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thewebofslime ago

This and the gay porn are the reasons I don't bother to touch my inbox on most social media, by now. The easiest way for everyone to prove they aren't a shill is to simply take a break for a while.

I stopped checking in and this place is exactly the way I left. It is mind boggling that anyone with any common sense would continue to run around in this circular little drama. You could be accomplishing so much more and gaining a tremendous amount of time and energy, for yourselves, if you subtracted the interaction with all this drama from your life.

If people want to engage in unpleasantries all day every day for months on end, I really have to question their judgment and agenda. At this point, the battle is won. Nobody trusts anyone because your behavior demonstrates an unworthiness of trust and a magnetic pull to drama.

Imagine if you all stayed out of everyone's inboxes and just posted facts and left out all of the editorializing and insulting? How much better off would you and everyone else be and how much more work would get done? How much better would your life be if you stopped letting yourselves get trapped in negative emotional patterns?

For all these moderators who are claiming to be innocent victims, the solution is super simple. Stop pretending to hunt shills and stop being outraged. Outrage and schadenfreude are the devil's work and you people are at it like it is your full time job.

Stop inserting yourselves into a hunt for facts on matters that have little to nothing to do with you. If you explain facts, then you won't have to explain yourselves. Super simple. Instead of educating everyone on your drama, maybe educate everyone on high level corruption.

The truth is that the message from Trigglypuff sounds crazy. Whether it is true or not, it sounds crazy. So do a lot of other "proofs" that are running around. In fact, the whole branding of how proofs are being presented look crazy to everyone on the outside of the Q movement. Lots of pictures with scattered text and big red circles... it looks exactly like "crazy conspiracy theories" are supposed to look. And, in reality, a concise presentation of facts and good infographics can be used to devastating effect against suppressors of truth. Just stop making it look crazy.

Really, the best plan would be to streamline good research and streamline how it gets outside of the echo chambers. It would also be advisable to stop posting this drama everywhere and crap with lots of exclamation marks and outrage so that people aren't completely turned off by the negativity. Unless... of course... that was the plan all along.

srayzie ago

Thanks, bye Felicia 🖐🏻

zyklon_b ago


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zyklon_b ago



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middle_path ago

Someone has been spending way too much time on the internet. It's like SaneGoat all over again.

Why was I tagged in this schizo bullshit?

HateCumbuckets ago

What the hell is going on @sryazie. I see people shit on your sub. Then I see you retaliate, justified yes. But then it looks like you took it too far.

I really don't know what to think.

KVD ago

I feel so left out. Nobody insulted me.

NosebergShekelman ago

You dirty goy fegit. I should shit on your welfare bologna sammich and out it back in your lunch bucket. Shaloms™✡️

SeanBox ago


KVD ago

I dunno... After the fact isn't the same. Thanks for trying, though.

SeanBox ago

I know. I was just trying to help.

KVD ago

Fuck you.

SeanBox ago

I’m usually the fucker and not the fuckee.... just sayin’

KVD ago

My bad. Fuck Me!

SeanBox ago

Right now? I’m only at half chub.

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't get it. You write up a sci-fi story and then say "tada, this is evil triglypuff". What the fuck kind of "exposing" is that? You might wanna back this shit up with some hard evidence in the form of screen shots of trigly actually saying such things. But you cant do that can you?

its Friday, i'd recommend you try to relax with some vodka. I sure know i'm gonna full vodka in a few hours.

ExpertShitposter ago

If these messages are real @TrigglyPuff , what i'm seeing here is her trying to help you for days, and then you ultimately calling her a traitor.

On a side note, i disagree with most of the correlation between zyklon and the accounts mentioned. I have had many conversations with all of the mentioned ones, and with the exception of one or two, they are different people.

dc0de ago

Nobody cares this is irrelevant childish nonsense we are trying to change the world you are cancer

ExpertShitposter ago


i am going to kill you with a gun.

srayzie ago

You guys are buds. Of course you say that. They aren’t even fighting. It’s because it’s all an act. They play a bunch of people. The shills all stick together.

