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18805413? ago

Try harder ya divisive faggot.

18805482? ago

Srayie's part of an old reddit crew and her true colors are showin

18805525? ago

You must be confused with /v/theawakening.

18805573? ago

nope! Crensch is her white knight. He was deep into reddit. They're been partnering up to wreak some reddit fuckery onto Voat.

18805604? ago

I watched it all play out live so I know you’re wrong. You should try gaslighting, maybe that’ll convince me.

18805839? ago

read some of the threads linked and see for yourself the bullshit that's happening with a Q mod. also see her alts getting exposed and how she's also used some of those alts to brigade.

18806454? ago

Yea, I’m not gonna waste my time with some faggot who replaces their entire comment.

18806871? ago

my comments dont matter faggot. check out the links if you think you wanna know what's up. if you don't, hey that's fine. you can stay a ignorant about our Q mod, drink all her coolaid and eat up her bullshit and drama.

18806982? ago

There’s the gaslighting.

18807113? ago

Here are a few links to get started:

If this is the type of mod you want, then god bless.

18807728? ago

Yea, that is the kind of mod I want. The kind of mod that calls assholes out on their bullshit.

I saw the css fuckery live, like I said. If that’s not the kind of mod you want then gtfo and good riddance. (I know you won’t leave, you have a job to do)

18809063? ago

It wastes everyone's time.

18808024? ago

nah. i'll be staying to watch her go down in glorious flames.