

Just venting more or so. Didn't really expect anyone to get into my original comment in this thread so much. Rest of voat usually doesn't phase and/or bug me. SBBH is strange / weird / odd, but that's usual.

/v/ greatawakening is like hitting some time warp or something to say the least when compared to the rest of voat. Again I was just venting more or so. Didn't expect anyone to take me too serious or get into it that much.

argosciv ago


Well, I suppose I won't think too much more on it, everyone's free to their opinions/views.

DIY-Guy ago

I'm not a normal internet user for the most part.

I come and go. I go to the chans to as well or other places or I escape back to reality to try to further myself personally and/or go with self advancement. I'm like an internet nomad I guess. Sometimes I do settle somewhere and stay for a while though to.

DIY-Guy ago

I'm talking about the hive mind mentality myself personally. I was talking about how bad the hive mind mentality can be.

Did I read it wrong? It looked like trigglypuff / katharzo / expertshitposter and such as the OP said were banned over there.

Shizy ago

You said you were banned. Why are you not responding to questions for proof of your claims instead of switching focus to the three users you mention?

DIY-Guy ago

in these situations get rid of you (ban you from ever posting there again).

Referring to OP talking about the bans. I was never banned.

Shizy ago

Got it! Thanks for clearing that up. And being honest about your other accounts.

DIY-Guy ago

I posted in the other thread. It's a hive mind mentality over there and they silence people to control the flow of speech over there at /v/greatawakening. If you say something over there they deem "unacceptable" alone to say the least they will attack you and/or in these situations get rid of you (ban you from ever posting there again).

I blocked /v/greatawakening myself. It's useless to argue over there. Waste of time to say the least as well.

ExpertShitposter ago

As far as my ban goes, i can only assume that it was over a joke that @srayzie @Shizy and @MolochHunter are the same person here:

Of course, it would be obvious to a person reading it with binoculars from the surface of the moon that its a joke. But maybe @srayzie is a boomer? @srayzie why you such a boomer?

On top of that, it wasn't even in GA. Its probably been months since i posted anything in GA i don't even go there unless pinged into some drama. Maybe i should go and make a poop post to at least earn my ban. The cosmic justice must be met.

srayzie ago

I unbanned you before you even wrote this.

ExpertShitposter ago

i don't really care about being banned or unbanned tbh, but why did you ban me to begin with?

srayzie ago

Because I saw your name as one of the people playing us with the css stunt.

ExpertShitposter ago

what CSS stunt? i saw some "shill" css and everyone renamed to morlochhunter deployed in SBBH. whats that got to do with GA?

srayzie ago

Me and both mods names appeared to be the ones talking. It’s in the post.

argosciv ago

Sorry to interject, truly, you know my position.

But look at your archived snapshot, look over at the moderators list. It was applied to all instances of any username by the look of it - how they made it randomize (or determine who got what name), I'm not sure, the point being that I'd guess not everyone was "in on it".

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I'm out of popcorn!!!!

ExpertShitposter ago

yeah but that CSS was in SBBH?

Vindicator ago

Kev, in hopes of turning this discussion in a more constructive direction since you and @srayzie seem deadlocked, can you suggest what specific ruleset changes could be made to give them the best fighting chance at combating forum sliding and troll shitstorming? Here is the current GA ruleset:

Rules for Submitting Posts

  • Posts have to be Q Related. (Explained Below)
  • Quality Posts Only. (See link above.)
  • If you post, explain yourself clearly.
  • No Posting Questions. Ask in the comment section.
  • Posts about other users are not allowed. (In most cases)
  • Pornographic Images are not allowed.
  • Usernames imitating mods will be banned.

ExpertShitposter ago

You allowed them to provoke you into actions they wanted you to do. You are a woman


srayzie ago

Look if they come into GA and break rules ban them

That’s my plan. But first, I made a post letting the users know about the css stunt before we had more disinformation spreading. To protect my integrity, I acknowledged my mistake in getting involved in the first place, and publicly distanced myself. I reminded them to use their votes.

What you call reacting, I call being prepared and having a plan. You aren’t getting near as much support as you thought you would. Maybe you should take that as a clue. I am on this site because of Q, not to please you.

srayzie ago

IF we get a flood. Zyklon is scheming in other subs like this...