ExpertShitposter ago

Why would she share this info with you then? Why not keep you in the dark?

srayzie ago

She’s trying to appear helpful. Being a “good Goat” while she divides from behind the scenes. She’s a manipulator. Always has been.

ExpertShitposter ago

agree to disagree then. enjoy ur boomer sub. bye.

srayzie ago

Bye Felecia 🖕🏻

Shizy ago

Why don't you ask @Trigglypuff is (s)he wrote that.

srayzie ago

I said upon. Request. Sure

ExpertShitposter ago

I am requesting.

C_Corax ago

I think if you took a day off from the internet it would do you well.

dc0de ago

Totally agree nobody gives a flying fuck about you namefags the rest of us are here for serious business get the fuck out of here you massive maggots. You are parasites. We are trying to save the fucking world and you are getting into forum internet drama. Shame on you. None of you are important to our movement you are a dirty stain on this forum gtfo children

Shizy ago

You're on v/whatever, can't really stain this forum.

totes_magotes ago

You apparently missed the only thing I have to say on the matter - I gave you warning, what, yesterday? The day before? I thought you kind of got the point but... I guess not?

I'm pretty sure you've torched your account at this point. You should hope no one decides to dig deeply into public records and information. I've tried very subtly to warn you of that in the past.

Your only possible hope here is to take a break from voat, stop commenting, stop posting, reassess yourself, and come back and explain to the community at large whatever personal issues you might be having that you're going through and promise to work on because you are right on track to become @She version 2.0.

KatHarzso ago

I'm being serious - chalk me up as whoever and whatever but please take a break and spend it with your family. From what I've been hearing, people think you're having some sort of mental breakdown. If true - take a fucking break and be in the real world instead of a fantasy. It'll help, plus getting away from this shituation will allow you to process it better instead of so emotionally.

Nadeshda ago

Geez please stop this rollercoaster of craziness, all it’s doing is digging a bigger hole for yourself. Seriously...


Tut-tut, why did you feed the trolls, them naughty trolls are so hungry and now you have created an unnecessary welfare system in your sub :/

You have failed to empower your own subcribers to take action in protecting their own community and have positioned yourself as Goddess Emperor :/

Trump would be displeased... come on @srayzie

Make Voat great again it ain’t hard, we all mess up at time, we are not machines...

If you are not prepared to loose it all then you are probably not worthy of it in the first place.

  • Words of wisdom, test it and see....

When you love something set it free and if it was meant, it will return and be yours forever.

KatHarzso ago

I agree with Rott - take a break from this site for a few days and spend it with loved ones.

Shizy ago

take a break from this site for a few days

Until your character is needed and summoned back, eh "kat"?

KatHarzso ago

I wasn't summoned back, I asked Putt to help me recover my account.

I'm sorry you're part of a cult and was trying to help you all see it for what it was with a single submission that got deleted and resulted me in being banned (and later unbanned) despite I used the fake word "qult" which has a Q in it, thus being related to Q.

Seriously though, if she is truly having a sort of mental breakdown then you tell her to take a few days goddamn break for her health. I took a few month break and feeling pretty damned good nowadays... and shit, I needed that break.

ExpertShitposter ago


Rotteuxx ago

Go take your fucking meds

srayzie ago

Oh sooo rekt! 😂

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I am confused - is Triggy actually Dial?

I just mainly come to Voat to have some laughs - I'm too old and crusty for all this other crap.

Also, I check GA several times per day to see what the latest news is. I think Q is a larp, but brought together a lot of good folks who mean well. You included. Though you've been an SBBH auxiliary member for a long time.

Le_Squish ago

Back in the day, you would have been commited for Hysteria.

Enjoy your implosion. Congratulations on lasting 7 months longer than I thought you would.

zyklon_b ago

hahhahaha trufe

CerealBrain ago

Actually, she's just having fun right now and letting off steam lol.

Rumours of her death are greatly exaggerated.

She's not really an imploder, pretty resilient. @Trigglypuff

Le_Squish ago

As a vagina owner, I know the stages of a very feminine implosion very well.