It’s been happening all week and you know it. I’m archiving and documenting everything. The little stunt with the css that supposedly Triggly pulled this morning, was the final straw.

You see people leaving QRV. The mods are comped. They’re spreading lies in there like I planned the whole thing. Like I want QRV.

Of all days, Triggly chooses to change the css to make us look corrupt. That may be funny for shills. But, it’s not funny to me and most people that take what’s happening to our country seriously. The timing of it is very suspect. Especially after she wrote and threw others under the bus 2 days before that. Who has been at the root of division lately? Zyklon and Triggly. When? Right before declas. Where is the best place for a shill to hide until needed? With the shit posters.

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Imagine if they gave trolls 84 downvotes on the comments you want to delete. But they're not capable of that because it is effort. Or are they?

Yeah that’s the plan. I will keep enforcing that. Having the ones that are the biggest trouble makers banned helps too.

srayzie ago

Your true colors are coming out by you now trying to play the “I’m a woman” card. You of all people know I don’t get no pussy pass. You’re letting your emotions show your dick side.

Shizy ago

Now it makes sense.

srayzie ago

Normally we will. That’s how we will normally handle it. But, when SBBH declares war on us, and there’s a flood, we’ll do what we’ve got to do. We have a right to have some peace.

AR47 ago

I find it strange that not one of them has ever used the phrase you did with selling firearms.

It is only here that has hostility and such hatred for, well everything. Actually got some insights on making them and even helpful shit. Lol everyone is like that on phuks where as here that isn’t the case.

Before you throw a tantrum I just want you to know how it is.

Shizy ago

Oh ok. I don't know this person, but I'm pro gun and I thought most of voat was too.

18791392? ago

she reacts emotionally instead of logically.

This is true of the vast majority of women and is the #1 reason we shouldn't have the right to vote. My two cents.

srayzie ago

mentally weak boomers and oversensitive women

Classy. Keep going. I like them true colors.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @kestrel9.

Posted automatically (#47403) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@srayzie: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @kestrel9)

srayzie ago

You are the one preemptively banning users who have yet to break rules in your sub. You are the one implementing emergency mod powers over shit happening in another sub. Convenient, no?

Do you think I don’t have a history dealing with most of them? I took Triggly’s advice on some. You think I’m going to do this daily? You’re overreacting BIGLY. Yeah, that’s not suspicious.

Where did I call you out? I’ve had your back. You’ve had mine. I could have done you so much damage when I called out Builder. I held back for you and you know it. Look how fast you turn on me.

I’ve tried your way. But the shilling isn’t slowing down. Very few people have had the balls to say enough is enough.

Last I checked, my post had 84 upvotes showing what our subscribers want. So no Kevdude, you do not have the high ground. You’re giving yourself too much credit.

srayzie ago

I was actually planning a big move. I told you about it. But why wait until the board is advantageous. Just charge right into their trap. Read the fucking Art of War about fighting on ground of your choosing.

Oh pleeeeease 😂

srayzie ago

84 upvotes but Kevdude is throwing a fit. I think that’s pretty clear what our subscribers want.

srayzie ago

Really? You mean privately when we would have heated exchanges over this? All was well until I didn’t do what Kev wanted.

srayzie ago

The only ones that matter are the ones Kevdude likes.

srayzie ago

What v/greatawakening rules did @trigglypuff break? @katharzo?

You know what you just did? You proved all of your detractors right and made a lot of us look stupid for defending you.

I had your support as long as I ran this sub the way you saw fit. GreatAwakening is a private niche sub. I don’t have to follow your rules. Since there is now division because of shills, especially Zyklon, what am I to do? I can’t please everyone. So, I needed to make a choice. If I’m going to choose which way to lean, it’s going to be keeping GreatAwakening safe.

I can’t count on my ole pal shill buddies to leave us alone. They all got “muh free speech!” You didn’t say shit to Zyklon until he called you a cuck. But you’re going to act like I’m in the wrong?

Where were you when SBBH removed my submission post? How about all my comments? Did you make a post here? Nah, you’re a mod of that very sub now. It’s obvious who you’re loyal to.

Your feelings are not a good enough reason to break Voat's culture of limited moderation.

I’m within my rights. I’m used to shills. I did get my feelings hurt at first when some of my “friends” turned. You know a lot more of the behind the scenes shit. But, after Triggly’s Shillbook 101 lesson, and her naming Zyklon and others as shills, I saw that she was never a friend. In fact, she’s dividing Goats behind their backs. You got my first response where I showed what she was doing. Almost everyone agreed. You didn’t acknowledge it, so I didn’t include you in the rest. But now, I have no doubt who is behind the division.

Oh are you going to pull the “I’m a girl so my fee fees hurt” bullshit now? The other day, after being called a cuck, you said you modded me because I’m a killer. I don’t put up with bullshit. I won’t put up with it from you either. You’re not my handler. What you see right now isn’t a FEMALE with hurt fee fees. You and your shill buddies may see this trolling as all in fun. I’ve tried being reasonable and asking everyone to stop. It’s not all fun and games to me. I put my heart and soul into this movement, and I’m not letting it get shit on so you guys can have a blast.

BTW the css trick they pulled? It was used 3 years ago against me and mods of this sub.

I also know what else happened over 3 years ago involving @Electrolumus, aka @Nucleolumus, aka @Heru, aka @BuilderAnon, aka @aqmapcurator. You were perfectly fine with all Consensus cracking which lead to the founding of ProtectVoat. You were ok with him using his “tech tools” and reporting back to you. You panicked when I called him out and he deleted his accounts. Several of us were tripping out on you. I’ve had my doubts about you since.

Because people who supported this sub and its mission weren't retarded enough to believe anything on a troll sub.

I’ve supported Voat. I’ve encouraged unity. There’s all kinds of subs the shills can attack. They chose the Q subs. Hmmm. It’s about us having a place to follow Q without having to deal with all the trolls. Kind of funny how these freaks come out of the woodworks right before declas. The media is shitting all over themselves.

BECAUSE it was free from namefagging self righteousness powertripping mods

Wow Kev. You’re starting to sound like your buddy Builder. How many years have you been a name fag now? Remind me again, who’s the emotional one?

What is this Kev?

The usually calm and cool Kevdude is getting really worked up. You’re all over the comments too. Calm your tits bro.

argosciv ago

Maybe I'll kick dial and make him sperge.

Good god I cannot hold in my laughter every time I read this... I'm ducking out or a smoke and a breather.

18790661? ago

Remember the @hecho made a porn version of v/TraditionalWives( (NSFW obviously). We all get trolled but it's best to ignore it and move on. Heck, I actually found the fake tradwives sub hilarious...crude, but an exceptionally funny troll.

hecho ago

i know. nice to know your unemployed ass still here.

who is paying your bills?

Nadeshda ago

Yeah if anyone can talk about overcoming the trolls and standing talk it’s you Empress, just wow! How much people can learn from this. I just hope and pray they do, becoming a tyrant is never an option in Clown World and holding onto our humanity is key in fighting the good fight.

Well done to them resolving this...

18796740? ago

Thanks, @Nadeshda. It helped a lot that I had a ton of older siblings (some whom were complete jerks). I've had thick skin since I was 5. My mom always told me if I could deal with a certain sibling, I could deal with anyone in this lifetime. She wasn't lying. LOL

Nadeshda ago

Too cool, yes Mam, like water of a ducks back. I genuinely think @srayzie and @shizy just need a break from it all. We all do at times, perfectly natural to have some time away from the online life and reconnect with friends and family to feel revived and uplifted again.

Thanks for being here @Empress!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

when you need a break from the serious parts of voat

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

Shizy ago

You are one of my favorite goats! Seriously, you're asweome!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

aww thank you

Nadeshda ago

Oh my goodness, you’re a class act... v/soapboxbanhammer for all the internet point though. You know they are writing a book about us now... lol

clamhurt_legbeard ago


a place to be silly

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@srayzie is an illogical fat cunt who's self worth is determined by how many rats can fit in her snatch. (Its 17)

AR47 ago

What the hell is Poal anyways? I went to phuks and a power outage?