  • act like weak asshat
  • get called out
  • blame other for being weak asshat
  • get called out
  • makes excuses for being weak asshat
  • garner small amounts of sympathy
  • use "supporters" to defend your asshatery do you don't have stop being a weak asshat
  • "supporters" make things worse. Instead of looking like just a weak asshat, you now are a manipulative asshat surrounded by cuck boys
  • Insist everyone is either for or against you and insist your supporters blindly support you without criticism
  • Realize that you over estimated your own popularity and are actively hurting your own cause.
  • Still can't admit that you are an asshat.
  • Try to rebrand image to gather more allies.
  • Attract wrong kind of attention from advertising your retarded weak state.
  • Get devoured by the predators.

She's in the hunt for allies mode. She doesn't have as many friends as she thought she did. She made people choose and they didn't choose her. So she's whore posting for attention but she forgot that there are no girls on the internet.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ExpertShitposter ago

I am impressed and afraid of your VAGINA powers!

Le_Squish ago

Like PENIS, VAGINA is retarded and is prone to certain types of mistakes.

I'm really thankful for having a father that didn't coddle me and let my male cousins savage me with mean burns and beat me up if I started shit. I learned not to start things unless I was prepared for the consequences. Most women's lives are far too soft and easy mode living drives people insane.

zyklon_b ago

@gothamgirl looky and laugh

CerealBrain ago

Nah, I've watched her extricate herself from things over and over again.

She's just blowing off steam.

Female or not, she's quite the survivor.

Le_Squish ago

She's not extricating herself from anything. She cried for a man to come fix her problems.

Gothamgirl ago

Remember how she used to cry to zyklon for help when her sub was attacked in the past. She shows alot of gratitude doesn't she?

CerealBrain ago

She's not extricating herself from anything.

Not now no.

She cried for a man to come fix her problems.

All is fair in love and war?

auralsects ago

You won't send shit you said you'd send nudes like 2 yrs ago

Gothamgirl ago

Damn you are the 3rd person she said that to on this site

Mr. Skrazie needs to seek a divorce divorce.

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie SUICIDE SOLUTION did u ever listen to it?

Shizy ago

Donkey you're funny today!

@srayzie you should honor your promises!

bopper ago

You know Emma Goldman?

If not you need to check her out.

ExpertShitposter ago


bopper ago


Don-Keyhote ago

I know of every historical jew that ever jewed from new jewsey to injewnesia, u Jew-loving boomerkike geriatric confabulator

bopper ago

Okay, I will overlook the insults for the sake of my Jew research.

I'll say this tho. I'm not a confabulator whatever that is.

I'm learning quite a bit about this whole Jew thing, quite fascinating.

Never knew there was that much to it.

Okay bro thanks for answering even with the uncalled for insults.

Don-Keyhote ago

Aha, so the charge of being a boomer you DON'T deny? DID YOU THINK THAT WOULD SAVE YOU, BOOMER?

bopper ago

Well I'm a young boomer. But keep paying your taxes cuz I need my social security.

I need you to recommend a book or website, you're too stingy with that sort of thing.

Come on.

Don-Keyhote ago

Oh this is by far the best e-book of all time

Short chapters w pics, great read, sources cited

Since it covers your lifespan (late 19thc to present) you'll relate to it

bopper ago

You crack me up LOL.

Bout time, thanks.

Don-Keyhote ago

Good, u can enlarge the text for when u can't remember where u put ur glasses

srayzie ago


QualityShitposter ago

Why in the hell did I get pinged?

Am too busy busting my ass all day to keep up with girl drama (trying to keep up with the wife is hard enough)

ksjdfkas878345 ago

grasping for air are you? see Stayzie, we all know what a phoney you are. go ping your support group for upvotes the best you so they can manip you post to whatever standard you are looking for @puttitout (remember that I got banned for this) oh thats rights, this is Voat! selective enforcement at its finest


zyklon_b ago

@srayzie gits a pusspass @mrsray

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Yay! Let’s have fun Goats. We’re fucked with anyways.

@HeyGeorge @Gabara @Whiteronin @Bopper @Blacksmith21