What does that eve mean?

Far as selling guns it seems many of you really want to focus on that lie for some reason. My guess is that many are indeed the same person with different accounts all looking to encourage sedition and hate.

Shizy ago

Do you sell guns? If you do, what's the big deal with that? Nothing wrong with guns.

AR47 ago

The deal is that I don’t because I make my own which if I was to sell it then that would be a felony seeing as I don’t have the proper license.

Besides I encourage those that can lawfully do so to make their own as I do.

Shizy ago

Oh I see. That's really cool that you make your own. My husband wants to do that too.

Derpfroot ago

Damn, weren't you helping her out a lot when she started modding around here? Sad to see shit go downhill like that.

PuttsMum ago

I'm feeling more alive since I stopped fighting the tiredness I had. I'm sleeping around 14 hours a day and that's working for me but it feels lazy as fuck. Hope all is cool with you man.

@Srayzie is pretty stressed and I'm hoping you can cut her(?) some more slack for a day or two.

@Zyklon_b would you think about moving on and metatrolling SDBH instead of here for a while pls buddy. Or PV even :p

srayzie ago

Thank you @Puttsmum.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


GA mods lost their shit. All i did was ask for evidence for their accusations and i was banned. I acknowledged and thanked those who contributed information as i only wanted to get to the bottom of this. The conclusion is obvious. Zyklon in no way had an effect on the loli spammers, they were going to do what they were going to do.

Look what @srayzie and @shyzie refuse to pay attention to, the real loli spammers.


srayzie ago

I gave you evidence yesterday and you were fine with my response. Cry me a river

bopper ago

Zyklon in no way had an effect on the loli spammers,

LOL. Why you keep defending this low life?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Get it through your fucking head it has nothing to do with the person you fucking nigger. I would defend anyone against unfounded accusations. I've said so several times. I would even defend an obvious shill like you. I am defending the concept of truthful and intelligent investigations by thinking for myself instead of listening to lies.

Notice how you are still ignoring the root of the issue? That despite zyklon "promoting" the spam the spam existed prior and would exist after regardless if he even existed in the first place. That the actual loli spammers are known and that they are not targeted or brought up. Did you even read what @d0c5 had to say? Are you even capable of reading anything at all nigger?


bopper ago

Call me a nigger one more time you Zyklon defending faggot attorney.

I dare you.

srayzie ago

You crack me up Bopper 😂

bopper ago

I'm pretty macho that I can tell you.

Shizy and I couldn't figure that guy out lol. She thought he seriously had autism lol.

Later gater.

Shizy ago

I think he probably could have a real shot at being a lawyer. If he wasn't so autistic that is.

srayzie ago

You handled him soooo macho 💪🏻


bopper ago

Apologize and then I will consider reading the links.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Your going to refuse to view information that could change your belief system about me? Q would be proud.

bopper ago

I will talk to you later bro it's been sort of fun. Sort of.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

My comment history is open to view. I never defended the act only the accusation. Evidence was shown for Promotion/ satirical promotion leaving the result to either be inconclusive or learn to take a fucking joke. The 5 links above are MY comments on the matter that should have clarified this to you and the large women with emotional issues.

bopper ago

You've got some good persuasive skills, why aren't you making money as a lawyer?

Determination as well, you'd be an asset.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Banned for being a "shill". I'm one of the few bridges

bopper ago

That's some good stuff there.

We need to let the dust settle on everything, too much going on.

You don't need to be banned. I'll talk to them. Everybody is touchy and overreacting right now.

Talk to you later I have to run.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

At last you see the light. Help the others i was only trying to get them to think logically about the situation.

bopper ago

Right, but that guy is a touchy subject. Can cloud the emotions lol.

After the smoke clears things will get sorted out, so much drama and other stuff going on.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Doesn't change the fact that you guys are so emotional you fell for a SBBH's sense of humor and came after me for trying to help you see it. You now understand how i feel about the situation if you read the context i provided to which both mods on GA were already aware of and despite that i'm banned for being the "Shill".

Zyklon was having "fun". I disagree completely with the method for his entertainment but will defend his right to do it. He wasn't actually spamming loli or encouraging it. To a boomer who just woke up to a childish understanding of the world a few years ago i can see how it was misunderstood to be serious promotion and accidentally taken as anything other than the post ironic anti comedy satire it clearly was. To be even more fair he could be lying to me and totally did it on purpose to derail, which i would consider to be a dick move as i want you all to wake the fuck up already.

I'm not even a SBBH member FYI. I learned that stupid 1990 joke like 6 months ago. Watched their sam hyde two weeks ago for the first time.

There are the real loli spammers. I tried to point this out to you earlier.

AR47 ago

Banned me as well

Looks a whole lot like what happened with whitesoimustberacist doesn’t it? Same shit keeps happening and fragmentation of community again and again.

kneo24 ago

I don't think she's declaring war against you, I think she's saying she needs to handle things her own for that subverse. It's easy to accuse her of being overly emotional (she is), but don't be afraid to have a little reflection there yourself.

With that said, I do completely disagree with how she's handling things.

srayzie ago

I’m not. He’s declaring war on me. Read my reply...

bopper ago

For anyone that wants to come here and participate, even if you disagree with Q, you’re welcome to. But if you come here just to disrupt, shit post, spread lies about us, or attack users, we reserve the right to remove your posts/comments and ban you.

Yeah, you beat me to it. Nah, she ain't gonna do that, I will talk to her. She'll be alright.

kneo24 ago

Your statement reads more like self assurance for yourself rather than those reading it.

bopper ago

Possibly both, but I know her pretty well, that's why I said it (what you're likely seeing is me trying to reassure a doubting Kevdude). But we'll see what happens.

oftotc ago

Hey kev. I've always found this user to be a marketeer. While I don't appreciate its' sensationalist postings, there's so much effort behind it I could never bring myself to equate it with the truly commercial promoters (you remember the "mensacadamy" (or whatever it was called) days, as an example of annoying social media click-marketing). Well this account does that too, but probably has its heart in the right place.

It's received a certain level of popularity on the #1 alternative to turdit and is now going thru a diva phase. If it pulls out of the nose-dive or burns on impact - that's in the hands of the pilot right now. It's been on voat long enough to know that this is a suicidal move for an account but hopes to counter that effect with "we must be over the target" claims. Not a bad tactic if you think about it; can't wait to see the outcome, no matter who prevails. I've been fascinated for months watching it use the standard cult development practices to build its' online group. The sbbh split is just another marketing effort to that end.

PuttsMum ago


18791588? ago

Hey doll. Nice to see you around. <3

bopper ago

I have fought Kevdude on this several times, but kept trying.

Okay, this is the worst of it. I really don't think at all that she's coming against you (hope not)...having seen you guys' back and forth many times you seem to be pretty level headed about everything.

Reading it in context, she may very well not be expressing herself well. I'm pretty sure things can be straightened out and I will help as much as I can. I can usually reason with her.

I should have accepted being a mod there but turned it down several times. Likely she and I would have concurred before she posted that, maybe she would have written it differently.

Damn haven't typed this much in a while, fingers wearing out lol.

Hope everybody can hang in there I'm sure we can figure it out.

bopper ago

Didn't know that, I'll check, unless you have time to send a link...oh I'll check in the body of the post.

bopper ago

Okay, you're saying she kind of did a "pre-ban" on some of these people, like Gothamgirl for instance. Yeah, I think maybe, if that's the case, unban them until they become a nuisance, presently, in the subverse..

bopper ago

Okay, yeah, I know about the post. If she's overreacting then I can almost guarantee you it can be ironed out, esp about some of the users banned. She's been having a rough time of it lately. I know she respects you and Crensch's wisdom.

bopper ago

She's listened to you and Crensch before, on many occasions, and turned around on several things, have you talked to her privately?

SeanBox ago

Same to you @heygeorge. Not even kidding. I want you to remove the ban on @zyklon_b Not anyone but you.

CameraCode0 ago

description: Shill

Kek really? This was a stupid move. They did far more damage to themselves by banning those people than a couple of shitposters ever could have done. Maybe it's a lesson that getting involved with anything related to Q is a waste of time.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

@srayzie hey bitch can I get a ban too?